I'm Hollywood

By IamBassett

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My 1st Celebrity Harem Story More

OC Bio
Logan Kenway Bio
Logan Kenway's Girls
Part 1 - Valentines Day
Part 2 - Saturday Night Live
Part 3 - Matthew's Birthday
Part 4 - Breckie and Livvy
Part 5 - Amazing Grace
Part 7 - Hi Barbie!
Part 8 - Beach Day

Part 6 - Childhood Crush

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By IamBassett

It was Tuesday. I spent the rest of yesterday thinking long and hard about what Grace told me. Would having a family of my own fill that hole inside of me? It makes me wonder. Even more so, why would Grace suggest that idea since she had no kids of her own?

Grace... I still love her. And she still loves me, or at least still cares about me enough to want to help me with my problems. Especially since she hasn't asked for anything from me. At least not yet, she hasn't. She wants me to break off the harem. I won't lie, I have thought about it a few times in the past. A few times when I tried to gain a conscious and find faith in the Lord and questioned the morality of it all. But like I told Grace, all this sleeping around helps me cope. I'm not ready to try to be a one girl guy again. Maybe some counseling. Maybe not with Grace all the time despite her interest in wanting to help me. I don't want her to get the idea to start charging me now.

I don't hold it against Grace for leaving the harem. She has her own goals herself. Plus, there's all the extra baggage with this kind of lifestyle compared to a traditional relationship. For the girls, you're basically in a competition for attention with the other girls. Some can handle it, and some can't. And I don't blame the ones who can't. Grace is one of the ones who can't. And again, I don't blame her. And that's not even considering the possibility of catching a STD.

She said that she likes to think that there's another universe where we are married with kids. And that she would like to live in that world. I won't lie, I'd love to have been in a long-term relationship with Grace. She's beautiful, kind, caring, and sweet. When it comes to girls, I have two different mindsets. When they're complete babes, and 10/10s, but their personality is as dull as rocks and have average intelligence, I only want to fuck them. Just turn them into a fuckdoll and never speak to them again. But when you get girls like Grace or Sydney, who are beautiful most definitely, but also full of personality, have all of the traits I previously mentioned, and dont insult my intelligence and aren't afraid to challenge me, I fall in love with them to the point where I think about them for days, maybe weeks. And how I can spend the rest of my life with them. And I do everything I can to convince them that I'm worth their time. What I'm saying about Grace is that she's perfect for me.

But I think Grace is giving dating girls a try now since she is bisexual. I wouldn't want to date guys either

And yes, I did have an issue with FaZe Rain when he and her were beefing. Personally, I really don't give a shit about the Faze clan, and I kind of didn't care when Grace joined. Her life, her choice. But I can't stand when I see someone who I respect and still care about, despite the breakup, being slandered like that. It took everything I had to not go at it with Rain. But I was able to keep my composure and stayed out of it. It would have been selfish of me to get involved. All it would have done is ruin Grace's credibility. So, for her sake, I stayed my ground

But I could have been super disrespectful and said to Rain, "She might be a woman, but she still has bigger balls than you."

I can be toxic, I can be a troll, I can get grown men to hate me. Alot of qualities I kept with me from my childhood. We have a saying,'You can take the man out of Stockton, but you can't take Stockton out of the man'

But back to Grace, some might call me wanting to defend her 'simping'. But people who say that clearly suffer from brain rot from being on the internet too much and not being with a real woman. I never understood why grown adults act like children when they break up. That behavior is acceptable from teenagers. Not people in their late 30s. My breakup with Grace was professional, and we understood why we had to split. Cleary, she still cares about me, even if it's just as a friend, if she is willing to help me deal with my problems, and I still care about her. And I respect her more after she stood up to me yesterday.

But at first, it wasn't professional. I really loved Grace. I was honestly considering asking her to marry me. But I always felt it would be too soon for her. Grace loved me as well. I guess she found me interesting. We broke up in the later part of 2016. November of that year, I believe. For a few months up to that point, I was feeling us getting further apart. I honestly should have seen it coming. You could say that it was hard for her. But it was for sure harder for me.

