
By ACreddieLoveStory

176 16 10

Carly receives bad news as they announce the date of the baby shower leaving Carly in a state of happiness mi... More



75 5 2
By ACreddieLoveStory

[Carly and Freddie wake up in their respective beds, groggily opening their eyes to a new day.]

Carly: [Yawns] Morning, Freddie. Did you sleep well?

Freddie: [Rubbing his eyes] Yeah, I guess. Could've used another hour or two though.

Carly: Same here. I feel like I barely closed my eyes.

Freddie: Must've been that late-night brainstorming session for iCarly.

Carly: [Nods] Definitely. We've got to come up with some fresh ideas. Maybe something involving puppies?

Freddie: Puppies could work. People love cute animals.

Carly: Perfect. Let's jot that down before we forget.

Freddie: [Reaching for his phone] Got it. Anything else on your mind?

Carly: Well, there's that history assignment due next week. Have you started?

Freddie: [Sheepishly] Um, not yet. I've been a bit preoccupied.

Carly: [Teasingly] With what? Editing videos of yourself?

Freddie: [Laughs] Hey, editing is an art form! But, yeah, I should probably get started on that assignment.

Carly: We could work on it together later if you want.

Freddie: That'd be great, thanks. Hey, speaking of later, are you still up for movie night with Sam?

Carly: Of course! We'll need snacks though. Lots of snacks.

Freddie: I'll make a grocery list. Chips, popcorn, candy—

Carly: Don't forget the soda!

Freddie: Right. It's gonna be epic.

Carly: Agreed. But first, coffee?

Freddie: Definitely coffee. Let's fuel up for the day ahead.

Freddie: Hey, Carly, how's Grace doing this morning?

Carly: She's very active in there. Last night, I didn't get a lot of sleep with all her kicking and squirming.

Freddie: Wow, she's already keeping you on your toes, huh?

Carly: Definitely. It's a good reminder that she's on her way, though. I just hope she's this energetic when she's out in the world.

Freddie: I'm sure she'll keep you both busy, but it's going to be worth it.

Carly: Yeah, I can't wait to meet her. It's all starting to feel real now, you know?

Freddie: Absolutely. Grace is going to be one lucky kid to have you as her mom.

Carly: Thanks, Freddie. That means a lot.

Carly: Freddie, can I tell you something?

Freddie: Of course, Carly. What's on your mind?

Carly: I've been thinking about Grace and what a great dad you're going to be.

Freddie: [Surprised] Really? Thanks, Carly. That means a lot coming from you.

Carly: No, really. I've seen how patient and caring you are with everyone, especially with me and Sam. I know you'll be the same with Grace.

Freddie: [Smiling] Thanks, Carly. It's a bit overwhelming to think about sometimes, you know? Becoming a dad and all.

Carly: I can imagine. But I have no doubt that you'll handle it like a pro.

Freddie: [Gratefully] Thanks for saying that. I just want to be the best dad I can be for her.

Carly: And you will be. You'll teach her so much and show her what it means to be loved unconditionally.

Freddie: [Emotionally] I hope so. I just want her to have a happy and fulfilling life.

Carly: She will, Freddie. With you as her dad, she's already off to a great start.

Freddie: [Touched] Thanks, Carly. That means a lot. I'm really lucky to have you as my soon to be wife.

Carly: And we're lucky to have you, Freddie. You're going to be an amazing father to Grace, I just know it.

Carly: Freddie, I can't believe we're going to be parents soon. It's so exciting!

Freddie: I know, Carly! I can hardly contain my excitement. September can't come soon enough.

Carly: I've been thinking about all the things we'll do with our little one. The places we'll go, the memories we'll make...

Freddie: I can't wait to watch them grow and learn. It's going to be an incredible journey.

Carly: [Taking Freddie's hand] And we'll be there for each other every step of the way, right?

Freddie: Absolutely, Carly. We make a great team, and that won't change when our little one arrives.

Carly: [Smiling] I'm so glad to have you by my side, Freddie. I couldn't ask for a better partner.

Freddie: [Pulling Carly close] And I couldn't ask for a better mom for our child.

[They share a kiss, full of excitement and anticipation for the adventure ahead as parents.]

