DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The Two Doctors

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his companions had not only to deal with the Master and the Demon trio, but also an evil Time Lady named the Rani, who used the brain fluid from some of the miners to control them. Thanks to Jokey, the villains were defeated, and it wasn't long before the Doctor and his companions return the brain fluid to the rightful owners. After that, they had an encounter with an alien race that looked like humans with really long necks, called the Krillitanes, a race that can take the best bits of other races they've conquered, before the time travelers defeated them in the end. Now, the TARDIS was in Seville of Spain, and it wasn't long before the Doctor and his companions went out to check the place out, before hearing Jokey's stomach growling. Jokey: "Oh man... am I hungry..." Jokeo: "Me too..." Gidget: "Boys, you're always hungry." Melody: "Well we didn't really had a bite for a little while..." Tommy: "And all that running we go through does tend to make us work up an appetite." Gidget: "Okay... that's fair..." Doctor: "Well don't think I'll be paying for the meal, for I have no money." Mel: "I do, and maybe there's a restaurant we could try." Doctor: "Good to hear." Mel: "Yup... [noticing another police box nearby] wait... what's with that other TARDIS?" asked Mel, before the Doctor and the Toon kids went over to check it out, and then opened the doors to see that the interior was the same one that the TARDIS originally had before the Doctor had his second regeneration. Doctor: "It can't be... this is my TARDIS... from long ago..." Tommy: "Whoa... never thought I would see this interior again..." Gidget: "Me neither..." Melody: "Noun of us did..." Jokeo: "But wait... if this is the TARDIS... our TARDIS... from the past... then that would mean..." Jokey: "Our past selves must be here!" Doctor: "But that can't be right... I don't recall of being here before..." Mel: "Oh my gosh!, look over there!" gasped Mel, before the others turned around to see a group of Sontarans pushing a strap bed with the Second Doctor on it, much to their surprise. Doctor: "That's me!, my second self!" Tommy: "And the Sontarans got him!... I mean you... uh... well you get the idea..." Jokey: "But... where are we?" Jokeo: "We'll figure that out when we get the chance, right now we gotta save the Doctor!" Gidget: "Yeah, for if something happens to that Doctor... then the Doctor we know now probably won't exist!" Doctor: "Oh that would be a problem, come on!" said the Doctor, before he and the others went off to local hacienda, where the Sontarans were using as a hidden base. It took some time, but the group finally finds the Second Doctor, strapped to a lab table. Second Doctor: "Tommy!, Gidget!, Melody!, Jokey and Jokeo!, it's you!... but who are those two?" Gidget: "The lady is Mel, and the guy with the uh... multicolored coat... he's you..." Sixth Doctor: "Yes... and you shouldn't be here, for if you were, I would have remembered it." Second Doctor: "Don't act like it's my fault!, I was just traveling through space and time with the kids, right after that incident with the Macra, when the Demon trio used a spell that made them trap in ice, I managed to get them away from the trio, but I lost them to those potato head creeps here." Sixth Doctor: "The Sontarans..." Second Doctor: "Yes, they're after my knowledge of time travel so they win every war they've been in or will be in..." Mel: "Oh no..." Sixth Doctor: "Fear not my dear Mel, for I... or we in this case, will not let that happen, for we don't like the Sontarans any more than they like us." said the Sixth Doctor, before he managed to free his second self, and then the pair of Doctors and their companions went off to begin their search for the past version of the kids, who were still currently trapped in a block of ice, guarded by a pair of Sontaran soldiers. Mel: "How are we gonna get passed those guards?" Tommy: "Well... I got an idea..." said Tommy, before he spins around and was now wearing a Mexican outfit, and begins to sing the song 'Cuban Pete' to the Sontarans, who were under some sort of spell as they began to dance and sing with Tommy, much to everyone's surprise. Sixth Doctor: "Unbelievable..." Second Doctor: "You took the words right out of my mouth..." said the two Doctors, before they went over to the ice block, and Jokeo then takes a bite on a red pepper, which caused him get hot and breathed fire out of his mouth, which of course melted the ice, freeing the Toon kids' past selves. Past Tommy: "Oh... that was so cold... wait... is that me?!" Current Gidget: "Yeah, we're you of the future." Past Gidget: "Wow... I always wondered what I would look like from the outside..." Past Jokeo: "Wait... where's Jokey?... my Jokey?" Current Jokeo: "That's odd... he wasn't in the ice block when we got here..." suddenly, Jokey of the past came to the scene, and he was looking really nervous. Past Jokey: "Guys!, we gotta get out of here!, the place is about to blow and... why am I seeing double?" Current Melody: "We're you guys of the future... but what do you mean by this place is about to blow up?" Jokey: "I sort of found some what I thought were candles at first and lite them up... but then I read the words on them... which said 'Dynamite'... and they're gonna blow up any moment now..." All: "What?!" Mel: "Okay... that's a good reason to leave..." Second and Sixth Doctor: "RUN!" shouted the two Doctors, before they and their companions make a run for it, right before the Sontarans' base blew up into a million pieces, along with the Sontarans inside. Once the danger was over, the Doctors and their companions went to their TARDIS' and they were ready to say goodbye. Past Jokey: "Well... it was great to meet the me of the future." Current Jokey: "Same with meeting the me of the past." Past Gidget: "We probably won't remember this... will we?" Current Gidget: "I'm afraid not..." Past Melody: "Oh... that's too bad..." Current Melody: "That's okay, we'll remember though, now you take care of your Doctor." Past Melody: "And you do the same with yours." said the two Melody(s), before they went back to their own TARDIS. Second Doctor: "Well... I don't know about the taste of fashion... but it's good to know that my future is in good in hands." Sixth Doctor: "Of course, now good luck on your travels." Second Doctor: "Same with yours." said the two Doctors, before they too went back to their own TARDIS, with both vanished without a trace.

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