Night Raid: Reborn

By Greg_157

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Night Raid has been brought back to life, and their world has been completely changed and set to modern civil... More

Chapter 1: Assassins Reborn
Chapter 2: New Powers
Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
Chapter 4: Surprise Announcement
Chapter 5: The Tuffle Invasion
Chapter 6: Battle with the Tuffles
Chapter 7: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 8: Hellatious Training
Chapter 9: The Real Training Begins
Chapter 10: Race Against the Clock
Chapter 11: The Fight is Near
Chapter 12: Night Raid vs the Tuffles (Part 1)
Chapter 13: The Fall of Night Raid: Night Raid vs Tuffles (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Hurry Tatsumi!!: Night Raid vs the Tuffles (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Akame Falls: Night Raid vs the Tuffles (Part 4)
Chapter 16: Tatsumi vs Kyro
Chapter 17: All the Stops
Chapter 18: The Incurse Bomb: Night Raid vs the Tuffles (Part 5)
Chapter 19: Take Down the Tuffle: Night Raid vs the Tuffles (Part 6)
Chapter 20: A Merciful End and Deceased Friends
Chapter 21: Planet Zulo
Chapter 22: The Journey to Planet Zulo Begins
Chapter 23: Torosu: Ruler of the Universe
Chapter 24: Three Way Battle
Chapter 25: Attack on the Zulians
Chapter 26: A Terrifying Chase and a Truth Revealed
Chapter 27: A Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter 28: Esdeath vs Zore (Part 1)
Chapter 29: Untapped Potential
Chapter 30: Esdeath vs Zore (Part 2)
Chapter 31: The Fated Encounter
Chapter 32: The Arrival of the Zoku Force
Chapter 33: Night Raid and Esdeath vs the Zoku Force (Part 1)
Chapter 34: Night Raid and Esdeath vs the Zoku Force (Part 2)
Chapter 35: He Arrives
Chapter 36: Tatsumi vs Kaizoku
Chapter 37: Desperate Measures
Chapter 38: Mind Swap
Chapter 39: Now or Never
Chapter 40: The True Evil of Torosu
Chapter 41: Through the Heart
Chapter 42: TJ's Rage
Chapter 43: Akame vs Torosu
Chapter 44: The Ultimate Nightmare Begins
Chapter 45: Tatsumi Returns
Chapter 46: The Tears of Esdeath
Chapter 47: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 1)
Chapter 48: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 2)
Chapter 49: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 3)
Chapter 50: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 4)
Chapter 51: Legendary Imperial Power
Chapter 52: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 5)
Chapter 53: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 6)
Chapter 54: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 7)
Chapter 55: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 8)
Chapter 56: Tatsumi vs Torosu (Part 9)
Chapter 57: Tatsumi vs Torosu: The End
Chapter 58: Aftermath, Homecoming & Departure
Chapter 59: Torosu Returns
Chapter 60: Mysterious Youth
Chapter 61: Another Incursio
Chapter 62: Training for the Future
Chapter 63: The Techno-Drones Appear
Chapter 64: Tatsumi vs Drone #9
Chapter 65: The Depths of Yatsufusa
Chapter 67: The Hidden Laboratory
Chapter 68: The Techno-Drones Awaken
Chapter 69: Esdeath vs Drone #8
Chapter 70: Unshakeable Resolve
Chapter 71: Another Time Machine
Chapter 72: Monster in Motion
Chapter 73: The Monster with Tatsumi's Energy
Chapter 74: Coursing Through Its *Vains*
Chapter 75: Tatsumi Awakens
Chapter 76: Into the Room of Foreverness
Chapter 77: Akame vs Drone #7
Chapter 78: Akame's Lone Stand
Chapter 79: The Predator Feasts
Chapter 80: Stopping the Monster
Chapter 81: Esdeath vs Vain (Part 1)
Chapter 82: Esdeath vs Vain (Part 2)
Chapter 83: All in Vain
Chapter 84: Finality Achieved: Esdeath vs Vain (Part 3)
Chapter 85: Protection of Pride
Chapter 86: Overpowered
Chapter 87: Games of Vain
Chapter 88: Training Complete
Chapter 89: Angry Military
Chapter 90: The Return of the RongoRongo Books
Chapter 91: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 92: Tatsumi vs Vain (Part 1)
Chapter 93: Tatsumi vs Vain (Part 2)
Chapter 94: Tatsumi's Sudden Decision
Chapter 95: TJ vs Vain (Part 1)
Chapter 96: The Ultimate Power of Incursio
Chapter 97: Incursio 2: TJ vs Vain (Part 2)
Chapter 98: The End of Finality: TJ vs Vain (Part 3)
Chapter 99: A Hero's Sacrifice
Chapter 100: Father and Son: The Final Possession Wave
Chapter 101: A Bittersweet Victory. Until We Meet Again.
Chapter 102: The Spirit of Tatsumi is Forever

