DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The King's Demons

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his Toon companions got a flight on a Concorde airliner, which turned out to be a trap set up by the Master and the Demon trio. The villains tried to get the time travelers, but ThunderSmacker destroys the controls by mistake, causing the plane to fall and forced everyone to evacuate before it crashes into the sea. Now the TARDIS makes a landing, and once the Doctor and the kids got out, they see that some knights were in front of them, pointing their swords at them. Melody: "Um... please sir... it's not nice to point things at a lady..." said Melody in a nervous way, as she was scared by the sword pointing at her. Gidget: "Why don't we ever get a peaceful visit while traveling...?" Tommy: "Where are we?" Doctor: "Well... by the looks of it... I'd say the year of 1215... the days of knights and kings of England..." Melody: "And princesses?" Doctor: "Yes... that too... but it looks like we have more knights at the moment..." that was when a man, known as King John (played by Gerald Flood), who happens to be the leader of the knights, came to the scene. King John: "Who are you demons?" Tommy: "Demons?!" Melody: "Where?!" King John: "I was talking to you." Jokey: "Huh?, we're not demons, I mean we don't have pitch forks." Jokeo: "I don't think that alone makes someone a demon..." King John: "Well you're not human, that's sure, beings that appeared out of nowhere in some sort of strange blue box..." Doctor: "I'm the Doctor, and these are my companions, Tommy, Gidget, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo, and we mean you no harm, I can assure you... King John." said the Doctor, which surprised both the king and the knights, as they didn't expect this stranger to know who he is. King John: "So... you know who I am?" Doctor: "Of course... I know a lot of things... but tell me... why are you here?, for shouldn't you be in London to take the Crusader's Oath?" King John: "Hmm... your knowledge is shocking... but as for question... I was about to go when you showed up." Melody: "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." said Melody with a bow for respect. King John: "Hmm... for a demon you have such good manners." Tommy: "Actually, we're not demons, we're Toons..." King John: "Toons?" Gidget: "Um... it's a little hard to explain... but we're beings that used to be humans... before real demons put a curse on us that turned us into what we are now... and they've been after us ever since..." King John: "Well whoever you are or where you came from... you're now my champions for the joust today." Tommy: "Say what now?" Jokey: "Joust?" Jokeo: "You mean the thing with two knights charge at each other with lances while riding horses?" King John: "Indeed, for you see, another group of strangers came and they demand a joust with the one called the Doctor, or they will turn into me and use my form to make me look bad and cause a rebellion to overthrow me." Gidget: "Oh dear..." Melody: "Take your form?, how?" King John: "Some form of dark magic... three of them are dragons with pitch forks, and the fourth was a man with a beard." Doctor: "Wait... these dragons, is one in red, the second in blue, and the third in black?" King John: "Yes... I take it that you know them?" Tommy: "Yeah... we've met them before..." Gidget: "They're bad news alright..." King John: "So you must know that I need help, please help me and my kingdom." Doctor: "Well... alright... but only because I can't let the Master and those demons mess up history here." said the Doctor, before he and the kids went to where the joust will take place, and it wasn't long before they see the Master and the Demon trio. Master: "Well Doctor... surprised to see us again?" Doctor: "Not really... but I didn't think you would show up again right after your little Concorde airliner trap." SpaceWarp: "R-r-really?, it was over a w-w-week for us..." ScreamClaw: "That's time travel for ya... it tends to give ya a hard time to keep track of time..." ThunderSmacker: "Never mind that, are you all ready to meet your end?" Doctor: "No, but I am ready to kick your behinds again." Master: "Don't be so certain, for even if you do beat me in the joust, you'll have to also challenge me to a duel." Gidget: "What?!" Melody: "The king never mentioned that..." Tommy: "The Master probably made that up just to make it harder for us." Master: "Maybe I did... maybe I didn't... but what's the matter?, chicken?" Doctor: "No... I'll go with it, as long as you don't try to mess up the events here." Master: "Deal... but if you fail on either the Joust or the Duel... you will meet your end and those brats will lose their souls to the Demon trio... remember that." Doctor: "Then I'll just have to make sure that I win." said the Doctor, before he gets into a suit of armor, getting on a horse and getting a lance from Jokey, before getting into place while the Master did the same. Once one of the king's men blew the trumpet, the joust begins and both the horses of the Doctor and the Master were running towards each other. The Demon trio tried to sabotage the joust by using a mirror to reflect the sun's light into the Doctor's eyes, but the kids managed to stop them from getting the mirror to aim for the Doctor and hits the Master instead, causing the evil Time Lord to lose his sight long enough for the Doctor to knock him over with his lance, allowing the Doctor to win the joust. King John: "Yes!, the champion of the joust is the man known as the Doctor!" Master: "You idiots!" ScreamClaw: "Don't blame us!, those brats interfered!" Tommy: "We had to as what you were doing was cheating!" ThunderSmacker: "Hey it was the Master's idea, not ours!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Master: "No matter... for we still have our duel to do..." Doctor: "Right... and this time... no cheating..." Master: "Fine..." so with that, everyone went into the castle, where they watch the Doctor and the Master kept wearing their suits of armor, and both held swords that will be used for the duel. The pair went to clash with their swords, and it was intense as they both seemed to be pretty good at swordplay. Jokey: "Wow... I never knew the Doc was so good with a sword..." Jokeo: "Me neither..." Gidget: "Well he has gotten some practice out of the games of cricket that we've been playing sometimes ever since this version of the Doctor came around." Melody: "What does playing cricket got to do with swords?" Tommy: "I think she was talking about the swinging parts... I mean he does tend to move the cricket stick like some kind of sword sometimes..." said Tommy, as he and the other kids continued to watch the Doctor and the Master have their duel. Then with one mighty swing, the Doctor knocks the Master's sword out of the bad Time Lord's hand, and forcing him to kneel. Doctor: "Concede Master... and you'll continue to live." Master: "Fine... you win... but mark my words Doctor... I will be the master of the universe... and I will have my revenge..." said the Master, before he ran up to the Demon trio, who used their pitch forks to teleport themselves out of the castle and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, the Doctor and the kids went off to the TARDIS, but not before King John went over to the. King John: "Doctor, children of Toons, are you sure that you don't want to stay?" Doctor: "Sorry your grace, but we can't stay here." Tommy: "We're travelers, and there is still so much out there to see." Gidget: "And someone has to stop any forces of evil that might be out there." Melody: "Like the mean Master or the Demon trio..." Jokey/Jokeo: "Yup." King John: "Then... I guess this is farewell... good luck on your travels." Doctor: "Thank you... and good luck on the Crusader's Oath in London." said the Doctor, before he and the kids went back into the TARDIS, which vanishes from the scene, much to the king's amazement.

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