flower punk

By hepycat

3.2K 75 25

Miles Morales was an ordinary young man, until the day he was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained super... More

chapter 1
chapter 2: first meeting
chapter 3:cat and mouse
chapter 4: wondering
chapter 5: the start of dance
chapter 6: the dance
chapter 7:end of the dance
chapter 8: thinking
chapter 9:dream
chapter 10: texting Gwen
chapter 11; jealous
fighting then something unexpected
mine part 2
miles Worst nightmare
hobie helps

trying to do work

128 1 0
By hepycat

It was the next day and miles still recovering from last night. he was trying to do his usual spider work but Hobie had other plans. He was standing in the doorway, he crossed his arms and spoke with a smirk on his face

“Well well well, what do we have here?”

Miles is ignoring Hobie as the spider hero is doing his spider work. he is pretending as if Prowler isn’t there when he’s been standing in front of miles, than miles speaks.

“What do you want?”

Hobie can tell that miles was trying to ignore him, so he decided that was a signal for him to step closer. he stepped closer to miles until he was close to miles ear

“Oh~ is someone trying to ignore me? You know I don’t like that, do you?”

Miles got annoyed "please leave me alone!!" He shoot webs and swings away

Hobie saw miles shoot web and the little swung away. He chuckled as he saw that move, he knew that his kitten were just trying to avoid him. He spoke towards to miles  when miles swung away.

"Aww~ is someone trying to avoid me? You know that’s not gonna work out for you, don’t you? You can’t escape me kitten…”

Hobie then gets his prowler gear ready and looks around the area for miles, he was starting to get mad and irritated that miles were ignoring him. He then found him and started to speak again.

“There you are, I thought that you were planning to run away from me again, but it looks like you didn’t get very far…so far did you forget what I said yesterday"

Hobie smirk and grabbed miles wrist than dragged him to an ally "hobie what are you doing" "punishing my kitten"

Miles got irritated and punched with his spider force

Hobie fell backwards from the force of Miles' punch, his nose immediately starting to bleed. He wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand, his eyes never leaving Miles.

"Is that the best you've got?" he taunted, a smile spreading across his face. "I've taken much worse from much stronger opponents."

Miles felt his anger rising, his fists balling at his side. "You think this is a game?" he snarled, his voice barely above a hiss. "You think that you can just come in here and claim me as some kind of possession? I'm not your kitten, I'm Spider-Man, and I'll never be yours."

Hobbie stood up, his eyes blazing with anger. "You'll be whatever I want you to be, kitten," he said, his voice low and threatening. "Don't forget who's in charge here."

Miles felt the anger boiling over within him, he felt his body tensing up, preparing for a fight. He felt no fear, no hesitation, only a burning fury.

Without warning, he launched himself at Hobie, his fists flying like missiles. Hobie tried to dodge, but Miles was too quick, too determined. He landed blow after blow, each one more powerful than the last.

Hobie stumbled backwards, his body taking the full force of Miles' attacks. He tried to defend himself, but Miles was unstoppable, his anger driving him forward like a hurricane.

Hobie fell to the ground, defeated and broken. Miles stood over him, his fists still clenched, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Hobie looked up at him, his eyes filled with hate and defeat.

"You won," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Miles looked down at Hobie, a mixture of emotions coursing through him. He felt triumphant, victorious, but at the same time, he felt a sense of regret, a sense of emptiness. He had won the battle, but at what cost?

Hobie noticed Miles on him, Hobie grabbed Miles' waist and dragged him into his arms, pulling him in close. "I've got you now, my sweet kitten," he whispered in Miles' ear. He could feel Miles' body tense up under his touch, but Hobie didn't care. He was the Prowler, and Miles was his prey. Miles was surprised by Hobie's sudden grab, he tried to pull away, but Hobie was too strong. Hobie's grasp was firm and Miles felt helpless.

Miles tried to struggle free from Hobie's grip, but the Prowler was too strong. "Let go of me!" Miles shouted, his voice filled with rage. But it was no use, Hobie held on tighter. "Not a chance, my sweet little Spider-Man," Hobie said, his voice full of mockery. "You're mine now."

Miles was starting to get angry, the anger making him more and more powerful, "You'll never have me, Hobie!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the ally.

Hobie pulled him closer, his eyes locked on Miles' face. "You'll learn to love me," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And if you ever try to run away again, I'll make sure you regret it."

Miles felt his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps. He felt trapped, helpless, and at the mercy of Prowler. He knew that he had to find a way out, and fast.

Suddenly Miles's power activated, his adrenaline spiking, causing him to suddenly grow stronger. Hobie felt the sudden surge of power from Miles, his hold on Miles becoming weaker by the second.

"What the...," Hobie said, his voice filled with surprise. "You're stronger than I thought, my kitten."

