By kiriemy

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In an impending doom creeping towards the last bastion of the human race the kingdom decide to summon some mi... More

Chapter 1: I'm... not a hero?
Chapter 2: I'm already in trouble
Chapter 3: Isn't this the most succubus skill?
Chapter 4: I have been attack by this pervert
Chapter 5: She become OP?
Chapter 6: So I'm dead? thank you forever
Chapter 7: Finally something Fantasy like!
Chapter 8: Dungeon dwelling, Oh God!
Chapter 9: Oh no, I smell drama
Chapter 10: Dragon waifu? yes sir!
Chapter 11: Finally I can touch grass
Chapter 12: Please both of you, don't fight with me
Chapter 13: This big eater is a big Ma...
Chapter 14: Perfect skill for a glutton
Chapter 15: Shopping is fun if you got beautiful ladies
Chapter 16: Into to the Dungeon! again
Chapter 17: The Goblin king is... disappointment
Chapter 18: This Loli needs correction 💢💢
Chapter 19: This Ogre... is kind of cool?
Chapter 20: Damn, that so cool!
Chapter 21: Come on, not this!
Chapter 22: Really? a haunted house?
Chapter 23: The brat is sleepy
Chapter 24: Making the Boss room as a shower
Chapter 25: DRAGULA?? (what a naming sense)
Chapter 26: The Pride of hers
Chapter 27: Really? in this fantasy world?
Chapter 28: VALKYRIE, what a cool sounding name
Chapter 29: Unwanted Guest, no really
Chapter 30: Satan is my Bodyguard? what?
Chapter 31: This Gal is unexpectedly cute
Chapter 32: Excuse me? can you please repeat?
Chapter 33: DAUGHTER! daughter, Daughter
Chapter 34: The demon lord can't be this cute!
Chapter 35: They multiplying!!!
Chapter 36: She is air headed yet beautiful, this is cheat!
Chapter 37: A sheep that's hide her inner wolf
Chapter 38: Oooh... my power is over 9000
Chapter 39: This daughter... have a mother's issue
Chapter 40: Lily the damsel in distress, how shameful
Chapter 41: Ah, Finally the last one
Chapter 42: This is so cliche
Chapter 43: Does the church always bad in another world?
Chapter 44: This man is cheat!
Chapter 45: Lucifer's trial
Chapter 46: The appearance of the strongest... kuh so cool!
Chapter 47: They finally meet *sobs*
Chapter 48: A child that frozen in time
Chapter 49: I meet her again
Chapter 51: Shopping! shopping, what a luxury
Chapter 52: FLAG, what a scary word
Chapter 53: Ah, I'm in paradise. thisbis my dream land
Chapter 54: This loli is a granny? no way!
Chapter 55: Awakening of a catastrophe
Chapter 56: Other wordly battle
Chapter 57: The demon lord returns
Chapter 58: Territory get!
Chapter 59: Another lump of meat
Chapter 60: This should not be happening
Chapter 61: It Sheds!
Chapter 62: The Existence Called Lily White

Chapter 50: Let's familiarized with my new family

140 11 0
By kiriemy

“Oh… by the way I still didn’t introduce you to my companion Lily.” Karen or Lapiz suddenly remember her companions.

“By the way can I still call you Karen? I mean I like that name.”

“Hmm… if Lily wants that I don’t mind.” And she blushed in her beautiful face, We are now wearing our casual clothes so I can fully see her face so I can’t help but blush too.

“Can you stop flirting in the front of the children? You cheater.” Geeh… Yuki with annoy face.

“I’m not cheater… I love you too with the same amount of love.” I give her an answer and her face become red.

“Mommy Wino is mommy Lily cheating at you?”

“Haha, kind of but I don’t mind…” What’s with that nonchalant answer?

“Let’s continue our conversation Karen, what is it again?” I face Karen and ignore the others.

“Introduction, Hmm… First is my step mother, well she is actually my auntie because she is the sister of my deceased mother but she adopted me.” Hmm… I see, well they have resemblance, I mean in height and face.

“I’m Madelline Anguloz the duke of the La grand kingdom. Please take care of my daughter.” Oh… I see,

“A duke?” I face Wino who still talking with our daughter Metra. “I mean isn’t the duke are the most important noble next to king?”

“Well, my daughter drags me here because she said she didn’t want to depart with me.” I see, huh? Don’t want to depart?

“So you live the country just to rescue me?” I got confused I mean why is she here when she is a duke? Just to rescue me? Then isn’t Wino and the others are enough.

“Well, actually we decide to go to the demon country after rescuing you and live there…” Wino explains to me.

“I see, it clears now, Not! Didn’t we buy a house at the capital town?”

“Actually… I’m kind of the most wanted criminal in the country… I mean I killed the king.”

“I see, that’s why we need to depart towards the de—WHAT DID YOU SAY?” This girl casually saying like killing the king is just like stepping on a bug… I mean isn't the king is your father?

“Well, I have no proof but he is also part of kidnapping you… I mean the prime minister and him are conspiring with the demons to use you and lead the army.” Well, you have a reason…

“But killing your father… are you not sad?” I felt bad because I’m a part of a reason why she killed her father.

