β˜€οΈSunset Shining in You...πŸŒ™...

By freddyxbonnie1

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(NEW DESCRIPTION) CatNap is a shy yet inside cat, he never usually tells anyone else. Anything. Ever since 'T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19- My Two Heroes.

Chapter 18

441 8 12
By freddyxbonnie1

(apologies for the late late update. Just had a surgery in my mouth and stuff and it made me hella dizzy and I couldn't do anything so yea. Hope you guys like it :) )

"Boys and girls... Old and little.. you are home.." The man said before opening his mouth again as he slowly continued walking...

The sounds of the huge fan on the fake sky slowly spinning.. so peaceful... So calm.. and so.. beautiful.. the lights shined down with stunning shines.

"Hold your tears.. don't cry little one.. follow along.. I mean no harm.."


~🎵🎶Hold those tears... Cover with light..🎶🎵~

~🎵🎶Follow along the path down to paradise. Where all your fears and trouble will fade away.. like the stars do at crack of dawn..🎶🎵~

~🎵🎶 We'll begin, with a smile.. Oh poor little one don't worry, soon your scars and wounds will fade away.. like the clouds do at night..🎶🎵~


The children followed along the path as they saw comfort and love from one.. it was a wonderful and beautiful feeling...

~🎵🎶Follow along the stars down the stars to paradise... Follow along the constellations.. line by line..🎶🎵~

~🎵🎶Simply follow my steps and we'll be there..🎶🎵~

~🎵🎶No tears or worries needed..🎶🎵~


~🎵🎶There's no life without the light itself.. follow down the stars and constellations to home..🎶🎵~

The children felt joy and happiness hit their heart quick like arrows.. Theodore felt it the most.. his old life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows... He had a mother and a father, he doesn't even know what they looked or their names.. he remembered seeing them ditch him to an orphanage like he was nothing.. he was only 5 years old when that happened.. the man continued... He followed along the 'stars and path' with the man and the other children...

~🎵🎶 Living in such darkness is a story.. but following down the light will shine brighter...🎶🎵~


As Theodore followed along, he noticed a little girl leaving the crowd.. she was walking away. Her little body walked up the steps towards the back of the fake sky walls.. Theodore felt worried.. scared.. concerned... He didn't want to tell the others that he was leaving. The children were to soothed by the mans words that anyone speaking to them will sound like music to their ears... Litterly. "They wouldn't mind if I leave. Would they..?" Sighed, he quickly started walking away towards the back door the little girl was following...


~🎵🎶Follow the light.. but don't go.. to far... Or you'll burn from the sun's light..🎶🎵~

The sounds of his singing slowly faded away as Theodore walked down the halls..

~🎵🎶 Oh poor little one don't worry.., soon your scars and wounds will fade away... The Sun, The Moon.. will always be there... Healing and taking care of all...🎶🎵~

~🎵🎶...May the cat of our darkness and our dog of our light... Be always togeth-🌀

The singing went silent..  no sounds of anyone could be heard.. only the sounds of the factories machines.. Theodore quickly walked down the shady dark dirty hallway.. it was decorated by prime color swirls that looked like they were painted years ago, judging from how the paint was peeling off. Theodore continued his adventure to follow the small little girl behind these walls of paradise... The air felt oddly thick and hot, it was disgusting... You could even see it. This place really shows the true colors of the place, sadly, Theodore was to young to even realize that.. he saw the little girl take a right to a door. "HEY WAIT UP" Theodore yelled out as he ran towards the door the girl just went into. Theodore started breathing heavy from the hot air, he slammed the door open, it was a huge room; 3 huge gas tanks, one with full of red air. Gas. The place was filled with wires connected to the machine, grease of the pipes oozing out as the gas floated around inside the gas tank.. Theodore gasped in amazement... He never saw something like this, "sure Playcare is beautiful and magical but. This gas.." he said as he slowly walked up to the machines controls, dragging and feeling the buttons... Especially the huge blue button. "Something magical about this.. it's.. what is this..?" He stepped back from the machine and looked around the dark room, he thought there would be employees around this area but. For some reason not today.. "huh.. wonder where everyone is at.." Theodore said as he looked around, the Jazz music from the speakers making this oddly creepy dark place more lively.. "they must have gotten to lunch or something. I don't know anyone who would leave something so amazing like this by it's se-"