I've always been driven by emotion. I've been able to get it more under control after I got with Sydney, but before I was bipolar as all hell. The breakup ruined my week, almost my month. I still remember her saying, "You can apologize as much as you want, Matthew. It won't make me change my mind. I can't be a part of this lifestyle of yours anymore. You can ask for another chance, but I've given you multiple, and you haven't done anything to warrant me giving you another. I still think you're a great guy, and this is hard for me, more than you think. Because I know you're better than what you make yourself out to be. I hope you can change yourself for your own sake. Even though you probably won't." I've taken ass beatings that were easier to get through than hearing that. She definitely still has those same opinions.

That was the first time I had to deal with a harem breakup. I mean, it happens, and since then, I really got over it pretty quickly whenever I went through another one. I mean getting over it on the same day level of quickly. But Grace actually hurt. It took me almost 3 months before I got over it. Way longer than any breakups I had back when I was a one girl guy pre-2014. But I met Sydney, and you know the rest. Grace and I started talking again around the time I met Sydney. Albeit very spiricodicly.

But I was serious when I said that I would have beaten that producer to an inch of his life if I was there when he tried to force himself onto Grace. The possibility of being black listed and arrested for assault would mean nothing to me in that case. I've good lawyers anyway.

But I had my shot with Grace. And that ended a long time ago, and we've both moved on since then. But I still wish things could have been different. Considering the fact we were a couple, and that started and ended before I even met Sydney. I do want the best for her. And like I told Grace myself, she is never going to get what she wants in life from me. She knows it, I know it. We both know that it'll never work out between us. She made it clear that she would love to have stayed with me and vice-versa. But we both know that it would never work. My lifestyle doesn't mesh with her goals. Sometimes you have to do something you don't want to do in order to get the best situation for everyone.

But I still have the memories.

Which is what I'm thinking about now as I'm laying on the floor in front of the couch, going back and fourth between staring at a picture of Grace and I from 2015 on my Instagram, and a text she left me saying 'Don't be afraid to talk. I'm always here for you'.

The picture was pretty simple. It was of Grace and I cuddling next to each other on grass. My arm over her shoulder, and she was hugging me. Grace with her brightest smile. What was she in this? 19, I believe. And I was 23. Crazy to think that 2015 was 9 years ago. Easier times.

But there's really no point in daydreaming about what my life with Grace could have been like. I'm married to an amazing woman. The one of ones. My dream girl, Sydney Sweeney.

So I turned off my phone and stood up. I did a quick stretch. I looked back at the couch and now all the cum from the encounter with Breckie is entirely dry now.

Matthew: "Sydney is going to fucking kill me."

At this point, there was no way I couldn't just sit on this one. Literally and figuratively.

I took a picture of the couch to show to the realtor. Hopefully, they don't comment on the cum spot.

I got in my car, well, just the Honda Civic since it's just a store run and I'm not going anywhere where I would feel the need to flex my wealth.

I got to the department store Sydney and I went to when we first got that couch. I walked in and was greeted by a clerk that was a freckless redhead

FSC: "Hi! Good afternoon, my name is Wendy. How we I be of service for you today?" She said. Clearly she was trained to say that. They all are. It's very 1984-ish and it dehumanizes the employees, but it gets the point across.

Matthew: "I was wondering if you had this in the store?" I showed her the picture "I got that same couch from this store."

Wendy: "We sure do. Follow me." She led me over to the couch section of this pretty big and overpriced store. Cleary this place is exclusive to the people in my tax bracket.

We got to the couch section and there is was! Sydney will never notice!

Wendy: "The couch begins at 12,000 dollars and an extra 3% tax rate." Well I'm sure such a small detail won't be too noticeable.

Matthew: "When we bought the couch it was only 7,000 thousand."

Wendy: "Our prices have gone up exbitiously recently in order to keep up with inflation."

