[201-400] THE MECH'S TOUCH

By thegamer3496

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Author:Exlor Alternative names:N/A Genre:Sci-fi, Fantasy Source:Webnovel Status:Ongoing Humanity has conquere... More

Chapter 201: Market Woes
Chapter 202: Vision
Chapter 203: Oleg
Chapter 204: Wager
Chapter 205: Triple Division
Chapter 206: Discordan
Chapter 207: Accomodate
Chapter 208: Reasons
Chapter 209: Keltrex
Chapter 210: 4-star Design
Chapter 211: Last Spear
Chapter 212: Singular
Chapter 213: Printer
Chapter 214: Shady
Chapter 215: Runaway Success
Chapter 216: Jarle
Chapter 217: Small Job
Chapter 218: Undermine
Chapter 219: Vintage
Chapter 220: Sucker
Chapter 221: Perpetuity
Chapter 222: Eternal Edition
Chapter 223: Back to Bentheim
Chapter 224: Colleagues
Chapter 225: Toys for Boys
Chapter 226: Price Level
Chapter 227: Auctions
Chapter 228: Hype
Chapter 229: Delegate
Chapter 230: Transition
Chapter 231: Taxes
Chapter 232: Fulfillmen
Chapter 233:
Chapter 234: Space Whales
Chapter 235: Disparity
Chapter 236: Imagination
Chapter 237: Aquatic Mech
Chapter 238: Conviction
Chapter 239: Dancing Along the Edge
Chapter 240: Reflection
Chapter 241: Market Research
Chapter 242: Draft Design
Chapter 243: Feedback
Chapter 244: Senior Management
Chapter 245: Skills to Pay the Bills
Chapter 246: Mastery
Chapter 247: Barley
Chapter 248: The Knight
Chapter 249: Power of Two
Chapter 250: Board of Directors
Chapter 251: Black
Chapter 252: Sparring
Chapter 253: Blackbeak
Chapter 254: Competitor
Chapter 255: Breathing to Life
Chapter 256: Responsibilities
Chapter 257: Testing Ground
Chapter 258: Finalize
Chapter 259: Completion
Chapter 260: Spending Money Like a Drunk
Chapter 261: Validation
Chapter 262: Unveiling
Chapter 263: For Want of a House
Chapter 264: Captain Vicar
Chapter 265: Duel of the Firsts
Chapter 266: Superior
Chapter 267: On a Roll
Chapter 268: Emergency Meeting
Chapter 269: Third Party
Chapter 270: Charity
Chapter 271: Money Crunch
Chapter 272: Gratitude
Chapter 273: Calcardon
Chapter 274: The Glowing Planet
Chapter 275: Money In Money Out
Chapter 276: Blood Claws
Chapter 277: Get Rich or Die Trying
Chapter 278: In Your Blood
Chapter 279: Waiter
Chapter 280: Briefing
Chapter 281: Convergence
Chapter 282: Smooth
Chapter 283: Landfall
Chapter 284: Overcharged
Chapter 285: Discharged
Chapter 286: Approach
Chapter 287: Ghanso
Chapter 288: Grand Chaser
Chapter 289: Apparition
Chapter 290: Spreading a Net
Chapter 291: Raining Pirates
Chapter 292: Rush
Chapter 293: Stalemate
Chapter 294: Ghost
Chapter 295: Numbers VS Quality
Chapter 296: Pre-emptive Strike
