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๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ฎ๐ฌ โฟป completed ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ โฟป 03 / 25 / 2024 ๐ž๐ง๐๐ž๐ โฟป 04 / 23 / 2024 ๐ƒ๐€๐“๐€ โซนโซบ RAYNE A... More

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author's note


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Light almost blinded me when I opened my eyes. I was squinting and trying to recognize the place I was in, but I failed. A little chuckle erupts, and look who owns the familiar voice. "It took you long enough." My eyes widened to see Nemesis sitting beside me, looking healthy. "Nemesis!" I yelled and jumped towards her for a hug. She hugged me back tightly as she tapped the floor beside her for me to sit.

"Where are we?" I questioned her as I sat comfortably beside her, feeling safe with her. "In my subconscious." She answered me in a way that made my brows furrow before laughing wildly.

"What kind of joke is that, big sister?" I told her that she responded with silence as she was looking somewhere else. I followed her eyes and saw what made my heart hurt intensely. "He's been fighting for almost two hours already." Nemesis informed me, as my eyes are glued to what I'm witnessing.

It was Rayne, covered with bruises and wounds. His figure is overly disheveled. His knees are on the ground, clutching his trident-like wand. "Whom is he fighting for?" I questioned, struggling to form the words.

"Me." My eyes looked at Nemesis. "Both of your magics were successfully transferred by Julius, or so I thought. They have been misinformed by the ancient scroll." Nemesis said as she got up from her feet, offering her hand to help me get up as well.

"Your body is most likely dead right now because when they took your magic, your soul was within. That's why you're in my subconscious." Nemesis explained. My eyes went back to the Rayne figure.

"The kids over there are protecting your body from the dead corpses that my body casted." She added as she pointed at the kids who are attacking the undead that are coming to me. "I don't know if your magic recognizes your body as it tries to get back to you or wants to attack you to stay out and bring chaos." Nemesis concluded that there was a possibility regarding my magic.

Silence is within us.

My thoughts are filled with Rayne, as I couldn't fathom why he'd go this far for someone he only knew for a month. I couldn't help but pull out my hair out of frustration as to why.

"Is someone able to show madness for my sake too? Aren't those your words?" My eyes widened at what Nemesis said. She smiled at me before placing her hands on both of my shoulders and giving me a light tap.

"You have to go back, [your name]. You have to live your life the way you want to and not the way someone else wants." She said it genuinely as she pointed to the kids that are protecting my body and to Rayne, who's risking his life for me.

"But if I did, you'd die." I said, crying hysterically, as she pulled me for a hug. "You've done so much for me [your name] that my death is the only way to pay for all of your sacrifices towards me." She said this between her tears as she let go of me and wiped away my tears.

"It's about time." She said, bafflement plastered all over my face upon hearing what she just said. "Huh?" I managed to react, but then the overly white room where we were opened. An extremely creepy hand extended inside with teeth all over came to reach me.

"Nemesis." I called out for help, but she just smiled at me faintly. The hand grabbed me away from Nemesis as I tried to struggle and struggle, but it's futile, and the hand successfully took me away from Nemesis' subconscious.

◌ ° 〇 ◦ ۪۪̥

A gasp escaped my lips as I opened my eyes. Finn and Lemon immediately embraced me as they helped me sit on the ground. They're crying on me as I hugged them back by placing my arm in their backs. "I'm surprised that it works just as Orter planned." My eyes went to the old man of Easton, Mr. Wahlberg, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Orter and Nemesis orchestrated a way to save you. They really did a good job." Mr. Wahlberg informed me. 'Thank you, [your name], for all of your sacrifices for me and your sister. We'll surely return the favor.' A faint smile was drawn to my lips as I slowly averted my gaze to see Nemesis rampage.

"Is there anything I could do?" I questioned as I slowly got up on my feet. Holding onto Rayne's cloak, I swiftly wore it as the hem of it touched the ground.

"I'm not really sure, but your magic does recognize your body. It's because you possess two types of magic and the balance is still within your body. Think of a yin yang." Mr. Wahlberg detailed me as I nodded. Idea popping up in my head.

"In darkness there is light, and in light there is darkness. No one is good without a good exploit of bad." I said enough for them to hear. Mr. Wahlberg chuckled at what he heard. My eyes went to Rayne, who still hadn't noticed that I was awake.

"Thank you, and please don't ever touch me again with that creepy hand that has teeth all over it." I remembered as I felt shivers down my spine that earned a laugh from the old man. I patted Lance, Mash, and Dot's shoulders, thanking them for protecting me.

