AUTUMN, james potter

By -lalalie

13.7K 1.2K 166

.π–₯” ݁ Λ–πŸΰΉ‹ΰ£­ β­‘πŸ‚ΰΌ˜β‹† || Autumn Rivers was one of those unique individuals who's eccentricity extended to all as... More

can i translate?
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐒
β•°β”ˆβž€ i. detentions & dungbombs
β•°β”ˆβž€ ii. the scooby gang prank
β•°β”ˆβž€ iii. it was actually autumn
β•°β”ˆβž€ iv. finally telling raven & elliot
β•°β”ˆβž€ v. how they all met
β•°β”ˆβž€ vi. the gryffindor's are acting strange
β•°β”ˆβž€ vii. why you jealous, james?
β•°β”ˆβž€ viii. quidditch & parties
β•°β”ˆβž€ ix. where is autumn?
β•°β”ˆβž€ xi. first week if o.w.l.s
β•°β”ˆβž€ xii. second week of o.w.l.s
β•°β”ˆβž€ xiii. final week of fifth year
β•°β”ˆβž€ xiv. her initiation
β•°β”ˆβž€ xv. the moment on the train
β•°β”ˆβž€ xvi. autumn, august & aurelia
β•°β”ˆβž€ xvii. autumn, raven, elliot & lily
β•°β”ˆβž€ xviii. letters to each other
β•°β”ˆβž€ xix. learning about himself
β•°β”ˆβž€ xx. what happened in summer?
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐒𝐒
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxi. jack, jeff, johnny, jason!
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxii. problems and fake flirting
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxiii. jealousy and interruptions
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxiv. snape and classes
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxv. dugbogs & a sky full of stars
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxvi. marlene, dorcas & mary
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxvii. jealousy & close call
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxviii. quidditch & little human
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxix. keeping secrets & lying
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxx. injuries, talks & pranks
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxi. amorentia & realizing
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxii. pumpkin tart kiss
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxiii. the other side
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxiv. absolutely smitten & snowballs
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxv. potter christmas
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxvi. christmas & drawings
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxvii. back from the holiday
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxviii. the invisibility cloak
β•°β”ˆβž€ xxxix. maybe one day
β•°β”ˆβž€ xl. summer of '77
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐒𝐒𝐒
β•°β”ˆβž€ xli. sunkissed skin
β•°β”ˆβž€ xlii. internships & mischief
β•°β”ˆβž€ xliii. full moon troubles
β•°β”ˆβž€ xliv. i wish i could forget you
β•°β”ˆβž€ xlv. time goes by
β•°β”ˆβž€ xlvi. a prequel to our future
β•°β”ˆβž€ xlvii. in the middle of the night
β•°β”ˆβž€ xlviii. the diadem nightmares are endless
β•°β”ˆβž€ xlix. nightmares turned into hallucinations
β•°β”ˆβž€ l. the things we do for love

β•°β”ˆβž€ x. who did this to you?

309 26 8
By -lalalie

🍂 ୧ who did this . . .
to you? ও🦌

THE TRIO OF INDIVIDUALS, consisting of Raven, Elliot, and James, were the initial set to proceed to the hospital wing with haste, as they were the most concerned regarding the wellbeing of the female. Remus, Sirius and Peter came trailing behind the initial three, as they were not as quick due to the fact that they were not as involved in the search efforts as long as them, prior to discovering Professor Flitwick in a distressed state.

The hospital wing was occupied by Madam Pomfrey, as well as Hogwarts Headmaster, the latter of whom was an uncommon presence within the location. At first, the nurse was poised to enforce a limit regarding the number of individuals allowed to enter the wing, however, the dire nature of the situation prompted her to relinquish her strict stance in this particular case. With a stern warning to maintain an indoor voice, the woman permitted the trio, alongside their supportive friends, to remain.

Raven became the first to approach Autumn, who was reclined in bed, with an apparent state of discomfort and a notable change to her physical appearance. Upon noticing her arrival, the female smiled," Hey."

The Ravenclaw's concern was clearly evident, and so Raven inquired, "What happened to you?"