Chapter 297: Takeru
Chapter 298: Approach
Chapter 299: Undercharged
Chapter 300: Invention
Chapter 301: Red Zone
Chapter 302: Gregarious Wrath
Chapter 303: Expert
Chapter 304: Best Intentions
Chapter 305: Bone
Chapter 306: Devourers
Chapter 307: Power of Resonance
Chapter 308: Attrition
Chapter 309: Circumvent
Chapter 310: Vault
Chapter 311: Mistaken
Chapter 312: Prospecting
Chapter 313: Boneyard
Chapter 314: Stolen
Chapter 315: Recalcitran
Chapter 316: Sister
Chapter 317: Last Stand
Chapter 318: Amastendira
Chapter 319: End Run
Chapter 320: Wasteful Ploy
Chapter 321: Powerlessness
Chapter 322: Heroes
Chapter 323: Keep Your Enemy Closer
Chapter 324: Unease
Chapter 325: Lending
Chapter 326: Cut Down
Chapter 327: Hatred
Chapter 328: Loop
Chapter 329: Booty
Chapter 330: Profits
Chapter 331: Ambitions
Chapter 332: Personal Force
Chapter 333: Rifleman Mechs
Chapter 334: Breathtaking
Chapter 335: Underground Complex
Chapter 336: War Footing
Chapter 337: Intensive Competition
Chapter 338: Exceptional
Chapter 339: Fear of the Taboo
Chapter 340: Ripple Effects
Chapter 341: Arrangement
Chapter 342: Citadel Heavensworth
Chapter 343: Joe
Chapter 344: War Crime
Chapter 345: Decahedron
Chapter 346: Alien
Chapter 347: Crystal City
Chapter 348: Vulcaneye
Chapter 349: Spending Lavishly
Chapter 350: Spirituality
Chapter 351: Plantmeat
Chapter 352: Remains
Chapter 354: Purpose
Chapter 355: Tainted Sun
Chapter 356: Human Limit
Chapter 357: Benson
Chapter 358: Transcendence
Chapter 359: Second Original Design
Chapter 360: Gimmick
Chapter 361: Realm of the Imaginary
Chapter 362: Lady Amalia
Chapter 363: Solitude
Chapter 364: Cynthia
Chapter 365: Fragment
Chapter 366: New Development
Chapter 367: Consumed
Chapter 368: Shaping
Chapter 369: Leaving the Cave
Chapter 370: Security Concerns
Chapter 371: Rabant Clearwater
Chapter 372: Crazy!
Chapter 373: Heels
Chapter 374: Woman's Mech
Chapter 375: Nutcracker
Chapter 376: Temporal Paradox
Chapter 377: Sektarian Strife
Chapter 378: Mech Demon
Chapter 379: Bedeviled
Chapter 380: Crystal Cube
Chapter 381: Looming Threats
Chapter 382: Laser Rifle
Chapter 383: Personal Kingdom
Chapter 384: Black Mark
Chapter 385: Defense Plan
Chapter 386: Divided Opinion
Chapter 387: Three Mechs
Chapter 388: Self-harm
Chapter 389: Prudence
Chapter 390: Pressure
Chapter 391: Rallying Cry
Chapter 392: Personal Intervention
Chapter 393: Unseen Threat
Chapter 394: Silver Lining
Chapter 395: Licensed
Chapter 396: Engineering Challenge
Chapter 397: Recovery
Chapter 398: Light Carrier
Chapter 399: Three Problems
Chapter 400: Pairing

