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By lilith_fanfic_3012

8.7K 531 156

In this gripping tale, our fierce protagonist, named ๐Š๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ๐จ๐ง ๐˜๐ง, finds herself stripped of everythin... More

CHAPTER ~ 6 ใ€ŠTeaserใ€‹
CHAPTER ~ 8 ใ€ŠTeaserใ€‹

CHAPTER ~ 5 ใ€ŠTeaserใ€‹

248 25 6
By lilith_fanfic_3012

If you read this poem carefully, you'll will know the whole chapter 5. It is a complete summary of next chapter.


In a world of anger and envy's sting,
Elena's heart with bitterness did sing.

A wineglass slammed, a table shook,
As thoughts of Taehyung and Yn marriage she took.

But fate had a twist, a meeting unforeseen,
Zade running, their paths did convene.

A collision abrupt, a stumble and fall,
Elena's concern, she did quickly call.

But Zade, angered and full of disdain,
Brushed her hand away, his emotions untamed.

Words exchanged, a promise made,
To never let her win, his resolve displayed.

Confusion filled Elena's mind,
As Zade swiftly left her behind.

A bodyguard appeared, with questions in the air,
And Elena's thoughts began to ensnare.

With a frown upon her face, she inquired,
"What happened?" Her curiosity fired.

In shadows deep, Elena schemes,
Her heart consumed by wicked dreams.

The young master vanished, gone astray,
No clue to where he's gone today.

With a sly smirk, she points the way,
Leading the bodyguard astray.

Encouraging tantrums, fueling the fire,
Elena's cunning, her dark desire.

Her sights set on Yn, a target in sight,
But Zade, her next victim, in the night.

She'll turn the world against him too,
A master manipulator, through and through.

With a victorious air, she leaves the scene,
Her plan unfolding, oh so keen.

In the midst of the party's delight,
Zade vanished, causing quite a fright.

Taehyung worried, searching all around,
For the young master, nowhere to be found.

The birthday boy, ready to cut the cake,
Zade's disappearing act, a risky mistake.

Wendy grumbled, love in her voice,
"Find him quickly, let's make the right choice."

The bodyguards scattered, searching with care,
While Chris thought it was just a childish affair.

But Wendy's anger, she couldn't contain,
For Zade should have known, it wasn't a game.

"Boys will be boys," Chris tried to explain,
But Wendy's expectations, they still remain.

On this special day, of utmost importance,
Zade's actions causing a bit of turbulence.

In the midst of the search, tension fills the air,
Whispers and judgments, a burden to bear.

The Kim Family, united in their quest,
Flipping over the ballroom, giving their best.

But Zade remains elusive, nowhere to be found,
Leaving guests astounded, rumors spread around.

How did it happen, they all wonder aloud,
Lost track of time, a mischievous shroud.

Some say he acted up, a moment of play,
Others defend, "Kids will be kids," they say.

Elena, with her smug smile, plays her part,
Judging Zade's actions, trying to tear him apart.

The weight of privilege, under a microscope he stands,
Mistakes amplified, life dealt with different hands.

As Yn stepped out of the car, Jackson stood by her side,
A protective presence, ready to be her guide.

With a nod and a smile, he offered his support,
A brother's love, unwavering, never to distort.

In a grand entrance, Yn caught everyone's gaze,
Her red Ferrari shining, commanding the praise.

But lurking in the shadows, Aisha and Chui Ming,
Yn knew their intentions, the danger they would bring.

"Stay in the car," Yn softly said to her brother,
"Just in case, I need you, to protect one another."

Jackson understood, the unspoken fear,
Ready to act swiftly, should the danger draw near.

Opening the door, Jackson showed his care,
A personal bodyguard, always aware.

Yn thanked him, a nod of gratitude so slight,
Knowing he'd be there, just a phone call away, day or night.

In that moment, Yn's presence was a sight to behold,
A goddess among mortals, her beauty untold.

With a maroon gown hugging her curves so tight,
She exuded confidence, radiating pure delight.

The bellboys, stunned into silence, couldn't believe their eyes,
They had seen many arrivals, but this was a surprise.

Yn's elegance and grace, like a star in the night,
She outshone them all, a true vision of delight.

Her plunging neckline, a touch of allure,
Accentuating her neck, so graceful and pure.

The exposure of her collarbones, a subtle tease,
Adding to the sexiness, with effortless ease.

Her figure, once hidden, now on full display,
A body proportioned, like Bella Hadid they say.

In that maroon gown, she was a true sensation,
Turning heads, causing a commotion in the hotel's foundation.

In that maroon gown, Yn was a sight to see,
Her legs revealed with each step, a sexy fantasy.

With 10 centimeter heels, she stood tall and proud,
Beauty and pain intertwined, the crowd was wowed.

