love, lupin

By blamerae

3.3K 154 16

deatheater! remus lupin If after being bitten, Remus Lupin had been taken by the uncaring and relentless Fenr... More

seventy eight


12 1 0
By blamerae

October 16th, 1978

Remus appreciated Sirius but he could be embarrassing.

"He's not being stuck on his own in a room with you!" Sirius yelled at Moody who was stood by the door with a placid expression,
"Sirius, love, Braxton will-"
"Oh don't you Sirius, love me right now."

Remus grew flustered at the soft scolding.

"He's probably got this- Braxton wrapped around his wrinkly fingers. Who is he anyway?" Sirius nagged and Remus buried his face into his hands.

"Im not a child Sirius I can look after myself why are-"
"Oh my Merlin Remus. Oh my fucking Merlin."
"He's huge!"

Remus looked up and he almost flinched.

Braxton was huge.

He was tall, much taller then Remus and he was built like a wall. He was fit. Physically fit, that is but Remus couldn't deny that he was somewhat attractive. Dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes. Fuck somewhat, he was very fucking attractive.

Not Remus' type but attractive nonetheless.

"How tall are you?" Sirius blanched and Braxton held Remus' eye for a moment, "matter of fact, how many people have you killed with this fucking hands?"

"Oh fucking hell Sirius." Remus groaned and he dropped his head into his hands again, definitely embarrassed now.

"What Remus? Mate your hands are big but his are- they're fucking colossal."

"Merlin, im so sorry." Remus apologised.

"Its okay. I get it alot." Braxton spoke and his voice was smoother then Remus expected, "I actually haven't killed anyone, I don't believe in unnecessary violence."
"And how tall are you?"
"Seven feet and two- no three inches."
"Fucking- holy fucking shit. Remus."
"He's taller than you."

Remus looked up from where he was sat and seemed hesitant as Sirius pulled him up to feet. The only persons height that could have rivalled Remus' till now was Fenrir but even he was still shorter then Remus.

But this was intimidating.

" You're worried but theres no need," Braxton reassured and Remus felt his joints creak as Sirius pulled him to his side, "We will be fine as long as you don't try to bite me."

"We're doing combat training right?" He looked towards Moody, "I don't feel. comfortable doing this on a full moon."
"Braxton insisted we start on a full moon."

Remus looked back at him and gulped audibly,
"Don't be a baby Remus, you'll be fine. I'll be there-"
"No." Braxton spoke up and Remus tensed up, "I specialise in training the magical and you are no magical."
"I am magical. I literally went to a wizarding school."
"He means you're not a magical creature, Love."
"Your Lupus friend is correct"
Remus almost went down and Sirius caught him. Too close.
"Just call him a wolf if you're going ro. refer to his Lycanthropy. We haven't worked out of his old training-"
"Which is why im here." Braxton interrupted Sirius who sneered at the man, "you baby your Lupus and he needs you to not."
"I just told you not to call him that!"
"Are you his trainer? No? I didn't think so. I have done this for many years."

"Whats an. old man gonna do against a werewolf?"
"Old man? I am but 37."
"More like 73." Sirius grumbled and Remus laughed,
"What was that?" Braxton questioned and Remus stood up steadily,
"Nothing," He said, "Let's just go."

"I'll see you in the morning Sirius." Remus said and Remus pressed a deep kiss to his lips.

"Oh Lupus boyfriend." Braxton said and Remus' head fell away and onto Sirius' shoulder and he groaned gently,

"You're gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, Lupus doesn't usually get to me like this." He grumbled and lifted his head,
"It hasn't been used in a while. Could be the shock."

"Remus let's go." Moody spoke and Remus lifted his head and gave Sirius one more kiss before he left the room with Moody and Braxton.

"We will not be starting with combat training today Mr Lup-"
"Greyback." Remus said as he steadied himself as his vision wavered.
"Mr Greyback- Or just Remus. That's not my last name."
"You are the son of Lyall no?"
"Yes but I can't- I'm not-"
"Remus may be Lyalls by blood but he is not his family." Moody said as he pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door they'd stopped infront of.

Remus felt a growl rise in his throat and they both looked back at him. He caught himself and looked away.

He had no reason to have gotten angry because what Moody said was the truth. Lyall and Hope were his parents but they weren't family.

