Her Light | Wednesday Netflix...

بواسطة MissAlyssa03

268 10 0

Black and White. Yin and Yang. Wednesday and Amaris. Twin sisters born on October 13th, complete opposites bu... المزيد

Amaris Addams
1.1 Welcome to Nevermore
1.2 Nevermore Wiki
1.4 Study Howl Flirt

1.3 Nevermore Deaducation

39 3 0
بواسطة MissAlyssa03

*Third POV*

Amaris awoke to the sound of rain tapping against the circular window of her room. With a small smile, Amaris stretched under the heavy comforter, feeling the cozy warmth cocooning her as the chill of the rainy morning seeped into the room.  Amaris lifted herself from the cocoon she had created and scooted to the edge of her bed, the floor was cold as her dainty feet just grazed it. Amaris shivered before quickly summoning her white slippers from her closet.

Amaris ran into her bathroom to start her day, showering swiftly before throwing a fluffy white towel over her body and another around her hair. As Amaris came out of the restroom and towards her closet to change into her uniform, steam billowed out behind her. The standard Nevermore uniform was a pristine white shirt, a knee-length black skirt with indigo stripes, a dark purple bow, a black fitted blazer with indigo stripes and purple lining, and the Nevermore Academy insignia embroidered on the breast pocket. Amaris's uniform, however, was specifically designed to be pure white with grey stripes rather than black and purple.

Amaris grabbed a pair of thigh-high stockings, also in white, from her bedside table before summoning her platform Mary Jane's from the closet.  Standing in front of the mirror once more, Amaris stared at herself, she snapped her fingers and her uniform altered itself. Her skirt shortened so it reached mid-thigh instead of her knees, her slightly baggy blazer, tightened around the waist and bust, contouring to the shape of her body.

Happily, Amaris twirled in front of the floor-length mirror with a large smile before grabbing her school bag. She decided on a white leather school side bag with a pink butterfly design, the butterfly is intricately detailed, with delicate wings that feature hints of silver to add a subtle shimmer. She took a deep breath when there was a rapid knocking on her door before it burst open, Enid squealed seeing Amaris in her uniform, "You look totes adorbs!" She gushed, "I love the white uniform."

Amaris swayed slightly not used to the compliments, "Thanks Enid," She muttered shyly, "I just need to do my makeup then we can leave for class," she stated sitting down at her vanity.

"No problem," Enid said and took a seat on Amaris's bed, "You think you could help me with my makeup though? I can never get my liner to look right," she giggled.

*Amaris's POV*

I giggled slightly, "Sure, Eni," I confirmed as I blended my foundation into my ghostly skin, "I can use some of my makeup unless you want to use your own," I suggested gazing at the blonde girl in the mirror.

"I'll go get my makeup!" Enid squealed and rushed out of my room. I giggled as I applied my concealer and contour, as I blended them in Enid rushed back in and grabbed my desk chair to sit next to me, "I'm so excited! We're gonna be best friends and we're gonna do everything best friends do together!" Her excitement made me smile.

I quickly applied my setting powder and turned to Enid, "I'll let my base set while I do your makeup up," I stated and gently took the products from her hands. As I sat in front of her I realised...this wasn't going to work, I sighed and stood up. I gently nudged her knees apart and stood between them.

*Third POV*

The height difference between them made this the most practical option, but it also meant she was physically close to her friend. Amaris focused on her task, not noticing the sudden nervousness of Enid.

Enid, on the other hand, felt a sudden warmth rise to her cheeks as Amaris positioned herself in front of her. The closeness caught her off guard, and she could feel her heart racing as she looked up at her friend.

*Amaris's POV*

I chuckled slightly as I noticed Enid's blushing face. I softly cupped her face, my palm just under her chin, my fingers behind her ear, and my thumb on her cheek. I dipped a spare brush from my vanity into her rainbow eyeshadow palette before gently swiping it across her closed eyelid. Similar to her hair, I placed blue eyeshadow on her left eye and pink on her right, and I moved her head sideways before grabbing her liner.

I moved so close to her face that our noses were practically touching; I knew she wouldn't like something as dramatic as my liner, so I kept things basic. I grinned as I finished and sat back down in my chair. "Okay, you're all done," I said, placing her liner on the table before finishing up my base.

She swivelled herself to look into my light-up mirror before smiling largely and bringing me into a hug as I applied my light bronzer and blush, "Thank you!" she squealed.