The red hue draped her like a blooming rose,
Exquisite and refined, elegance she chose.

Confidence radiating, like the sun's bright rays,
She captivated hearts, leaving them in a daze.

The bellboys, in awe, couldn't help but wonder,
Who was this lady, a beauty like no other?

The most beautiful woman they had ever seen,
Their hearts skipped a beat, their minds so keen.

As Yn walked the red carpet, her presence was grand,
Confidence radiating, she took the command.

Jackson, her brother, couldn't help but smile,
Knowing she'd leave them all in awe, in style.

Choe Elena's eyes would widen in surprise,
Seeing Yn's beauty, she couldn't disguise.

And Taehyung, oh, he'd feel a pang of regret,
For letting go of a woman he'll never forget.

But Yn had a purpose, her focus was clear,
To wish her baby boy a happy birthday, sincere.

She strode into the hotel, skirt swept to the side,
With every step, her confidence couldn't hide.

Yn, determined and strong, ventured ahead,
Leaving a trail of awe as she gracefully tread.

The waiter, taken aback, read Yn's name aloud,
Starstruck and curious, he joined the crowd.

"Is she a famous celebrity?" he wondered,
But her name was new, leaving him pondered.

A small shadow appeared, hiding in the plants,
Startling the waiter, his heart did a dance.

It was Young Master Kim, full of intrigue,
Anxious yet excited, eager to perceive.

"What's her name?" Zade asked, seeking the truth,
The waiter, polite, shared the name, uncouth.

"Kimeron Yn," he said with a polite tone,
Leaving Zade curious, wanting to be known.

The mystery deepened, the anticipation grew,
As Yn's presence captivated the view.

In this glamorous affair, secrets unfold,
Leaving Zade and the waiter in awe, untold.

The night held surprises, secrets to unveil,
As Yn's name echoed, leaving a trail.

Who is she, this Kimeron Yn, so grand?
A story waiting to be revealed, firsthand.

Zade's heart raced as he saw Yn's back,
His long-lost mom, the one he'd never lack.

Kimeron Yn, her name etched in his mind,
He chanted it daily, hoping to find.

But why was she here, at the hotel so grand?
To attend his birthday party, he couldn't understand.

The intensity in his eyes, a mix of hope and fear,
He had to stop her, make his message clear.

For they planned to announce his daddy's new bride,
A surprise that would hurt his mom, he couldn't let it slide.

Zade wanted to spare his mother the pain,
To shield her from the unpleasant, the disdain.

With determination in his heart, he made a choice,
To save his mother's heart, to give her a voice.

Zade would stop her, with love and care,
And together, they'd face whatever lay there.

Zade's heart raced, he was filled with despair,
Yn had entered the ballroom, people were there.

But Zade had a plan, an idea so bold,
He rushed forward, reaching for her hand to hold.

Yn was surprised, she looked down in surprise,
And in that moment, their eyes met, oh what a prize!

Their first meeting after years of being apart,
Zade's memory held the image, etched in his heart.

Mother and son, reunited at last,
Yn recognized him, the time had flown so fast.

Tears glistened in her eyes, full of wonder and love,
Her calm composure shaken, emotions rising above.

She never expected this twist of fate,
A boy rushing to hold her hand, it was great!

And it happened to be Zade, her precious son,
In that moment, their bond was rekindled, as one.

Wendy's worry grew, her heart filled with fear,
Where could Zade be? It wasn't clear.

Taehyung's voice turned deep, eyebrows creased tight,
"Find him, no matter what!" he said with might.

The bodyguard hurried, pulling security's thread,
Searching for Zade, where could he have fled?

Elena consoled Wendy, trying to ease her mind,
Assuring her that Zade would soon be behind.

But deep down, they all held concern in their chest,
If Zade's playfulness caused this unrest,

The admonishment awaiting him would be stern,
For everyone longed for his safe return.

Wendy's anger flared, her words sharp and clear,
"Mischief or not, he needs a lesson, my dear!"

Chris, ever diplomatic, tried to calm the scene,
"Let's find him first," he said, keeping it serene.

But Taehyung, consumed by worry and dread,
His son's safety, the only thought in his head.

As he rose to search, a shout filled the air,
"We found him! The young master, he's there!"

Taehyung turned, his eyes filled with surprise,
Not just Zade, but Yn, before his very eyes!

Relief washed over him, his heart filled with bliss,
His son and Yn, together, a moment of pure bliss.

Yn, a vision in maroon, stole the show,
Hypnotizing gazes, her beauty aglow.

With an impressive aura, she commanded the space,
Walking like a queen, with an air of grace.

Ignoring the stares, like water off a duck's back,
Yn saw them as objects, her light they did lack.