Well now that I think about it, she bought the couch around when we got married almost 3 years ago. But damn 12k for a fucking couch is insane.

Now you may be saying to yourself "You're a millionaire, 12k is probably pocket change to you.'' And my response is that you don't have the same tax rate that I do.

Matthew: "Well... shit..."

I'm considering if it's more worth just to let Sydney kill me now rather than paying 12k and an extra 3% of taxes.

Matthew: "Isn't there a policy where I can get a discount on a repeat purchase?" I'm just trying to get something here

Wendy: "We only allow discounts to store members. Are you or youd spouse a member with us?"

Well let's hope Sydney is because who the fuck becomes a member at a furniture store?

Matthew: "I'm not. But I don't know if my wife is one or not. Maybe you could check? Her name is Sydney Sweeney-Bassett."

Wendy: "Oh you're Mrs. Sweeney's husband? Well she is a member with us. But we do need her credit card information in order for the discount to go through. Is she here with you? Or do you have her credit card on you?" Well there goes that

A few things -

First off, I'm petty when it comes to people not addressing her as "Sweeney-Bassett". Sure when its for acting I'm fine with that. But stuff like this it kind of annoys me. I feel like I should remind people that I wifed up one of the finest women in Hollywood.

And second, what do I do now? I have two options here. A - Don't buy the couch and just have to deal with the wrath of a pissed off Sydney. Or B - Just pay the 12k and be done with it.

And third, why the hell does Sydney have a membership at a fucking furniture store?


Wendy: "Thank you for your purchase! For an extra 500 dollars we can deliver this to your home."

Why the hell do they need 500 dollars to deliver furniture? This is highway robbery!

Matthew: "You know what I'm good. I can come back tomorrow at 12 to pick it up."

Wendy: "We'll have it ready for you to move! Thank you for shopping here!" She walked away

I might just force Breckie to pay me 12k because she's at fault for this

The couch is too heavy to carry myself. I'm strong, but I'm no Mark Henry.

I might get Logan to help me with this. I feel like he's not featured enough in this story.

I walked around the store for a bit to see the rest of the overpriced inventory. 4k or a refrigerator? Who shops here? Elon Musk?

I grew up poor, so I do not play when it comes to money. And I know when something is overpriced.

I was about to begin to walk out of the store, but from the corner of my I eye, I spot the girl that made my younger years. The first girl that I ever loved, Rachel McAdams.

I never got the chance to meet her. Even during the Mean Girls remake, I didn't meet her.

I knew that I liked girls when I saw her in that sluty Santa Suit in Mean Girls. Her portrayal of Regina George started my attraction to pick-me girls

So there are three types of girls that I like - good girls, pick-me girls, and crazy bitches. And there's an abundance of the last one. They're called Latinas

Anways, I'm not going to miss out on this opportunity to talk to her. Now, when you're out in public, or more specifically going shopping, and want to talk to a girl, you have to be very subtitle to avoid awkwardness. Being straightforward is only acceptable when you're at school or at a bar/nightclub. So I'm going to walk up and pretend to look like I'm busy on my phone. Then I'm going to look at what she's looking at and make a joke about it. Probably something relatable like how expensive it is, then get her talking about whatever, pretend to guess her name and introduce myself and say that I was a huge fan of her growing up. Crack some jokes, try to get her number, and mission accomplished

I've done this hundreds of times before. The only thing that's different is that I can't ask for her name after helping her up. Here we go.

So part A went normal enough. I'm just on my phone, not paying attention to my surroundings, so I end up hitting my side on the edge of a bed, and it hurt like hell. Just gotta roll with it. So I got next to her. Time for the greatest joke about beds you've ever...

Rachel: "Oh my God, are you Matthew Bassett?" Well, I wasn't expecting that.

I looked up from my phone and said

Matthew: "Yes, yes I am."

Rachel: "Wow. I'm such a fan of yours! Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself yet, I'm..."