I asked Mr. Wahlberg to teleport me to Rayne, and so he did. Exactly when he's about to fall, that made me catch him in my arms. He was surprised by my appearance, but it wasn't until he embraced me tightly that I smiled as I embraced him back.

"I thought I lost you." His voice quivered as he hid his face on the crook of my neck as he wept there. "That's why you're fighting like a crazy maniac guy over a soulless body right now?" I jokingly retorted that, which earned me a 'tsk' from him.

"Anyways, just rest in there." I told him as I removed his arm around me, making me face him. His beautiful face, which is covered with bruises and wounds, is still not enough to hide the refinement of his features.

"You're beautiful, but even more so if you have your lines back." He enunciated as he brushed his thumb on my cheeks, which made me blush as I scoffed it away, ignoring him and hiding the smile that was trying to be visible in front of him.

I stood up and turned to face Nemesis body with my magic, using her to deliver havoc. The body instantly stopped after it recognized me, the owner of the magic that resides within her. A smirk formed in my lips as I stretched out my arm with my hand open, waiting for the cosmos wand to fly towards me.

And I was not wrong. It came towards my hand, which I immediately held tightly. Now, my problem is how I will get back my magic now that I possess my wand. The magic does recognize my body, so should I introduce it to the wand?

I swallowed a lump, as was the probability of my actions causing havoc if I made a mistake. The balance is still within me that the wand recognizes, that's why it came back to me. I was disrupted by my thoughts when the Nemesis body rampaged with dark lightning again and the floating doom exploded everywhere. It even reached the school.

I have to do it. "[your name]!" Rayne shouted as he watched me cut my wrist with the pointy end of my wand. Holding the wand with my bleeding wrist, I allowed my blood to stain the wand all over. I continued gulping, waiting for any reaction, but there was none.

Frustration and desperation wash over me as I hear screaming from the distance and see the school enshrouded in fire. Trembling in fear and remembering everything about how I was catalyzed to bring havoc made me fall to my knees.

"[your name] It's okay, breathe. You have to breathe, it's not your fault." Rayne comforted me as he embraced me from behind. His hand reached for my hand, where I'm holding my wand. "You have to do it. Call upon your magic, your wand is blinking a light and seems to be calling your magic back. Do not fret, I will be with you." He worded out as he slowly let go of his hold on me and saw my wand, and it's really blinking light.

I get up on my feet despite the struggle. I stretch out my arm with the wand I have. I have to use the balance I have to control my magic and get it back.

"Balance: Ode to the Blood." I cast the spell I knew would retrieve my magic. A vast wave of wind encircled me. I looked at Nemesis body as the light and dark magic were being pulled away from her and reaching me. I stood firm on my ground as my magic to come back to me.

The wind continued vastly as my magic started to reach every core of my body, giving me chilling energy and power. The power of light magic instantly healed the pain and fatigue that I've been feeling for so long after the light magic was taken away from me.

The last thread of my magic comes within me and makes me fall to my knees. The comeback of my magic seems to have shocked my body. I heard Rayne's calls towards me as he rushed over to my side. He grabbed my face to see me, and he gulped.

"It's back, your lines." He announced that, which made me smile. "Really?" I questioned that, and he responded with a nod as he traced the line I have on my face, reminding me that I got my magic back.

I immediately released the magic that had been cast by Nemesis' body unconsciously. The surroundings are difficult to look at because of how awful the panorama is, but that was the least of the things I cared about.

"Nemesis!" I urgently get up on my knees as I swiftly touch Rayne's cheeks, healing him right away, before I run towards the body that's being cradled by Orter.

"Orter." I whispered, which made him raise his head and meet my gaze. His eyes were filled with sadness as he embraced my sister's body. I crouched down to check on her. Her face was smiling as if she were released from the misery of her sickness.

I hold her hands and start to heal her with my power. With my hair glowing and to my hand, I'm not expecting anything, for I don't know if I can revive someone from their death.

I sobbed from the lack of reaction from my body, but I still continued, wasting the mana I have. "It's futile, [your name]." Orter mumbled under his breath, which made me breathe heavily as I was being pulled away slowly by Rayne.

I cried and cried to Rayne's chest as he stayed with me. He comforted me with hugs and kisses, but I can't seem to stop. "Rayne, can you make my sister stop crying?" The voice talks made me push away Rayne from me, and my eyes immediately went to the owner of the voice, and there I saw Nemesis with a weak smile.

I immediately dove in for a hug with her, which she returned with a chuckle. "What happened? What's going on?" I continued questioning, but none of that mattered, for I only felt joy.

