DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The Time War

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his Toon kid companions met not only Queen Elizabeth the First, but a Zygon that tried to disguise itself as her, only for it to fall off a cliff to it's doom, while the real queen gets to marry the Doctor, only for him and the kids to run away in secret as they know history won't allow them to be with her forever. Sometime after that, they had another adventure, one that involves saving the famous painting of the Mona Lisa from getting stolen. After that though, trouble brewed up for them again, only this time, it was on a much larger scale. For it seems that the Time Lords wanted the time travelers to help them on a war they're fighting in against the Daleks, who want to destroy the Time Lords in order to control all of time and space of the universe. Without any other choice, the Doctor and the kids joined the battle to stop the Daleks in the war, which will be known as... the Time War, the ultimate war of the universe. So many Time Lords have fought and fell by the Dalek army every day in the war, while many Daleks were fighting and falling at the same time too, but were not defeated yet. In one of the cities of Gallifrey, the Daleks were attacking with ships, and exterminating as many Time Lords and Time Ladies as they could. Dalek 1: "Exterminate!, exterminate!, exterminate!" shouted one of the Daleks, before a family of Time Lords were surrounded by a group of Daleks, and the father begged for mercy. Dalek 2: "We Daleks do not grant mercy!" Dalek 3: "Alert!, the Doctor and his companions have been detected!" Dalek 1: "The Doctor and his companions must be exterminated!" Daleks: "Exterminate!, Exterminate!, Exterminate!" shouted the Daleks, before the Doctor's TARDIS burst through a broken wall and knocking down the Daleks, before it begins to flew away from the scene. One of the Daleks have survived the hit from the TARDIS, and noticed some writing on a wall. Dalek 1: "The Doctor... and his companions... are escaping... [noticing the words 'No More' on the wall in front of it] what?, what are these words?... explain... explain..." said the Dalek, before a Time Lord warrior came and blasted it with his baster. Elsewhere in the desert of Gallifrey, far away from the battles between the Time Lords and the Daleks, the Doctor and his companions were in some sort of abandoned hut. The Doctor had his attire changed a little since he joined the war, which was more like a man with a dirty black leather coat and some strap with bullets, and his hair was cut shorter now. Doctor: "I can't take this war any longer... so much death has happened before me..." Tommy: "I know... it's awful..." Melody: "Not to mention that the Time Lords... they're now our enemies too..." said Melody, for it seems that the Time War has turned the Time Lords into ruthless killers like their enemies now, who were forming a plan to sacrifice all life that isn't Time Lord to exist outside of their physical forms and destroy their enemies once and for all. Jokey: "I knew the Time Lords were not always an ally of ours... but I never thought they would be as evil as the Daleks..." Jokeo: "I guess this war has changed them greatly..." Doctor: "Yes... and not in a good way either... which is why... this war ends today... along with both the Daleks... and the Time Lords..." Tommy: "Really?, how?" asked Tommy, before the Doctor takes out something from a bag he was carrying, which looked like some sort of box. Doctor: "This... the ultimate weapon of Gallifrey... known as... The Moment..." Jokey: "What does it do?" Doctor: "Well... legend has it that can reduce worlds into rocks and dust... and everything around it... meaning it can destroy the Daleks once and for all..." Melody: "But... what about Gallifrey?... and your people?" Doctor: "... I'm afraid... they too will be burnt..." Melody: "No!, we can't... destroying the Daleks is one thing... but destroying your own people... all those children?!... there has to be another way!" Tommy: "She's right!, you're called the Doctor!, because you help people!, not kill them!" Doctor: "I know... but if we don't do this... the universe will be destroyed by either the Daleks or the Time Lords... there's just no other way..." Jokey: "Uh... guys... who's the lady sitting on the Moment thing?" asked Jokey, pointing at the blond girl, which was really the Moment (played by Billie Piper) using a hologram to talk to them. The Moment: "So you finally noticed me..." Doctor: "Who are you?!, and why are you sitting on the Moment?!, it's a doomsday weapon!" The Moment: "I'm much more than that... I go by other names too... like... Rose Tyler... or... Bad Wolf... are you afraid of the big Bad Wolf?" Melody: "Uh..." The Moment: "I chose this form cause it's from your past... no wait... sorry, I should say your future, I sometimes get time lines a little confused..." Doctor: "I don't think I have a future..." The Moment: "You do... I've seen