the anti hero of metropolis (...

By Tupac2003

8.3K 125 72

In the underbelly of Gotham City, cloaked under the dark mantle of night, prowled a figure feared by the wick... More

the workers in your house
sweet justice
sweet justice 2
sweet justice 3
red hood vs DC villain girls
hate triangle
meet the cheetah
shock it to me
she might be a giant


454 12 2
By Tupac2003

At Kara's house her alarm clock went off as she smashed it ad got up and walked to school as she had her headphones on.

Kara: [groaning]

Female Reporter: And after such a trying ordeal, it was all thanks to Superman that the orphans were saved. In other news, Superman...
Radio Announcer: Metropolis's Big Blue Boy Scout, Superman, a hero for all of us--

Tourists: Superman! Superman! Superman!

Kara groaned at those as there were billboards and signs that had superman on them. After a little
while she made it to the school.

Kara: *sighs and takes off her headphones." Finally, a place where I don't have to see his annoying

A student came and a news paper came cheetah in Kara's face as she saw it had news about superman
on it. She then groaned in frustration and went to the school as we see a wonman working on a news
report about superman.

Lois Lane: Olsen! Where's my art? Layout's in five! Cruz! ETA on the Enviro-Beat column? Gimme words!

Jessica: Almost done, Lois!

Lois Lane: Say, that's swell, Olsen!

As she was working Kara came in angry.

Lois: What's buzzin', cousin?

Kara: Why are you printing stuff about him in the school paper?

Lois Lane: What's eatin' you, Danvers? That's a legitimate story and I'm a legitimate reporter. Got it? Now who's got a pencil?

Kara: There are way more important stories out there than Superman.

Jessica: She's right. I've got a lead on some terrible chemical dumping.

Kara:What if I told you there was another hero out there, hmm? A better hero, with all the same powers as Superman but even awesomer.

Lois Lane: I like your potatoes, Danvers, but where's the meat? What other hero's gonna get me an internship at the Daily Planet?

Kara: Ever heard of Supergirl?

Lois Lane: Super who?

Kara: Supergirl.

Lois Lane: Eh, sounds like a retread to me. If this Supergirl of yours did anything to earn the front page, trust me, she'd be there. Now will someone please get me a pencil?

Kara grabbed the pencils from her hair and broke them in half as she walked out of the Daily planetoid.

Lois: Ah, there they are.

Kara was now in chemestry class as she was with you and the others.

Kara: "Sounds like a retread to me." Ugh. What does that even mean?

Karen: Uh, um, Kara? Maybe just a few grams of that potassium, please.

Kara: If anyone's a retread it's him. Did you know I was 12 when Uncle Jor-El and Aunt Lara had him? I used to baby-sit him back on Krypton!

Babs: Really? I mean, dude, that bites! No wonder you're so mad.

Karen: You know what's mad? Adding too much lithium chloride..
.[liquid bubbling]

Kara: I could've gone to Earth first and then everyone would love me, but no, I had to get stuck in space stasis while he was down here becoming a... "Man." I mean, I have the exact same power as him. I come from the exact same planet. I practically have the exact same backstory-- Oops. My bad. What happened? I thought you measured all this stuff?

Karen: Yes, but when you add heat to highly volatile chemicals, they--

Kara: Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm. So why do they all love him and nobody even notices me?

Khalil: you probably need to do something big like big save. Like me.

Kara: wym?

Khalil: I mean I single handly lowered crime myself by killing criminals, sending black mask out a window on fire, killed a bunch of illegal traders who were running a trade line, sent the heads of the lieutenants gang Lords in a bag that took me like 2 hours, and killed the scarescrow and that just the top of stuff I did.

The girls then look at you with widen eyes and jaw drops.

Khalil: what?

Jessica: you gave the heads of gang Lords lieutenants in a bag?

Khalil: yup.

Karen: khalil what did we talk about?

Khalil: (sighs) don't bring past murders cause that will give temptation to kill again.

Karen: that's right.

Khalil: look my point is do something better than superman then you'll get the attention you been wanting.

Kara: your right Khalil. Your absolutely right.

Jessica: Kara Danvers you are not murdering anyone!