Carly: Freddie, can you believe it? Everything is falling into place. Our wedding is just around the corner in June, and then our baby shower is in two weeks!

Freddie: I know, Carly! It's all happening so fast, but in the best way possible.

Carly: Have you sent the invitations to Sam and Gibby for the baby shower?

Freddie: Not yet, but I'll do it today. I want them to be there to celebrate with us.

Carly: Great. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to join in the excitement.

Freddie: Speaking of the wedding, have you decided on the final details?

Carly: Almost everything is set. I just need to pick out the flowers and finalize the menu. Oh, and we still need to decide on our first dance song.

Freddie: Any ideas for the song?

Carly: I was thinking something classic but still meaningful to us. Maybe "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley?

Freddie: I love that song. It's perfect for our first dance as husband and wife.

Carly: Me too. It just feels right.

Freddie: Everything is falling into place, Carly. I can't wait to marry you and start this next chapter of our lives together.

Carly: [Smiling] Me neither, Freddie. It's going to be the best day ever.

Carly: Freddie, there's something else I've been thinking about for our wedding.

Freddie: What is it, Carly?

Carly: Well, I was thinking that in addition to our first dance to "Can't Help Falling in Love," we should also have a special dance to "Meant to Be."

Freddie: That's a great idea, Carly. "Meant to Be" holds a special meaning for us, especially considering everything we've been through together.

Carly: Exactly. It's our song, Freddie. It's a reminder that no matter what challenges we face, we're meant to be together.

Freddie: [Taking Carly's hand] I couldn't agree more, Carly. Dancing to "Meant to Be" will be a beautiful way to celebrate our journey and our love.

Carly: I'm so glad you feel the same way, Freddie. Our wedding is going to be perfect, dancing to our songs surrounded by our loved ones.

Freddie: I can't wait, Carly. It's going to be a day we'll remember forever.

Carly: [Smiling] Forever and always, Freddie.

[Carly and Freddie are walking to the store to get snacks for the movie night with Sam.]

Carly: So, what snacks should we get for tonight?

Freddie: Hmm, definitely popcorn, chips, maybe some candy?

Carly: Sounds good to me. Oh, and we can't forget the soda!

Freddie: Right. Anything else you have in mind?

Carly: Maybe some ice cream for dessert? Sam always loves a good ice cream sundae.

Freddie: Good call. Let's add that to the list.

[Meanwhile, in Spencer's apartment, Spencer is working on a new sculpture when he receives a call from an art gallery in Ohio.]

Spencer: Hello?

Gallery Representative: Hi, is this Spencer Shay?

Spencer: Yes, speaking.

Gallery Representative: Hi, Spencer. This is [Emily] from the art gallery in Ohio. We've been admiring your work and we have a proposition for you.

Spencer: Oh, really? What kind of proposition?

Gallery Representative: We're interested in offering you a job opportunity here at our gallery. We believe your unique style would be a great addition to our collection.

Spencer: Wow, that's incredible! I'm honored. But, I'm based in Seattle. Is this a full-time position?

Gallery Representative: It's actually a temporary contract for a few months, but it could lead to further opportunities depending on how it goes. Would you be interested in discussing it further?

Spencer: Absolutely! I'm intrigued. Can I have some time to think about it and get back to you?

Gallery Representative: Of course. Take your time, Spencer. We'll be here whenever you're ready.

Spencer: Thank you so much. I'll be in touch soon.

[Spencer hangs up the phone, feeling excited and grateful for the unexpected opportunity.]

                                   2 minutes later

Spencer: Hi, it's me again, Spencer Shay.

Gallery Representative: Hi, Spencer! Did you have a chance to think about our offer?

Spencer: Yes, I did, and I'm thrilled to say that I'd like to accept it.

Gallery Representative: That's fantastic news! We're excited to have you join us. When can you start?

Spencer: I can make arrangements to be there within the next couple of weeks. I'll need some time to wrap up things here in Seattle.

Gallery Representative: That works for us. We'll send you all the details regarding your contract and the logistics of your stay. We're looking forward to having you here.

Spencer: Great! Thank you so much for this opportunity. I can't wait to bring my art to Ohio.

Gallery Representative: Our pleasure, Spencer. Safe travels, and we'll be in touch soon.

