Death Row

By Baconwriterx

70 2 0

Pray and beg, that luck favors you and let you live long enough to found the rotten apple. I feel as I clenc... More

{- The casts -}
{- Prologue -}
{- Last meal -}
{- First hint! -}
{- Evening discussion -}
{- Left Unanswered -}
{- Realistic dream -}
{- Desperation & Discovery -}
{- Grotesque memory -}

{- Puppet catchers -}

8 0 0
By Baconwriterx

Riley's POV

Heh, why's everyone so unstable? We're stuck here forever, especially when they don't have enough brain capacity to solve anything legitimately. We're gonna die. So acceptance is the solution at this point.

Every sign points to death ever since they're not aware of what Ageratum means. Timidity? Yeah that's a believable lie. It's longevity. But I'll never tell anybody because it's fun to see them proceed with that fake meaning.

I sat with Saige, as I listened to her problems absently. She talked too much, but I always pretended I listened to her. Usually, I don't care about her rants.

I heard a distant calling, an inaudible one, as it clearly got clearer and clearer.

"Carlton!" Saige raised her voice as I snapped from my do not disturb mode. I looked her in the eye, she may be dissatisfied with the fact I purposely didn't listen to her.

"Yes? Lytler?" I asked.

"Did you even listen?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. You'll never know, only knowledge will tell what I think." I teased her, as I smirked at her. While yes, I didn't even listen. But she doesn't have to know, she'll figure it out herself.

"Your confusing nature is very condescending." Saige said.

"Condescending? Hah, well aren't we just as much as each other?" I replied.

"What was that supposed to mean? Elaborate." Saige demanded. Geez, nosy much?

"What I meant is that you and I are condescending, like each other. So watch your mouth a bit, hm?" I chuckled, while she blinked in confusion.

"Ahem...Fair, I guess here comes an agreement on that." Saige looked away.

"Yeah, so what is up with you and love? Quite unlucky." I asked.

"Divorced a few times, might not date again, honestly." Saige replied.

"You know, you can always try pulling sapphic ladies anytime, if you are dissatisfied with men. Society has accepted those types of women these days." I recommended her to date women. I mean, if she's unlucky with men.. Then women might be something she's capable of pulling and having an everlasting relationship with?

"Is that one of your sly flirting?" Saige asked.

"Nooo.. I could never date a dense hipster like you.. Just recommendations, you know.." I replied to her.

"Well, thank you. I'll keep that in mind." Saige thanked me.

Saige took a sip of iced coffee before she proceeded to speak further.

"It's been years ever since you and I encountered and enrolled in this academy. I could never understand why I could never actually read you through." Saige said.

"You're quite complicated." She stated. Admittedly she doesn't have enough wits to actually understand me anyway.

"Read me through? We're not books, why try to read everyone about what's on their mind? Besides, it's more fun deceiving than being truthful." I stare at her while my eyes are slightly slanted. The corner of my lips curved upwards as we stared at each other for a few minutes. There's silence between us, just me, my thoughts, and her pair of amber eyes staring at me back.

"Wait.. Why are we even staring...?" Saige whispered, as we continued.

"Why do you think we stare like this? Figure it out." I replied, challenging her mind for a bit.

"I see this as pointless, that's why I'm asking." Saige replied.

"Fine.. I wanna read you more, I wanna know what you're thinking with just a stare." I confessed to Saige, she's nosy I swear..

"Well? What am I thinking then?" Saige asked.

Hmm, not that hard to decipher, hehe. She was feeling awkward about the staring competition and saw this as ridiculously pointless! Her eyes and gestures are like an open book!

"Weeelll.. You're not that difficult to decipher, but I'll let out a few things. You think this is the most ridiculous thing you and I have ever done! And you obviously felt awkward and uncomfortable!" I explained.

"Wait, that's actually accurate.." Saige confirmed.

"My dear, Lytler. I can read people, you know? This ability is hard to achieve and it can be very terrifying for a woman like you." I said with a smirk.

"Shiver me timbers." Saige said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at me. "That was verrrryy scary!"

"Sarcasm to cope with you being caught? Very pathetic, Lytler. Better luck next time."

"Why should I be ashamed I got caught? That's absurd." Saige replied bluntly.

"Heh, I'm afraid I must go. See you later." I got up, before I walked away and didn't really care about what Saige said after that anymore..

