More Than Prey: Dimitrescu Da...

By PhoenixGarden

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Dimitrescu Daughters x Male Reader It was just his luck that he ended up in a village of cannibalistic monste... More

Chapter 1: The Attack
Chapter 2: Castle Dimitrescu
Chapter 3: Learning Experience
Chapter 4: Too Comfortable
Chapter 5: The Library
Chapter 6: In Hiding
Chapter 7: Bargaining
Chapter 8: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 9: Caught Red Handed
Chapter 10: Morning
Chapter 11: Freezing
Chapter 12: Lady's Chambers
Chapter 13: Consent Laws
Chapter 14: Hate & Love
Chapter 15: The Bath
Chapter 16: THE PG AUDIENCE!!!
🍋Chapter 18: Hater or Lover?🍋
Chapter 19: Photon Saber

Chapter 17: The Cellar

2.2K 82 10
By PhoenixGarden

"Excuse me?" Alcina almost dropped the pipe she was smoking from, golden eyes twitching with shock and frustration. Her daughters were no more vocal at her side, their voices disappearing as they heard the news.

Heisenberg sat carelessly upon one of Alcina's seats, his dirty boots kicked up on a stool. "The boy is to be handed over to me. Miranda's word." He repeated himself with an edge of smarminess.

"W-Why? The man-thing is-" Bela was the first of the three girls to exclaim, but Heisenberg lifted a hand to silence her.

"Yeah, yeah. The man-thing is your sex-toy and blah, blah, blah. Don't go getting your panties in a twist. I'm only allowed him for a couple days. Miranda wants me to... test him." Heisenberg picked out a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it up and smoking it.

"Test him?" Cassandra questioned, her eyes narrowed. She didn't look or sound nearly as despaired by the news as her sisters. "For what? Mental illness?"

"Funny you should say that. Mentally sane people don't kidnap men, fuck 'em in the dungeon then cut off their dicks." Heisenberg retorted, amused to watch the reaction of Cassandra as she snarled and dared to try lunge forward. If it weren't for Alcina swiftly putting a hand up to stop her, she probably would've gotten herself killed.

"Answer the question, little brother." Alcina snapped with a glare. What could he possibly want with the man-thing?

"That's none of your business. I want the man by sundown and I won't be leaving until then. Best go find him." Heisenberg shooed them with a hand gesture, a smug smirk on his face.

Daniel's furrowed her brows despite the frustration of the news. "If you want him then why isn't he with you? You saw him at the door." She questioned.

Heisenberg shrugged. "Why would I do your job for you? It's more fun to watch you scramble around for me." He chuckled, much to their disdain.

Cassandra looked like she could kill someone. Daniela look liked she would kill someone. Bela looked shocked at the revelation. Alcina looked pissed off that her daughter's prey, her prey was being taken away from her. Tsk. Well, Miranda's word was law.

"Very well, brother. But I expect the man-thing returned back in... functioning condition. Otherwise, not even Miranda will be able to save you from my wrath." Alcina said in a slow, cold tone, eyes piercing through Heisenberg as if they were beams of plasma.

Heisenberg just snorted at her. "I graciously await that day."

Alcina waved off her daughters in a silent order to find the man-thing. Instantly, the girls dispersed into a cloud of flies, disappearing off into one of the hallways before they reformed in a line.

"Just who the hell does he think he is? That man-thing is mine- ours!" Daniela corrected herself for the first time, her fingers clenched into rage-filled fists. They were the ones who found him. They were the ones who kept him alive. They were the ones who deserved him!

Bela was grumbling under her breath as they walked down the hall, their annoyed stomps muffled by the patterned carpet. "If he does anything to (Y/N), I'll kill him myself." She seethed.

Cassandra gave a sharp chuckle at that. "On a first name basis now, are we? It seems someone's forgotten her place. We're predators, Bela. If Uncle Heisenberg wants the little bastard, let him have him. Hopefully it'll teach the boy a lesson." She said simply.

Bela rolled her eyes but held her tongue. She didn't know why she expected Cassandra to be on their side. "Egotistical bitch." She thought with a huff.

It was Daniela who reacted to Cassandra's words, shoving into her and almost knocking her into the wall so she could walk in her place. Cassandra snarled and was about to lunge for the redhead before Daniela put up a hand to stop her.

"Your ego knows no bounds, sister. Maybe instead of hating the man-thing for defeating you, you should give him a little respect for it. You can't possibly think Uncle Heisenberg is in the right here." Daniela tutted at her, not even amused by Cassandra's attitude anymore.

With a growl, Cassandra stopped herself from striking Daniela and kept walking alongside her. "The man-thing did not defeat me! He got lucky."

"So, he defeated you?" Daniela rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. And I never said I think Uncle Heisenberg is correct. He has no more respect for us than I do for the man-thing. That alone makes me disdain him. Plus, if he kills the boy, that means I can't." Cassandra said in annoyance, taking a right turn and causing her sisters to follow.

"Maybe you two should just... you know... work your issues out through coitus. That works for some of the characters in my books." Daniela thought aloud, a finger on her chin as she pondered the last story she had read through.

Cassandra stared at her like she had just asked her to murder their mother. Bela looked as if she'd just been held at gunpoint.

"What...?" The two sisters said in unison, earning an almost comical expression from Daniela as she threw her hands behind the back of her head and gave a long hum.

