DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors


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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his Toon companions have encountered the Cybermen again, who attempted to use their ship to summon the astroid that wiped out the Dinosaurs to force the human race to agree on converting into them or perished. Their plan failed of course, thanks to the Doctor and the kids, and the astroid was back to it's original time and event. Now, the TARDIS appears inside what looked like a large plane, and the Doctor and his companions exited the TARDIS to check it out. Tommy: "So... where are we?" Doctor: "Hmm... the design of this place... I say we're on a plane... and not just any plane... this is a Concorde... an Anglo-French supersonic airliner, and we're somewhere in the 1980's..." Jokey: "That's the decade of some awesome rock and roll music, right?" Doctor: "Yup, of course the movies of the 1980's can be a little dark... but still fun to watch, like the films of Don Bluth for example." Melody: "Um... Mr Doctor... do clouds normally have glowing portals on them?" Doctor: "I don't think so... why do you ask?" Melody: "Cause I'm seeing one right now... in front of the plane... which is flying right towards it..." Gidget: "What?!" said Gidget, before she and the others looked out the window and see that the plane was indeed flying towards what looked like a portal that was on the clouds. Tommy: "We gotta warn the pilot!" Doctor: "Too late!" said the Doctor, before the plane flies through the portal, and it wasn't long before it went out through the other side of the portal. Jokeo looks down through the window and sees a land that was full of dinosaurs. Jokeo: "Uh... guys... I don't think we're in the 1980's anymore..." Doctor: "So it seems... somehow... this Concorde had just flown through a time portal that sent it to the past... 140 million years ago to be exact..." Jokey: "140 million years?!, we sure went a long way in reverse..." Tommy: "But what was that portal thing?, and what caused it?" Doctor: "I don't know... but I intend to find out." said the Doctor, before he and his companions went off to see where the passengers were at, but for some strange reason, the passengers didn't looked scared, in fact they were not even moving. Melody tapped one of the passengers' arm and then the arm fell off, much to her shock. Melody: "Oh my gosh!, I'm so sorry!" Gidget: "Wait a minute... this lady's only a dummy... she's not real... in fact... noun of the passengers here are real..." Tommy: "You're right... they're all fake..." Melody: "But why would a plane be flying around with fake passengers?" Doctor: "Yes... it is rather odd..." Jokey: "Let's go ask the pilot, maybe he might know." asked Jokey, before he and the others knocked on the pilot doors and opened them to see that the pilots were the Demon trio themselves, much to the group's shock. ScreamClaw: "Have any of you ever heard of waiting for someone to answer before opening the door?" Melody: "Demon trio?!" ThunderSmacker: "Were you expecting the Daleks?" Tommy: "No... not really... but anyway, why are you here?" SpaceWarp: "Don't you g-g-get it?... this p-p-plane is a trap for you..." Doctor: "How did you knew we would be here?" ScreamClaw: "We tracked down your TARDIS by using the Master's, and speaking of which..." said ScreamClaw, before the Master himself came to the scene. Master: "Surprise Doctor... I'm back... and this time... I shall be the master of the universe." Doctor: "Not a chance, I defeated you before, and I can beat you again." Master: "Don't be so certain, for you're now surrounded by me and my demon friends, we have you outnumbered." Gidget: "Um... there are 6 of us and only 4 of you." SpaceWarp: "She has a p-p-point there..." ScreamClaw: "Shut up!, numbers won't mean much if they're little!" Tommy: "We might be small... but we're smart enough to beat you creeps!" Gidget: "Well... most of us anyway." Jokey: "Huh?" Jokeo: "Hey!" Gidget: "Sorry, no offense." Master: "Well you might have beaten us in the last few times... but this time will be different... we shall destroy you and my friends shall have your souls." ThunderSmacker: "Get 'em!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons and the Master, jumped at the Doctor and the kids, and a big fighting dust cloud was formed. However, the Doctor and the kids managed to slip away from the fighting cloud and were on their way to the controls of the Concorde airliner. Once the fighting cloud was gone, the Demon trio and the Master see that they were only attacking each other. ScreamClaw: "What the?!, where did they go?!" SpaceWarp: "Over t-t-there!" called out SpaceWarp, as he points at the good time travelers trying to take control of the plane. ThunderSmacker: "Oh no you don't!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he fires a beam at the group, only for the beam to miss them and hits the controls instead, causing the plane to lose control and starts falling to the sea below. Master: "You idiot!, what have you done?!" ThunderSmacker: "Um... oops..." SpaceWarp: "And the s-s-sea is below us..." ScreamClaw: "Let's get out of here, come on Master!" called out ScreamClaw, before he grabs the Master, and then they and the other Demons used their pitch forks to teleport themselves out of the plane and away from the danger. Doctor: "Come on!, back to the TARDIS!" Tommy: "Got it!, come on sis!, come on Gidget!" Melody/ Gidget: "Got it!" Jokey: "Hey!, what about us?!" Jokeo: "You forgot about us!" Tommy: "Oh sorry, come on you two!" Jokey: "Okay!" Jokeo: "Time to go!" so with that, the Doctor and his Toon companions ran back to the TARDIS, and once they got inside, the TARDIS vanishes out of the plane, which falls into the sea and gets blown up into a million pieces. Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor and the kids were doing their best to catch their breath after running so fast. Doctor: "Is everyone alright?" Tommy: "I think so..." Melody: "I'm okay..." Gidget: "Me too..." Jokey: "Well... nothing broken... at least I don't think so..." Jokeo: "Well we're not in pain... so I think we're all fine..." Doctor: "Good... good to hear..." Melody: "Hey Doctor... that plane... it's still in the past..." Doctor: "Don't worry, I doubt any part of it would survive long enough for anyone to find it's fossilized remains... otherwise I would have known about it..." Gidget: "And the Master... and the Demon trio?" Doctor: "Well... I don't know... they did managed to get out before we did... so there's a chance that we might see them again... one day... sooner or later..." said the Doctor, while the kids nodded in agreedment as they knew that he's right about that.

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