Chapter 353: Belief

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By thegamer3496

Ves employed a number of different orders, but it hadn't worked. Even if he started from right to left, the crystal city treated him like he was an intruder.

Not willing to give up, Ves began to employ more creative methods of reading out the runes. After more than a score of different combinations, he finally achieved a different result. This time, he started from the center, and radiated outwards in a counterclockwise circle.

The crystal spirals began to focus their energies upwards and generated another portal.

This time, he came across a very welcome sight. A familiar asteroid with a very familiar cave beckoned him back home.

"Yes! That should lead back to the Joe System!"

His exuberance quickly died down once he noticed the portal hadn't grown wider than his head. Same as the other portals, the current one only allowed someone like Lucky to pass through.

"These stupid midgets!"

How would he be able to squeeze through this tiny portal?!

The problem caught him in his throat. He let the portal expire while he furiously churned his mind for a solution for his problem. How could he make the portal large enough to fit his body?

"Wait a minute. What about my semi-corporeality?"

Even if he passed through the portal, if he remained a ghost, it was nothing different than being dead. Imagining himself as a specter who haunted people for their energies scared him to death!

"This son isn't going to follow in his mother's footsteps!"

In order to stave off a panic, Ves forced himself to think in a logical manner. "First I should break down the problem."

He currently had to achieve two essential goals. The first one should be to regain his corporeal state and the second one was to find a way to return to the asteroid in the Joe System.

Both problems presented seemingly insurmountable obstacles to Ves. He had no clue how to go about the first problem while the second problem was within reach if only if he could master the crystal city's technology.

Ves looked at himself and his somewhat transparent body. He couldn't pick up any object or interact with this alien world in his current state. The botched teleportation had turned him into some kind of energy being that existed in a higher dimension. It was already remarkable enough that he hadn't been torn to pieces or ended up into a dimension of nihility.

His eyes happened to have gazed over at Lucky, who had woken up after some time. His cat currently played with some rocks on the light-burned ground. Lucky's paws glowed with spirituality as he effortlessly crossed the line between tangibility and intangibility.

"Lucky isn't the only one with spirituality here."

Ever since his last eureka moment, the System had updated his Status to reflect his current strengths. It explicitly added Spirituality to his Attribute tab. Although a score of 0.4 looked pathetic, it was already better than most other humans.

"Spirituality and semi-corporeality are related. One should be able to affect the other."

Could he manipulate his intangible state into a solid state? And could he go back to being a ghost?

He began to speculate that energy beings might be holding their intangible bodies using spirituality. It might also even be the reason why Ves and Lucky had survived the initial teleportation process.

If they hadn't possessed this special quality, they might have been phased out of existence!

"This is frightening!"

The thought that he unknowingly dodged an unfortunate fate did not help with calming his mind. His thoughts also spun into several tangents. He recalled the energy beings he encountered before, from the massive devourers to his mother's ghost.

"Is she truly even dead?"

A mix of emotions pressed upon his heart. Ves did not dare continue to follow this train of thought and centered his mind back to his own state.

Right now, he strongly believed he should be able to exert some control over his intangible body.

"Energy beings hold themselves together with their thoughts rather than their flesh. Their flesh doesn't exist in this state. It's all in the mind."

He believed if he brainwashed himself into believing that he was a dog, his intangible body would turn into a dog as well. Not that he had any interest in trying out this particular experiment.

"Let's start with something simple."

His transformation hadn't encompassed his body alone. His hazard suit and his gear had also transformed along with him. This provided him with a convenient way to test his latest thoughts. He retrieved a compact nutrient bar from his toolbelt and stared at it with the same intensity as when he designed a mech.

"Turn solid. Turn solid. Turn solid."

He repeated the same mantra over and over again. He knew that as a fairly logical person, he would have a lot of trouble trying to trick his mind into believing falsehoods. The best method he came up with was to think of nothing else but the same set of words. Essentially, he tried to override his conscious thoughts with a faulty statement so that it had the chance to become true.

It took more than ten minutes for something to go into effect. The nutrient bar glowed before losing its opacity.

It quickly fell between his intangible fingers.

"It worked!"

His thoughts had hit the mark! Spirituality formed the core of manipulating an intangible object.

Ves gazed down at the nutrient bar that had returned to the material dimensions and waited for something to happen. More than fifteen minutes went by until Ves tentatively became assured that the nutrient bar wouldn't return to its intangible state on its own.

He saw hope now.

Now that he confirmed his train of thought and proved that he possessed the same capabilities as Lucky, Ves tried to perform a bolder experiment.

He wanted to turn his own body back to solid.

However, he stopped his experiment before he began. What if he couldn't reverse the process? That wasn't an issue if he returned to the Joe System, but as long as he stayed on this unknown planet, that would be the death knell for him. By forsaking his special state, he lost any chance of squeezing through the tiny portal.

"I can figure this out later. First, I have to find out if I can manipulate my own size."

He believed that if he could turn turn his body from a ghost back to normal, that it should also be possible to change the shape of his ghost form.

This attempt took a lot longer to produce a result. Ves patiently wished for his body to grow smaller without fail. It was a lot harder to do so because humans weren't supposed to be so small. It went against everything he learned from birth.