Theodore quickly stopped as he looked to his right... The voice. It sounded like a little girl, maybe it's the one he was chasing! "Hey!" Theodore yelled out as he ran towards the voice. He ran up to the closed gate, the voice sounded like it was coming right behind it.. "Hey!" The girls voice yelled out. "Over here!" He looked around finding a way so he can go through this gate. "Hey! Wait up- I-ILL get you of there!" He yelled out the door as he started pressing the buttons around it, nothing. "I-I CANT FIGURE OUT THIS STUPID MACHINE!" he quickly walked up to the door and started banging his hands against the gate. He clenched them up in fist and started slapping it with it. "LET ME IN! LET ME IN!-" ... His hands slowly started to go numb, his knuckles started to bleed slowly... "PLS PLS PLS-" he said as he slowly fell to the floor.. his knuckles were completely red and purple.. the pain was horrible, it was terrifying to him cause he's never seen this much blood on him.. his tears slowly formed as he felt his body go numb with his hands.. "ow.. owch.. n-no.. I-i it hurts.." his tears quickly started flowing as he felt everything go silent.. "pls.. help me god.."


He felt something slowly lower.. he slowly looked back up and saw a huge metal hand.. wires and bones peaking out of it as the long hand slowly moved his fingers around.. Theodore quickly scooted away terrified as he held his hand that had blood on it. "AHH!" he yelled in fear as he tried to get away.. Theodore quickly looked back and noticed how the hand hadn't moved a single inch, it was so still that he thought it was a statue. So still like a cat when they feel threatened... Theodore stopped his movement and looked back.up at the large hand.. the hand was bigger than him! And that's just his hand were talking, his heart slowly beating fast lining up with his breath, the stillness and quiet made this hard to even stay still. He slowly spoke, "wh-what are you?!" He said yelling out loud to the hand scared, he tried to hide his fear inside knowing he might pee himself but, there was this weird kind of energy from this huge guy that felt like he KNEW his fear. It's a guy right? The hand didn't say a thing, he slowly turned towards the gate, and like magic, he opened it. The boy was amazed by this! A huge hand saving his life and time! A hand that looked like a enemy but was a hero! He was like Superman! His eyes shot wide open in amazement, a wonderful and inspiring not human thing.. it was like everything to him. "WOW!" He yelled out amazed by this as he quickly stood up with glitters in his eyes. "Thats amazing! How did you do that! Mr-" the hand slowly turned towards him, the boy studdered "Uhm.. what's you're name..?"  The hand responded, it wasn't a normal voice however. It was, multiple. "My. NAME. i s. 1. @. O. 7! Little. B o Y." The voice was loud, low, quiet, and high pitched. Some of his voices were the sounds of children, adults, even the cartoon show. How odd, how can this creature have such have the ability to have many voices.. the voice startled the boy very badly as he stepped back, the voices even scared him causing him to tear up and cry as he held his bloody hand with his other.. the poor little boy started to shiver. "O- o h.. WWWHYY DOnt bbbee S.C.A.R.E.D. Little. o n e. I. Woul-wouldn't e-even hurt a f-fly.."

The boy believed him. He sniffed up his small booger up and wiped off his own tears.. "r-really..? You wouldn't even hurt the smallest creatures..?" The voice of 1007 slowly felt steady, less glitchy, more... Gentle and calm.. "I-i.. would never.. e-e-ever. Hurt the littlest cre-creatures.. e-esspecially, children..." Theodore slowly put a small smile on himself.. the hand slowly made a gentle fist and then pointed at the door with one long finger. "N-now.. y-you may lo-look for THA-THAT small.. girl.."  Theodore smiled fully as he felt comfort from this creature, this hero. "Th-thank you! Mr... 1007." "Y-your ver-very welcome..." ... The boy felt as he needed to give 1007 a proper name, a more. Suitable name. "Hey. 1007?" "...?" "...may. may I call you, 'Hero'..?" , 1007 didn't say anything for a second, then he responded. "Wh-why yes.. my little 'Child'.." ... Theodore always knew that God always loved anyone, bad or good, young or old, God always loved anyone. All equally... He was like more than a hero. Like a god. "Tha-thanks 'Hero'!" He said giggling a bit. "I'll be right back.." "...B-be careful li-little one.. DO-DONT go TO-TO far... Or you may neve-never see the d-day of light again.." Theodore quickly felt nervous as he started walking towards the open gate, "I-ill be fine. Don'tcha worry so much my 'Hero'. I will be okay." He said as he started leaving 1007 vision. "B-be careful. There. Is-"

