Never Not You

By Backtoback1234

96.1K 2.6K 219

Leah Williamson x OC I don't claim to know anyone in this personally and therefore their character, personal... More

Who is she
New album and Random
Caught on Camera
X's Album
After Training Pick Up
Acting "Normal" + new songs
The truth comes out
Dms & Hard Conversations
Finally Happy?
The Call and Distraction
Finished the album, wanna hear?
S(ex) with my ex
Leah's social media escapades
Reactions to the album
Little update
Confrontation and nights out
What happened
Could you be...?
One good thing
No more
Don't do tha...What was that?
Feeling low
Meet the girls
England Bound
Man City
Meet the girls pt2
Birthday Post From Leah
The Real Present...all...night...long
Birthday Drop
Leah's present
Nothing to fear?
I'm sorry
Bath time
Preparing for the Date
Date pt.1
Date pt.2
Date pt.3
Piscina - Contigo
Not catching on
I'm leaving tomorrow
A shell of herself
Please Rory
I'm begging you
This isn't goodbye
Home alone
Arriving in spain
The call
No more leaving
I missed you
Crashing the party
Wake up Call

Getting away

2K 51 5
By Backtoback1234

As the plane touched down on Spanish soil, Aurora's heart felt heavy with the weight of her emotions. Stepping off the aircraft, she scanned the bustling airport terminal until her eyes landed on a familiar figure.

There, amidst the crowd, stood Alexia, waiting patiently. Without a second thought, Aurora rushed towards her, her steps quickening with each stride until she was enveloped in Alexia's comforting embrace.

Tears welled up in Aurora's eyes once again as the warmth of Alexia's embrace offered a fleeting respite from the storm raging within her. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she buried her face in Alexia's shoulder, the dam breaking as her tears flowed freely.

Concern etched on her face, Alexia gently pulled away, her gaze searching Aurora's tear-streaked face for answers. "Què ha passat?" she asked softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Unable to find the words to articulate the depth of her pain, Aurora simply shook her head, her voice choked with emotion. "No aquí," she whispered hoarsely, her heart heavy with the weight of the truth she couldn't bear to share in such a public place.

With a comforting hand on her shoulder, Alexia nodded understandingly, her silent support a beacon of solace amidst the chaos of Aurora's fractured heart. And as they made their way through the bustling airport, Aurora clung to Alexia's reassuring presence, finding solace in the unwavering friendship that had always been her anchor in times of need.



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Tagged: @AlexiaPutellas and @Dawn.of.Blake

Caption: "Spotted at Barcelona Airport: Alexia Putellas and Blake Dawn sharing a heartfelt moment. 😢 What's the story behind those tears? 🤔 #AirportEncounter #HeartfeltEmbrace


"I was there too! Alexia was waiting for someone, then Blake arrived. They hugged, but Blake looked really upset. Hope everything's okay. 😟"

"Saw them too! Blake was bawling her eyes out after that hug. Wonder what's going on..."
-> "Wait, Blake was crying? What happened?"

"I'm worried about Blake now. Hope everything's alright."

"I saw them too! Alexia was waiting at the airport, looking around anxiously. Then Blake arrived and their faces just lit up. They hugged, but Blake was crying so hard. It was heartbreaking. 😢"

"Yeah, I was there too. Blake was a mess, I've never seen her like that before. Alexia was trying to comfort her, but it seemed serious."
-> "I overheard Blake saying "not here" to Alexia. Wonder what it could be about..."

"I remember Alexia looking really concerned, like something was really wrong."

"Poor Blake. I hope whatever it is, she has someone there to support her. She deserves all the love and comfort in the world."

"It was so heartwarming to see Blake's face light up when she saw Alexia. You could tell she was overjoyed! 😊"
-> "I agree! But then when they hugged, it was like a switch flipped. Blake was in tears, and my heart just broke for her. 💔"

"Did anyone notice how worried Alexia looked when Blake started crying? It's like she knew something serious was going on. They didn't waste any time getting out of there. I hope everything's okay. 😔"
-> "Yes, Alexia's expression was so concerning. You could tell she cares a lot about Blake. I hope they're both okay. Sending them lots of love and strength. 💖"
-> "It must have been really intense for them to leave the airport in such a hurry. I hope they find the support and comfort they need wherever they're going. Stay strong, Blake and Alexia! 💪"

"Seeing them rush out like that was worrying. I hope it's nothing too serious and that they're both okay. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, but having friends like Alexia can make all the difference. 🌈"

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The late afternoon sun streamed through the window of Alexia's cosy living room as Aurora and Alexia sat together, the weight of Aurora's recent heartbreak hanging heavily in the air.