Kara: no not that. But do something big to be noticed.

Diana: A word of caution, Kara. When we seek glory, it can sometimes blind us to the greater good.

Kara: Hmm. You're right. I'm gonna knock his grinning face off the front page.

Khalil: how bout I join you just in case. You know some Supergirl and red hood action.

Kara: oh I would love that..... I mean sure whatever come on.

Here we see an old woman as a robber came and stole her purse as he was making a run for it he was punched in the face by Kara as she is supergirl. Kara gave the elder woman her purse back. Then Lois and Olsen were near by.

Lois: Oh!

They both ran passed Kara as they see a vehicle make it's way from the bank only to be stopped by Superman.

Everyone came and started to cheer for superman as a newspaper showed him stopping robbers as Kara crumbled the paper into a ball as he looked at her and put his arm around her. Next a train as about to fall as Kara came and held herself between the part for the train to pass as she looked she saw the rest of the track destroyed as the train was about
to fall.

Kara: Ahhh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

The train fell only for it to be caught by superman as he put it down safely as everyone began to cheer for him as lois and Olsen were there as Kara
got angry. Next showed a building on fire as Kara came and got a mother and girls out of the building but then superman came with a water
tower as he poured the water on the building putting out the fire as the crowd cheered for him as kara got angry from that then there was a
another newspaper as Kara tore it up you then to calm her down by giving her a hug. Which calms her down and she hugs her back. He then see a meteor coming down. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, he swiftly deploy a squadron of advanced drones equipped with cutting-edge capabilities to intercept the deadly meteor. With remarkable precision and coordination, Red Hood maneuvers the drones expertly, orchestrating a synchronized effort to intercept the meteor's trajectory before it can wreak havoc upon impact. Using their versatile array of functions, the drones form a protective barrier around the meteor, working in tandem to alter its course away from Earth.

Kara: hood! that was suppose to be my save!

Red hood: sorry Kara I kinda jumped at situation. My bad.

Kara: your lucky your cute.

Red hood: Kara look a woman drowning.

woman: Help! Help!

Kara came and grabbed them as they were now out of the water but the crowd were cheering in a different direction as Kara saw Superman punching sharks away as the crowd were cheering for him as Kara was angry as another news paper was made as Kara used her heat vision and burned the paper. Then Kara stopped an oil spill from a ship, caught a bus and stopped a bomb from blowing up by covering it up.

Kara looked to see superman and the citizens at a tree as he hit it and caught a cat and gave it to an old woman as the townspeople cheered for him as he flew away.

crowd: Superman! Superman! Superman!

Kara: Ahhh!

crowd: Superman!

Kara then flew to superman then he activated his rocket boots and catch up to her.

Kara: hood you can fly?

Red hood: yeah rocket boots really come in handy.

Kara: Hey. Hey! Hey!

Superman: Huh? What? Supergirl? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?

Kara: Uh, it's Saturday. And what I'm doing here is telling you to back off!

Superman: Back off? Ha, I don't follow.

Kara: I've been working my butt off for days trying to save people in Metropolis. But every time I do something to prove I'm a hero, there you are--

Superman: Being a hero?

Kara: Yes! I... I mean no. Ah uh, I, I mean...

Superman: Listen, cuz, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times. Being a real hero takes time and experience. Experience I have. As an adult.

Khalil: look have some respect for her she as much as a hero as you probably ever better.

Superman: and you your the red hood what do you know about being a hero you kill criminals.

Khalil: yeah I put them in the ground unlike you clark.

Superman: that still doesn't- how do you?

Y/n: it's pretty obvious dumbass.

Superman: both of you better leave right now. Leave the hero work to the real professionals.

He starts getting angry

Red hood: Kara please stand back. Like far back.

Kara then steps back far.

He then crack his knuckles and activate his kryptonite brass knuckles.

Kara: hood no!

Superman: trust me you don't want this (glares at you).

Red hood: oh I do.

The tension crackled between them like static before a storm. Then, without further warning, Red Hood charged. Superman stood ready, his stance a testament to countless battles fought and won.