it... and this form... you'll meet her in the future... your one true love..." Doctor: "Yeah... I had a love interest before... like Reinette and Queen Elizabeth the First... but I couldn't be with them..." The Moment: "But she's different... I can assure you... she's the one... but never mind that... there is another way to end this war..." Doctor: "Who are you?" The Moment: "Come on you cleaver boy... surely you figured it out by now." Doctor: "... You're the interface of The Moment... aren't you...?" The Moment: "Indeed I am... and I can give you another way to end this stupid war...? Doctor: "...How...?" The Moment: "Well... first off... you're gonna get help... from yourselves..." said the Moment, before a bunch of TARDIS(s) came to the scene, and the first 7 Doctors came out of each one. Tommy: "What the?!" Melody: "No way..." Jokeo: "It's..." Jokey: "The Doctor... all of them!" Gidget: "But how?" First Doctor: "I say... this old world of mine has seen better days..." Second Doctor: "No kidding... but what am I doing here?, and who are you lot?" Third Doctor: "Well I'm you... eventually..." Fourth Doctor: "Hello, would you like a Jelly Baby?" Fifth Doctor: "I'm diffidently not the man I once was..." Sixth Doctor: "You could say that again... what's with that sweater vest?" Seventh Doctor: "Hey, it's better fashion than your attire, that's for sure." Eighth Doctor: "What's going on here?" The Moment: "I brought them all here... so they can help you." Eighth Doctor: "How so?" The Moment: "Think about it... one Doctor was able to pull off a little miracle... imagine what 8 can do..." Tommy: "She's right... with 8 of you... you can pull off something that can stop the Daleks and the Time Lords without ending Gallifrey!" First Doctor: "You quite so right young man... let's put our heads together and think of a plan." Jokey: "Well we better hurry, for I don't know how long until the enemy find out where we are..." said Jokey, before all 8 of the Doctors huddled up together and whispered to each other, thinking of a plan to end the war and save Gallifrey at the same time. Third Doctor: "Yes... that's brilliant!" Second Doctor: "Yes, couldn't say it better myself." First Doctor: "See?, all we have to do is put our heads together and things could work out well." Fourth Doctor: "Yes, it's a wonderful plan." Gidget: "What's the plan?" Fifth Doctor: "Well... if we could transport Gallifrey into a planet size Time Lord Painting... freezing it in time and removing it from the universe..." Sixth Doctor: "Gallifrey would be removed from it's place and time, escaping the war itself." Seventh Doctor: "While the Daleks would be destroyed by their own crossfire." Eighth Doctor: "And the innocent people of Gallifrey will be safe from harm, along with the planet." Melody: "Really?!, that's great!" Tommy: "But... how can we get Gallifrey into a Time Lord Painting?, whatever that is..." Eighth: "Think of it as a 3D painting, that's bigger on the inside, frozen in time and exist outside of normal space... now as for how we'll get a planet size Time Lord painting to capture Gallifrey..." The Moment: "Leave that part to me... for I can not only destroy worlds... I can put them into Time Lord paintings too." Eighth Doctor: "So... we're still gonna use you?" The Moment: "Yes... but for a different reason this time." said the Moment with a smile, before she vanished, and then a big red button was formed on top of The Moment device. Eighth Doctor: "Well... this is it..." First Doctor: "So it seems young man... we'll leave the rest to you..." Tommy: "You're not staying?" First Doctor: "Most of us were not supposed to be in this place and time... but with luck... who knows... someday... I shall come back... yes indeed... good luck." said the First Doctor, before he and the other Doctors went back to their own TARDIS(s), which then vanished from the scene. Suddenly, a bunch of Daleks appeared and started to attack the hut, and one of them was about to fire it's death ray at Melody, only for the Eighth Doctor to take the hit for her. Melody: "Doctor!" shouted Melody, before seeing the Doctor getting back up, surviving the hit, and then pressed the button on The Moment. Doctor: "Alright... kids... get back to the TARDIS... move!" called out the Doctor, as he and the kids went back into the TARDIS, which begins to vanish from the scene, while The Moment lets out a big flash of light that made Gallifrey vanish, causing the Daleks to fire at each other, destroying themselves in the process, ending the Time War at long last.

Note: [I know that it was the War Doctor that fought in the Time War in canon, but I wanted the Doctor to have 13 lives like the other Time Lords, and I wanted the Eighth Doctor to have some more time to shine, not to mention I wanted the order of the versions of the Doctor to make more sense too... as for the Doctor's last life... well you'll have to wait for the sequel to this story, I hope you'll all like this.]

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