Besides.. I've got more things to worry about aside from Saige's words...

I started to make my way to building 6. As I swiped my card through the elevator, the lift moved down each floor until the lowest.

As the elevator doors opened for me to enter, I stepped in the elevator and clicked the button with the number '4' printed on it.

The elevator doors shut automatically as I wait. As I feel the lift doing its job and lifting me to the 4th floor safely.

'Ding!' The sound of what sounds like a short melody played as the elevator door opened, I walked out of it. Looking in both ways on the 4th floor, unsure where to go.

I don't know if I was technically on the right floor or not. Or is it that I missed a sentence in the message that Cedric sent to the chat. I turn on my phone again, re-reading the message in the group chat.

'Let's meet up at room 648, everyone! I expect perfect attendance, this is important.'

Room 648.. Eh, should've known that it's that office on this exact floor. I started to make my way towards the room. Geez, haven't realized that building 6 hallways are this empty..

In my usual teaching days, I don't pay a visit to building 6 that often, since my class that I am the advisor to is not in building 6 but rather building 5. And my office to the computer labs are all in building 4. So I am not used to such hollow and wide hallways.

Likewise, this is new.. I am gonna have to adapt since I may have to pay a visit a few times for the meeting.. I leaned my head against the door to get a glimpse of any noises of the situation in the room. I heard a few sounds of walking, and some chatter in the room. Good, good to know they weren't quite literally tricking me.

I opened the door anyway, stepped into the room and looked around the surroundings. Oh! It's a physics lab.. Good choice of a room...

"Finally, Miss Carlton! Were you intentionally making your way here this late?" Cedric made a remark.

"Unintentionally, or intentionally, your choice to believe." I replied. Sitting on a vacant chair.

"Again with the weird riddle wording.. Miss Carlton, can you please just give straight answers? No offense." Rosita commented, she thinks that because she obviously can't see through it.

"Well.. You're quite dense.. Hm?" I questioned, grinning directly at her. "I think we all know I made my way here late unintentionally.. Don't you agree?"

Rosita stared at me with that utterly disgusted look, her eyes looking up and down at my appearance..

"Eeeeehhhh.. Yeah... You know, I'm just saying that you don't have to always answer stuff that gives the person more questions.. You know..? Just a little commentary, yep." Rosita replied. But I ignored her 'commentary' anyway.

"Is everyone here?" Yuria asked. "Good! First of all.. I'd like to especially thank you 4 for accepting my offer to be in this little group.. As I just mentioned, this little group of 5 I was intended for to make the investigation on finding the puppet among is faster! Juuuust to raise more hints and actually get suspects... Well, of course, still uncertain if the said future suspect turns out to be one of us.. But in other words, this group is for us to gather information, find possible connections.. And basically buy time until the 2nd hint announcement!"

"My pleasure, Southwood! Sometimes we just need to take the lead ourselves if we want the show to go on faster!" Cedric said smugly.

"Oh, I am grateful for you inviting me to this group too! I may not be much of a help in the future, but I can try!" Leslie thanked Yuria with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, uh, well. I don't care anyway if I'm not invited, but thanks." Rosita thanked Yuria, too. But doesn't it sound too.. ingenuine?

I guess, for me, I do like the concept! But I do have high expectations of the people Yuria decided to invite to this.. Puppet catchers group.. But.. For every information that we investigate forward in the future.. Do we tell the others? I'm curious, this is a great question to spark some concerns.

"I am grateful, too! I am always ready to be the helping hand for further investigations!" I thanked Yuria. "But I do have a question before we proceed.. If you don't mind?"

"Oh! Any questions are appreciated! What is it that you have in mind?" Yuria asked.

"For every investigation and analysis we go through.. Do we share with others? Or is this an inside discreet group? You seem to be really serious when you say I can't tell anybody about this meetup." I raised a question for Yuria.

"Ah, yes about that.. Unfortunately we cannot tell others about our progress.. We don't know if the puppet could sabotage us if that happens." Yuria frowned. I'm confused.. Is Yuria certain that none of us are a puppet? He is quite confident, isn't he?

But Rosita had some complaints, hm.. "Wait, if you are so paranoid about the puppet finding out about our plans. Why the heck didn't you do it yourself? Who knows which one of us in this room is a puppet of that twintail demon and is just a very good liar?" Rosita questioned.