Meanwhile, her friend Elliot also approached the bed's opposite side, and he attempted to assess the degree of her damage. Simultaneously, James' facial expression reflected the severity of his sentiments, as he marched beside Autumn's bed, and he posed a crucial question, "Who did this to you?"

Autumn remained smiling, despite her obvious physical discomfort upon realizing the state of the female, Madam Pomfrey stated she had administered a soporific remedy to her, with the sole purpose of stabilizing her and assisting in the recuperation process, and Autumn confirmed that this was indeed why she was appearing sluggish.

The female laughed out aloud, exclaiming, "Poppy drugged me." This amused her companions, as they hid their amusement behind either a facial expression or a subtle cough. James, too, was fighting back his laughter, however, the severity of his concerns for the female was predominant, compared to his attempts in hiding his mirth.

Dumbledore approached the duo of individuals, consisting of Raven and Elliot, and he directed a request toward them, saying the following, "Ms. Summers, Mr. Winters, may I have a word with you?"

The two teenagers who were requested to have a conversation with the Headmaster, stood as their attention was drawn away from the female in bed to the headmaster himself. A concerned look was evident on Raven's face as she had a glance at James, who was unsettled. She then addressed his request regarding James', "Professor, can James also be included in this discussion?" James, upon seeing Raven glance and mention of him had raised his head and expressed a hint of confusion.

Upon being presented with the prospect, the professor responded positively, "Of course, Mr. Potter, please join us."

The Headmaster and the three students departed the Hospital wing, with the female in bed being attended to and surrounded by her supportive friends, and they proceeded to move away and take a few steps towards the location in which their discussion would be carried out.

With the door being closed behind them, the four individuals, who were about to commence their discussion, were afforded the privacy to do so. The Headmaster leisurely moved to a window, which was located across from the group, and stood in front of it, staring out. He then proceeded to address the situation, by voicing the lack of information he had regarding the cause of the harm that had befallen Autumn. "Unfortunately, we have no idea who harmed Ms. Rivers, since there was no one present during Professor Flitwick's discovery of the female in an unconscious state."

Elliot held back his impulse to suggest potential culprits, as he possessed the awareness to refrain from pointing fingers without any proof to substantiate his allegations. His counterparts followed his example and remained silent and composed.

The Headmaster provided additional information by stating, "A concerning matter is that Ms Rivers has no recollection of who had caused her harm," which provided worry to the group. Then Professor continued, by adding, "But we can take comfort in the fact that she did not suffer from a spell that altered her memories."

Elliot was agitated by the state that Autumn's case had been left in, and he walked towards the Headmaster with determination, indicating his intention to suggest an alternative solution. The Slytherin stated, with a tinge of frustration in his tone, "Professor, there has to be something we can do about this situation. Whoever did this to her cannot be permitted to freely roam around as they please, having committed such a heinous act."

The Headmaster acknowledged Elliot and his concerns, and he outlined a plan that would be implemented regarding the state of alert for the staff and other school officials.

Raven's patience was beginning to break down, due to the events of the past, and she let her irritation show, as she spoke bluntly, "Pardon me for being direct, Professor, however, what about what happened to Mary Macdonald? Or even all the other muggleborns that have suffered such assaults? Our school is no longer a safe place for us, at this rate."

James, who was witnessing the situation unfold, noticed the irritation in Raven's demeanour. He was similarly angered, and he began to voice his own thoughts in response. The Gryffindor spoke in a manner that showed his disdain for the way in which their school was not able to offer a sense of security at times like this. He voiced his own concerns, stating, "I get that the world is not exactly a safe place, with You-know-who's uprising and all. Still, Professor, I have the highest concerns for my friends."

The Professor was keenly observing the trio of students that had been summoned before him, and he was taking in their words and their concerns. He then reflected on the list of members for the Secret Society he was working upon, with the three individuals present, as well as the others in the hospital wing, comprising the whole group of individuals he had planned to incorporate.

The Professor's thoughts were evidently scattered, as he was focusing on too many considerations at one time, and he was unable to provide the teens with a satisfying answer. The Headmaster, regardless of the complexity of the matter at hand, was doing his best to provide reassurance regarding their concerns, as they were valid and deserved to be addressed.

