Just A Dream

By Shygirl4991

379 28 12

It was finally the moment he has been waiting for, as he watches the sunset his dream finally comes true. He... More

just a dream

379 28 12
By Shygirl4991

This fic was inspired by Rabbitdemon gmod animation that was done in our discord server cover art done by Rabbitdemon no reposting!

SMG4 sighs walking back from a shopping trip, thanks to Mario experimenting making different kinds of spaghetti they ran out of food at the castle. He smiles seeing his home, as he enters his home something feels off. The castle was too silent, he looked around and saw no one was home. He was getting worried, hoping that Mario hadn't gone next door and set something on fire so he dashed out to see SMG3.

He runs into the cafe and lets out a sigh of relief seeing nothing was broken yet, looking around he was glad to see the snails have not damaged the cafe. He hears a ding from an elevator letting him know Three was approaching, he walks out from the back room and screams seeing four. "WHAT THE HELL!? SMG4, why are you here? The cafe is still closed!" SMG4 lets out a sheepish smile as he waves "Uh the sunset looks nice..thought you needed air?" Four wanted to facepalm at how terrible that was.

Three looked him up and down before relaxing, he rolled his eyes as he walked out the cafe "Whatever, I was going to take a walk anyways." Four smiles as he follows three, the pair stop in front of the castle and look at the sunset together. It was relaxing, whatever troubles he was having felt as they were being washed away. Three takes a deep breath as he turns to the other man "Um..four?" turning he notices Three's face "Yeah?"

Three blushes the moment their eyes made contact, he had to do it. Three had been planning to confess to the other man for days, so watching the sunset was the perfect time. He looks down nervously "I um..." Four looks at him concerned "Are you okay?" in panic Three yells "YEAH!" realizing he yelled at his ex rival he looks down "I'm..sorry."

What was wrong with him, he just had to say those magic words and face the music. Four smiles softly at Three, he lifts up his hand "It's okay!" Three nods turning to Four "I just..." slowly he grabs Four's hand causing the man's eyes to widen in surprise "I wanna tell you something.." Four looked at their hands intertwined, he felt his heart race "Wha-what is it?" his eyes slowly move looking into Three's crimson red eyes. "SMG4 I-" without thinking they both slowly lean forward, Four knew exactly what Three wanted to say. And Three picked up on it as their lips connected.

Suddenly Four hears static, he pulls away to see Three has been frozen. He takes a step back. Confused, he runs to look for help. He runs out the showgrounds only to appear back at the grounds, he gasps seeing Three with another person. They kissed Three and the both of them giggled "I'm so glad you picked me over that idiot four, cause darling we were made for each other." Four growled and was ready to approach them when he heard static again, then the showgrounds went dark.

"Four wake up! We can't lose you too!" He heard Meggys voice from a distance.

That's when his memory returned to him, they were trapped in the TV world. Mario escaped and helped them get out of their brainwash. The crew were on their way to leave the castle, when the strange flesh tentacles approached them just like at peach's castle. They did their best to dodge and fight out the appendages only for Four to trip and hit his head. Disorientated he was unable to defend himself, that's when three jumped in front of him.

Four wakes up staring at the blue sky, slowly sitting up he sees the crew crying. Was that whole thing a dream?

Getting up the crew didn't hear him approach until he saw the reason for everyone's tears. There on the floor was SMG3 devoid of any life "I...what? This has to be a joke..." hearing four the crew run giving him a group hug. SMG3 was gone, after all they went through after learning his feelings through a dream, he lost any chance to tell the man his feelings. Mario looks down shaking "Mario failed to save you all...im sorry."

Meggy shakes her head "This isn't your fault, it's that TV bastard fault!"

They hear laughter causing them to turn around "We can have this now can we?" the man of the hour arrives. They watch as Mr Puzzles smirks at them flashing a TV remote "We can't get those five star ratings with a favorite character dead, that just won't do!"

Seeing the remote, Four charges at the adware determine to get the remote to save Three. Mr Puzzles chuckles as he hits pause on them "You all really are idiots, hahaha don't worry i will fix this and then we will go back to making the perfect endless entertainment."

Mr Puzzles hits rewind bringing the guardian to life, he quickly starts to tend to the wounds. Seeing this Four felt a strange energy flow through him, his eyes glow yellow as he starts breaking free. The moment he was able to move again he charged at Mr Puzzle, hearing movement he turned "HOW ARE YOU-" Four using the strange energy punches the screen smashing the TV. Mr puzzle falls to the ground as Four frees the others "WE NEED TO RUN NOW!"

Mario picks up the now living SMG3 and runs with the crew, as they run Four remembers one of Three's old hideouts and leads everyone there. Now safe everyone decided to rest and plan in the morning. Four sits next to the unconscious SMG3, gently he runs his fingers through Three's hair "I hope you wake up soon three, we have a lot to talk about." He lets out a shaky laugh "I need to tell you..I'm sorry im such an idiot and that i love you."

He breaks down crying not hearing someone moving next to him, he jumps when hands gently wipe his tears "You are an idiot, what dumbass confesses to a man near death?" Fours eyes go wide turning and seeing Three give him a weak smile, without a second thought Four makes his dream come true as he pulls Three in for a kiss. Mario, who was walking over to check on them, sees the kiss and smiles "About time," he turns to let the others know the pair was okay. They don't know what the battle with the Adware will bring, but one thing was for sure, Four wont let Three go again.

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