Hello Stranger(completed)

By NavyaKikiro

2.3K 155 82

What happens when the one who you love the most says your stranger to them? And don't remember you a bit, how... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

78 7 6
By NavyaKikiro

Author pov

As the elder siblings sat around the table at Mew's, there was an undeniable tension in the air. Despite their attempts to maintain a facade of normalcy, it was clear that something significant weighed heavily on their minds.

"Hey Singto, if you hadn't caught wind of all the details, we would've been left in the dark," Mew remarked, breaking the uneasy silence.

Singto nodded in agreement, but his brow furrowed as he responded, "Yeah, but New still hasn't spilled about what exactly went down with Kay. It feels like he's keeping something from us."

Krist chimed in, his voice laced with concern, "You know how stubborn and secretive New can be. Maybe he's just trying to handle it on his own."

Mew sighed, running a hand through his hair. "But whatever it is, it's causing tension among us. We cant do anything but to wait for now, until he opens up".

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Singto's shoulders. "Agreed. If it weren't for that accident, none of this would've blown up like it has. Now we're left with the task of getting Tay's memory back and trying to pry the truth out of New."

Krist nodded solemnly. "Getting Tay's memory back seems feasible, but making New spill the beans? That's a whole different challenge."

Mew's gaze hardened with determination. "We might doubt New's willingness to open up, but we have to try. Keeping secrets only makes things worse in the long run."

As they exchanged glances, a silent agreement passed between them. They would confront the challenges ahead together, united in their resolve to unravel the truth and mend the fractures that had formed within their family.

"Now let's focus on bringing Tay's memory back, we can deal with New later," Singto suggested, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

He had heard from Krist about the incident, about how Tay had been uncharacteristically harsh with New, causing him deep hurt. Singto couldn't shake off the shock of it all. Tay had always been the caring, protective and possessive to New, and the thought of him hurting someone he treasured deeply was unsettling.

"I can't believe Tay would do something like that to New," Singto continued, his concern evident in his voice. "He's always been there for him, taking care of him like his own. This memory loss... it's turned everything upside down."

Mew nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mix of worry and determination. "We need to find a way to bring Tay back to us, to restore his memories. It's not just about him; it's about bringing our family back together."

Krist's jaw tightened with resolve. "We'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Tay needs us, and we won't let him down."

"I have a suggestion to make" Gulf said looking at the rest three people and the nodded, "why don't we go on a trip to a place which Tay likes? or the placce where he confessed to New?"

Gulf's suggestion hung in the air, a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. "You're right," Singto agreed, nodding slowly as he considered the idea. "Returning to the place where Tay confessed his feelings to New might just be the key to triggering his memories."

Mew's eyes brightened with optimism. "It's worth a shot. Being surrounded by familiar surroundings and memories could help jog Tay's mind back to us."

Krist chimed in, his voice tinged with anticipation. "And a camping trip would give us the opportunity to bond as a family again, to remind Tay of all the love and support he has around him."

Gulf nodded in agreement, his concern for the young couple evident in his eyes. "Exactly. We need to show Tay how much he means to us, how much New means to him. Maybe then, he'll remember."

As they discussed the logistics of the camping trip, a sense of renewed hope washed over them. Despite the challenges they faced, they were determined to do whatever it took to bring Tay back to them and heal the wounds that had formed within their family.

On the other side Tay's footsteps echoed through the quiet corridors of his office building, his mind consumed by thoughts of New. The conversation they'd had weighed heavily on him, leaving him more confused than ever before. He couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to know more about New, to understand the depth of their connection, even if it meant delving into old memories he'd tried so hard to forget.

As he settled into his office, Tay couldn't shake the image of New's saddened expression from his mind. He wanted to reach out, to comfort him, but something held him back. Instead, he'd left a note, a simple explanation for his sudden departure, not wanting to disturb New's sleep any further.

But before he went out of  New's house, he found himself acting on impulse, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the younger man's forehead. It was a gesture that felt strangely natural yet left Tay reeling with confusion as he walked away.

In the solitude of his office, Tay couldn't help but replay the moment in his mind, questioning the significance of his actions. Why had he kissed New's forehead? What did it mean? And why did it feel like such a natural thing to do?

Lost in his thoughts, Tay struggled to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that had been stirred up by his encounter with New. Suddenly he heard the knock on the door and a lady came in Tay looked at her, Tay's thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the woman standing before him. Memories of the moment New had seen them together flashed through his mind, accompanied by a surge of frustration at the misunderstanding. He couldn't shake the feeling of disrespect towards the woman, whose presence seemed to complicate an already tangled web of emotions.

Lost in his thoughts, Tay barely registered the woman's voice calling out to him. It wasn't until she spoke again, her tone tinged with uncertainty, that he finally tore his gaze away from his internal turmoil to acknowledge her presence.

"Hmm... sir...?" Her voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to reality.

Tay blinked, refocusing his attention on the woman standing before him. "Yes?" he replied, his voice betraying none of the turmoil swirling within him.

The woman shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, her hesitation palpable. "I... I'm sorry to disturb you, sir. I just wanted to inquire about the schedule for today's meeting," she stammered, her eyes darting nervously around the room.

Tay's mind momentarily cleared as he processed her question. "Ah, yes, of course," he replied, his tone professional. "The meeting is scheduled for..."

As he proceeded to provide her with the necessary information, Tay couldn't help but wonder about the woman's role in his life and the events that had led to New's misunderstanding. But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand.

But before he could speak more his phone buzzed Glancing at the caller ID, he saw it was his brother, Singto. With a sigh, he paused his work and answered the call, holding up a finger to signal to the woman standing patiently in front of his desk to wait a moment. 

Tay sighed as Krist's commanding voice echoed through the phone. He knew better than to argue with him when he was in one of his determined moods. With a resigned nod, Tay acknowledged the order and began wrapping up his work.

He turned to the woman waiting patiently at his desk, offering her an apologetic smile. "Looks like I have to cut our meeting short," he explained. "Family duty calls."

Hurriedly, Tay gathered his belongings and shut down his computer, mentally rearranging his schedule for the unexpected trip. With his brothers, it could be anything from a spontaneous road trip to a meticulously organized family gathering.

Nueng's heart sank as Tay hurriedly left the room, as if she being there was nothing, his brother's urgent call stealing him away before she could even utter a word. She felt a surge of frustration rise within her as she watched him go, her hopes of finally getting to spend time with him dashed in an instant.

"Sir Tay, wait," she called out, her voice tinged with desperation, but he was already out of earshot.

Left alone in the room, Nueng clenched her fists, her anger boiling over. How could his brother disrupt their meeting like that? Didn't he realize how important this opportunity was for her? She had been looking forward to it for days, hoping it would be the chance she needed to finally connect with Tay on a personal level. But of course they hate her so it's obvious that they will ruin this moment.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Nueng tried to push aside her disappointment. She couldn't let this setback disturb her focus. But as she gathered her things to leave, her mind kept returning to Tay, to the missed chance to get to know him better and make him hers.

Cursing under her breath, Nueng stormed out of the room, her mood dark and brooding. She couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that gnawed at her, the sense of being overlooked and disregarded. But as she made her way home, she resolved to channel that anger into something productive. She would prove herself, she vowed, and next time, nothing would stand in her way.

As Tay headed home to pack, he braced himself for whatever adventure awaited him, knowing that with Krist, it was bound to be memorable, if not slightly chaotic.


Another update I'll cut this story short coz I'm kinda clueless what was I initially going to write ig I'll end this story in 3-4 chapters hopefully 😅

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