Chapter 66: The Twisted Future

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By Greg_157

"Come out!! You scrap metal bastard!!" Esdeath shouted amongst the rocks.

"He really is a coward, isn't he?" Kurome said.

"Damn, this place is unlimited witH places to hide." Esdeath said. "We'll have to flush him out into the open."

Esdeath and Kurome flew to the sky.

Lubbock and Wave in the nearby area, searching for Drone# 10, then they noticed Esdeath and Kurome in the air.

"Once the area is leveled, he'll have to face us." Kurome said.

Esdeath then charged an energy beam.

"Esdeath wait a second!!" Lubbock shouted.

"Hold on! We're here!" Wave yelled.

Esdeath threw the beam at the ground.

Drone #10 then sprang out from his hiding place and ran full speed underneath the giant energy beam and absorbed it.

"Thanks for the free power up." Drone #10 laughed.

"Son of a bitch!" Esdeath said.

Esdeath and Kurome then darted towards Drone #10, but he took off in a flash.

Esdeath and Kurome chased after him but eventually lost sight of him.

"Now where did he go?" Kurome said in frustration. "That robotic bastard is faster than I thought."

"They've gotten so accustomed to sensing energy levels, they lost their eye for movement." Drone #10 said as he hung upside down above Esdeath and Kurome. "I can observe every step they make while remaining safely invisible until there is opportunity to strike."

Drone #10 relocated to a different hiding spot.

"I still must admit, I've never expected this much power from either of them." Drone #10 said. "What next? Considering Esdeath's reputation for vigilance, the most logical solution is returning to the laboratory, is an option I rather avoid. But this situation has forced my hand."

Drone #10 then spotted TJ, the remaining Night Raid members and the rest of the Jaegers.

"Looking for me, huh?" Drone #10 chuckled. "These fools are practically lining up to give their power. What a fortunate turn of events, once I drained all of their energy and add it to my own, I'll be more than powerful enough to take on Kurome and Esdeath."

With TJ:

"Holy crap!" TJ said as he heard crumbling rock behind him, as if someone was behind him.

Luckily, it was just some rodents scurrying along the rocks. "Jeez guys, don't scare me like that." TJ said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

With Lubbock and Wave:

"This shit sucks, he's got to be around here somewhere, we can't even sense him." Wave said.

"Just keep looking man, we'll find him." Lubbock assured.

"Yeah, I hope..." Wave said.

As Wave walked to the edge of a cliff, a part of the cliff crumbled underneath his weight, causing him to fall, but Lubbock managed to catch him using Cross-Tail.

"Jesus' dude! Are you good?" Lubbock said.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks." Wave said.

With Akame and Leone:

"Hey, Leone, let's not look in the same place." Akame suggested.

"Yeah, good idea. You look over there, I'll go this way." Leone agreed. 

"Right. Be careful." Akame said.

"Yeah, you too." Leone said as flew in the other direction.

"It's decision time, who should I drain first?" Drone #10 said. "Out of everyone here, Akame or Leone are the best options. Both of them are second to Esdeath and Kurome."

After contemplating his options, Drone #10 made his decision.

"I'll go Akame first. Then Leone." Drone #10 then began sneaking his way behind Akame. "Hmph, Esdeath and Kurome don't stand a chance."

