DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The Girl In The Fireplace

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his companions saved the Earth from destruction by the Eye of Harmony inside the TARDIS, while stopping the Master and the Demon trio by trapping them inside the Eye itself. Once the danger was over, and Kate leaving the TARDIS, the Eighth Doctor and the kids went off to who knows where through time and space. Now, the TARDIS makes a landing in what looked like some sort of spaceship in the 51st century, before the Eighth Doctor and his Toon companions exited out of the TARDIS to check it out. Doctor: "Ah... here we are... not a bad place to start out in with this new body..." Tommy: "Where are we?" Doctor: "Well... judging by the design and the stars outside... I'd say we're in a spaceship... somewhere in the 51st century..." Gidget: "Wow... that's far into the future..." Jokey: "Um... where's the crew?" Jokeo: "Yeah... shouldn't there be a crew of some kind here?" Melody: "He's right... I don't see anyone..." Doctor: "Oh you're right... there's no sign of life here... how very off..." said the Doctor, before Tommy noticed something up ahead that looked like a fireplace and went over to it to get a better look. Tommy: "Hey... what's with this fireplace?" Melody: "Hmm...?, why is this here?" Doctor: "Hmm... it looks like the kind of fireplace of the 18th century..." Jokey: "Hey... there's a little girl on the other side..." said Jokey, pointing at a little girl named Reinette (played by young Jessica Atkins), being seen on the other side of the fireplace. Reinette: "Who are you?" Doctor: "Hello, I'm the Doctor, and these are my companions, what's your name?" Reinette: "It's Reinette... are you here to fix my fireplace?" Doctor: "Well... not exactly... your room looks like the kind of the 18th century." Reinette: "That's because it is, 1727." Tommy: "Uh... what's going on?" Doctor: "Hmm... if I'm guessing right... this ship seems to have a time traveling device that's connected to this little girl's fireplace..." Melody: "But why?" Doctor: "That's what I like to find out..." said the Doctor, before he uses his sonic screwdriver on the fireplace, which moved like a revolving door, and the Doctor came into the little girl's room. Reinette: "How did you do that?" Doctor: "Technology of the future... way after your time sadly... but never mind that... can you tell me where I am now... aside being in your room?" Reinette: "It's Paris." Doctor: "Oh lovely... I always wanted to go to Paris, the city of love." Reinette: "Doctor... I'm scared..." Doctor: "Whatever for?" Reinette: "Of the monster under my bed..." Doctor: "Oh don't worry... I'm sure it's only your imagination." Reinette: "But I can hear it ticking at night... listen..." said Reinette, before she brings the Doctor to her bed, and they both begin to hear the sound of a clock ticking. Doctor: "Oh... I do hear it... but is it really a monster?" asked the Doctor, before he looks under the bed, and some sort of being with 18th century clothing came out of the bed, ready to attack the pair. The Doctor then lures the mystery monster to the fireplace, and they both made it revolve again to get them back to the ship and the kids, who were surprised to see the Doctor with the mysterious figure. Jokey transformed into a mammoth and used an ice beam from his trunk to freeze up the figure, stopping it in it's tracks. Melody: "What is that?" asked Melody, before the Doctor removes the mask and sees that it was some kind of android full of clock work parts. Doctor: "Oh... now that's beautiful... a type of clockwork android... how impressive..." Tommy: "What was it doing in the 18th century?" Doctor: "No idea... but I do believe it came from this ship... it wanted something out of the girl... but what?, oh I better go check on Reinette..." said the Doctor, before he makes the fireplace revolve again and see that it was day time, and the room looked a little different this time. That was when a young woman, who was in fact Reinette (now played by Sophia Myles) now was now all grown up. Reinette: "It's you... the Doctor in my fireplace... you're real..." Doctor: "I'm sorry... who are you?" Reinette: "Oh right... it's been years since we last saw each other... but it's me... Reinette." Doctor: "Really?... hmm... guess the time between here and the ship seems to be changing..." Reinette: "You look exactly as I last saw you... young, smart... and so handsome..." said Reinette, before she gives the Doctor a kiss, which surprised him at first but enjoyed and kissed her back. Once the kiss was over, the young woman's mother called her out, saying 'Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson!, it's time to go!' to her. Reinette: "Coming mother!, goodbye Doctor, I hope to see you again." said Reinette, before she leaves the scene. Doctor: "Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson... wait... no way... that was... oh wow... I just kissed Madame De Pompadour!" said the Doctor, before he returns to the spaceship and sees the kids. Tommy: "What happened?" Doctor: "Well kids... you won't believe this... but that girl... she's actually Madame De Pompadour..." Gidget: "No way..." Melody: "Wow!" Jokey: "Who's that?" Jokeo: "Was she famous?" Doctor: "Yes, she was a member of the French court and mistress of French King Louis the XV... or will be for her case..." Jokey: "Wow..." Jokeo: "Hey look... at the hallway... there's a window that shows a garden." said Jokeo, pointing at a window that shows a garden where Reinette was passing by. Doctor: "Hmm... it would seemed that this ship, for some reason, has made some time windows that aim for the events of the life of Reinette..." Tommy: "But why?" Doctor: "Good question..." Jokey: "Uh... guys... there's an eye in that security camera..." said Jokey, pointing at a security camera that had a human eye, much to the group's disturbance. Melody: "What's with that eye?" Doctor: "Hmm... not sure... unless... oh..." Tommy: "What?" Doctor: "Well it might be dreadful to say... but I think this ship has been damaged so badly that... the droids believed they could replace the parts with the body parts of the crew