"What happened, Aina?" Alexia asked gently, her eyes filled with concern as she looked at her friend.

Aurora took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she began to recount the painful saga that had unfolded between her and Leah.

"It's been almost two years, Ale," Aurora started, her voice heavy with emotion. "Two years of keeping us hidden, just waiting for Leah to make it official."

As Aurora spoke, memories of laughter and shared moments flooded her mind, intermingled with the sting of betrayal that now coloured their past.

"Then I went to England," Aurora continued, her voice wavering as she recalled the events that had shattered her world. "And everything changed. I saw messages from someone named Kayla on Leah's phone. I asked Alex Scott if she knew her, but she didn't. And then Alex told me..."

Aurora's voice trailed off, the pain of the revelation still fresh and raw.

"...that she saw them kissing," she finished, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alexia's expression softened, her heart aching for her friend as she listened to Aurora's heart-breaking tale.

"I know this might not be the best time to ask," Alexia began cautiously, her voice gentle. "But do you think Leah would have ended things with Kayla if you hadn't found out?"

Aurora's brow furrowed in thought, her mind swirling with uncertainty.

"I... I don't know, Ale," she admitted quietly. "Leah said she went to stop it, but... she didn't. So honestly, I don't know."

A heavy silence settled between them, the weight of Aurora's pain palpable in the air.

But amidst the uncertainty and heartache, there was also a glimmer of resolve.

"Well, regardless of what could have been," Alexia said, her voice tinged with determination, "let's focus on moving forward, yeah?"

Aurora nodded, a flicker of hope igniting within her. "Yeah... let's find a way to get over her."

As they sat in the quiet aftermath of Aurora's revelation, Alexia, found a way to inject a moment of levity into the sombre atmosphere.

"So, how many songs have you written since finding out?" Alexia asked with a playful grin, her attempt to lighten the mood evident in her voice.

Aurora chuckled softly, the corners of her lips turning up in a small smile despite the weight of her heartache.

"Quite a few, actually," she replied, her laughter mingling with a hint of amusement. "I guess heartbreak makes for good song-writing material."

"I guess so. But no more songs about her okay? No more songs about Leah. No more reliving the pain." Alexia turned serious.

"I won't write even a single lyric for Leah again," Aurora affirmed, her voice steady as she made the solemn promise.

Alexia nodded in agreement, her expression resolute as she echoed Aurora's sentiment. "No more songs about Leah. It's a pact."

Just as their pact was sealed, the door burst open, and Mapi Leon, accompanied by their other friends, barged into the room with cheerful exclamations. The familiar voices called out for Aurora, affectionately referring to her by her Spanish part of her name, Aina.

"What won't you do?" Mapi inquired, curiosity evident in her tone as she scanned the room, noticing the serious atmosphere.

Alexia spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of defiance mixed with determination. "Aurora won't write even a single lyric for Leah again."

Confusion flickered across the faces of their friends, prompting some quizzical looks exchanged between them. However, Alba, Alexia's sister, and Mapi, who were privy to the complexities of Aurora's situation, offered their support with approving nods.

"Good," Alba chimed in, her tone firm yet understanding even if she didn't know the whole truth of the developed situation.

Mapi echoed her sentiment with a reassuring smile, silently expressing her solidarity with Aurora's decision.

"Why were you crying at the airport?" Aitana inquired, her voice laced with concern as she looked at Aurora expectantly.

Aurora exchanged a glance with Alexia, a silent communication passing between them. With a forced smile, Aurora replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I was just a bit overwhelmed. It's been some time since we've seen each other, that's all."

Aitana nodded understandingly, accepting Aurora's explanation without further probing. However, Mapi and Alba, unaware of the underlying turmoil, exchanged sceptical glances, silently communicating their doubts.