Still, as long as he brainwashed himself long enough, he was able to accomplish the impossible. His body eventually flickered before growing smaller and smaller. Lucky stopped playing with his rocks and stared at the shrinking Ves with alarm.

Was his owner trying to turn into a cat?!

"It worked!"

He succeeded in shrinking his body to the size of a doll, but it came at a heavy burden. Almost all his concentration had been allocated to believing the lie he told to himself. If he became distracted in any way, he might not be able to hold his current state.

"It's time to go, Lucky!"

Ves wanted to leave this barren place and return home. He retrieved his miniaturized Amastendira and shot at the correct sequence of runes. Despite its shrunken state, the Amastendira's output hadn't diminished at all.

When the crystal city generated the portal back to the Joe System, Ves didn't hesitate and flew up to the portal over the crystal city. Lucky followed behind him with a fascinated gaze. The cat couldn't get used to seeing a human of this size.

The downside of having shrinked himself was that it took a bit longer than he thought to traverse the distance. Unlike the Amastendira, his hazard suit's output had scaled according to its size. Ves felt as if he tried to fly out of the atmosphere of a habitable planet. It took an agonizingly long time before he reached the portal.

"Hurry up! The portal will almost close!"

Ves dove through the portal just as Lucky went through as well. The portal winked out twenty seconds later but Ves had already sprawled himself against the asteroid. His intangible form had also returned to its normal size.

"I'm back! Haha!" He celebrated even as fatigue swept over him. The change in stature had really expended an enormous amount of mental energy. Ves had to take a lengthy before he could contemplate his next problem.

Right now, he remained stuck as a ghost. If he ever wanted to return to normal, he had to find a method to turn his body back to solid.

"It shouldn't be too different from turning that nutrient bar back to solid."

He employed the same method of hypnotizing himself into believing his body was corporeal. It actually went a lot easier than he thought, because he essentially didn't lie to himself. He always possessed a fully material body. He just had to reinforce this truth in order to effect a change.

"My body and gear are solid. My body and gear are solid. My body and gear are solid."

The only issue that complicated his efforts was that he also wanted to turn his gear into solid at the same time. It wouldn't do for him to turn his body back to normal, only to die in vacuum as his hazard suit still remained intangible.

Eventually, he succeeded. His body along with his hazard suit and other possessions suddenly blinked back to a solid form. Ves had succeeded into turning back to normal!

Despite his success, he still remained cautious and stood still while he waited for his body to flicker back into ghost form.

One minute. Five minutes. Fifteen minutes. Thirty minutes.

Only after one full hour did Ves become assured that his transformation had been permanent. He sighed in relief and let down his guard. Hopefully nothing strange would happen in the next couple of days.

Meanwhile, Lucky played and floated around the asteroid as if Ves had nothing to do with him. The cat stubbornly remained intangible.

"Lucky! Turn back to normal!"

Lucky pointedly turned his butt at Ves and continued to play with the rocks that had been shaken loose from the asteroid. Ves sighed to himself and gave up trying to persuade his pet to stop fooling around.

Lucky's intangible state didn't come with any downsides as far as he knew.

Ves looked back to the cave entrance and thought about the graser rifle design he had to get back to. It was such a long time ago since he last worked on it that he forgot about some of the details.

"With the insights I've learned from the crystal ruins, I should be able to design a much better rifle."

Even without applying any of the alien innovations, Ves still gained a lot from the Skills and Sub-Skills he acquired from the Skill Tree. They corresponded closely with the inner workings of a laser weapon, and Ves immediately thought of a number of ways to enhance his old design.

The difference between the old design and the improved one would be like night and day. When Ves returned to the cave and studied the design, he shook his head.

"It's so simplistic."

The design became so rudimentary in his eyes that he quickly overhauled the entire schematic. He couldn't bear to fabricate the old design as it possessed a large number of flaws that grated his perfectionist sensibilities.

A mech designer should have more pride in his work!

He vastly improved the graser rifle design in several areas, increasing its endurance while cutting down its weight. It would be able to output a lot more power as well while generating a bit less heat. Its capabilities more closely matched the graser rifle design outlined in the research notes.

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