The first blow came swiftly; Red Hood swung with a right hook, brass knuckles glinting ominously, but Superman caught his fist with ease, the force of the blow inconsequential against his invulnerable skin. Red Hood, undeterred, twisted and managed to land a quick jab to Superman's abdomen, a move that might have incapacitated a lesser opponent, but merely made Superman flinch.

Undeterred, Red Hood unleashed a flurry of punches, each one augmented by the merciless metal of his brass knuckles. Superman blocked most, but one clever feint left his guard open, and Red Hood's fist connected sharply with his jaw. There was a sound, barely perceptible, like the faintest crack of thunder distantly echoing.

Superman staggered back, more in surprise than pain.

Superman: Red hood, you don't have to do this.

He implored, eyeing the glowing green veins running through the brass of the knuckles-kryptonite.

Red hood: That's where you're wrong.

Red Hood snarled, feeling the reckless surge of imminent victory. He closed the distance again, every strike more ferocious as he saw Superman's defenses falter under the kryptonite's relentless assault.

Superman tried to retaliate, his blows still powerful but slower as the kryptonite sapped his strength. He caught Red Hood by the shoulders, lifting him off the ground, but Red Hood slammed his knuckles hard against Superman's temple, sending both of them crashing to the ground.

Gasping for breath, Superman tried to rise, weakened by the kryptonite and the barrage of hits. Red Hood stood, panting heavily, the day air cold against his sweat-damp skin. He looked down at Superman, who was struggling to get to his feet.

Superman: please stop.

Red hood: This is my city. Know your fucking place Smallville.

With a final, decisive swing, Red Hood delivered a knockout blow to Superman, using the last of his strength. Superman's eyes fluttered shut, his body finally giving in to the relentless assault.

When you look up you see everybody looking at you.

Red hood: let this be the day that Superman was beat by the red hood.

He then activate his rocket boots and fly away. Meanwhile Kara just stood their scared and worried.

Kara: woah (blushing).

The next day at HQ.

Khalil was working at his station on a new invention until all the girls surround him.

Diana: khalil we need to talk.

Khalil: about?

Diana: what happened yesterday.

Karen: it's all over the news.

Zee: and social media

Jessica: and the newspaper.

Babs: you beat Superman!!!!!!

khalil: yup.

Babs: but how your just a human, he's a alien, with super strength, speed, durability, senses, heat vision, ice breath, x ray vision-

Khalil: and a weakness to kryptonite. I have built in kryptonite brass knuckles in my suit just in case if I ever had to fight Superman.

Diana: wym ever have to fight him?

Khalil: well say if he ever became evil or hypnotized by a villain he would need to be stopped so I made kryptonite brass knuckles. It's every kryptonians weakness.

Kara: how did you get it?

They all turn and look at Kara.

Khalil: what?

Kara: how did you get that kryptonite?

Khalil: oh I been had it.

Kara: look Khalil if we're gonna be on a team together then your gonna need to get rid of that kryptonite.

Khalil: why?

Kara: cause its my weakness and you not telling me you had it in the first place betrays my trust.

Khalil: Kara it's not meant to kill you it's meant to stop you. If you ever become evil or hypnotized by a villain.

Kara: oh please what are the chances of me being hypnotized by a villain.

Khalil: the point is I'm not getting rid of it.

Kara: if your not just promise me this you won't use it unless it's a emergency. Promise me khalil.

Khalil: I promise.

Kara: thank you. Also

She pulls him close and kisses him deeply on the lips. In front of everyone. The other girls eyes are widen and jaws are dropped. Then Kara stops kissing him.

Kara: thank you for kicking my cousins ass yesterday it was really hot.

Khalil: anything for my supergirl.

Kara then blushes hard.

Karen thoughts: no no no no I was the one that was suppose to kiss him first.

Diana thoughts: this isn't over my lips will feel his lips really soon.

Zee thoughts: damn it Kara I wanted to kiss him first. But I'ma make sure I'll be the first one to fuck him.

Jessica thoughts: I wonder what his lips feel like? I want him so bad!

Babs thoughts: I swear on Batman's cowl that my tongue be in his mouth next. On Batman's cowl!

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