Matthew: "Rachel McAdams. Of course." I took shook her hand. "You were in Mean Girls? That's funny, I was also in Mean Girls!"

Rachel: "Why haven't I ever met you before?"

Matthew: "Well, my stocks are shooting up, and I have to my my investors happy... What I mean is that my schedule is super busy. But I've got some free time now."

Rachel: "I can imagine with how many movies you're in. I've actually been following you since you were 12!... That sounded weird."

Matthew: "It's alright. If it makes you feel any better, just know that there are people who have been following me since I was 7."

We shared a quick laugh

Matthew: "It's kind of crazy to think that Rachel McAdams is a fan of mine."

Rachel: "It shouldn't be. You're one of the biggest stars in the world right now!"

Matthew: "I know, but that's not what I meant. I mean, you were a huge part of my childhood after Mean Girls. I want to say I'm your biggest fan. One of the reasons why I'm nostalgic for 2004."

Rachel: "20 years, where did time go?"

Matthew: "Same like these prices, a distant and beloved memory we'll never see again."

Rachel: "Ain't that the truth." We shared another laugh.

Unbelievable. 12 year old me would be losing his mind at the revelation that his childhood crush becomes a fan of his in 20 years

Rachel: "So what brings you out here? If you don't mind me asking?"

Matthew: "Oh, you know, marriage shit."

Rachel: "I don't know many people who would call coming to a furniture store seemingly by themselves as 'Marriage shit'.

Matthew: "I like to think I'm not an average person. Now my turn, what brings you out here?"

Rachel: "Mmm. Just want to freshen up the bedroom. Though I don't know which bed to get."

Matthew: "Let me help you pick then."

Rachel: "Oh you don't need to..."

Matthew: "This feels like I'm laying on a cloud. Yeah this is the one you want. Come try it!"

Rachel: "You sure we won't get in trouble?"

Matthew: "Please, people do this all the time."

Rachel: "If you say so." She layed on the bed with me "Oh yeah, this is definitely it."

Matthew: "I could lay on this forever."

We were laying on the bed with our legs hanging off and our feet touching the ground. I got a sly idea. Let's see if this works

Matthew: "We're not even on it the right way." I moved around so I was laying on the bed the traditional way
"Yeah you're going to get a good night's sleep every night with this. Try it."

She did as I suggested and layed to my left of the bed. I was laying on my side and we looked at each other

Rachel: "I'm starting to think that this is your way of me getting into bed with you."

I pretended to acted shocked and gasped and said

Matthew: "Now Ms. McAdams! I would never do that to a lady!"

Rachel: "You don't have lie to me. I like your confidence."

Matthew: "My confidence is just the start of the long list of what people like about me." I gave a wink at the end

I was laying my head on my elbow and she layed out her arms infront of her and we stared into each other's eyes. It was silent, but the good kind of silences.

Matthew: "I'm in bed with Rachel McAdams. If 12-year-old me saw this he would be at a loss for words."

Rachel: ''You're more laid back than I thought you'd be."

Matthew: "What do you mean?"

Rachel: "I've seen the clips of you when you were younger on YouTube. You were in your early 20s. You were so full of anger and hatred. I know you livestream. Back then your anger was consistent. You've changed since then. For the better."

Matthew: "Who says that I haven't changed and I'm only putting on a facade?" I said trying to act mysterious "But seriously, as I'm getting older, and I'm meeting great people, well more like great women, I've come to accept life more. But there's still a bit of that young man from Stockton that thinks the whole world is against him. When I was younger I used to believe that there was a conspiracy against me to keep me from succeeding. Now that I am where I am, I realize there's some truth to that. They're called people who leave bad reviews on my movies."

She smiled at that last part. I got her to smile. Now she'll never about this.

Rachel: "I'm glad that I met you."

Matthew: "Likewise. Really this is a dream come true for me."

I really don't care about the age gap between us. She's 14 years older than me and she's pushing 50. But in this moment that didn't matter to us.

