DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

Galing kay jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... Higit pa

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The Five Doctors

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Galing kay jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his Toon companions have encountered the Master and the Demon trio once again, who threatened King John to make them his champions and have them get a joust and a duel or they were take the king's form and make him look bad enough to cause a rebellion. The Doctor was able to win of course and forced the Master and the Demon trio to leave. Now, the Doctor was playing cricket with the kids, who were having a hard time beating him as it turns out that this version of the Doctor was a champion on cricket. Doctor: "Come on kids, at least try make it a challenge for me." Jokey: "Easy for you to say, we're not good at the game as you are." Jokeo: "Nor are we experts on it." Gidget: "The boys are right Doctor, not to mention that your arms are longer than any of ours are." Melody: "Yeah... not to mention you're taller than us too." Tommy: "Well it could be worse..." suddenly, a strange entity appeared and it was heading towards the group. Melody: "What is that?" Tommy: "I don't know... but it's coming right for us..." Jokey: "Uh... should we run back to the TARDIS?" Doctor: "Well... I don't know..." Jokeo: "Too late!, cause it's right above us!" shouted Jokeo, before the entity lands on top of the group and the TARDIS, swallowing them whole and then teleports them all to another place and time. When the Doctor and the kids reappear, they see that they were in some sort of arena, which had what looked like a tomb in the center. Jokey: "Uh... what just happened?" Tommy: "And where are we?" Doctor: "Oh my... we're in the Death Zone..." Melody: "D-D-Death Zone?" Gidget: "What's that?" Doctor: "It's an arena where the Time Lords of ancient times used for combat... sort of like how the ancient Romans did..." Gidget: "Wait... if this places belongs to the Time Lords... then that must mean..." Doctor: "We're on Gallifrey..." Jokey: "Uh... guys... look over there..." said Jokey, pointing at what looked like the Doctor, but of his first life, who sees the kids and his future self. First Doctor: "Hello my dear boy, I suppose you're wondering why you're here?, hmm?" Fifth Doctor: "Yes... but now I'm wondering why are you here?" First Doctor: "Good question my dear boy... allow me to introduce myself, I'm the Doctor, and you?" Fifth Doctor: "Well... I'm also the Doctor... the you of the future..." Gidget: "It's true, he's really you." First Doctor: "Really?, so I will be a young man in the future with a piece of celery on my coat?" Fifth Doctor: "What's wrong with that?" First Doctor: "I don't know... seems a little silly if you ask me." that was when another man came, who was in fact the Second Doctor, much to the group's surprise. Second Doctor: "Hello, I'm the Doctor, have you seen my TARDIS anywhere?" Fifth Doctor: "Well no... actually I don't know where my TARDIS is... and I didn't think I would see you here either..." First Doctor: "Are you by chance me?" Second Doctor: "What... yes I am... but why are you here?" Jokey: "We were gonna ask you that." Second Doctor: "Kids, thank goodness you're okay, when I found that you weren't with me, I got worried..." Melody: "Look!" said Melody, before the Third Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, the Brigadier, the Fourth Doctor and K9 came to the scene, much to her surprise. Third Doctor: "Well... this is unexpected..." Sarah Jane: "Who are they?, I mean the men with the kids?" Alistair: "I know one of them... [looking at the Second Doctor] that's the Doctor..." Third Doctor: "Yes... my past life... and the same goes for the old man..." First Doctor: "So I take it you're another one of my future selves?" Sarah Jane: "How could those two be you?" Third Doctor: "Well you see, a Time Lord can change their face and body whenever they're dying... and as you know, my people have the power of time travel." Fourth Doctor: "Indeed... and something tells me that the Time Lords have decided to bring us here... to the battle arena that the Time Lords used for combat in ancient times... known as the Death Zone..." Sarah Jane: "And you are..." Fourth Doctor: "Me?, I'm the Doctor." Third Doctor: "My future self no doubt..." Alistair: "And the man with the celery?" Fifth Doctor: "I'm also the Doctor... the Fifth to be exact." Alistair: "Great... another Doctor..." Sarah Jane: "So... how many times can you change?" First Doctor: "Well my dear child, a Time Lord has 13 lives, so I can change my face and body about 12 times." Alistair: "Okay... so will there be more Doctors?" asked the Brigadier, before he and the others looked around, seeing if more Doctors will show up. Fourth Doctor: "Hmm... nope... seems like we're the only ones." suddenly, the Master and the Demon trio showed up, and their laughter caught the group's attention. Master: "Well this is a surprise... 5 Doctors in the same place and the same time... along with those annoying little kids." Sarah Jane: "Who are you?" Master: "Me?... surely you didn't forget your... Master... have you?" Sarah Jane: "The Master?, but how?, didn't you blew up with the plastic people?" Master: "I survived, but had to regenerate to stay alive." ScreamClaw: "Yes, but never mind that... what's going on here?" ThunderSmacker: "Indeed, why are we all here of all places and time." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Fifth Doctor: "Wait... you mean you're not behind this?" Master: "Of course not, I mean if we were, would we be here right now?" suddenly, Melody and Gidget let out a scream in terror, as they can see a group of Daleks and Cybermen coming towards them. Dalek 1: "We have been summoned to this place by an unknown time force, explain, explain!" Cyberman 1: "You are not alone, we have been taken from our own place and time to this place for some unknown goal." Dalek 2: "Who ever is behind this shall be exterminated!" Cyberman 2: "Correction, they will be deleted." Fifth Doctor: "Oh boy... as if the Master and the Demon trio alone weren't bad enough..." Dalek 3: "You with the celery, identify yourself!" Fifth Doctor: "Do you really want to know?... I'm the Doctor." Fourth Doctor: "I'm the Doctor." Third Doctor: "And I'm the Doctor." Second Doctor: "And I'm too the Doctor." First Doctor: "But of course, I am 'the' Doctor, the original you might say." Dalek 1: "You can't all be the Doctor." Fifth Doctor: "Oh but we are." K9: "Affirmative, scanners indicate that all five men are master." First Doctor: "Oh K9!, I can't believe I didn't noticed you earlier!, so good to see you boy." K9: "It's good to see you too, master." Fifth Doctor: "And if you Daleks and Cybermen think we're gonna let you cause chaos in the universe... think again." suddenly, a man in robes, who known as Borusa (played by Phillip Latham) came to the scene. Borusa: "Greetings, I hope the trip here wasn't too rough." Tommy: "Who are you?" Borusa: "I am Borusa, the Lord President of Gallifrey, and I summoned you all here to do a little a game, the Doctors and their companions vs the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Master, and the Demon trio... whoever wins the battle shall get open the tomb of Rassilon. Melody: "The tomb of Rassilon?" Sarah Jane: "Who's Rassilon?" Third Doctor: "He was one of the old presidents of Gallifrey before he used up all of his lives, and legend has it that there is a secret in his tomb that whoever gets it shall have immortality." Master: "Really?, sounds like a good prize for me... let the match commence." ScreamClaw: "Well some of us are already immortal, but if this battle means getting those brats' souls, then sign us up." ThunderSmacker: "Indeed, we have a score to settle with them after all." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said..." Melody: "Uh oh..." Tommy: "Stay behind me sis, okay?" Melody: "Okay..." Fifth Doctor: "Why should we even battle?" Borusa: "Because if you don't your enemies will surely kill you all..." Second Doctor: "Well... can't argue with that..." First Doctor: "Looks like we'll have to fight..." so with that, the group of the Doctors went to battle the group of the villains, and they were doing their best to not get killed in the fight. Some use their wits to beat the enemies, while some like the hyena twins used brute force to knock them down. Once the villains, including the Master and the Demon trio, were defeated, the tomb's door begins to open, and out of curiosity, the Doctors and their companions went in and saw some ancient text that was on the wall behind the coffin of Rassilon. Fourth Doctor: "Well... this is interesting..." K9: "Affirmative." Sarah Jane: "What does it say?" First Doctor: "Well... in translation... 'to lose is to win, and he won wins shall lose'... to be exact my dear." Jokey: "Huh?" Jokeo: "What does that mean?" suddenly, Borusa appeared and created a force field around the group while he opens the coffin. Borusa: "At last... after all this time... I shall finally be immortal..." Fifth Doctor: "So that was your plan... you used us to fight our enemies here because the tomb's door will only open if someone battled and won in it..." Borusa: "You are correct Doctor, and now that I got in, I don't any of you anymore." said Borusa, as he opens the coffin and looks at the skeleton of Rassilon, which had a ring on one of the fingers. First Doctor: "I wouldn't do that if I were you, that ring's power comes with a price." Borusa: "Don't tell me what to do!, I am the president of Gallifrey, which I will be forever once I put this ring on, watch!" said Borusa, before he dons the ring, but then suddenly, his whole body turned to stone, causing him to scream until he was all stone, and the force field was gone. First Doctor: "I tried to warn him... but he didn't listen..." Tommy: "What just happened?" First Doctor: "It was in the riddle, 'to lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose', you see, the ring does give one immortality, but in the form of a statue... that's the price of it's power." Second Doctor: "Basically... he was beaten by his own plan..." Third Doctor: "So it would seemed." Sarah Jane: "Huh... so we didn't had anything to worry about... well other than the Master, the Demon trio, the Daleks and the Cybermen of course..." Alistair: "I suppose... but what now?, I mean, how are we gonna get out of here?" asked the Brigadier, before the trio of Time Lords appeared, who came over to the group. First Time Lord: "We might be able to help you with that." Second Time Lord: "Indeed, we can get you back to your proper times." Third Time Lord: "However, only the current Doctor here and his current companions shall remember what has happened here." Fifth Doctor: "That figures... as my past lives are not supposed to know what their future is like ahead of them." First Doctor: "So it would seemed... but at least I know that my future is in good hands... good luck Doctor..." Second Doctor: "Yes, I wish you good luck too." Third Doctor: "So do I." Fourth Doctor: "And from me too, but before I go... would you like a jelly baby?" asked the Fourth Doctor, before he gives the Fifth Doctor and the kids some jelly babies, which they accepted as they took some. Sarah Jane: "Um... how come I wasn't with you?" Fifth Doctor: "Things... happened on Gallifrey... and humans were not allowed there... but don't worry... I have not forgotten you." Tommy: "Noun of us have." Gidget: "Yeah... and you won't be alone." Melody: "Yeah, K9 will be with you." Jokey: "And the Brigadier will help you too." Jokeo: "Uh huh." Alistair: "Well... I guess it's time to go back." Sarah Jane: "Goodbye Doctor... and you too kids." Fifth Doctor: "Goodbye... my dear Sarah Jane." said the Fifth Doctor, before Sarah Jane, K9, the Brigadier, and the first 4 Doctors vanished from the scene without a trace, returning to their own places and time, while the Fifth Doctor and the Toon kids remained, before seeing the TARDIS in front of them. First Time Lord: "And since Borusa is no longer able to maintain the role of president... it's time to find a new one." Doctor: "Well I wish you good luck on finding one, cause I sure ain't running for the role." said the Doctor, before he and the kids went back into the TARDIS, which of course begins to vanish without a trace, continues to travel through space and time.

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