"Because, I am sure none of us are puppets, based on my analysis alone. So I definitely thought about this a lot to invite 4 of you in this investigation group." Yuria replied. But then he smiled again but a little more eerie. "Of course, I understand why you're concerned about that, Garcia. If any of you decided to betray me, I might have to do something about it.."

Ohoho.. That eerie wording really makes this all so exciting in a way! But composure is key for now..

"S-Southwood..? What do you mean exactly that you 'have to do something about it'?" Cedric asked in a shaky tone.

Yuria realized his words and started to get embarrassed. "P-Please! Don't take this the wrong way! I-I will of course kick them out! There will be no violence, I promise!"

Cedric sighed in relief.. "Dear god! You need to work on your threatening speech patterns..!"

"Will do!" Yuria laughed awkwardly in reply.

"Anyway, can we get this started over with? Or like, you have something else to say..?" Rosita asked. She's quite impatient today, doesn't she~?

"Oh! Of course! We must get started with our first analysis, the good ol' Ageratum clue! Let's get started with asking for everyone's interpretation!" Yuria commenced the meeting. And he waited for everybody to think about it for a second.

Considering the browser is basically not accessible due to it being considered as 'cheating'.. This may be hard to interpret with just a pair of eyes and with what I know.. I just need to think this through and make it right.

But I do have to put the thinking cap on.. Ageratum.. Hm, I think I've heard of that flower from somewhere...

But before I could think further, Cedric raised his hand, having an interpretation in mind.

"Yes, Paulette?" Yuria asked.

"Okay, I think.. It has to do with the color! Colors do have meanings, after all! Since it's purple, purple usually symbolizes ambition. So it should be ambition!" Cedric explained.

"Okay, any commentary, anyone?" Yuria asked.

"That's reasonable, actually. Because most flowers are symbolized through flowers, if I'm correct. But I think we're not too far from the truth if we use Paulette's interpretation." Leslie commented.

"Mhm, you are right, in a way! But sometimes, certain flowers are named by a word that is derived from another language, and if translated, it will be a synonym to the meaning of the flower of the direct translation..." Yuria interpreted. "But I guess in this case, I agree with your interpretation too, Paulette!"

Hm, what if I'm overthinking it too much this time and it's actually the color like Paulette said so? But I swear.. I think I've read about this flower before..

No, I shouldn't suggest that out of the blue, I should listen to the others first. So far we had a lead which is Cedric's interpretation, which could be something else...

"Wait, why did we discuss this again anyways? Did you all even listen to my answer?" Rosita asked.

"...Do you mean when you said the meaning is 'timidity' because of its appearance?" I asked Rosita back.

"Yeah! Why are we even discussing this again anyways?" Rosita questioned.

"You see.. We're kinda stressed out and didn't think much about the meaning because Nicolene quite literally just got poisoned.. So we took your interpretation. But that obviously didn't mean that we would use that as a lead, we still need proper consideration and discussion.." Yuria replied, explained with reason. I do admire him for his patience with such a hot-headed girl such as her..

"Again, we already had an answer! Because I've read it from a source!" Rosita said.

"Just because you had it from a source doesn't mean you could use it immediately! We really shouldn't stick to one interpretation. We could be wrong if we used your interpretation only!" Cedric replied.

"And what makes you think the source didn't do proper research? It's solid logical proof in there!" Rosita asked.

"I didn't think the source you got from didn't do proper research! I'm just saying we can't just snatch the first interpretation we have immediately without hearing other interpretations to see which fits more!" Cedric replied.

Now they are bickering.. Ugh.. But to think it through for Rosita's, that's a lie. But I must silence her by asking her a question.

Until an information pops up in my mind that is very crucial for the lie detecting question..

"Well well.. Miss Garcia, if you are so sure you know your flower on Ageratum. Which part of the world is it from?" I asked Rosita. This should do, thank god I remember I actually read it from a book I had at home and remembered it well..

Rosita's eyes widened, her eyes averted elsewhere it seemed to show signs of nervousness, there we go.. Signs of being caught red-handed right in front of me.. We'll see if she's actually reading it and is just surprised, OR she's actually lying..?

"I.. Wow, didn't think you'd ask me that, Miss Carlton." Rosita pulled out a blunt face, looking at me.. Look at her trying to look like a know-it-all.. How nice.