Meanwhile, Alexia met Mapi's gaze, and in a wordless exchange, conveyed the truth behind Aurora's tears. With a subtle motion of her lips, Alexia mouthed the name "Leah," causing Mapi's expression to darken with comprehension.

Though they remained silent, the unspoken acknowledgment hung in the air, a shared understanding between them amidst the lively atmosphere of their gathering.


The next day saw Aurora being dragged from the comforts of her bed by an excited Alexia. "Come on, Aina! We're going to the training grounds!"

Aurora's protests fell on deaf ears as Alexia's determination won out, and soon they arrived at the Barcelona training grounds. Mapi and Aitana, already there, greeted them with wide smiles.

Before Aurora could protest further, she found herself amidst the bustling energy of the training session. Mapi and Aitana wasted no time in involving her, their playful insistence leaving her with no choice but to join in.

As they trained together, laughter and camaraderie filled the air, and Aurora couldn't help but get caught up in the infectious spirit of the moment.

Later, as they took a break, Aurora glanced at her phone and noticed notifications flooding in. Opening the Barcelona Femení Instagram story, she was met with a surprising sight.

The story featured snapshots of their impromptu training session, accompanied by playful captions. "We missed you, @dawn.of.blake," read one caption, while another declared, "Once a culer, always a culer."


As the evening sun cast its warm glow over the quiet streets of Barcelona, Aurora and Alexia lounged in the comfort of Alexia's living room. Aurora's expression, a mix of contentment and determination, hinted at a decision brewing beneath the surface.

"It's been so good to be back home, Ale," Aurora sighed, her voice carrying the nostalgia of familiar sights and sounds, "But, I've got a flight tomorrow."

Alexia, feigned distress. "How could you leave me, Aina? I'll be all alone, drowning in my sorrow!"

Aurora chuckled, knowing her departure wouldn't leave Alexia truly devastated. "Oh please, you'll survive," she retorted, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I promise I'll be back soon."

But curiosity got the best of Alexia. "Alright, spill it. Where are you off to this time?"

With a hint of anticipation, Aurora revealed her destination. "Ireland."

Alexia's eyebrows shot up in playful surprise. "Ah, to see a certain footballer you've been messaging, perhaps?"

Aurora couldn't help but roll her eyes at her friend's teasing. "You caught me," she admitted with a grin. "Yes, actually. I think it's about time I meet her before the holidays and the new year, she's already back at arsenal with you know who so I don't really want to go meet her there."

As the evening wore on, their laughter filled the room, mingling with the warmth of friendship and the promise of new adventures on the horizon.


The Irish countryside spread out beneath Aurora as her plane descended toward the emerald isle. As she stepped off the plane and into the terminal, she pulled out her phone and dialled Katie's number, eager to begin her adventure in Ireland.

"Hey, Katie," Aurora greeted warmly as the call connected. "I've just landed. Where do I go from here?"

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Katie's voice came through, slightly confused. "Wait, what?"

Aurora couldn't help but chuckle. "Did you really forget I was coming today?" she teased, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Oh my god, I did!" Katie exclaimed, genuine surprise in her tone. "I'm so sorry, Aurora. I completely forgot."

Aurora laughed, the sound bright and infectious. "Don't worry about it," she reassured her friend. "It's a good thing you weren't picking me up from the airport!"

As Aurora spoke with Katie, she couldn't help but notice a voice in the background, chiming in after Katie's exclamation of forgetfulness.

"Hey, who's with you?" Aurora asked curiously, a playful lilt to her tone.

Katie chuckled nervously. "Oh, that's just my sister, Ella."

"Is that the one who likes me?" she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.

Before Ella could respond, Katie interjected quickly, a hint of panic in her voice. "Yes, that's her, but don't say that out loud, or she'll kill me," she blurted out, half-jokingly.

Aurora laughed at Katie's flustered response, finding the situation rather amusing. "Alright, Katie, your secret's safe with me," she reassured.

"But she doesn't know it's you because I'm calling you Aurora, not your other name." Katie adds.

Aurora couldn't help but chuckle at Katie's explanation. "Well, I guess she'll find out soon enough," she remarked, her voice laced with amusement. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she swiftly tapped the screen to switch the call to video mode, eager to see Ella's reaction first-hand.