"Where is he? It can't be this hard to find him." Akame said. 

Drone #10 then ambushed Akame. Wrapping his legs around her, trapping her arm in the process. He also put his hand over her mouth to drain her power.

"No one can see us. I know where every last one of your friends are." Drone #10 chuckled. "Now, I believe you have something I want."

Drone #10 tightened his grip on Akame. Akame struggeled to remove his hand from her mouth.

Akame then tried to communicate with TJ telepathically.

"TJ... TJ come to me quickly.... TJ, the Drone he's...." Akame struggled to say.

"Aunty?!" TJ said. "I'm coming but where are you?"

Akame was struggling to stay conscious.

"Someone's energy is fading! That way!" TJ said.

TJ then made a beeline to Akame.

Akame then began to lose feeling in her limbs as she became weaker.

"Yes! You're almost sapped of power!" Drone #10 chuckled. "In a few more moments, you'll be dead!"

TJ then kicked Drone #10 off of Akame, sending him crashing to the ground. This alerted everyone else.

"Aunty are you okay?" TJ asked.

"Yes, thank you, TJ." Akame said.

"How did that brat find me so quickly?" Drone #10 said.

Everyone else then surrounded Drone #10.

"Finally, we found the coward." Esdeath said.

"Too soon, I'm not yet strong enough to take on Kurome, let alone Esdeath." Drone #10 thought. "I have to stall for time and try to drain more power from the others."

"Hey! Uncle Lub! Aunt Akame needs a health pill!" TJ said.

"Yeah, I got you." Lubbock then threw a pill to Akame.

Akame ate the bean and flew down to Drone #10.

"Kurome... Esdeath, stay out of this." Akame said. "I'll take him on."

"That's fine. I already had my fun." Kurome said. 

"You owe me." Esdeath smiled as she backed away.

"Damn it, Akame. Don't be hasty." Najenda said.

"Don't interfere she says?" Drone #10 thought. "She's giving me another opportunity to take her strength.... and the second I do...."

Akame then punched Drone #10 sending him crashing into the rocks.

"This isn't happening, I prepared for every possible contingency." Drone #10 thought. "I just let my guard down that's all."

Drone #10 charged at Akame but she vanished.

Drone #10 then turned to Kurome and Esdeath who pointed up. Drone #10 then looked up only to be kicked to the ground by Akame.

"That's impossible!" Drone #10 said. "I can't think of a single fucking reason I shouldn't be able to defeat her! I was far more powerful even before I added her strength to my own. Even with the error in my calculations, she shouldn't just be able to swat me away so easily."

With Future TJ:

Future TJ made his way back to the past.

"Well from the looks of it, I'd say I'm too late." Future TJ said. "I don't see dad or Professor Rumi's Drones anywhere. What happened? This place is a wreck. I tried to go back further in the time machine, but I barely had enough fuel as it is, it'd be risky. Plus, the machine isn't very precise, there's no guarantee that I landed it the right place."

Future TJ then sensed everyone else.

"Energy. From the feel of it someone's fighting." Future TJ said. "That's it, they just chose a different location."

Future TJ then flew over to the battle.

As Future TJ was flying, he spotted something on the ground that brought him to a screeching halt.

On the battlefield:

Drone #10 charged at Akame only to be punched in the gut, kicked in the face and sent crashing into more rocks.

"Way to go Aunty!" TJ cheered.

"I know Akame was training for three years like the rest of us, but what kind of training did she do?" Wave said.

"She did something alright." Leone chuckled.

Drone #10 keep rushing Akame only for all of his attacks to be deflected or blocked.

Akame then punched Drone #10 into more rocks that collapsed and caused a dust cloud. Drone #10 tried to use the dust cloud to ambush Akame. 

But as the dust settled, Akame was shown to have caught his hand, stopping his attack once again.

"Here's a secret. We all learned how to amplify our base energy and shorten it tense burst." Akame said. "It's how we give our attacks an extra kick."

Akame then chopped Drone #10's arm clean off.

"Meaning, even if you did steal my energy, it wouldn't mean a thing, because you wouldn't know how to use it." Akame said as she crushed Drone #10's severed arm and dropped it to the ground.