The air in the room progressively gets heavier, the tension between the meeting, this is quite fun after all, hm?

"Well? Answer me, Garcia. Don't keep us waiting." I demanded an answer.

"Everyone, we shouldn't argue this much! We should calm down a bit!" Yuria tried to calm everybody down.

"Thank you for asking, though. It's in Eastern Europe." Rosita replied, bullseye. She's lying..

"Um, sorry, but why do you ask Miss Garcia the question? Miss Carlton?" Leslie asked.

"Well, surprise surprise. I do know about this specific flower myself! Thank goodness I remember where the source is! And I do think she didn't do her research!" I chuckled. "It's actually South or Central America. Better luck next time!"

Rosita's eyes widened. "I.. How did you-"

"Wait, so you lied? You didn't read it from an article?!" Cedric asked.

"Fine! I didn't, are you happy for exposing me yet?!" Rosita replied.

I was impressed, but I think there's more than just her lies, there must be a reason doesn't it?

"I'm impressed! I haven't actually realized you have some sort of compulsion when it comes to lying!" I know that's not a compulsion, but I decided to tease her for it.

"Wh-What?! It's not because of that! Now can we drop the topic?" Rosita demanded. She seems agitated, wow.

"No can do, sweetie. Why do you lie about it? Do you not realize you didn't just lie to us? You lied to everyone! Even people outside of this group!" Cedric pointed out.

"None of your business, Cedric." Rosita replied. She seems agitated, is she not~?

"Give us a reason why you lied to everyone and purposely misleading us then!" Leslie demanded, too.


"Yeah-uh! Stop avoiding the question and spill it!"

"Stop nagging me about it then!"

"It's not 'nagging' when it's important!"

"Ugh! You... I can't do this anymore. I'm out." Rosita said. As she picked up her purse and put her belongings in her purse.

"Hey- Wait! You haven't answered us yet!" Cedric interrupted.

"I do not give a shit. I'm not telling you anything. I'm out of this meeting." Rosita got up, and walked out of the room, leaving silence between us..

Ah, unfortunate. If she does desire to be left alone. Then it's her decision. But I guess I'll dig things myself later..

"Ah, I-I suppose we should continue, shall we?" Yuria asked.

"Go on, sorry for the commotion earlier, Southwood." Cedric apologized.

"No no! It's a discussion is all it is! But we miiight accidentally strike a nerve and discovered a truth..." Yuria looked elsewhere, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Hey hey, now we are all calm down. Might as well continue!" Leslie smiled at Yuria.

"Right! So.." Yuria stopped for a second, seems like he's thinking of what to say next. "Ah! Miss Carlton, you seem to know a lot about Ageratum! Maybe you know the meaning, perhaps?" Yuria asked.

"Very well. I can shed some light in this investigation! You see, I did some further research, too! Ageratum derives from the Greek word "a geras". A word that means "non-aging"! So to convert it.. It means longevity!" I explained the meaning to them.

"Finally! We got a lead at last! You're a life-saver, Miss Carlton!" Cedric complimented.

"Now that we know and do have solid proof that it is definitely 'longevity'. I do think we must start to pinpoint a suspect or two that fits the meaning.." Leslie suggested.

"Exactly, I think we should definitely think it through on this part.." I agreed, as I staple my arm on my thigh and placed my own chin on as a thinking stance...

Now.. That everyone was silent, I do need to think this through myself.. It should be one of the younger teachers, yes? That seems to have a timeless youthful beauty in themselves and has a chance of a long-term life expectancy..

This would fit Nicolene, but she's dead now.. Oh well. But which person fits this 'longevity' category..?

Someone who's extreme, and works out just as fit as Nicolene.. Hmm, I think I know..

"I would like to say that Asher may fit this category!" I suggested. "He is more likely to fit the 'longevity' category! He works out a lot, am I right?"

"Hmm... And he doesn't seem to grow old anytime soon..! Oh poor Finn, if it is true I promise we will serve you justice!" Cedric said.

"Well now we shouldn't just confirm with Asher! I mean, it's only been the first hint, we'll need to wait for a day before the next one..." Yuria said.

"But still! We'll never know, do we~? I do think we'll have to keep a keen eye on the flamboyant aussie!" I chuckled.

"We'll need to keep a close eye. So, gonna do the information gathering?" Yuria asked.