The Headmaster offered a sense of hope in acknowledgement of their agency in this matter, he stated, "I have some belief that her memories will return. I am, however, apologetic for my lack of a solution to your worries for your friends' safety. Nonetheless, I shall offer you liberties to pursue such actions as you see fit, if her recollections return."

Elliot's response to the Headmaster's claim, regarding his apathy regarding the group's reaction to Autumn's situation, came in the form of a merciful question: "Are you not troubled by what we may do to seek vengeance?"

The Headmaster, however, remained unfazed by the teenager's concerns, and he instead, voiced confidence in his ability to rein the teens in, exclaiming, "I possess no worries, as Ms. Rivers would not condone such retribution."

Raven felt frustrated by this statement, and she displayed a hint of disdain by tapping her feet. The Professor was both wrong. Autumn would want to get back at them, but she would also make sure to not make it enough to do permanent damage.

Raven and Elliot exchanged a look that seemed to be conveying mutual thoughts, with each of them harbouring a similar notion in regards to the lack of satisfaction that came from the Professor's statement, with the issue of the muggleborns not having received the desired support and protection against these attacks. Despite this, they would ultimately choose to bury these thoughts and would keep them in the recesses of their minds, as they felt powerless to elicit any impactful outcome from the Headmaster.

Once the professor exited the vicinity, James addressed Elliot and Raven, who appeared to be apathetic, in his eyes. He posed a question, in hopes of obtaining clarity regarding their intentions, expressing, "Please tell me that you two will not just sit by and not do anything in this situation."

Raven and Elliot exchanged a sly smirk, and the female's grin was indicative of a devious intent they possessed, as they addressed James. The female voiced a response, with her tone conveying confidence, "Oh dearest James, do you really believe Autumn would prevent us from performing some sort of retaliation? The Headmaster is quite misguided if he believes that any of us, even Autumn would have no reaction towards this event, and remain dormant."

Elliot placed his arm over James' shoulder as he walked towards him, indicating a clear display of friendship and camaraderie. He then spoke with confidence, bordering on cockiness, by voicing his confidence in the ability of he and Raven to make progress in revealing the identity of the perpetrators of the harm enacted upon Autumn. He conveyed this idea, by declaring, "We are not going to be idle in this case, and as the brains of this operation, I can assure you that we will discover the individuals responsible for this. Just give us some time."

"Will Autumn really be okay with us taking action?" The Gryffindor raised a question about the potential reaction of Autumn, " She really won't be mad if we get back at whoever it was?" He asked regarding the actions they intended on taking against her attackers, and he was met with a confirmation from the duo.

Elliot recalled the story of how he had obtained retribution for Autumn, and revealed the degree of her involvement, by stating, "You remember how I put some older students in the hospital wing after they bullied her and Rave?." James nodded, remembering the story was how the girls gotten close to Elliot after that," She, herself, was the brain behind that."

Raven walked over, by stating her next words with a smile, "Listen we may seem all nice on the outside, but we know how to get back at people when they wrong us."She followed this by jokingly tapping Gryffindor's arm with her fist, and expressing, "Therefore, prepare yourself for when we enact our vengeance."

AUTUMN'S HEALTH STEADILY IMPROVED as she remained in the hospital wing, and her memories gradually made their comeback. Despite the fact that her recollections had been restored, she was yet to determine the identity of the perpetrator, due to a lingering foggy blankness, or lack of detail, in her memory. This uncertainty, surrounding the identity of the attacker, remained, as she was discharged from the hospital wing after a few days.

Autumn was content with the way her friends seemed to be protecting her, which exhibited their concern, and she was appreciative of their support. While she harboured a sense of fear regarding the unknown individual who had harmed her, she refrained from openly declaring it, as she was hesitant to even speak about the occurrence, and was worried about it as well. She remained glad that her group of companions did not ask her to divulge the details, as she did not know whether or not she had the mental strength to convey them.

Despite having a desire to uncover the culprit behind the attack, the group decided to hold off on actively searching for the person responsible, and would only speak about it when Autumn was the first one to mention the matter. They continued going about their days as usual, with the exception of taking extra precautions towards ensuring the safety of their friend.