I've always been good at reading people. I can tell what someone is like just by hanging out with them for a short period of time. Even if it's an act I can still see past that. Call it my 6th sense. And I could tell she was into this as much as I am.

FSC: "Excuse me but you can't lay on the bed. I'm going to have to ask both of you to get off."

We looked up and saw a male clerk ruin our moment. We stood and and he left and Rachel said

Rachel: "I thought you said we wouldn't get into trouble?"

Matthew: "Well if I did then I wouldn't be able to get you in bed with me."

Rachel: "So I was right about that." I put my hands up in a "You got me" motion

We walked out of the store and stood out in the plaza the store was in

Matthew: "This doesn't have to be it you know."

Rachel: "What do you mean?"

Matthew: "I mean that moment we had in there on that bed doesn't have to be the end. How about dinner? My place? I can cook."

Rachel: "Mr. Bassett, are you asking me out on a date? In your house even? What would your wife think?"

Matthew: "Oh Sydney? Oh we've invited girls into our home before. And after all it's not like we're going to have sex or anything, just dinner."

Rachel: "Mmm. So your place? What are you making?"

Matthew: "You like Italian?"

We exchanged phone numbers and went on our way


It was 8:40pm. Everything was ready. I have the spaghetti set in the dinning room, I've got the red wine carefully chosen from my celler. I took a 50 minute shower after I got back. Didn't want to be musty for a date in my own home. I had on a grey shirt with black jeans and a pair of Nikes with a pair of dimond ear piercings. A regular look for me, but I make it look good. Didn't want to overdress for my own home.

I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door. She was wearing a stunning white dress and black heels

Rachel: "Hey you!"

I didn't respond. I just admired her.

Rachel: "You'll make a girl blush by staring at her like that, Matthew."

I broke out of my trance and said

Matthew: "Can you blame me though? I mean you're phenomenal!"

Rachel: "Well thanks you for the compliment. I don't get many like that at 45."

Matthew: "Come in, come in. Food already done. Hope you like spaghetti."

Rachel: "I'm sure whatever you make tastes great. Nice place."

The dinner was great. She said the food was the best she's ever had. Can't be a ladies man and not know how to cook now.

Rachel: "So tell me, how am I already the fourth girl to be in your home this week and it's only Tuesday?" She asked drinking wine

Matthew: "Well the first two basically fought over me and ruined the couch. And third one of my ex's that I'm still cool with, kind of, because she was trying to convince me to change my ways because she's worried I'm becoming someone else than the man she fell in love with, and that couch that was ruined by the first two need to get replaced which is how we're here now."

Rachel: "Sounds to me that you're the master of having girl problems."

Matthew: "I own the copyright to girl problems. I bought it with my pocket change."

Rachel: "If you don't mind me asking, why do you do all this poly stuff?

Matthew: "You know I just answered this question yesterday to my ex. But I don't mind telling if you don't mind keeping it to yourself." She did a 'Cross my heart' signal "Alright then. To be honest with you, it's a combination of a lot of things. The loneliness of this life, need for affection, and overall a way to releve myself of stress and other life long issues."

Rachel: "You know I've never been apart of any of that. Ive been offered and hit on many times. But it was never for me. Tell me, Do you have any family?"

I paused for a moment. This is kind of a sensitive topic that I don't like people asking about. But I'll answer anyways

Matthew: "Sydney's the only family I need... And Margot... and Madelyn... and Madison."

She laughed at the sentence

Matthew: "I mean hey! Sydney is the only one that I live with! Logan lives with FOUR of his girls! I can't imagine having to share a home with four women!"

Rachel: "Sounds like you have plenty of people to keep you company."

Matthew: "It does, yet I'm always alone. Funny how the world works sometimes yeah?"

Rachel: "It is. It's almost like we actually are living in a simulation."

Matthew: "Okay, time to get you off the wine ma'am"

So the date lasted longer than expected. Hell we even watched the Mean Girls remake! It was around midnight and Rachel asked if she could stay here for the night since we're both too drunk to drive.