"Remember that seventh birthday of yours when you healed me?" She asked me, as she was helped by Orter, to sit. I nodded at her question.

"I felt different and amazing that day and shared that with Mother, and I didn't know that the three mages who've been healing me over our conversations, and that's how they begin all of this, made me lose my line slowly so that they can pursue Mother from transferring your other magic to me. They tricked my mother, I am not saying this to forgive her or Orter, but that is the truth." She explained as she held both of my hands and smiled faintly, but it seems that I don't really care about it. I just wanted her alive, so I just embraced her tightly, and we cried until the sunrise.

"Oh no!" Nemesis grunted as she got up with the help of Orter. I'm baffled by her actions, which made me squint my eyes suspiciously and see the kids running towards her. I nudged Rayne about what's going on, but he just shrugged.

When they're done with their chitchat while we are near them, they finally face us with a silly smile on their faces. "What?" I was annoyed, which made them smile even more.

Then I heard Nemesis counting. "One, two, three!"

"Happy birthday, [your name]!" They shouted in unison, which made me back off as I felt my back on Rayne's chest. I bit my lower lip as I couldn't contain my tears. It was really my birthday today, and I never felt this happy.

Finn and Lemon rushed towards me as they hugged me tightly, which I found cute and made me pinch their cheeks. The three boys smiled at me, and I returned with a kiss on their foreheads as I healed them. The three of them blushed so furiously that Lance looked away, Dot had his nose bleed, and Mash had his hair curled. I laughed at their reactions as I went to hug Nemesis tightly. She kissed the top of my head because she's taller than me.

Orter hugged me as well, which surprised me, but I returned the embrace but was immediately grabbed away by Rayne. "Don't simply touch her after you made her suffer." Rayne shoots at Orter, who just smirks. "Looks who's possessive for someone who's getting married." Orter said jokingly as he pushed back his glasses and held Nemesis from behind, which my sister removed because of what she heard from Rayne.

"Married what!?" Rayne furiously questioned me as his hold on me tightened. Right, how could I forget about it? I glared at him and pushed him harshly, which surprised him. "What?" He was uninformed about the situation.

"The Biblia came to bribe your relatives with tons of money for you to marry Safira. So she is your fiancee, right now." Orter announced that, which surprised Rayne. He was silent upon hearing what he heard, as I didn't remove my gaze from him.

"Doesn't matter. I don't give a shit about the marriage that doesn't come from me." He stated it unbothered as our eyes met. I gulped with his statement, which made my sister chuckle. I took a step back when he started making his way towards me. "If I were to marry someone, then it has to be the woman who tamed me. Right, [your name]?" He mumbled, as our distance from each other was just an inch.

I swallowed a lump and met his serious gaze as I slowly looked at my sister, who was smiling and teasing me. I looked back at Rayne, and I'm on my attempt to push him again, but he casually caught my hand, holding to it gently.

"You're already eighteen, so I guess a kiss won't be bad at this age, right?" He said, almost whispering, before he looked at Nemesis, who offered a thumbs up, which made me frown at her. How could she do this to me? My eyes went back to him.

He slowly leans towards me as I am stuck in my position. My eyes traced his fine nose and his lips. As my eyes are about to close, I descry that Nemesis and others vanish with the green smoke, leaving only the two of us as the sunrise shines above us with his soft lips meeting mine.

His arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me close to him. I unconsciously reached for his neck, clinging to him as I tiptoed, continuing the kiss that we shared.

Rayne broke off the kiss as he rested his head on the crook of my neck, embracing me tightly. His breath tickled me as I tightened my hold on him. "Happy birthday, [your name]." He greeted me, and I responded with a thank you as I let go of our hugs. We face each other, and I could really feel the happiness brimming within me from just seeing his handsome face and the appeal of his golden irises.

"I like you, Rayne." I announced that no longer surprised him,which made me roll my eyes and turned around. Hearing his soft chuckles, I stomp on my feet in annoyance. "I remembered that very first day when you stomped your feet like a bunny." He joked as his arms wrapped around me. I tried getting rid of his hug, but he remained still.

"I have so many pet bunnies, but my favorite is you." He said this before planting a kiss on the top of my head. I blushed at his statement and just stayed still.

"I like you too, [your name], and that makes me want to stay with you forever." He admitted it as I felt his chin on top of me. My heart flutters from his confession. As we stood their watches, the sun rose as the soft air gently brushed our skins. The longing I'm feeling is gone. Find solace in his arms.

Is someone able to show madness for my sake too? and the answer was yes. I tamed the untameable, Rayne Ames.

◧  ◨  ◩  ◪
end of chapter

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