"No problem," I said before quickly swiping my liner across my eye. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I quickly grabbed my bags full of school supplies in one hand before linking my arms with Enid's, "Let go!" I cheered and rushed out of the room, shutting the door behind us.

We laughed heartily as we ran down the spiralling staircase that led from the foyer of Ophelia Hall to our room, "What class do you have first?" Enid asked as we skipped through the corridors.

I opened my side bag and pulled out my timetable, "I have...Botanical Sciences with Ms Thornhill," I stated and looked at Enid, "What about you?"

Enid frowned, "Physical Deadutaion with Coach Vlad," she sighed sadly, "I'll meet you after class though," she said.

I smiled and unlinked our arms as we came towards the greenhouse. 

*Third POV*

There were five in total, four of the greenhouses had different species of plants specific to their environment. There was a greenhouse for Tropical plants, Desert plants, Magical plants and Carnivorous plants.

The tropical section is covered with lush, vivid flora, and the air is dense with humidity. Exotic floral plants pop with colour while towering trees reach for the glass roof. This area is full of sounds, including chirping insects and the trickling of water from little fountains and streams. There are tropical fruit-bearing plants and exotic herbs utilised in advanced potion-making.

In contrast to the tropical section, the desert section is dry and warm. Cacti and succulents of all shapes and sizes fill the room, while the sandy ground resembles the arid region in which the plants grow. Some cacti have strange or magical characteristics, making them both attractive and potentially harmful.

The carnivorous plant sections are an intriguing and rather scary environment. Students can watch and study many varieties of carnivorous plants, including Venus flytraps and pitcher plants, which thrive in a damp, darkly lighted environment. This area requires careful navigation due to the active and occasionally deadly character of the plants.

The magical plants section is particularly fascinating, as it contains plants with supernatural abilities. The air is frequently coloured with an ethereal glow from bioluminescent plants, and the scents are odd and alluring. Students can research and learn about plants having qualities like healing, invisibility, and more.

The fifth greenhouse is where the students have their classes, it is an area that contains rows of neatly organized herbs, both mundane and magical. The scent of various herbs wafts through the air, and students can learn about their uses in potions, spells, and other magical applications.

Amaris took a deep breath before slowly making her way into the classroom, her steps were careful and methodical so as not to trip. Amaris realised there that she stood out like a sore thumb in her crisp white uniform, compared to the dark indigo and black uniforms of the other students. As she approached the teacher's desk, a female student walked in front of her, "You must be the newest freak," she smirked.

Amaris looked the girl up and down. The girl was relatively tall, with gorgeous dark skin and greenish-blue eyes, her hair was dark and shaved short. She wore the same uniform as the other students, but she had greenish-blue earrings in her ears and a bronze amulet hanging around her neck. Amaris didn't like how the girl looked down at her, "I'm Bianca Barclay," she stuck her hand out expecting a handshake.

"The self-appointed Queen Bee?" Amaris questioned, "I have no interest in being friends with someone who sees themselves as superior to others," she smirked and walked around Bianca towards the teacher.

Bianc could only stand there angry as she heard the sniggers of the students around her, most notably her ex-boyfriend, Xavier. The boy had his hand over his mouth and his shoulders shivered in laughter. Bianca stomped furiously towards her allotted seat beside her fellow Sirens, Divina and Kent. She sat roughly and scowled at the girl in white.

Amaris cleared her throat, causing the instructor to jump for a second, she turned and noticed Amris standing there, "You must be my new student, I'm Marilyn Thornhill, but you can call me Miss Thornhill," Marilyn Thornhill has fair skin, long, wavy auburn hair, and brown eyes. She dressed in a colourful sweater paired with a long skirt and a brown leather apron over top. She wore black cat-eye spectacles and red rain boots.

Amaris smiled happily at her new teacher, "It's nice to meet you, Miss Thornhill, I'm Amaris Addams," She replied and held her hand out.

Miss Thornhill shook it happily before grabbing a book off of her desk, "This is your new textbook, why don't you go take a seat?" She suggested.

Amaris hugged the book to her chest and turned to face the many desks behind her; it appeared that students had become well acquainted with their deskmates. She cautiously looked about before a voice came up. "You can sit here," Xavier said, moving his backpack off the centre chair.

