DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Unearthly Man
The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

Fourth Face & The Robot Dog

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Doctor and his companions went to a planet that was full of giant spiders that can control people by attaching themselves on their victim's back so the queen can devourer them. Sarah Jane almost become the queen's next victim, when the Doctor saved her by getting himself bitten by the queen instead and the venom was killing him. While he and he others managed to escape and returned to UNIT, the Doctor was dying, causing him to regenerate. Now, the Doctor has gotten a new face and body, the body of the Fourth Doctor (played by Tom Barker), who finally begins to wake up and gets on his feet. Doctor: "Oh... Sarah Jane... kids... what's the matter?, you all look like you're seeing a stranger." Sarah Jane: "Doctor... is that... really you?" Doctor: "Well of course it's me." Alistair: "My word... you really can change your face and body..." Doctor: "Oh yes... I remember now... I was bitten by the spider queen... I was dying... so I've regenerated... do you have a mirror?" Melody: "There's one on that desk." said Melody, before the Doctor goes over to the desk and sees his reflection on the mirror. Doctor: "Hmm... well I think the nose is an improvement... not sure about the ears though... what do you kids think?" Tommy: "I'm not sure we're the right people you should ask that... as we don't exactly... uh... have normal human ears." said Tommy, before he and the others pointed their fingers at their own ears. Doctor: "Oh yes... good point... Sarah Jane... what do you think?, do you like my new face?" Sarah Jane: "Um... I don't know... this is all new for me... but uh... you kinda look a little younger now." Doctor: "Yes... I do indeed... [looks down at his attire] hmm... I should get some new clothes that fit this new body better." said the Doctor, before he runs off into the TARDIS, leaving Sarah Jane confused, before the Doctor comes back out, wearing a viking outfit. Alistair: "What in... you're really dressed like that, are you?" Doctor: "Why ever not?" Sarah Jane: "Well... that outfit might work if you were in the era of vikings... but this the 20th century..." Doctor: "Ah yes... good point." said the Doctor, before he goes back into the TARDIS, and few moments passed before he got out and was dressed like a king. Doctor: "How about this?" Jokey: "Uh..." Melody: "I don't think so... unless you want people to think you're King George the Third..." said Melody, before the Doctor goes back into the TARDIS, and a moment passed before he came out again, while dressed like a clown. Gidget: "I don't think so... that kinda reminds me of the clown we ran into when we encountered the Celestial Toymaker..." Doctor: "Oh yes... I think you're right..." said the Doctor, before he goes back into the TARDIS once again, and a moment later, he came out and was now wearing a coat with a lot of long scarfs, and a new pair of trousers. Alistair: "Um... you're really going out dressed like that?" Doctor: "And why ever not?, I think the scarfs are perfect for this version of me." Alistair: "I don't know... you might trip on them..." Sarah Jane: "I'm more curious about where did he get them... along with all those other outfits..." Gidget: "The TARDIS has a wardrobe where you can get any clothes you like." Sarah Jane: "You never tried it before in your last life..." Doctor: "The TARDIS lost it's interior at the time, remember?" Sarah Jane: "Oh right..." Alistair: "If I may interrupt, I'm glad you're here Doctor... for we have a situation..." Doctor: "Such as..." Alistair: "Well..." before the Brigadier could finish, the base started to shake up a little, and there was a lot of gun firing being heard. Gidget: "What's going on?!" Alistair: "We're under attack... by uh... well you'll probably think it sounds silly... but we're under attacked... by a robot dog..." Tommy: "A dog?!" Gidget: "You're scared of dogs?" Tommy: "Well... not really... it's just... dogs just don't really like me for some reason... and not just because I'm a fox now..." Melody: "And it's a robot?" Alistair: "Yes... and as you can hear from the soldiers, it's here, come with me." said the Brigadier, before he leads the group outside of the base, and see the soldiers trying to fire what looked like a small robot dog with no legs but wheels underneath, and it