Katie chuckled as she accepted the video call, her face appearing on Aurora's screen. "Hey there," she greeted with a grin.

Aurora's expression fell slightly as she saw Katie's face instead of Ella's. "Oh, come on, McCabe," she teased, feigning disappointment. "I didn't switch to video for you. Put your sister on."

"Fine, then," Katie replied in mock seriousness, "I won't show you around or meet you."

Aurora chuckled at Katie's playful remark. "Fine, then. I guess you won't, I'm sure your sister will do it." she teased back, a smirk playing on her lips.

Katie laughed along with Aurora. "Oh, really now?" she quipped.

"Yeah, really!" Aurora retorted, grinning mischievously. "Ella, come to the phone!" she called out loudly.

Katie's laughter grew louder as she shook her head, amused by Aurora's antics. "You're ridiculous," she said with a grin as Ella approached.

As Ella approached the phone, her eyes widened at the sight of Blake Dawn's face. She was clearly starstruck.

"Hey, Ella, my new favorite McCabe," Aurora greeted with a playful smile.

But before Ella could respond, Katie, standing nearby, couldn't help but interject. "I thought I was your favourite McCabe," she protested, feigning offense.

Ella rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Katie, Blake Dawn is talking," she retorted, earning a shocked yet amused look from her sister.

Aurora chuckled at their banter. "Ella, call me Aurora, not Blake Dawn," she said to Ella, who suddenly looked flustered.

As Ella was about to respond to Aurora, a voice interrupted from behind her. "What's got you so worked up, Ella?" It was their sister, who had just entered the room.

Ella turned to face her younger sister, momentarily forgetting her excitement. "Oh, nothing, just... um... something cool happened," she stammered, trying to play it cool.

Katie glanced at Ella with a mischievous grin, knowing exactly what had caused her excitement. But before she could say anything, Aurora interjected, "Katie said you're a big fan."

Ella's eyes widened, and she quickly turned to Katie, ready to give her a piece of her mind. But before she could speak, their sister chimed in again, curious about the commotion.

"Why are you freaking out?" she asked, noticing Ella's animated reaction.

Ella turned to her younger sister, trying to maintain her composure. "Oh, nothing, just... something exciting," she replied, trying to brush off Aurora's comment.

Meanwhile, Aurora seized the opportunity to address the younger girl. "Hey there, mini McCabe!" she greeted with a grin.

As Lauryn approached the phone, she peered at the screen with curiosity. "Hey, random lady my sister has a poster of on her wall," she remarked with a mischievous grin, earning an exasperated "Shut up, Lauryn!" from Ella.

Katie, who had been laughing at the sibling banter, simply shook her head in amusement.

Ignoring the teasing, Aurora addressed Lauryn with a playful tone. "So, mini McCabe, are you the one who plays football?" she inquired.

Lauryn nodded eagerly. "Yep, that's me! But it's Lauryn, not mini McCabe," she corrected, though she couldn't hide her excitement at being recognized.

Aurora grinned. "So, you're better than Katie, right?" she teased.

Lauryn laughed, shaking her head. "No way! Katie's the best," she insisted.

Aurora pretended to groan dramatically. "Noooooo! Okay, we'll have to team up mini McCabe, and beat her when I come," she declared, prompting Ella to jump into the conversation.

"When you come??" Ella interjected eagerly, her eyes widening with excitement.

Aurora glanced at Katie, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't say anything to them?" she asked incredulously.

Katie chuckled, shaking her head. "Nah," she replied nonchalantly.

Aurora couldn't resist pressing further. "Is that 'nah' because you forgot, like you forgot I was arriving today, or for some other reason?" she teased.

Katie's laughter bubbled up again. "Because their reaction is hilarious," she admitted with a grin.

Aurora laughed along, nodding in understanding. "Fair enough," she conceded, her amusement evident.

Then, with a small smile, she glanced at the time on her phone. "Well, I've got to go check into the hotel I'm staying at," she announced reluctantly.

Katie nodded understandingly. "Alright, have a good one," she replied, her tone warm.

"Thanks, talk to you later," Aurora said before ending the call and heading off to her hotel, completely none the wiser about the chaos which she had caused at the Mccabe house.

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