In all honesty I've loved this night. I mean I got my childhood crush to myself all night? She likes my cooking, laughed at my jokes, we watched a movie, and now she's staying at my place. This is something straight out of stories.

Right now I was helping her get up the stairs but she kept fumbling over. I was a little more sober than her

Rachel: "You're a big, strong, man aren't you? Why don't you carry me up these stairs?" We stood up on a larger staircase. He back was against the wall to keep her balance.

The moonlight was shining in from one of the windows and reflected off of her eyes. They were hungry and passionate. I was in a position to do something I wanted to do for years. But I didn't want to take advantage of an intoxicated girl. That's just rape at that point.

I tried to keep walking up the stairs but she grabbed my hand and made me look down at her.

Rachel: "You don't have to hide it from me. I know you have, or atleast had, a crush on me. So go on. Do what you've always wanted to do with me. I'm all yours."

I leaned down and was almost touching her face with my own face. I could smell that perfume on her so clearly. We finally touched lips. At first it was a few light kisses but turned into a make out session. I forced my tongue deep into her mouth. I touched both of the insides of her cheeks with my tongue. Moving it around her jaw. I couldn't get enough. Oddly her mouth tasted like strawberries. She just let it happen until I pulled back for air.

Matthew: "I waited 20 long years to do that. I'll wait another 20 to do more.

Rachel: "Why wait? You have me at your fingertips.

I smirked and brought her up the stairs with me. We made out again at the top of the staircase and I move us over to the 'Sex Room'. Because a couch is one thing, but if I let another girl sleep in my bed without her, thats just too far.

So we got in and she pushed me onto the bed. I quickly took my shoes off followed by my shirt, pants, socks, and finally boxers.

She was drunkenly trying to unzip the zipper on her dress but it wasn't happening. I helped her with that and she wasn't even wearing a bra. Just pretty sex purple panties with black spiderweb designs on them. She kicked her heels off by herself and leaned me up against a well. She peppered me with kisses until she got on her knees. With a swift motion she pulled my boxers down and my cock sprung on her face.

She got to work on it. Not to long until she started giving me head. Receiving oral from older and more experienced women is a trip.

Her tongue was going crazy. Swirling it around to cover every part of it that was in her mouth while she was also bobbing her head. Not wanting her to do the work by herself I helped her around my face fucking her.

I moved her face so her eyes where looking into mine as she gave me this insane head. I started to pet her hair and formed a ponytail to help her out a bit.

After an intense face fucking session she took my cock out of her mouth and jerked me off and I coated her face in my cum

Rachel: "Wow! You come so hard!"

I picked her up and set her on the bed, kissed her, took her panties off, kissed her again, flipped her over on her knees, and got to work on eating her from behind.

Rachel: "Ooh! I bet you waited years to get me like this! How many fantasies are you going to enact on me!?"

I took my mouth off her pussy and said

Matthew: "If wanted to to everything I wanted to do to you, we'd be here until this time tomorrow."

Rachel: "Sounds like a challenge. Let's see how many rounds we can go? Now less talking, more eating!" She forced my head into her ass and I got back at it.

The room was filled with the sound of me eating away and her moans that were bouncing off the walls

For 3 minutes this went on uninterrupted. I was now laying on my back and she sat up and placed her hands on my head for support

Rachel: "Hope you're still hungry!"

She squirted in my mouth. I thought girls quit squirted after they turn 35? I guess this disproves that theory.

Rachel: "You ruin my face, I ruin yours!"

She layed on top of me and we made out naked on the bed. She occasionally licked my face to get the cum off of it.

Matthew: "Ride me, cowgirl!"

Wasting no time, she got into cowgirl and started to bounce on my crotch. She pressed down on my chest to keep her balance, but I moved her hands so that I was holding them while she did it.

I could tell she was having some trouble. Either the alcohol was throwing her off her game, or she couldn't handle my cock. Or both. So I decided that I'll carry the burden. I turned her around and folded her legs and pounded into her vage.

