card captor in twisted wonder...

By Yuto-kagamine

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a young girl named y/n kinomoto (yes I'm making it so that y/n is Sakura) recently became the new master of t... More

chapter 1 🌠 the voice in the mirror
chapter 2 🌠 the first day of chaos
chapter 3 🌠 the ore hunt
chapter 4 🌠 the relief of staying
chapter 5 ♥️ the tale of the tart thief
chapter 6 ♥️ the lunch chaos
chapter 7 ♥️ the invitation
chapter 8 ♥️ the tea party catastrophe
chapter 9 ♥️ the end to tyranny
chapter 10 ♥️ the final bow of the week
chapter 11 🦁 the blonde human
not an important chapter ‼️‼️
chapter 12 🦁 shady incidents
chapter 13 🦁 a tough investigation
card captor :incorrect quotes 1
chapter 14 🦁 the tournament
chapter 15 🦁 goodbye wildness
card captor: incorrect quotes 2
chapter 16 🐙 the white haired beauty
chapter 17 🐙 the exam

chapter 18 🐙 a not so shocking discovery

271 12 28
By Yuto-kagamine

It was a great morning

You knew that you had passed the exam and today you were getting the confirmation for that

You walked into class all happy and giddy

First thing you see is your stupid friends looking like they've committed a crime and are now thinking what to do next

"Boy what the hell are you guys doing"

Since they did not notice you they jumped from their sit

"Oh hey there! don't worry about it girly pop-"

"Call me girly pop again and i will take your eyes out of their sockets, make cakes with them and feed those cakes to your family."

Deuce sat there scared before speaking up

"Should i be scared or concerned?"


After a while of waiting for the bell it rang and crewel came into the room with a stack of papers.

"Alright i will call you one by one by number and you will get your test results"

"Number one!"

Ace went up and came back with a grin on his face

"Nice! A 92!"

You were dumbfounded

Of all the people in this class

This dumbass got a 92?

Who in the hell did he give his soul to

"Number two!"

Deuce also came back with a grin


And suddenly pigs are going to start flying tomorrow

This was the end of the world

How in the hell did they not fail?

What kind of witchcraft hocus pocus shit was this?

After a while your number got called and you were sadly the last number

"Number twenty!"

Crewel smilled at you while giving you your paper

"I'm pretty proud of you pup a perfect mark! And apparently this isn't the only test with perfect marks"

Ace and deuce were now the ones who looked like they just saw a pig fly instead of it being you

And what did you do when you turned towards them?

Gave them the biggest smirk you've ever done in the whole school year

"You motherfu-"

"Cool it down ace we can only sob in regret"

"I call either cheats or witchcraft!"

"This is literally a school for magic?"

"Oh wait shit you're Right"

Later on

You were currently being dragged against your will towards the ranking board

Your two idiots seemed excited to see specifically the top 50

"C'mon i gotta see if i made it!"

"Bro please i deserve to be free"

Deuce only pulled his sweet boy card on you

"Y/n could you please come with us this is really important for us and your company just makes us less stressed to see the results"

Well shit

You couldn't say no to that

"Fine just make it short "

The second you got near someone shouted your name, not at you but while they were talking you just heard your name really loudly

"There is no way y/n made it to top one! And how the hell did she get extra points"

Oh the extra points?

They were from Vargas


"I need someone to spar with me to show their progress towards their strength!"

Being the cowards they are everyone just backed away.

But you being the beautiful independent woman you are went up and decided to be the chosen one

"I'll do it mister vargas "

Vargas looked shocked that of all people it was you that stepped up but he didn't mind

"Mister vargas, would you mind if it was a sword fight?"

He laughed a bit before answering

"That's an interesting choice! I don't mind at all bring it on!

Taking out your staff as usual you brought out the sword card

"Card created by the powers of my star i order you to transform, as your master! Sword!"

The staff suddenly turned into a beautiful silver sword that was pretty sharp and had a round ruby gem imbedded near the handle

Everyone was impressed by your magic because for some of them it was the first time they had seen it

"Whenever you're ready mister vargas!"

"Alright three,two,one..."

You positioned yourself to get ready to dash


You ran towards him cutting precise cuts that slashed the ground whenever he would dodge or block

You weren't great at swordfighting but it didn't matter

After all...

The sword card makes anyone into a swordsmater

After a couple of blocking from mister vargas you decide that you've had your fun and wanted to end it once and for all

You moved really quickly and the next thing everyone saw...

The teachers sword was now onto the ground with you pointing the edge of your blade at him

"Looks like i won for today"

You smiled at him

He looked shocked at first but then laughed

"You really are something miss kinomoto!"

You smiled at that but you couldn't help but shiver as you felt a pair of silvery purple eyes staring at you through a window

-end of flashback-

After that he decided to give you extra points for your p.e test so now your name was on the top of the list standing proud and glorious

"Y/n how in the hell"

"I had study sessions with riddle and yue"

Ace and deuce both went ' ohhh ' after that

After that they looked around the list panicking after not being able to see their names

After the panick was over a weird sea anemone appeared on top of their heads

You have never but never ever held the urge to laugh so much

You didn't even get to tell them how dumb they are that the anemone dragged them

You of course got yue to go investigate with you

And what did you know?

They were all going to octavinelle

You decided to hide amongst the croud with yue, you were in a not really noticable corner

"My lady i told you they were idiots"

"I already knew yue, trust me."

The next thing you knew Azul came out of nowhere into the stage with the twins behind him

"Well,well, what do we have here? A bunch of poor unfortunate souls that didn't manage to win the deal and are now stuck with me? It's so sad really i could almost cry"

You knew damn well he was laughing internally at them

While stuck in your thoughts you heard your name being called

"I'm pretty sure y/n over there would agree with me that this is a big scam!"

Oh ace you did not

"Wait. Did you just say y/n"

You could have swore azul's head made a crack when he turned towards you

"Yue we're fucked."

"Indeed my lady we are"

Floyd just looked like he was enjoying this situation while jade had the same frown as Azul had right now

"My dear pearl! What might you be doing back at the dorm so early?"

"My idiots were getting dragged and i kinda am responsible of them"

Ace looked mad but he had a small smile because even if he got called an idiot you still cared about him

"Well I'm afraid you're timing wasn't the best my dear, how much did you hear?"

"I believe we have heard everything mister ashengrotto, now please step away from my lady"

Yue was now glaring at azul and in your head you just went ' fight,fight,fight!'

"I believe you've got me wrong mister yue I'm simply worried for our little pearl over here. It would be a shame if a beautiful gem with so much... Potential, Got broken wouldn't it?"

The twins were now behind Azul once again as he got closer to you

He whispered something to them and they went towards the students with anemones.

He was blocking you path of view now so you couldn't see what they were doing but then Azul was talked to you in a gentle voice

"Now since you're back pearl, how about we go to my office and have our usual cup of tea?"


Something was wrong

You didn't liked that feeling you had

You knew nothing but...

Your friend with wings knew too much apparently

An unnecessary witness

Omg finally I'm done

I made a lot of words too so hurray hurray!

As always hope you guys liked this one

As a sorry for the late update here's a little something

Well that was all for today as far as i know

See you next time

Total words : 1408

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