"Well, don't mind if I do-"

"Wait wait, I'm sorry everyone.. But isn't this a bit too invasive? We legitimately have to stalk Finn to know his intentions and actions until the next one... Which is a day from tomorrow..!" Leslie questioned. Well.. Did she seriously think we shouldn't stalk and gather information from our fellow suspect and keep a close eye to his intentions. My my.. She's a silly girl sometimes!

"It's kinda what we have to do.. I know it's invasive! But this is for a good reason!" Yuria said.

Leslie heaved a sigh.. Not like she could do anything to stop it since the majority is in favor of it and such. "Ah, alright.. If you say so.." she replied.

"Well, everyone. I suppose we do not have anymore to discuss..." Yuria looked me in the eye. "Miss Carlton."

"Hm?" I replied.

"I believe in you, I trust in you you can gather information for us. Please tell me privately if you think you've gathered enough. And I'll host a meeting from the information you have.."

"My my, such an organized man!" I chuckled in reply. "Place your trust in me, I can do it."

"But what about Garcia? Do we just.. Let her do whatever and not tell her about our future meetings?" Leslie asked.

"I think we're gonna need to do some work, by actually trying to convince her to come back. And also make her speak the truth at the same time.." Cedric heaved a sigh in exhaustion. "But then again, she's as stubborn as a mule! We're gonna need a lot of work to get her back..."

"Okay.. Now everyone, this meeting is officially over! You all can go now!" Yuria confirmed the completion of the meeting.

"Okay, everyone.. I hope your luck is actually helping you to not get chosen next to die.." Leslie wished us good luck. As she headed off the room.

"You too.. Hart.." Cedric replied.

"Very well. I must head off too, take care, you two!" I said. Before I picked up my purse and headed off the room.

I walked off the room, heading towards the hallways as I saw Leslie standing by the elevator, waiting for the elevator to come up.

I stood beside her, waiting for the elevator too.

"Oh, Miss Carlton!" Leslie exclaimed.

"Yes, it is me, the real Carlton!" I chuckled.

The elevator doors opened for us, as he headed inside and the elevator door closed as soon as Leslie hit the '1' button.

I feel as if the elevator is going down towards the first floor.. There was silence between us..

"Miss Carlton.. I.. I have a question." Leslie asked.

"Hm?" I replied. Is there something that she could ask me..?

"You.. You're not gonna plot anything against us, right? Are you sure you're not the puppet that Solanine is controlling and is diverting the suspicion towards Asher..?" Leslie asked.

I was surprised by the question she asked me.. Never knew Leslie could be skeptical..

"Miss Hart, of course I don't plot anything against you.. Or the others! And about diverting the suspicion.. Why would you say so, when the proof for such is right in front of your eyes?" I asked her.

"Well.. I'm sorry, but your statement and everything and your reason for your information is very much similar to what Miss Garcia said.. She read it from an article, but you.. Read it from a book. If anything, you and her excuse are as semi-believable as each other's.." Leslie explained.

Well, she was right, my excuse and Garcia's are just as baseless.. And these are just words that cannot be proven. As the elevator doors opened, we walked out, but decided not to step out of the building, yet.

"Well, the difference is that I actually know what I was talking about. Aside from Miss Garcia that couldn't prove herself that she knew everything about Ageratum.. And my information I've given you on the true meaning of Ageratum seems believable because of how descriptive it is, no?" I explained to her.

"Well.. That actually makes me a bit relieved that you are not one... But still I kinda doubt you.. I know there is logic in front of me but I can't shake this feeling of doubting others off.." Leslie confessed.

"Well, I do understand why. Doubting, skepticism is often normal in these kinds of situations, where there's a threat in our group that is hiding behind their mask so well.. You can't even tell who's the threat.." I explained to her again. But I do think she's getting a bit irrational.. How weird..

These are her cracks, her flaws, what makes her imperfect.. Such balance existed in her I see..

"Well. I'll head off now.. See you later, Miss Carlton.." Leslie excused herself, as she walked away to.. wherever she's intended to anyways..

Now, it's just me.. Admittedly, I don't even know what to react with.. This whole thing seems like a fantasy to me. An entity teleporting us to a copy of our school for a death game..

I sighed, leaning onto the wall. I think I need some time for myself for a while..

Chapter 3 ended

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