"I mean, Bela is already three steps down that path, so clearly it's an option." Daniela said drily, a childish grin on her face. Bela's entire face went cold. Cassandra looked past Daniela to stare at Bela as if she were Satan himself.

"Allow me to repeat myself. What?" Cassandra's voice took a deep plunge that spilled threat and danger. That better be a joke.

Bela put a hand up to defend herself, face bright red. "I already told you, him being in my bed was-"

"Oh, I more meant trying to fuck him in your bathtub, but yeah, the bed thing too." Daniela snapped her fingers, pointing to Bela as thanks for reminding her.

There was a few seconds of silence before...

"Hahaha... yeah, yeah... MY APOLOGIES BUT WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!" Cassandra's shout bordered on a scream, her eyes wider than saucers from the bemusement. Nope, nope, nope. She wasn't believing that. It was just some elaborate joke the two bitches were playing on her.

Bela looked like she might die then and there. Her red cheeks turned cold, her eyes twitching nervously. "How many times have I told you not to spy on me, Daniela?" She managed to say, her voice turning from awkward to angry in record time.

"How many times have I told you not to have sex with my man-thing?" Daniela shot back in an innocent, playful tone. It earned her a sudden grab of the arm as Bela tugged on her with a growl.

"Just because he's terrified of going near you doesn't mean you need to cry about him wanting me!" Bela snapped, making Daniela's amused demeanour crumbled.

"Excuse me?" Daniela said warningly.

"You have to threaten him. I don't. Need I say more?" Bela hummed, nudging Daniela in harsh motions. It nearly ended with her getting hit as Daniela reeled back her hand. Luckily, Cassandra shoved the two of them apart with a frustrated expression.

"Okay, you know what? I don't care. I don't give a fuck what either of you two stupid bitches think or want from the man-thing. Be sluts if you want, it won't affect my day. But instead of arguing over whose tits are bigger and whose pussy is tighter, why don't you, y'know, actually help find the man-thing instead?!" Cassandra gripped onto their wrists hard enough to leave marks, earning a sharp wince from each of her siblings. They forced their hands out of her grip, rubbing them with narrowed eyes.

"Fine." They both mumbled.

"Good. So, where is he? Any ideas? Any suggestions?" Cassandra glanced between them.

Bela and Daniela met eyes for a moment, still pissed at each other but putting it aside. Well, guess the place to start was the bedroom.

"Man, what is this thing?" (Y/N) spun the device Heisenberg had given him around his fingers. He wandered the halls of the castle, planning to return to June and check up on her again. Then again, he was having second thoughts as he walked. Bela already found him there once. He didn't really want to put June in any more danger.

With a sigh, he stopped in his tracks, peering blankly down the hallway. "What's that? I'm getting a premonition." He put a hand to his head, imitating the act of a message coming to him. "I'm gonna go back to see June and immediately get found by Bela, strung up for leaving her room, then quite possibly sexually assaulted."

With a head shake, he paused from his original path and pushed open a door to his left. "Yeah, I'll pass." He murmured as he entered the room. Immediately, one step in, he was sent tumbling as he fell down a set of stairs he hadn't expected to be there. "OH, SON OF A-"

Ow, oof, fuck, shit, and damn were many of the words that left (Y/N)'s lips as he spiralled from step to step, grazing his arms and legs before he hit the stone floor of the cellar. He was a crumpled heap, slowly opening his eyes to stare up at the dimly lit ceiling.

"I hate my life." He muttered in a fake cry, forcing himself up to his feet. His arm hurt a little but he pushed through the pain and scanned his surroundings. "This isn't the same place I got locked up." He noted.

He stepped further into the cellar, the only light coming from the dim bulbs on the ceiling. There were metal doors and cages that must've been for old prisoners. Skeletons littered the floor and mold coated the walls. "Nice to see they do a lot of housekeeping." He joked internally.

"Not creepy at all..." He whispered as he went further into the cellar's depths. The scent of death and decay filled his lungs, making him choke on his breath. "Shall we cleanse the depression with a song?"

With a deep breath and another small gag from the stench, he rounded a corner and turned a hum into a song. "'Cause you make me feel like... I've been locked out of heaven. For too long, for too long. Yeah, you make me feel like... I've been locked out of heaven. For too long, for too long~"

The sound of water dripping from the ceiling filled his ears, the only sound besides his echoing voice that came from the cellar. Or so he thought...

"You bring me to my knees, you make me testify~ You can make a sinner change his ways~ Open up your gates 'cause I can't wait to see the light. And right there is where I wanna st-AYYYY!!!" His voice turned into a scream as something swished past his face, sending him recoiling backwards.

"NAHHHH, WHAT THE FUCK?!" His voice had never been so high-pitched before. He scrambled backwards across the damp stone, watching a hunched figure stumble from the darkness. It growled at him with bared teeth, its form human-like with a cloak over its head and a sword in its hand that dragged along the floor.

(Y/N) lifted his hands, holding the device Heisenberg had given him. "What in the fuck are you?" He questioned, earning no response as the creature bore down upon him, lifting its blade to swing at him.

"I thought the vampires and the maidens were the only ones living here. What the hell is this thing?" He thought with terror before awkwardly pointing the tip of the device in his hand towards the creature. "Wanna trade? Weird flashlight thing for my life-" He watched as the thing slashed down towards him. "Nope?! Right, great!" His comedy dulled and he took on a stern face, gritting his teeth as the blade came down towards him.

"Damn it..." He growled internally, shutting his eyes as the sword came towards his head. Was this really how he was going out?

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