The boy was lost. He was surrounded by darkness, his bleeding hand slowly stopped but the sharp pain was still there. He had scratches all over him from accidentally sliding through sharp edged objects.. the poor small worn boy was crying as he was in the middle of no where. "P-PLS.. I-IT HURTS.. HELP.." he yelled out as he felt every step he took cause sharp pain all over him.. "WHY.. WHY ME.." he said as he slowly walked up to some fences around a very steep hole, he leaned his head out the fence and let his tears fall into the darkness... "OH PLS.. MY HERO.. IT HURTS.. pls.." his tears were unheard. His stomach growled as he felt his whole body tremble and hurt.. everything hurted, and he meant everything... and just when he thought he was gonna die in these dark hidden walls, he saw his hero's hand slowly peaked out the dark above. "M-M-my child.." he said as he slowly his two fingers to hold one of his arms and hands.. Theodore felt relieved as he quickly smiled and started crying tears of joy. "MY HERO! YOU CAME BACK!" he yelled out as he felt his palms sweating, he felt so nervous and anxious that he would never be out of these walls. "Ca-calm down my child... I am here.." 1007 said as he slowly moved towards the fence, he held the small little boy's hand with just two long skeleton fingers and slowly walked him... "Dont worry one bit child. I may take you-you home and sa-saftley.." 1007 said as he slowly peaked his other hand out the dark. And with both hands, he carried the boy like if he was a small baby kitty. The boy didn't say anything, he was startled for sure that this creature in the dark had such strength, but such big hands.. he couldn't imagine what he fully looked like. The air around them slowly turned a dark red, "wh-what is that..?!" The boy panicked in his hands. "Why.. don't you worry. I will make this faster.. don't. You. Worry.." 1007 held the boy with one hand carefully, he used his other huge hand to twist a wheel on one of the gas tanks, causing gas to slowly spill faster into the room. The boy couldn't even say anything, he slowly closed his eyes from all the gas he was inhaling. And then.. he fell asleep...

Sleep and sound..