Students were preoccupied with their studies since the O.W.L.s were drawing closer, and this helped to lessen their concentration on the issues relating to the muggleborns and the recent attacks. Nevertheless, the lack of assaults on the muggle-born students did not ease the tension, especially considering the fact that the assaults had also turned to half-bloods and purebloods, who were dubbed as "blood traitors."

The younger wizards and witches, who were practising the Dark Arts, seemed to be unable to curb their activities, and they continued to pursue their practice, even in the midst of the attacks occurring on the Hogwarts Campus. This reminded many of the individuals of the increasing number of followers of the Dark Wizard, which was an unsettling realization.

As the trio and the Marauders, were engaged in study sessions in the Room of Requirement, the Gryffindors, who were previously unaware of this hidden room, were astounded by its existence. The location proved to be a peaceful space for them to remain focused on their schoolwork, and the fact that no one else had stumbled into the room, allowed them to stay free from potential disruptions from other students on the campus.

Elliot was napping on the couch, having become very comfortable after placing his legs on Raven's lap, who sat across from him. The two were in the company of Sirius, whom the female and Autumn had forgiven after the two had split from Snape, a decision the duo had come to some time ago.

As Peter, Remus, and James surveyed the Room of Requirement, they were incredulous at its very presence. The Hogwarts students engaged in conversations with themselves and considered testing the room's appearance on their map, in a bid to affirm their belief in its existence. The trio's discussion was conducted in a subdued manner, as they sought to avoid the possibility of being heard, and being detected, by the occupants, who were involved in the process of studying.

Autumn was seated in a solitary manner, positioned by a window that was situated near a grouping of Raven's plants. The tranquil noise of the individuals studying and chatting in her company provided a sense of relief for her. The peaceful sounds of her friends provided a degree of serenity, and she used the moment of solitude to indulge in some doodling, which she found to be a calming activity.

Autumn was absorbed in her doodling, and as such, she did not detect James' approach as he was seated at her side. The Ravenclaw was completely immersed in her artwork, as her concentration was so focused, that the Gryffindor's presence went unnoticed.

James was silently admiring the female when she was immersed in her activity, and he was amused when she stuck her tongue out, her expression crumpling as a consequence. James could not withhold his laughter, and he reached out to apply pressure to the middle of her brows, utilizing his thumb, in order to ease the strain on her countenance. After the tension had been eased, he warned her with an element of jestfulness, by stating, "Ease yourself, Autumn, or else your face will remain as it is."

Autumn had been concentrated on her artwork and was only made aware of James' presence due to his physical touch. She looked up at him and inquired, "Oh, hey, James, were you saying something?"

"Nah, just watching you." However, she was perplexed when the Gryffindor male expressed his words she chuckled and shifted her attention towards her artwork, once again.

Despite the female's uncertainty, she nearly dropped her book when she turned her head back in her book's direction. James recognized her sudden movement, and it piqued his curiosity as he saw her eyes widen with shock and she let out a gasp, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What?? What happened??," When the female expressed a dramatic surprise and nearly dropped her book, her friends were instantly concerned for her well-being, as they rushed over to inquire about the cause of such a reaction.

Elliot was awakened due to the commotion of Raven shoving his legs off of lap, and he was startled before he noticed that it was merely the result of seeing everyone hastening over to hear Autumn's gasp and the reason behind it.

James, who was the closest to her when she dropped her book, quickly reached out and scooped it up before it struck the floor. The Gryffindor was taken aback when he viewed the moving image that caused her to react in her startled manner, and he expressed his surprise, as well as his disdain, by muttering, "Bloody hell." His facial expression shifted from a relaxed state to one of disgust, showcasing the intensity of his emotions regarding the matter.

Raven made a sudden grab for the book, and she snatched it away from James while clamping down on the book with great vigour. With the book secured in her grip, she expressed a resolute stance, as she declared her intentions, by stating, "If this is what we are suspecting, then we have discovered the ones that we should exact vengeance on." She displayed the book to the remaining individuals, and Elliot was the ultimate recipient of the sight since he had been previously occupied attempting to awaken from the impact of Raven's shove.

