DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of the original classic Doctor Who series, from the First Doctor to the Eighth Doctor... More

The Cave Of Skulls
The Dead Planet
The Dalek Invasion Of The 22nd Century
The Celestial Toymaker
The Tenth Planet
The Second Face
The Power Of The Vulcan Daleks
The Underwater Menace
The Macra Terror
The Ice Warriors
The Invasion
The Trial Of The Time Lords
Third Life In Exile
The Doctor & The Silurians
Terror Of The Autons & The Master
The Three Doctors
The Time Warrior
Planet Of The Spiders
Fourth Face & The Robot Dog
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis Of The Daleks
Terror Of The Zygons
The Deadly Assassin
End Of The Fourth Hour
Start Of The Fifth Hour
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
The Caves Of Androzani
The Sixth Dilemma
The Mark Of The Rani
The Two Doctors
Terror Of The Vervoids
Time & The Rani
Remembrance Of The Daleks
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
The Seventh Fall
Doctor The Eighth
The Eye Of Harmony
The Girl In The Fireplace
Queen Of The Zygons
The Time War
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The Unearthly Man

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By jurassicdinodrew

Somewhere on the streets of London, in the 1960's, while the moon shines on the night sky, there was a warehouse that had what looked like a police box inside, and not too far away, the doors of the warehouse opened up and revealed that a group of kids were getting in. however, these kids were not normal, for they were humans that got turned into Toons. The first was a Toon fox boy with a rainbow bow tie named Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), the second was a pink cat girl in a purple sleeveless dress named Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), the third and fourth were Toon hyena twins named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), who wore a green shirt, and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), who wore an orange shirt, and finally there was a blue rabbit girl with a red sleeveless dress named Melody (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), and she happens to be Tommy's little sister. Right now, the group were in the warehouse to hide from the Demon trio, who were after them for their souls. Tommy: "Okay... I think we lost them... for now at least..." Melody: "Big brother... I'm scared..." Tommy: "I know..." Gidget: "Oh dear... what are we gonna do?" Jokey: "Get something to eat?" Jokeo: "I don't think this is the time or place for that..." Jokey: "What?, I'm hungry." Tommy: "Come on... we need a place to hide quick... or somewhere we can rest at ease..." Jokey: "Hey how about that police box over there?" asked Jokey, pointing at the police box not too far away. Tommy: "That's odd... why would a police box be in here?" Gidget: "Yeah... they're normally found on the corners of streets... at least that's what I heard..." Melody: "Well... we just arrived here from America... so we don't know much about London..." Jokey: "Never mind that, let's get inside." said Jokey, as he tries to open the door, but couldn't get it to budge. Jokeo: "Forget it Jokey, the door's locked." Gidget: "Besides, there's not much room in there." suddenly, they heard someone opening the warehouse door, which made them feel very scared. Tommy: "Someone's coming... hide!" said Tommy, before he and the others went to find a place to hide. They watched the door opening up and into the warehouse was what looked like an old man, who wore a black frock coat with a light yellow tweed waistcoat over a wing-collared shirt, a dark blue ascot tie and tartan trousers. The old man, who was known as the Doctor (played by William Hartnell), was on his way to the police box and uses a key to open the door. That was when Jokey let out a big sneeze that alerted the Doctor, and looks around the area. Doctor: "Hello?, is someone there?" Jokey: "Nope!, just us termites!" Tommy/ Gidget/ Melody/ Jokeo: "Jokey!" Doctor: "Come on out!, or I'll come over there myself." ordered the Doctor, before the kids slowly came out of hiding, and the sight of them surprised the Doctor. Melody: "Hello sir... is this warehouse yours?" Doctor: "What makes you think I own the place?" Jokeo: "Well you must be, why else would you be here?" Doctor: "Why must I?, well just to explore of course... but never mind that... why are you here?, and who are you... and what are you?" Jokey: "We're humans like you... or at least we were humans..." Doctor: "How so?" Gidget: "Um... you might not gonna believe this... but we got turned into Toons when we got tricked to make a deal with some demons... and now those demons are after us for our souls..." Melody: "And they won't stop until they get us..." Doctor: "Is that so?" Tommy: "Yeah... I'm Tommy by the way, and this is Melody, my little sister, and these are our friends, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo." Gidget: "Hello." Jokey and Jokeo: "Hi!" Melody: "Greetings... do you have a name?" Doctor: "Do I have a name?... hmm... well you can call me... the Doctor." Tommy: "Doctor who?" Doctor: "Just the Doctor." Gidget: "That's actually your name?" Doctor: "Do you have a problem with it?" Melody: "No, it's just... we never heard of anyone being just called the Doctor before..." suddenly, there was a banging sound on the walls, alerting everyone that something was outside when a voice said 'Brats!, we know you're in there!, you can't hide forever!' was heard, scaring the heck out of the kids. Jokeo: "It's the Demon trio!" Jokey: "Quick!, into the box!" shouted Jokey, before he and the other kids ran into the police box, while the Doctor goes in too. However, when they got inside, the kids gasped in shock to see that the inside not only bigger than the outside, but it looked kinda like some sort of alien space ship with walls with round things and some sort of console in the middle of the room. Gidget: "What in..." Tommy: "But it was just a police box a moment ago..." Melody: "It must be magic..." Doctor: "Not quite... this is my TARDIS." Jokeo: "The what?" Doctor: "TARDIS, short for Time And Relative Dimension In Space." Jokey: "Huh?" Gidget: "Hmm... so this box has a whole different dimension inside it?" Doctor: "You are correct young lady, pretty smart for an Earthling." Tommy: "Uh pardon me... but did you say Earthling?" Doctor: "Yes... for you see... I am not from this world." Melody: "Um... you're not a demon... are you?" Doctor: "What?!, of course not, do I look like a demon to you?" Jokey: "Uh... no, more like an old man..." Doctor: "Well yes... but I'm actually a being from another planet called Gallifrey." Melody: "You mean... you're an alien?" Doctor: "Indeed I am." Tommy: "Then this place... the police box outside... it's actually a spaceship?" Doctor: "Why yes it is, and as I said before, it's called the TARDIS." Jokey and Jokeo: "Cool!" Doctor: "Yes... I suppose it is kinda cool." suddenly, the whole room started to shake, like as if there was an earthquake going on. Melody: "What's happening?!" Doctor: "Let me check the monitor!" said the Doctor, before he looks into the monitor, which showed what was outside of the TARDIS, and it seems that a trio of demons were there. The first one was red and goes by the name of ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the second in blue was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the third in black was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were known as the demon trio, and they were shacking the TARDIS like a maraca. ScreamClaw: "Come on out brats!, we know you're in there!" ThunderSmacker: "We can smell you and your souls!, so come on out!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said!..." shouted the trio of demons, as they continued to attack the TARDIS. Gidget: "Oh man!, they're gonna kill us!" Tommy: "Doctor!, do something!, please!, help us!" Melody: "Please!... we're begging you!" said the kids as they began to make some puppy eyes with tears as they were scared, while the Doctor sighed in defeat, knowing that he can't ignore the kids' cry for help. Doctor: "Alright... hang on tight." said the Doctor, as he pulls a switch and push some buttons on the console, and then the Time router begins to go up and down as some weezing sound was heard, and that was when the TARDIS begins to vanish without a trace, much to the Demon trio's surprise. ThunderSmacker: "What the?!" SpaceWarp: "Hey... where did the box g-g-go?" ScreamClaw: "...It would seemed that a Time Lord was here..." ThunderSmacker: "A Time Lord?, impossible, why would a Time Lord be here on Earth?" ScreamClaw: "I don't know... but I do know that those brats were in that box... which means... they're now traveling not only in space... but in time as well..." said ScreamClaw, as he glares at the spot where the TARDIS used to be.

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