Miles felt his confidence returning, his anger turning to determination. He swung himself away from Hobie, his webs wrapping around some nearby objects, yanking him away from the alley.

Hobie was left standing in the alley, his fists clenched, his body trembling with anger. "You may have gotten away this time, my kitten," he said, his voice a low growl. "But I'll be back. And next time, I'll make sure you don't escape."

Miles swung away, his heart racing, his mind racing. He knew that Prowler was dangerous, that he wouldn't stop until he had Miles exactly where he wanted him. Miles knew he needed to find a way to stop Prowler, to get him off his back before it was too late.

Hobie was surprised that Miles were able to break away from his grip, he was getting tired of Miles escaping from him. He let go of Miles and watch as Miles swung away from him, his mind racing, his adrenaline pumping. He knew that he needed to put an end to Miles's defiance. Hobie grabbed his gear and got ready to track Miles down once more.

Hobie checked his computer and found Miles's location, he put on his gear and got into his car, drove towards Miles location. Hobie parked his car and walked silently towards where Miles was last seen, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the spider hero.

Suddenly, he saw Miles swinging through the city, chasing after a criminal. Hobie got ready to make his move, he watched as Miles took down the criminal and swung towards him, Hobie moved out of the way just in time for Miles to not crash into him.

Hobie was impressed by Miles's agility and strength, his heart racing. He knew that he couldn't take on Miles in a fair fight, he needed to get an advantage. He quickly got ready to attack, he threw his first web at Miles, aiming for his legs. The web latched onto Miles's legs, causing him to stumble a bit.

Hobie went in for the second attack, his hands glowing with electricity, a bolt of lighting shooting out of his hands, straight for Miles. Miles was able to roll out of the way of the attack, the electricity hitting the ground instead.

Miles was starting to get frustrated, he knew that he couldn't fight Hobie forever, sooner or later, Hobie was going to get him. He quickly swung towards Hobie, his fist cocked back. He was going to hit Hobie where it hurt, his face. As soon as Miles swung, Hobie quickly moved out of the way, his face contorting into a smirk as he saw the anger on Miles's.

Hobie quickly webbed Miles's hands, preventing him from hitting Hobie. He walked towards Miles, the anger in his eyes making Miles's blood run cold. He knew that Hobie was going to kill him, he wouldn't let Miles get away this time.

Hobie grabbed miles waist, miles was taken by surprise, he quickly turned around and try to break Hobie's grip on him, but he couldn't, Hobie was way to strong. Hobie moved his face closer to miles's before he spoke "you belong to me now kitten, and you're going to do whatever your new owner tells you to. I'm yours and you can't break free" Hobie smirk as miles tried to break his grip but it was no use, Hobie was just too strong. Hobie finally let go of him, miles fell to the floor, Hobie smiled as his prey was right where he needed him to be. Hobie could see the fear in miles's eyes, the fear that Hobie was going to hurt him. Hobie saw this and couldn't help but to grin. Hobie was glad he finally had his kitten where he needed to be, in his control.

Hobie then picked miles up, still smiling as miles struggle in his arms. Hobie walked into the ally as miles tried to break free, but Hobie's grip was too strong. Hobie finally stop when he seen a dumpster, he slowly opened the lid, still holding miles with one hand, letting him dangle over the dumpster. Miles was scared out of his mind, he didn't know what Hobie was going to do to him, Hobie finally put miles down, not in the dumpster, but just on top of it.

Hobie then spoke to his prey, "are you ready now kitten"? He had a smug smile on his face, watching his prey's face as it was filled with fear. Hobie saw that his prey was scared, so he spoke again, this time his voice filled with enjoyment "I'm going to enjoy breaking this little kitten" he said as he walked towards Miles again, Miles tried to move away but Hobie was too fast, he grabbed miles' chin, turning it towards his own, Miles tried to fight back but Hobie was too strong.

Hobie finally spoke again, and this time it was a whisper, one that sent chills down Miles spine, "you're not going anywhere little kitten" Hobie smiled, this was more fun than he thought it was going to be.

Hobie was ready to face Miles once again, his hands glowing with electricity, his adrenaline rushing through him. Hobie was determined to make Miles his kitten, no matter the cost.

As Miles swung from the building, Hobie fired a web at him, aiming for his legs. The web struck Miles, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. Hobie moved in, quickly grabbing Miles by the neck and lifting him up.

"You're mine now, my kitten," Hobie hissed into Miles' ear, his grip tightening around Miles' neck.

Miles fought back, struggling against Hobie's grip, but it was no use. Hobie's strength was too much for him.

Hobie smiled at Miles' struggle, enjoying the feeling of power he had over the superhero. He lowered Miles to the ground, still holding him by the neck. Miles gasped for air, his eyes wide with fear.