[Spencer hangs up the phone, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves about this new chapter in his artistic journey.]

Spencer: Hey, Dad, it's Spencer.

Steven Shay: Hey, Spencer! What's up?

Spencer: I have some big news, and I wanted to share it with you first. But I need you to promise not to tell Carly just yet.

Steven Shay: Of course, Spencer. What's going on?

Spencer: I've been offered a job opportunity at an art gallery in Ohio. It's a temporary contract for a few months, but it's a big step for me and my career.

Steven Shay: Wow, that's amazing, Spencer! Congratulations! Ohio, huh? That's quite a move.

Spencer: Yeah, it is. I wanted to let you know first because I value your opinion, and I also wanted to ask for your help in keeping it a secret from Carly for now.

Steven Shay: Absolutely, Spencer. I understand. I won't say anything until you're ready to share the news with Carly.

Spencer: Thank you, Dad. I appreciate your support. I just need some time to figure things out and make the arrangements before telling Carly.

Steven Shay: Take all the time you need, Spencer. I'm here for you if you need anything.

Spencer: Thanks, Dad. You're the best. I'll keep you updated on how things progress.

Steven Shay: Looking forward to it, Spencer. Take care, and congratulations again!

[Spencer hangs up the phone, feeling grateful for Steven's understanding and support.]

Spencer: Hey, Veronica, it's me, Spencer.

Veronica: Hi, Spencer! What's going on?

Spencer: I have some exciting news to share with you. I've been offered a job opportunity at an art gallery in Ohio.

Veronica: Oh wow, Spencer, that's incredible! Congratulations! Ohio, though? That's quite a move.

Spencer: Yeah, it's a big step for my career. It's a temporary contract for a few months, but it's a great opportunity to showcase my work.

Veronica: I'm so happy for you, Spencer! But Ohio is quite a distance from Seattle. What does this mean for us?

Spencer: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I know it's a big change, but I wanted to see how you felt about it.

Veronica: Spencer, you know I support you in everything you do. If this is what's best for your career, then I'm behind you 100%.

Spencer: Thanks, Veronica. That means a lot to me. I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page before making any decisions.

Veronica: We'll make it work, Spencer. Distance won't change how I feel about you.

Spencer: You're amazing, Veronica. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.

Veronica: And I'm lucky to have you, Spencer. We'll figure this out together.

[Spencer and Veronica share a moment of reassurance and support, knowing that they'll navigate this new chapter in their relationship together.]

[Carly's phone rings while she and Freddie are in the store picking out snacks.]

Carly: Hey, Sam! What's up?

Sam: Hey, Carls. So, I've got some news. Gibby and I are dealing with some unexpected stuff at our place, and we won't be able to make it to movie night tonight.

Carly: Oh no, everything okay over there?

Sam: Yeah, just some plumbing issues that need immediate attention. Nothing major, but it's going to take some time to sort out.

Carly: Got it. Thanks for letting me know, Sam.

Sam: No problem. I hate to bail on movie night, though. Is it cool if we reschedule for tomorrow instead?

Carly: Of course, Sam. We understand. Tomorrow works for us. Take care of what you need to.

Sam: Thanks, Carls. You're the best. I'll catch you tomorrow then.

Carly: Sounds good. Take care, Sam.

[Carly hangs up the phone and turns to Freddie.]

Carly: Sam and Gibby won't be able to make it tonight. They're dealing with some issues at their place.

Freddie: That's too bad. Is everything okay with them?

Carly: Yeah, just some plumbing problems. They want to reschedule movie night for tomorrow.

Freddie: Tomorrow works for me. We'll just have to rearrange our plans a bit.

Carly: Agreed. Let's finish up here and head home. We can let Sam and Gibby know the new plan.

[Carly and Freddie finish shopping and head home, ready to make the most of their movie night tomorrow.]

[Carly and Freddie arrive back home with their snacks, ready to unwind after their outing.]

Freddie: Ah, it feels good to be back home. Movie night is going to be awesome, even if it's tomorrow instead of tonight.

Carly: [Suddenly emotional] Freddie, I just... I can't do this!

Freddie: Carly, what's wrong? What happened?