But Elena, taken aback, couldn't believe her eyes,
Thinking it must be a hallucination, a surprise.

But yes, it was Yn, transformed and new,
Gone was the old, replaced with a stunning view.

Beauty is not defined by age or looks,
It's the confidence and radiance that hooks.

Elena's face turned pale, her fists clenched so tight,
Nails digging into her palms, anger taking flight.

She longed to humiliate Yn, to see her fall,
But now she's faced with a reality that's not what she called.

Kimeron Yn, that glamorous sight,
In a million-dollar dress, shining so bright.

Elena thought she had the upper hand,
But Yn's transformation was more than she planned.

Frustration grew, as Elena realized,
Her imagined spectacle had been compromised.

As Elena gathered herself, a forced smile upon her face,
She turned to Zade, her words laced with underlying grace.

"Zade, where did you disappear to, my dear?
Your absence caused worry, it's perfectly clear."

She wanted to redirect the attention to Zade's vanishing act,
To remind everyone of the concern, the impact.

But she forgot that Zade never favored her presence,
He paid no heed, walked past with no pretense.

Towards Taehyung he went, his hand reaching out,
Joining his parents, dispelling any doubt.

Yn's elegance and Taehyung's rugged charm,
Their son, a perfect blend, a cause for warm.

A picture-perfect family, they stood,
A sight that made hearts feel oh so good.

Like a puzzle, they fit with seamless grace,
Missing one, a rainbow without a trace.

Even Elena herself was taken aback,
Their compatibility, it was hard to lack.

But these thoughts pushed her to the brink,
A mental breakdown, a chaotic link.

In that unexpected moment, Zade's innocent eyes,
Recognized his mom, filling hearts with surprise.

Yn's emotions soared, bittersweet and profound,
Memorizing her son's face, making up for lost time, she found.

Taehyung, caught off guard, his heart in a twist,
Yn's beauty came alive, impossible to resist.

No longer just a mannequin, a pretty facade,
Her charm captivated him, like a spell she had.

It was like admiring a mystifying painting, indeed,
Yn's presence, a masterpiece, taking the lead.

Her beauty, once passive, now active and bright,
Drawing attention, holding it tight.

Their lives intertwined, a complex web,
Emotions swirling, like a tempestuous ebb.

In that moment, Taehyung's eyes were drawn,
To Yn, his heart's desire, from dusk 'til dawn.

Zade's invitation meant for Mommy, not another,
A longing for a family, reunited together.

The hotel encounter, a twist of fate,
Lost in time, they couldn't wait.

Yn, absent from Zade's life for so long,
Now standing before him, where she belongs.

Wendy, understanding Zade's plea,
Though not fond of Yn, she could see,

A mother's love, a bond so true,
Zade's wish to celebrate, with both of you.

Indecorous to object, they all knew,
Zade's birthday, a moment to ensue.

Together they'd stand, blow out the candle's light,
A celebration of love, shining bright.

As the mousse cake with candles ablaze,
Yn's heart surged with love in a daze.

Memories of missed birthdays past,
Now reunited, a love that'll last.

Zade's fifth birthday, a wish come true,
A celebration for the both of you.

Through the years, a longing grew,
To see his mom, and now he knew.

In the embrace of a family reunited,
Love and joy, no longer divided.

Elena's envy may cast its gaze,
But today, it's your love that will blaze.

In the midst of the birthday cheer,
Zade's wish rang loud and clear.

"I wish Mommy and Daddy forever stay,"
He whispered, casting a hopeful ray.

The room fell silent, frozen in time,
As each person pondered, lost in their mind.

Yn, consumed by thoughts of her son,
Didn't notice the hands, together as one.

A picture of a family, reunited and strong,
Yn and Taehyung, where they belong.

Elena's envy, unnoticed and ignored,
For Yn had claimed her place, adored.

In the radiant sun's embrace, the diamond lost its gleam,
Comparison's sting, a hurtful theme.

Two women, side by side, in the same room,
A contest of beauty, a tale of gloom.

Elena's plan, to shine brighter than the rest,
Inviting Yn as a foil, a calculated test.

But fate had other plans, a twist unforeseen,
Yn's brilliance outshining, stealing the scene.

Elena, once the catch, now feeling small,
Her hopes shattered, pride taking a fall.

Internal anger burning, a fiery storm,
Wishing harm upon them, a vengeful form.

But decorum demanded a smile, a façade,
To hide the fury, to keep her pride unflawed.

Yet behind the mask, her body shook,
With the weight of defeat, her spirit took.

No matter the graciousness of her charade,
The truth remained, she had lost the crusade.

For comparison's grip can be a dangerous game,
It's our own path to happiness we must claim.


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