here..." said the Doctor, which made the kids gasped in shock and horror. Jokey: "Yuck!, that's just wrong!" Jokeo: "No kidding..." Melody: "But... if they're trying to use body parts to fix the ship... and they have time windows that lead to Madame De Pompadour..." Doctor: "Oh no... Reinette!" gasped the Doctor, as he can see a time window that had Reinette facing another one of the clockwork androids, and he ran through the time window and he uses Jokey's mammoth form's Ice beam making trunk to freeze up the droid just in the nick of time. Reinette: "Doctor... it's you... but who are they?" Doctor: "These are my companions, Tommy, Melody, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, don't worry, they're friendly." Tommy: "Hi there." Melody: "Bonjour." said Melody, as she bows down to Reinette, who returns the bow. Reinette: "Well it's nice to meet you all, but tell me... the monster... why does it want me?" Doctor: "Not sure... [looking at the droid] tell me, why are you after Reinette?" asked the Doctor, before the droid spoke up in a robotic voice. Clockwork droid: "We need her brain... but it's not ready yet... it must be 37 years old." Reinette: "What does it mean by that?" Doctor: "Not sure... unless... it's how old the ship in the future is... and droids must thing that's the age you must be for them to take your brain..." Reinette: "But why my brain?" Doctor: "I don't know... let me check..." said the Doctor, as he puts his hands on her head. Reinette: "You're inside my mind..." Doctor: "Yes, I'm looking into your life and see what's so special about your brain..." Reinette: "I see... so many things... time... the past... the future... other worlds... including your world... the world of the Time Lords..." said Reinette, before the Doctor took his hands off in surprise. Doctor: "You saw what was in my mind?" Reinette: "Yes... if the mind is strong enough... the telepathic link can go both ways... it said so in your head..." Tommy: "No way..." Gidget: "Amazing..." Melody: "Wait... the droids are trying to get her when she's 37?" Reinette: "My future..." Doctor: "Then we need to find them and stop them fast..." said the Doctor, before he and the kids went through the time window and back to the ship, before hearing some screaming from another time window, which happens to be the right one. Doctor: "I gotta smash that time window... then the droids will be trapped and stop working..." Tommy: "But what about you?" Doctor: "If I get trapped, I need you to use this code in my sonic screwdriver to send the TARDIS to me, so I can get back here." Tommy: "Okay..." Gidget: "Be careful..." Doctor: "I will." said the Doctor, before he runs towards the Time Window and rams into it hard enough to break it, trapping himself and the droids to the party that Reinette was having to celebrate her 37th birthday. Doctor: "It's over... you're trapped here... there's no way back." said the Doctor, before the clockwork droids begin to try attacking the Doctor and the guests. Reinette: "What now?" Doctor: "I'm not sure... honestly I thought they would stop working if I destroyed the time window..." suddenly, the droids stopped working, and then the TARDIS materializes to the scene, before the kids came out. Tommy: "Hey Doc... sorry if we're late." Doctor: "No... your timing couldn't be better..." Jokey: "Um... do you think they stopped when the ship blew up?" Doctor: "What do you mean?" Jokeo: "Um..." said Jokeo, before he and the others told him that while they were using the code in the sonic screwdriver to take the TARDIS back to the Doctor, Jokey pressed a button that set the ship to self-destruct, caused it to blow up after the kids escaped with the TARDIS. Jokey: "Sorry..." Doctor: "Well... at least you stopped the droids... well done..." Reinette: "Doctor... you saved me again... thank you..." Doctor: "No problem... anyway, I should be going now, so many places to see, so little time to do so." Reinette: "Must you really go?" Doctor: "Sorry Reinette... I have many adventures to get... you have your own." Reinette: "Well... I wish you good luck then... farewell... my sweet guardian angel..." said Reinette, before the Doctor and the kids went back into the TARDIS, which of course vanishes from the scene. Jokey: "Do you think we'll see her again?" Doctor: "I don't think so... for you see... in 1764... at the age of 43... she died... though I wished that wasn't the case... but her death was a fixed point in time... no way of stopping it..." Tommy: "But why her?, why would droids of a 51st century spaceship wanted her brain?" Doctor: "No idea... it was damaged beyond repair... we might never know the answers...." Jokey: "Actually I think I have one." Jokeo: "You do?" Jokey: "Yeah... I saw a log book on the group... and it said something about the ship being named the SS Madame De Pompadour..." Doctor: "Of course... it was named after Reinette in her honor... now it all makes sense..." Gidget: "How about that..." Tommy: "Huh... that actually makes sense..." said Tommy, before he and the others noticed that the Doctor looked very sad and a tear came out of his eye. Melody: "Doctor... are you okay?" Doctor: "Yeah... I'll be fine... it's just... I think this life of mine is a bit of a romantic... and it's heartbroken..." Tommy: "Come on Doc... it wasn't meant to be..." Gidget: "Don't worry... there are other girls out there..." Doctor: "Perhaps... but I'm a Time Lord... a being that can outlive many... unless my love happens to be a Time Lady... I might not get the lady of my dreams..." Jokey: "Don't say that... I mean... you might find the right girl one day..." Jokeo: "Yeah... just be patient..." Doctor: "Yeah... but now let's get back to traveling through the stars... so off we go again." said the Doctor, before he sets the TARDIS to travel through the Time Vortex again.

Note: [I know the episode this chapter is based on was during the time of the Tenth Doctor, but I wanted to give the Eighth Doctor a few more adventures besides the one of his movie, and this seems fitting for the Eighth Doctor as he's a bit of a romantic version if you know what I mean, I hope you'll all like this.]

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