Remus remained silent as Moody walked through the door, followed by Braxton and finally Remus.

It was a long staircase going downwards lit dimly by torches racked up on the walls. Remus spoke as they began fo descend,
"What is this? A dungeon?" He joked, trying to. lighten up the atmosphere but as Braxton gave him a dark look over his shoulder and Remus felt a shiver go up his spine,

A dungeon.

He'd darkened the atmosphere rather than lightened it.

"Stop it."

Remus crashed into the wall, catching himself with his hands as he tried to keep his consciousness.




Remus felt his nails dig into the wall and they scratched down and he groaned out,

"Braxton please."


Remus felt a rage over come him and the next thing he knew he'd lunged at Braxton who'd simply caught him by the wrist and twisted till Remus had collapsed down to his knees with his back to Braxton.

He snarled and snapped but he knew if he moved his arm would break. Fenrir had held him like this before and Remus had made a mistake.

He felt his bones snap in his back but it wasn't because of Braxton and Remus felt his teeth grow and just like that he didn't care if he broke his arm.

He span and his arm did snap and Braxton stepped back as Remus let out another snarl as his arm snapped back into place along with all of his other snapping and going back into a different position.

"Didn't young Black say this is meant to hurt him?" Braxton asked
"I don't care. Chain him so we can leave."

Braxton done just that, it hadn't been easy with Remus snapping at him but he was strong enough to hold Remus' growing muzzle shut.

Then they left.

And Remus could not calm down. He snapped and snarled at the locked door and he pulled at the chains aggressively as he continued to turn.

October 17th, 1978

The next thing he knew he was cold. The room was cold. The stone was cold.

And it was dark.

And he hurt.

He hurt so much.

The chains wrapped around his torso and his neck had shrunk with his form. Remus cursed magic.

He went to lift himself but he let out a cry as his arm gave out under him and his head smashed onto the floor.

He groaned, leaving his head pressed against the floor as he dropped onfo his side.

Remus slowly lifted his hand and he moved it to his arm, not being able to moved to look. He hissed in pain as his fingers felt wet. He pulled them away and he brought it to his eyes and he let out a yell of frustration and the tears came just as quick.

He rolled onto his back and the balls of hiz hands found his eyes as a sob escaped him.

He'd gone months- a year without injury due to the full moon. And while the injury wasn't physically major, it grappled at his mind and tore him.

It wasn't long before a light lit up the room.

He didn't even care that he wasn't covered, or that he wasn't clothed. The chains were belittling enough, the clothes meant nothing anymore.

He was suddenly in someone's arms and he recognised his smell before he spoke.

"Oh, my Moony..oh baby." Sirius cooed as he pulled Remus up into his arms and he let Remus cry out all he needed. The cut healed on its own as Sirius unlocked the chains that had strained terribly all night.

All the while Remus cried.

And he cried.

And he cried.

Sirius held him and soothed him and he took him up to their room once Remus felt okay enough to dress and walk.

After that he laid in the bed after Sirius had made sure the healing cuts were okay. There had been more then the one on his arm. There'd been so many.

He didn't sleep. He couldn't bring himself to.

Sirius laid with him but as a dog. He laid infront of him, under his boyfriends arm as Remus cried into his fur.

He understood he was in pain.

He'd be there for him. Through anything.

Remus appreciated that. Remus would always appreciate Sirius.

October 20th, 1978


"Can we not start combat training? This-" He leant his head against the wall with a huff, "This is getting no where."

"You're reacting like this to Lupus. We need to master your focus on this before we even think about Lupin."

Remus dropped.

A kick to the gut woke him up and he coughed before groaning in pain.

"Fuck sake..did Severus not tell you the release?" He said as he lifted himself to his feet and Braxton laughed and looked down at him,
"Of course he did but why not build up your physical durability while we're at this?" Braxton said as he stared Remus down, arms crossed over his chest as he waited for Remus to recover his consciousness properly.
"I think my durability is fine. I can withstand Crucio just great." Remus ground out and Braxton raised a brow,
"Can i see it."
"Fuck off."
"I was just joking." Braxton laughed and Remus smiled up at him.

He'd been trying to get along with Remus but Remus had been giving him a hard time which wasn't fair on his behalf but he didn't like the vulnerability he faced in their training sessions. They hadn't even started combat training they'd been relentlessly working on the trigger word.

