DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The Eye Of Harmony

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor has regenerated into his eighth life, but lost his memory in the process. However, he managed to regain his memory, but only because the Master, who has regenerated as well, has not only taken over his TARDIS, but has opened the Eye of Harmony there as well, and if doesn't close up soon, the planet Earth will be pulled into it. Before the Doctor and his group could go out and get an atomic clock for the TARDIS, the Demon trio showed up and knocked them out with some sleeping gas. Now, the Doctor and his companions, including Kate Stewart, were in an ambulance that was driving to who knows where, before they began to wake up and see that the Master was in front of them. Master: "About time you woke up, I was beginning to worry that the boys killed you for good, for if anyone's gonna destroy you... it's gonna be me." Doctor: "Master... I see you've regenerated..." Master: "So have you by the looks of it." Kate: "So... this is the Master you speak of?" Tommy; "Well the Doctor recognizes him... so yeah..." Melody: "Uh oh..." said Melody, before the ambulance stopped due to the road being blocked by a truck that crashed not too long ago. It wasn't long before ThunderSmacker came to the scene, ready to steal the souls of the kids in front of him. ThunderSmacker: "Alright you little brats, it's the end of the line for you... any last words?" Jokey: "Uh..." Jokeo: "Well just a few... can a fire extinguisher effect you?" asked Jokeo, before he pulls out a fire extinguisher and uses it on both ThunderSmacker and the Master, and then with brute force of his mammoth form, Jokey was able to break down the ambulance doors, allowing the Doctor and the others to be free. Now on the run, they managed to borrow a police motorcycle and begin driving away from the scene, while the ambulance, driving by the Demon trio and the Master, was close behind them. Kate: "They're right behind us!" Doctor: "Hang on everyone!" Jokey: "No need to tell me twice!" Kate: "How did you do that thing?" Jokey: "What thing?" Kate: "The turning into a mammoth thing!" Jokey: "I don't know, just a little trick I got when I got turned into a toon." Jokeo: "I think that's the least of our concerns right now." Doctor: "He's right, if we don't close the Eye before midnight, the Earth will no longer exist, now let's go get an atomic clock!" called out the Doctor, before he and his companions driven off to the San Francisco Institute of Technological Advancement and Research to get the atomic clock they need to fix the TARDIS. Once they got to the Institute, they posed as guests to get inside, and with some luck, they managed to secretly got to the atomic clock, and the Doctor took out a small piece of it that he needed, before he and the others went off. Jokey: "Too bad that we had to take that piece... then the people might be able to celebrate the new year..." Doctor: "Don't worry, once we get the TARDIS to temporal orbit, the atomic clock will be there on the display like it never left... now then... we better get to the TARDIS before the Master and the Demon trio show up again." Gidget: "Um... Doctor... I think they're already here..." said Gidget, as she noticed the Master and the Demon trio coming towards them. So with no other choice, the Doctor and his companions make a run for it again, trying to escape from the building and went back to the motorcycle, and drove away from the scene. ScreamClaw: "They're getting away!" Master: "No worries, for I know where they're going... we're taking a shortcut." ThunderSmacker: "Oh I see..." SpaceWarp: "R-r-really?" ThunderSmacker: "Of course, now let's go!" Master: "Indeed." said the Master, before he and the Demon trio went off to the same location where the Doctor and his companions were going. Speaking of which, when the Doctor and his companions got to the TARDIS, the Doctor face palmed himself. Doctor: "Oh no..." Kate: "What's wrong?" Doctor: "I don't have the key..." Gidget: "No... but I do." said Gidget with a smirk on her face, as she pulls out the key from her dress's pocket. Tommy: "How did you..." Gidget: "I took it from the Master when he got sprayed by the fire extinguisher." Tommy: "Nice." said Tommy, before Gidget gives the Doctor the key, and then he opens up the door to allow the group to get inside the TARDIS, and once inside, they hear the Cloister bell ringing. Doctor: "Oh no... the TARDIS is dying..." Kate: "This is... unbelievable..." Jokey: "Yeah, we thought the same thing when we first saw it." Jokeo: "And it still is." said Jokeo, before the Doctor installs the atomic clock in the TARDIS console, and sets the TARDIS to close up the Eye. Doctor: "There we go... the Eye is closing... that's the good news..." Kate: "And the bad news?" Doctor: "Well... it turns out that closing isn't enough, it's been opened for too long... we need to set the TARDIS to go back to a time before the Eye got opened, even before we arrived." Melody: "Then let's go back and stop the terrible thing from happening." ScreamClaw: "I don't think so." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons came and captured the Doctor and his companions. A few moments later, the Doctor was chained up above the Eye, which was opened up again, while the Master was in Time Lord robes, ready to steal the good Time Lord's remaining lives, and the kids were tied up and Kate was being held by one of the demons. Master: "It's over for you Doctor, soon I shall take your remaining lives and become the ruler of the universe, and this time, you won't be able to stop me." Doctor: "You're a fool Master if you think you will survive this... if the TARDIS dies, then you have no ways of escaping the destruction of this planet!" ScreamClaw: "You know... he has a good point there... and not to mention that if the Earth does get destroyed, then we'll have no souls to steal from anymore..." Master: "Hmm... I suppose that's a good point there..." Tommy: "Tell you what, once we get the TARDIS fixed and go back in time a little, then we'll go back to try destroying one another... deal?" ThunderSmacker: "Hmm... how do we know this isn't a trick?" Gidget: "Because unlike you creeps, we tend to keep our word." SpaceWarp: "They do have a p-p-point there..." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up!" Kate: "Then what are we waiting for?, come on!" shouted Kate, before she and the others went back to to the console room, where they start doing some rewiring to reboot the power of the TARDIS, and they had very little time to do it. Jokey: "Hurry you guys!, only 10 seconds till midnight!" shouted Jokey, as the world started to have insane storms that were causing a lot of destruction around the world, as a result of the Eye of Harmony being opened. Jokeo: "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." said Jokeo, before Kate hooks up the last two wires, and then the TARDIS begins to set itself to go back in time before it arrived in San Francisco. As the TARDIS travels through time, the Master and the Demon trio went back to try destroying the Doctor and the kids, who lead them towards the Eye of Harmony, and tricks them to fall into it. Master: "Doctor!" ScreamClaw: "We'll be back!, I swear it!, we'll be back!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons and the Master all vanished inside the Eye, while the Doctor and his companions just stood by and watched. Once the danger was over, the group see that the Eye of Harmony closes itself, much to their relief. Doctor: "Look at that... the TARDIS closed the Eye for us." Kate: "What?, are you saying this ship is alive or something?" Doctor: "As a matter of fact, she is." Kate: "No way..." Tommy: "Huh... who knew..." said Tommy, before he and the others went back to the console room and the Doctor sets the TARDIS to go back to Kate's time zone, just before midnight of December 31st, allowing them to witness the beginning of the bread new year, and watch the fireworks shooting up into the sky before exploding. Melody: "Wow... this is amazing..." Gidget: "Yeah... we get to see a brand new year... and saving it too..." Kate: "Well... I best be off now..." Tommy: "Where are you going?" Kate: "Well... back to London... and who knows... maybe have a word with my father about getting work in UNIT." Doctor: "Is that what you really want?" Kate: "Of course, at first I didn't believe in aliens or stuff like that... but after what happened tonight... it made me thinking... that maybe what my father does is worth checking... besides, it's about time I do something to keep this world safe... and Doctor... kids... will I ever see you again?" Doctor: "Perhaps... if you're lucky." Kate: "Right... well I wish you good luck on your travels..." Tommy: "Thanks, and when you see your dad, tell him we said hi." Kate: "Sure thing." Doctor: "Good luck." said the Doctor, before he and the kids went off into the TARDIS, which of course vanishes from the area, while Kate stood by and watched it go.

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