Aamris smiled gratefully and sat down next to him; there were only a few minutes until class began. "Well, don't you look lovely?" Xavier smirked, glancing down at her all-white clothing, his eyes sliding down her body before catching sight of her thigh high, his jaw clenched as he saw the flesh of her thigh squish out of the top. His mind began to ponder about the image.

Amaris followed his look, her face flushed, prompting her to rest her purse on her lap. Xavier's gaze rose to her eyes, and he chuckled at her flustered expression. He couldn't help but put out his hand and graze his finger on her scorching cheeks with a huge smirk, then chuckled deeply before returning to his sketchbook on the desk. Amaris coughed to clear her throat, "What are you drawing?" She asked.

Xavier peered at her out of the corner of his eye before flicking back through the book, smiling as he landed on it, and gently moving it towards Amaris. She glanced and noticed I was a bunny, a smile adorned her face at the sight. Xavier waited as the smile widened, then hovered his hand over the drawing and slowly pulled it from the page.

The bunny shook itself as it came from the page, its nose twitched as it came closer towards Amaris. She held a finger out to the bunny as it hopped towards her, it sniffed her finger before nuzzling into her hand, "As impressed I'm sure Miss Addams is with your display, Mr Thorpe," Miss Thornhill's voice came from the front, "But I think that class, is in session."

The class laughed as Amaris's face flushed and Xavie chuckled summoning the bunny back into the paper, "Sorry Miss Thornhill," Xavier said.

Miss Thornhill nodded, "Now who can tell me what this plant is?" she asked and gestured towards the desert plant behind her on the desk. It was an intriguing flower with a striking colour, it had a thick, swollen base, trumpet-shaped flowers, leaves that were shiny, smooth, and slightly leathery to the touch, and branches that were twisted and contorted.

Immediately Amaris's hand shot into the air, "Yes, Miss Addams?" Miss Thornhill called on her.

"It's an Adenium obesum, commonly known as the desert rose," Amaris stated, "It's known for its striking and colorful flowers, its unique, swollen trunk, which helps it store water. It's native to eastern and southwestern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula."

The class looked at her shocked at her knowledge, Miss Thornhill stuttered for a moment, "T-That's correct Miss Addams, well done," she congratulated before continuing with the lesson.

Amaris pulled out a notebook and lid it out with her textbook, as she searched for a pen, an elbow nudged her, and she turned to look at Xavier. He smiled, "Well done," he said and held a pen out for her to borrow.

Amaris smiled at him, "Thanks," she muttered shyly and focused on the lesson.

The class ran smoothly and soon it was over, Miss Thornhill was handing out homework, "No I want a two-page essay on any of the flowers we have learned about today," she instructed as students began leaving, when she got in front of Amais she lowered her voice, "Now I don't expect you to complete it all, but just try your best," She muttered and gave Amaris the paper.

All the students had left at that point besides Amaris, she walked up to Miss Thornhill with a smile, "Thank you for today's class, Miss Thornhill," she spoke causing Miss Thornhill to turn to her, "I enjoyed learning about the different types of succulents."

Miss Thornhill returned the smile warmly, "I'm glad to hear that, Amaris. You have a keen interest in botany, and it shows in your work," she stated and lifted the papers she had collected at the start of the class.

Amaris smiled widely, "Thank you," she said and went to leave before she noticed something on Miss Thornhill's desk, "What's that Miss Thornhill?"

Miss Thornhill glanced at the delicate white flower on her desk and then back at Amaris, "That is a Kadupal Flower Amaris," She stated and lifted the delicate flower from her desk, "And it's for you, I always try and match a flower to the girls of my hall," she handed over the flower pot. 

Taking the flower gently, Amaris's eyes widened with surprise and awe, "Miss Thornhill, this is... incredible! Thank you so much!" she gushed as she held the pot against her stomach.

Miss Thornhill nodded with a smile, "You're very welcome. The Kadupal Flower is a rare and ephemeral beauty, blooming only at night and fading by morning. I want you to have it as a symbol of your growth and potential.

Miss Thornhill smiled at the girl, "Now I won't see you again until next lesson so I'll let you know the rules of Ophelia Hall," SHe cleared her throat, "I'm the Dorm Mom of Ophelia Hall and I have a few rules, lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys or girls, ever."

"Understood Miss Thornhill," Amaris stated, "Have a good day."

Miss Thornhill waved as Amaris left the classroom, "You too, Amaris," she called. Amaris leaves the classroom, carefully carrying the Kadupul Flower as Miss Thornhill watches her go with a contented expression

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