Remus was bed ridden after training. He couldn't will himself to move. His limbs were like iron.


Remus let out a frustrated yell and he dropped back down to his hands and knees.

"The young Black mentioned a blood lust." Braxton said as he grabbed a water bottle from the table beside him and handed it to Remus who gulped it down greedily. Remus hadn't thought about the blood lust.

Not since he'd caused Sirius to pass out the night after they'd spoken to Regulus and Severus about it.

He had tried to push it down like it had been before Evan had cracked it open but he'd been struggling. Not all the time but when they happened upon blood, Remus would shake. Sirius noticed but never said anything.

"How are you handling it?"
"Just fine. I haven't eaten anyone's flesh yet as far as im aware." He said, and Braxton gave him a pointed look and Remus shuddered, "Regulus said that we could- that I could train it out. Suppress it like I had it supressed before but I don't get how."
"We can work on that."

Remus watched as Braxton pulled the dagger from the sheath on his thigh and Remus was on his feet,
"Braxton no!"

Remus' hand only managed to close around the mans wrist as the dagger sliced cleanly through him palm and the blood fell.

And Remus' senses zeroed in on it.

The mettalic smell attacked his sense of smell, the sound of blood rushing thrjygh Braxtons veins invaded his ears, his eyes flashed and he was salivating like he'd been anticipating a sour sweet. This was bad.

"We need to teach you how to control it or you will eat someone's flesh. It won't be just blood that entices you anymore. It'll be a person's skin, their fat, their organs." Braxton explained and Remus trembled but he couldn't look away. He was so hungry.
" I don't want.. "
"You don't want to be like Fenrir Greyback. I get it. All the werewolves I've helped don't want to be like the person that turned them. You're no different to them." Braxton said ans Remus' claws dig into his wrist but the man didn't even wince, he just stared down at Remus.
"If you prolong your hunger it will get worse and you will become like Fenrir Greyback. You don't have to drink my blood but I can't train you on an empty stomach, nor a full one either. I need you to drink but to the point where you van stop yourself before you fully satiate your hunger then we can train and supress your blood lust within time. "

He shoved Remus off of him.

"Now we'll leave today here. Go drink. He back here tomorrow at 9am."

Remus nodded and he left.

His claws retracted and his head pounded.

"I need to drink." Remus told Sirius, walking right into his arms, interrupting the conversation he'd been in with a Peter, James, Severus and Emmeline.
"Oh. Yeah okay mate." Sirius said and he stood.

Remus didn't want to hurt Sirius and he met Severus' eye over his boyfriends shoulder. There was a silence then the former Angel stood up.
"I'll do it."

Remus thanked him silently and pulled from Sirius.

"What why?"
"It hurts."
"I know. He's drank from me before."

Severus pulled his sleeve up and Remus looked away. He'd already seen them.

Scars. Bite marks. Overlapping.

Sirius gasped and James stood up,

"How haven't you turned?" Sirius asked and Severus shrugged,
"I think it's something to do with intent. I think a werewolf needs to want to turn someone to have their bite take effect in that way." Severus explained and Remus looked back at him with a tilted head, "That or maturity. Remus may be an adult in terms of his age but he's not mature in terms of his werewolf side. He's still young. A werewolf doesn't hit maturity till they're twenty-five or so."

Remus furrowed his brows. Either one made sense in all honesty.

He'd bitten Wilbur Smith and he hadn't turned when he was eleven.

"Let him go with Snape mate." James said and his hand found Sirius' shoulder, "Remus seems fine with it."
"Look he doesn't want to hurt you." Severus spoke up as he pulled his sleeve down, "just let me do this. It's atleast something I'm useful for seeing as I can't give any outside information anymore."

"Oh Snape.." Emmeline sympathised.

Sirius let Remus leave with Severus and the moment they'd stepped into the empty hallway, Remus' eyes flashed golden and a terror ripped through him.

"I don't want to hurt you either."
"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Remus wasn't sure if that made him feel better or worse but Severus pulled his sleeve back up and put his free hand on Remus' head in a comforting touch.

"Its okay."

Remus stared at the scars and his canines flashed out.

Severus leant against the wall and took a deep breath.

Remus bit him.

He was better then Fenrir is what he kept telling himself.

Atleast he wasn't eating anyone.

But this still felt like shit.

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