 "Hey she won!" TJ cheered. "I know that guy from the future didn't know what he was talking about, didn't I tell you we can win!" 

With Future TJ said:

What caught Future TJ's eye was the severed and burning head of Drone #9.

"No way! That's a Techno-Drone? I've never seen anything like it!" Future TJ said. " I thought I prepared them, but I don't even know what they're up against."

After kicking Drone #10 away Akame fired an enery blast at Drone #10.

"The battle is still going on!" Future TJ said as continued his flight to everyone else. "That Drone looked nothing like the one's faced from my time. I don't understand it. Were there three of them? How much has things changed?"

"How can this be happening? The data was fool proof." Drone #10 said. "I left nothing to chance!"

"If I understand correctly, the battle we're now fighting originally ended with the defeat myself and the others by two Techno-Drones. But it seems history has changed." Akame said. "It's either you weren't as strong as we believe or perhaps, we're stronger than your precious calculations accounted for."

"Guys we did it!! I guess we didn't need Tatsumi's help after all." Chelsea said.

"Thank God." Merriad sighed. "This dumb bullshit is finally fucking over."

"I was so caught up on how Kurome and Esdeath got so strong that I forgot how impressive Akame is." Najenda said.

"Hurry up and send this robot to the scrap yard Big Sister. Or do you want me to interfere and do it for you?" Kurome said.

"Thanks, but no thanks Little Sister." Akame chuckled. "I realized that a part of me is cold and unforgiving, which is that stoic and infamous assassin that lies within me. I'll end this battle right here."

Everyone then sensed Future TJ coming their way.

"Hey it's him. He came back." Lubbock said.

"The sexy guy from the future is back." Merriad cooed.

"Hey future boy!" Chelsea waved.

"That one is different too." Future TJ thought as he looked at Drone #10.

"Now there's another one? Who is he? Where did he come from?" Drone #10 thought. "There's no information on him in the database. In any case, I've made some terrible miscalculations, leaving me with only one option left... I must return to the laboratory."

"That the Techno-Drone you all been fighting?" Future TJ asked. "I don't get it. He's not one of the Drones from my time."

"What? What the hell do you mean?" Leone said. "If this isn't one of the Drones you warned us about, then what is it?"

"I wish I knew the answer to that." Future TJ said.

"Then who have we been battling?" Bulat said.

"What the fuck is going on?" Seryu said.

"What's going on?" Bols said.

Everyone then looked at Drone #10.

With Tomas and Gemma:

"See dear? I told you sensing power levels would prove to be beneficiary." Gemma said.

"Yeah, you're right." Tomas admitted. "We were able to locate everyone much quicker."

"Speaking of them, I see people up ahead. We're almost there." Gemma said.

On the Battlefield:

"No. There's no denying that thing is a Techno-Drone! It's not just a coincidence." Seryu said.

"Okay, it may not exactly like the Drones from future boy's time, it's not that big a deal." Wave said. "Yeah, we changed history a little. But then again, the whole point of this battle was to change the future, maybe this is one of the changes." 

"I hope you're right about that, Wave." Bols said.

"Now, what to do?" Drone #10 thought. "I have to get to the laboratory, but if I fly, they will kost definitely catch up to me. I'll just have to go on foot and keep hidden amongst the rocks."

Tomas and Gemma then approached the area.

"Hey guys, am I crazy or is that Tatsumi's parents." Lubbock said.

"Hello there!" Tomas waved.

"Wait. Tomas, that's Professor Rumi!" Gemma said as she pointed at Drone #10.

"Holy shit, are you serious?" Tomas said.

"It's too dangerous! Stay away from here!" Future TJ exclaimed.

"I was speaking the truth when I said you had no chance of winning!!" Drone #10 shouted. "The moment I'm gone, number Seven and Eight will be here to avenge me!!"

"A Seven?" Akame said.

"An Eight?" Esdeath said.

"What the hell?!" Merraid said.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Drone #10 laughed.

Drone #10 then unleashed a massive flash bomb, completely leveling the area.

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