Carly: [Tearing up] I'm sorry, it's just... I'm feeling overwhelmed. With the wedding coming up, the baby on the way, and now this unexpected change of plans... I don't know if I can handle it all.

Freddie: Carly, it's okay to feel overwhelmed. We're in this together, remember? We'll figure it out one step at a time.

Carly: [Sniffling] I know, but sometimes it just feels like too much.

Freddie: Hey, look at me. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger on the other side. We can do this, Carly. I believe in us.

Carly: [Taking a deep breath] You're right, Freddie. I'm sorry for the outburst. I just needed to let it out.

Freddie: It's okay, Carly. I'm here for you, always. Let's take tonight to relax, watch some movies, and tomorrow we'll tackle whatever comes our way together.

Carly: [Smiling through her tears] Thanks, Freddie. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Freddie: You'll never have to find out, Carly. I love you.

Carly: I love you too, Freddie. Let's enjoy our movie night tomorrow, okay?

Freddie: Sounds like a plan. Now, let's get those snacks ready. Movie night starts now.

Carly: Freddie, I just can't believe you sometimes!

Freddie: Whoa, Carly, what's gotten into you? What did I do?

Carly: It's not what you did, it's what you didn't do! You never seem to understand how much pressure I'm under!

Freddie: Carly, I'm sorry if I haven't been as supportive as I should be. I'm trying my best here.

Carly: Trying your best? That's not good enough! I'm the one dealing with all the wedding planning, the baby preparations, and now, rearranging our plans because of Sam and Gibby!

Freddie: Carly, I understand you're stressed, but I'm stressed too! I'm juggling work, helping you with everything, and trying to be there for you emotionally.

Carly: Oh please, Freddie! You act like you're the only one with problems! You don't even know what it's like to carry a baby for nine months!

Freddie: You think I don't know that? You think I don't worry about you and the baby every single day?

Carly: Well, maybe you should show it more! Maybe you should step up and take some responsibility instead of leaving everything to me!

Freddie: Fine! You want me to step up? I'll step up! But don't act like I haven't been trying my best to support you through all of this!

Carly: [Silent for a moment, then softer] Freddie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out like that. I'm just so overwhelmed.

Freddie: [Sighs] I know, Carly. I'm overwhelmed too. But we're in this together, remember? We'll figure it out, like we always do.

Carly: [Tears in her eyes] I know, Freddie. I'm sorry for arguing with you.

Freddie: [Wrapping his arms around her] It's okay, Carly. We'll get through this. We always do.

Carly: Freddie, I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm not feeling good.

Freddie: Are you okay, Carly? Is it the baby? Do you need anything?

Carly: I don't know, Freddie. I just feel exhausted and emotionally drained. I think I just need some rest.

Freddie: Okay, I understand. Do you want me to come with you? Or is there anything I can do to help?

Carly: No, it's okay. I just need some time alone to clear my head.

Freddie: Alright, Carly. I'll be here if you need me. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

Carly: Thanks, Freddie. I appreciate it.

[Carly heads to their bedroom, leaving Freddie feeling concerned and unsure of what to do next.]

[Freddie, feeling exhausted from the argument and the emotional tension, decides to join Carly in the bedroom.]

Freddie: Carly, I'm sorry for everything. I know we had a rough night, but I just want you to know that I love you.

Carly: [Turning to face him, her expression softening] Freddie, I love you too. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I know you're doing your best.

Freddie: [Climbing into bed next to her] We'll figure this out together, Carly. I promise.

Carly: [Nodding] Yeah, we will. I don't know what I'd do without you, Freddie.

Freddie: [Wrapping his arms around her] You'll never have to find out. I'm here for you, always.

Carly: [Resting her head on his chest] Thank you, Freddie.

Freddie: [Pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead] I love you, Carly Benson.

Carly: [Smiling softly] I love you too, Freddie Benson.

[They lay there in each other's arms, finding comfort and solace in their love for one another, ready to face whatever challenges come their way together.]

[As Carly and Freddie lay in bed together, the weight of the day's emotions finally catches up to them, and they drift off to sleep.]

Freddie: [Softly] Goodnight, Carly.

Carly: [Sleepily] Goodnight, Freddie.

[They both close their eyes, finding peace and comfort in each other's presence, knowing that no matter what challenges they face, they'll always have each other.]

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