Rachel: "Oh, this is something y-you def-definitely dreamed about doing to me!" She said trying to sound seductive as hell.

She was clearly enjoying herself. I wonder how long it's been since she's gotten good dick like this?

I felt the climax coming. No pun intended. I pulled out and came over her face. This time she kept her mouth open so some of it landed in there.

Rachel: "I see you've been eating pineapples." She said with a cum-filled smile

Matthew: "I've been getting alot of that recently."

She started to play around with the cum on her face and upper torso. I slowly stroked my dick to the sight.

20 years I've waited for this. I'm going to make tnat she remembers this herself for 20 years and beyond.

She played with the cum like a kid with play-doh. Taking some apart and putting it together again. Piece by piece she stuck some of it in her mouth.

Rachel: "You done for the night tiger? I've got an idea for how we can keep the fun alive."

Matthew: "What did you have in mind?"

Rachel: "How about a bet? You get to enact all of your fantasies on me until we pass out. Whoever cums more before we pass out has to service the winner in the morning for 25 minutes straight. Sound like a deal?"

Matthew: "You're on!"

Rachel: "From my count, I'm up 2-1. Better keep up!"

We went at it hours. Doing any postion you can think of. 69, Stand and Deliver, Face Off, Waterfall. You name it, we did it. I'm honestly surprised she kept up at her age.

We went on until around 3:15am. I don't know if it was the Red Wine that gave us the energy and strength to go that late, or early, but we managed. Now I was fucking her in Iron Chef on a bedside drawer. We were both cheating trying to get the other to cum first. She was kissing me, I played with her tits. I lost score of where we were at. But I think I was winning.

We weren't talking. Just fucking. Saving what strength we had to that activity. She broke the kiss and I layed my head on her shoulder. I wrapped her arms around her waist to keep us close. The room was just my grunts and her moans.

She came on my cock. Which started my climax.

Rachel: "Go ahead big guy, cum in me. Take me as your own!"

That was the first sentence either of us spoke in hours. And the first words that were said other than 'Fuck' or 'Shit' or 'Keep going!'

Rachel: "Go ahead. I know it's what you always wanted to do to me ~." She whispered in my ear.

I couldn't fight against it evem if I wanted to. I took my head off her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. Her mouth filled with moans. Seeing her at my will is a huge confidence booster. I did what she told me and came in her. Which gave her one last loud orgasm herself.

We both knew we couldn't go anymore. She held onto me and threw myself onto the bed. Funny how it was a bed that started this whole thing. Maybe she was right about that simulation thing?

We cuddled up. She layed on her stomach, I layed my head on her upper back and my left arm across her body.

So in the span of 24 hours I

Spent 12k on a couch
Met my childhood crush
Had a date with her at my place
Fucked her until 3 in the morning
And now sleeping with her

Not bad.

So the morning comes and I was simply to tired to wake up. It was probably 12pm on Wednesday. But I really don't care about that. I was then jolted awake by the sun flashing into my closed eyes.

I rubbed my eyes awake and in front of me was Rachel in a robe.

Rachel: "Hey lover boy. You knocked me dead last night."

I layed back on a pillow. I could tell that my hair was a total mess.

Rachel: "That was some of the best sex I've had in a LONG time! I'm glad I met you."

Matthew: "Last night was fuckin' awesome!"

Rachel: "Yes it was. Now I got some plans for today so I have to get going, unfortunately. But you won out little game last night. So a deals a deal. Enjoy."

She took her robe off and was completely naked. She crawled over to me and took care of my morning wood and then some.

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193K 3.8K 108
just some imagines that crossed my mind. stories with * are smut.
3.2K 80 6
Fem Reader !!
276K 3.2K 65
I'm doing this because I can seem to keep a Harem story going! Enjoy!
41.2K 860 27
this is the first story i have ever wrote online so i am sorry if you are disappointed:)