shoots a laser beam from it's nose. When the Doctor saw the robot, he gasped in shock. Doctor: "It can't be... K9?!" Sarah Jane: "You know that thing?" Doctor: "Yes... for you see... that's my dog..." All: "What?!" Jokeo: "What do you mean he's your dog?" Jokey: "Yeah... we never saw him before..." Doctor: "He was one of the first things I've ever built when I was young... long before I left Gallifrey... he was best friend... we had a lot of fun together... but then one day... he got lost in space when trying to get a ball that I fire from a sonic cannon... harmless of course... but anyway... after K9 went to space to catch the ball... he never came back... and I was heartbroken... and I wished to find him... so you could say that he was another reason why I left Gallifrey in the first place..." Gidget: "Wow... so you traveled not just to explore... but to find your friend?" Doctor: "Yes... but I was never able to find him..." Alistair: "Until now that is... so why is he attacking?" Doctor: "Good question... K9 is not the type who would harm others for no reason... I'll be back..." said the Doctor, before he runs off towards K9, much to the others shock and concern. Sarah Jane: "Doctor, wait!" Tommy: "You've just regenerated!, you can't risk your life now!" called out Sarah Jane and Tommy, but the Doctor didn't listen, as he comes face to face with K9 himself. Doctor: "K9, stop, it's me... the Doctor... your master... your best friend... I might look different now, but I can assure you... it's me..." said the Doctor, before K9 went to scan the Doctor, before speaking in a robotic voice. K9: "Scanning complete... identification confirmed... greetings master." Doctor: "Greetings to you too, old friend... it's so good to see you after all this time... but tell me... where were you?, and why were you attacking these people?" K9: "When ball went to space, I was hit by astroid and impact deactivated me... when I got reactivated, I was in a lab that belonged to what was called UNIT... scientists... tortured me... and experimented on me..." Doctor: "What?!, Brigadier... is this true?" Alistair: "Well... sort of... we thought it was just a robot... it crashed landed here right after the incident with you and your past lives... we wanted to know what makes it tick and..." Doctor: "K9 is not just an it... he's my dog... my best friend... and I'm not the kind of man who would allow someone to hurt those I care about... especially my dog..." K9: "Affirmative, when I heard about the people of UNIT were waiting for you, I believed you were in danger and went to attack mode to find and save you." Doctor: "Well don't worry K9, the people of UNIT are actually our allies, a lot happened since we last saw each other... anyway, this is Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, the Brigadier, and these are my companions, Sarah Jane Smith, Tommy, Gidget, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo." Sarah Jane: "Um... hello K9... it's nice to meet you." K9: "Pleasure is mine." Tommy: "So... if you were built by the Doctor on Gallifrey... does that mean you're a dog of Gallifrey?" K9: "Affirmative." Tommy: "Cool!" Gidget: "How do you move without legs?" K9: "Body uses hidden wheels or anti-gravity circuits." Melody: "Wow... a real robot dog from outer space..." Jokey: "Um... you didn't kill anyone here... did you?" K9: "Negative, laser was designed to stun, not kill." Doctor: "Yes that's right, it's only for defense, for I would never build something that kills others." Alistair: "Huh... that would explain why everyone who got shot were not dead..." K9: "Affirmative." Sarah Jane: "Do you say that a lot?" K9: "Affirmative." some time later, after Melody does a checkup on the soldiers, while the Doctor fixes K9 a little, the Time Lord was ready to travel again, but this time, not just with his companions, but with his robot dog as well. Sarah Jane: "So he's really coming with us?" Doctor: "Well of course, he's my dog after all, and besides, I don't trust UNIT on watching him." Alistair: "Look, I understand you're mad about that, but I can assure you, I'll do what I can to make it up." Doctor: "I know you will... anyway, we should be on our way... see ya." Sarah Jane: "Bye!" K9: "Good bye Brigadier." Toon kids: "Se ya!" said the Time Lord and his companions, before they went into the TARDIS, which vanishes from the scene, leaving the Brigadier alone in the room.

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