"You're mine now," Hobie repeated, "I own you. And you'll do whatever I say."

Miles knew he was in trouble, he knew that Hobie was serious about owning him, making him his little kitten. Miles was scared, he didn't know what Hobie was going to do to him. He struggled against Hobie's grip, his muscles straining against the strong man's hold.

Hobie laughed and tightened his grip on Miles' neck, causing Miles to choke. "You're not going anywhere, my sweet kitten," Hobie whispered in Miles' ear, his breath hot on Miles' skin. "You're mine, and you'll do whatever I say."

Miles struggled against Hobie's grip, his breath coming in gasps. Hobie's eyes were cold and hard as he stared down at Miles. "You're going to love being my kitten," Hobie said, his voice low and menacing. "And if you try to escape, you'll regret it."

Miles knew that Hobie wasn't joking, that he was serious about owning him and making him his kitten. He stopped struggling, his strength sapped by fear and exhaustion. Hobie tightened his grip on Miles' neck, bringing him close once again.

"I'm going to break you," Hobie whispered in Miles' ear, his breath coming in hot gasps. "I'm going to make you my kittenl

Hobie looked at Miles, his anger still boiling, his body itching to hit Miles once more. He finally smiled at Miles, his face filled with twisted enjoyment. "I'm going to break you," Hobie whispered, his voice sending chills down Miles's spine. "And when I'm done, you'll be mine forever."

Miles was terrified, he didn't know what Hobie had planned for him, but he knew it wasn't going to be anything good. He tried to struggle against Hobie's grip, but it was no use, Hobie was just too strong. Hobie pulled Miles closer to him, his grip on Miles's neck tightening, his hand glowing with a bolt of electricity.

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you," Hobie whispered, his voice filled with pleasure. "And when I'm done, you'll be my little kitten. My plaything."

Miles could feel the fear and desperation gripping at his heart, he was afraid of what Hobie was going to do to him, of what Hobie had planned for him. But he knew there was no escaping Hobie, not now, not ever. He was forced to accept that Hobie had him, that Hobie owned him.

Hobie saw the fear on Miles's face, the desperation in his eyes, and he loved it. He loved having that power over Miles, having him at his mercy, having him all to himself. Hobie was determined to make Miles his kitten, no matter the cost. He was going to break Miles down, break him apart, until there was nothing left of him except for Hobie's control.

With a final twist of his wrist, Hobie sent a bolt of electricity coursing through Miles's body, causing Miles to scream and seize up. Hobie let go of Miles, watching as he fell to the ground, his body twitching uncontrollably. He smiled down at Miles, his eyes filled with twisted enjoyment.

"My kitten," Hobie whispered, his voice filled with pleasure. "My little plaything."

Miles lay on the ground, his body trembling, his mind filled with fear and desperation. He didn't know what Hobie had planned for him, but he knew one thing for sure - he was in big trouble.

after the session miles tears, his neck is sore after the moaning and screaming

Hobie watched Miles with an amused smirk, he couldn't believe how easy it was to break Miles. Miles was just so vulnerable, so weak. Hobie knew that if he wanted to continue to own Miles, he was going to have to be careful not to break him too much. He didn't want his kitten to be completely broken, after all - he still wanted to have fun with him.

"You did very well for your first session, my kitten," Hobie said, his voice soft and soothing. Miles looked at him with fear in his eyes, afraid of what Hobie was going to do to him next. "But don't worry, I won't break you too much. I still want to have fun with you."

Hobie reached out and ran his hand down Miles's face, a gentle touch that seemed at odds with his previous actions. "You're mine now, my kitten," Hobie whispered in Miles's ear, his breath hot on Miles's skin. "And I'm going to take good care of you."

Miles knew that Hobie was lying, that he had no intention of taking good care of him. He was going to break Miles down, mold him into the perfect little kitten for his amusement and pleasure. But for now, Miles was just relieved to have a moment of calm, to be safe from Hobie's brutal attacks.

"I'm going to wash you up," Hobie said, his voice still soft and soothing. "And then you can rest."

Miles nodded, too tired and weakened to fight back. Hobie picked him up gently, tucking him into his arms like a newborn kitten. Hobie carried Miles to the bathroom, turning on the water and washing Miles's body with a gentle touch.

Miles felt grateful for the moment of tenderness, even if he knew that it was just a facade, a way to make him compliant and malleable. He let Hobie dry him off, wrapping him in a warm towel and carrying him to the bedroom.

Hobie laid Miles down gently on the bed, tucking him in and kissing his forehead. "Rest now, my kitten," Hobie whispered, his voice filled with a twisted kind of affection. "Rest and recharge. We have a lot more to do together."

Miles closed his eyes, trying to forget the brutal session, trying to forget the pain and fear.

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