Sadly, that wasn't the reality anymore. The fan and lights above slowly buzzed, the lights were dimly lit, it made it... Cozy.. It was peaceful and quiet. He felt himself inside of something fluffy, maybe a bit ruff.. he slowly opened his eyes and saw himself inside of Huggy's arms. The blue fluffy so fluffy and curly, it wasn't his old ruff usual down fur. It was neatly done, like if someone took the time to curl each spot of Huggy. Even on the wired spots maybe.. his eyes widend in shock as he saw Huggy slowly locked eyes with him. He was so tall and lengthy he couldn't even fit on the sofa he was on. He had a red vest on with small patterns that are from the 80's. Usually the color yellow, blue, and red. He felt a bit of awkwardness come from this, for one. This is technically his friend he's sleeping on, and two. Yea this just felt kinda wrong.. he was in a small blanket with patterns as well, mostly patterns from the cartoon Huggy with many different expressions. He felt the energy slowly soften as he could smell the weirdly nice smell coming from Huggy's fur. It was like he tooked a bath. But who did it for him? CatNap slowly tilted his head to the right as he saw they were in a different room. It was like a lounge room. He remembered getting therapy from here. Weird memories... He noticed the door slowly opened and saw the head of Player peak out, "is it okay if I come in Huggy?" Huggy nodded and player opened the door fully with his waist, he was holding a wooden tray with three cups of tea, "oh, CatNap! You're awake!" CatNap blinked, "I got really worried you wouldn't wake up anytime soon.. that's why I put you in Huggy's arms so the smell of his fur would wake you up. I curled and bathed him myself heh-" CatNap slowly turned his weak eyes towards Huggy's face and back at Player. "..." "Well then." Player said as he placed the tray down on the small table across the sofa and smiled. "..? Wh-what.. what time is it..?" Huggy quickly looked at the clock and smiled as well, "it's 11:21 am!" CatNap couldn't even say anything in shock or worries, he was so weak that the gas took 7 lives away from him- (hah. Get it. Cats got 9 lives and he already lost like 1 lol) "mmm... Dang.." Player nodded as he gave Huggy a cup of tea. "Well. Don't worry, it's not your fault you fainted for a few hours. You just.. couldn't handle the amount of gas. I think I put to many roses in it.." Huggy sipped on his tea with Player. "Here." He grabbed CatNaps cup of tea and gave it to his weak hand, CatNap slowly slipped on it and placed it down on the table. "Th-thanks.." "no problem. You needed it anyways.." Player said as he grabbed the tray and put it on top of a counter from the far corner. Huggy just dropped his empty cup of tea on the floor. "Well. Do you feel any better..? I made the tea myself." "I-Im fine-" "WOW!" Huggy cutted off CatNaps words with sparkles in his eyes. "You made that recipe by yourself!" Player quickly blushed in embarrassment as he quickly responded a bit worried for CatNap, "we-well.. it was an old recipe me and mother made-" "wow! I thought you got one out of those cheaply made tea boxes!" Player was a bit offended by that, he always bought Tea from Aldi. (LMFAO) he swore that the tea is good and not a pack of ass. Aldi food can be a hit or miss for these dumbass creatures. Mommy, Kissy, and Poppy love the tea. Not so much for the males.. "s-sorry CatNap." Player rolled his eyes and looked back at CatNap, "Huggy was.. just a bit surprised that I can actually COOK." CatNap was so confused, Huggy and Player had this weird relationship, like a hate and love relationship. No they don't fuck or something, not from what CatNap knew.. he knew Huggy haz a girlfriend, Kissy, it would be weird if Player was there third little 'toy' ...... 'Toy'... Player walked up to CatNap and Huggy and slowly picked up CatNap into his arms. "GET. Your hands off him Huggy." Player playfully yelled at Huggy as he walked off, carrying CatNap out the door. "And pick of that cup you dropped.. I'm not cleaning your shit again. Especially... Last night's.. 'mess'.." Player laughed off as he closed the door behind him, you could hear the screeches of embarrassment and lust from Huggy behind the door, he sounded pissed, yet pretty happy to hear that. That wasn't fruity, that was messy.

CatNap and Player walked down the halls, passed the old pictures of Miss Delight and her sisters, past all the offices and walked past some areas. There they were, at the entrance of the Counselor's office. The fake air of the Playcare swooshing on CatNap's face. "Well, CatNap. Are you sure you're  okay going to school like that? You sure you aren't gonna faint in the middle of class..?" CatNap awkwardly chuckled as he fixed up his backpack on his shoulders. "We-well.. yea. I'll be fine, I think-" CatNap yawned as he slowly blinked weirdly, it made a weird squishy sound. "Okay. Just.. just take your pills at night before you go to sleep and you should be good." CatNap was always a sleepy cat, they've tried giving him coffee to wake him up, wouldn't work, they tried energy pills, that wouldn't work as well. They even tried dumping buckets of water on him in the morning! Still, there was something off about him that Player couldn't figure out.. CatNap slowly walked down the steps with a huge fake smile as he walked down the stone path. "Haha! I will. Don't worry Player, I'll make sure to eat only 1-2 a day!" Player waved softly, his worries soothed down. "Be careful! Come to me when you need anything... I'm always at my office."

"I will!"

CatNap slowly opened the door to his classroom, Math Class. He already missed 2 classes and he doesn't need to be late for another- it was the half way point of math class. He noticed everyone looking at him quickly giving CatNap shivers down his spine, all 12 eyes staring at him.. "CatNap?" Hoppy and Kicken said, "huh?" "He's here?" "CatNap." "Oh.." "CATNAP!" they all said, each having a different tone of words saying his name. DogDay looked at CatNap away from his paper, he was super worried for him and that he would get in trouble by Miss Delight. "CatNap!" DogDay whispered loudly as his tail wagged rapidly, his eyes shot wide open as his smile grew in relief, he had never felt so relieved to see CatNap again. CatNap didn't say a word, his head hurted and so for his hands.



(Sorry I've been gone for so long! I've been active actually on this book. I've wrote the whole story script, songs, ideas and maybe even a sequel to this book! I've put so much time and effort on my break it wasn't even considered a break. I hope you guys liked this chapter. :)  )

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