Elliot expressed a sense of satisfaction, following their confirmation that their suspicions were correct, in reference to the identity responsible for the attack on Autumn. All the others had grown tense as the revelation was revealed, and the Slytherin was the first to speak, voicing his astonishment at the individual's nerve, by saying, "To think that he was the one who initiated it."

Sirius followed through with Elliot's sentiments and expressed his disbelief at the male behind the assault, by muttering, "Can't believe that git actually had the guts."

The female's tone carried a tinge of distaste, as she asserted with an element of disbelief, "I bloody, remember what happened."

The artwork in the book allowed for Autumn to recollect the memory, in which her vision had fallen upon the trio of Slytherins, comprised of Mucibler, Avery, and Snape, harassing younger students. The confrontation had begun with only verbal remarks but escalated when one of the victimized students attempted to defend themselves, and the older boys employed their wands to render the male helpless, floating him into the air, marking his physical submission from their assault.

Autumn rushed to the aid of the younger students, and she confronted the trio in the process, successfully allowing them to flee before she herself was under attack. In the act of thwarting the offensive spell cast by Avery, the female was unable to prevent the hex from Mucibler, in which she fell to the ground. In her defenceless state, Snape proceeded to float her into the air, where he watched her with a malevolent expression.

"You've really chosen to be just as low as them, huh , Snape?"

Snape merely smiled cruelly, as he continued to observe the female who was suspended in mid-air, in response to her taunt. Avery's response carried a contemptuous undercurrent, as he made a dismissive comment," The mudblood knows how to talk, disgusting." He then proceeded to utilize his wand to stifle Autumn's speech.

The Slytherin also shared his fellow cohort's sentiments about her background, and was harsh, and cruel, in his reference to her lineage, as Mucibler stated, "Drop her and make sure she falls head first, maybe it'll make her think twice before messing with us. Filthy mudblood."

Snape's arm was pushed by Mucilber, it discontinued the use of the levitation spell, which resulted in Autumn being forced to plummet to the ground. She suffered from the physical impact, which marked a harsh conclusion to the painful ordeal that she was subjected to.

The female's voice was sombre, as she recounted the event to her friends, along with the moving imagery in her sketchbook that served as the sole representation of the ordeal. Her gaze turned to her friends and she acknowledged their angered expressions, by stating, "We'll aim for Avery and Mucibler."

Sirius' comment elicited annoyance from the others, who were not pleased with his desire for Snape to remain unscathed, as he interjected, "What about Snivellus, as well?"

Raven interceded as she stepped forward, and spoke firmly and assertively, "Come on Autumn, he isn't our friend anymore." The Ravenclaw's voice possessed no room for negotiation, as she reinforced the need for Snape to be exacted a measure of vengeance.

Autumn merely remained silent, contemplating whether there ought to be a degree of leniency in her approach towards the male, as the memory of his malicious grin flooded her thoughts.

Her friends were made aware of her reasoning behind the desire to refrain from including Snape in the revenge plot, as Autumn provided an explanation. The young female stated, "I know he isn't, but I saw the hesitation in his eyes, the one that made me fall was Muciblier" implying that he showed some semblance of reluctance when levitating her. The female, however, still deemed him to be a "bloody git," but she had no desire to seek retribution on him since her priority was the other two.

James demonstrated a strong sense of resentment, as he responded passionately, to her statement in which she expressed her reluctance toward carrying out a measure of revenge on Snape. The Gryffindor male raised his voice in response, when he claimed, "He levitated you!"

The male was exasperated at her hesitation, and insisted that the male deserved some type of punishment, as he uttered with frustration, "Come on Autumn, really, he deserves at least something coming to him!"

Autumn dismissed her friend's protests, by claiming that she had said what she had said, and she closed the book forcefully, before placing it on the table. The female hissed, as she expressed her stubbornness, and declared that she was willing to proceed on her own if help was not received.

Elliot, Raven, Remus, and Peter ultimately agreed to lend their assistance, though Sirius and James chose to refrain from participating. Despite the duo's grumbling and disgruntled expressions, they chose to acquiesce to her demands, without directly revealing their true intentions.

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