“Don’t feel bad about it, I don’t really see him as a father figure because I’m just a tool for him also my brother as the next king I’m sure he will make the country a better place.” But… “Also you are more important to me Lily.” Kyun… My heart skips a beat.

“And also Lily I have a request… can you make my mother a demon too?” Karen with a puppy eyes stares at me.

“Hmm… well we are going to the demon territory so I don’t mind, also because they still a human the food that Nina will be a poison to them so we need to make them a de… mon… wait! Are you okay? Mother of Karen?” I mean they eat the food that Nina made.

“Fufu… don’t underestimate me Master! Even I can cook a normal food without the help of my skill you know?” I see… I feel relieve.

“Eh… Auntie Nina put poison on the food?” Hmm… is Metra a kind of slow?

“That’s not it Metra, you see Nina had this skill that can make a demon food but it’s bad for human.” She started her lecture again.

“Thanks for worrying me, fufu you are a kind girl.” I felt embarrassed because of the sudden cute giggle of this cute adult Lolita.

“Next is my aunt.” I look at the person that Karen pointed at.


“What? Even I’m this small I’m still an adult you know?” She glares at me while munching the big chicken legs… cute.

“Actually she is an elf and she is already 40 years old.” Eh?

“Are you really sure? Well, elves don’t age when they are reach adulthood but…” I mean this small girl already reach her adulthood?

“Don’t rude Lapiz! I’m still 20 years old.” I feel glad after hearing it.

“This is my servant Alfoneth, she is my trusted maid since my mom adopted me.” She introduce the girl with MASSIVE front like Nina while this little girl are murmuring “Hey, Don’t ignore me!”

“Nice to meet you Lady Lily.” She bows at me and her massive breast shakes… aren’t she bigger than Nina?

“Ni-nice to meet you too, I’m in your care.” Oh I remember that Lilitha…

“Hey, where is Lilitha?” I ask Wino

“That succubus?” Don’t tell me?

“We didn’t kill her Big sister Lily, but we confine her because she started to rampage after you lose consciousness, well with the strength of Serenity she isn’t a big deal. By the way we made a cage at the back of Wino’s house tent and we put her there, don’t worry we aren’t that bad and we gave her a proper food.” Then don’t give me that face like you are demon… well technically she is a demon also don’t read my mind.

“I see, well maybe my skill turns off when I fainted.”

“Okay let me continue, that girl with a bright red hair is Rosangela,. And somehow she is your daughter?” I look at the beautiful girl with a strong aura. She is my daughter?

“Then she is yours and mine?” I ask her for validations.

“Nope, she is actually the daughter of Sariel and Asmodeus.”

“I see, okay I don’t get it? Please someone tell me that I’ve heard it wrong? Isn’t Sariel is the hero?”

“That’s hilarious Lily we also had that face when we first heard of it.” Wino laughs like no tomorrow.

“Mommy Winona who is Sariel is she a bad person or something?” Metra you are beauty but please stop talking…

“M-my mother is not bad! She is the kindest person!” She suddenly slam the table.

“He-hey Rosa calm down we didn’t say that she is bad… I’m idolizing Sariel remember?” Yeah you told us that.

“Hmm… but I don’t understand why the Hero and a demon king have an affair?” I ask them because I kind of confused.

“Actually Asmodeus is a reincarnated person like Lapiz, she is living in this world for a thousand of years and when I meet her she told me that she had a lover in her original world. After our battle with the hero, actually it’s not a battle because they use some cowardly tactics. Asmodeus recognized the face of the Hero Sariel and told us that she is her lover in her original world then I don’t know what happen because I was killed that time.” Serenity is the one who answer my question but I still have this doubt face, I mean I can’t help it because she is talking as if she is there.

“Big sister Lily didn’t we told you that we also acquired the memories of the demon kings after we overcome their trials?” Well, I can’t help it… and don’t read my mind. Britney answers my question in my mind and she made this cute giggle.

“At the last moment, mother Sariel learn the truth and made a wish to mother Asmodeus that she wanted to have a special thing from the dying mother Asmodeus and she give her a child and that is me… my mother learn after that, that humans just use the Hero’s power because of fear and jealousy, she regretted it for so many years until she died, that time I swear to myself that other races are enemies and distances myself from them.” After hearing the sad story of Sariel I instinctively embraces this beautiful girl that is taller than me, she got surprised.

“People are sad creatures, they think of themselves as if they are on top and if they find their selves at disadvantage they will take underhanded actions to pull someone in the higher place than them. They rob, lie and take the lives of others to make themselves safe and satisfy their desires but always remember this Rosa, even people have that natures not all of them is like that and the best example is your mother, I’m sure she is a kind mother to make you this kind of child.” I patted her head to pacify her.

“*Sob* Mother… I miss you so much.” She started to cry and embraces me tightly… I don’t know if she mean the mother that raise her or me but I won’t ask that and just accept her feelings.

“I’m sure your mother loves you and misses you too, but don’t worry even I’m not the kind of mother who raises you I will do my best to become the ideal mother you wanted.” And she cried again while embracing me so I console her and wipe her tears away.

“You really the kind Lily I’ve known since elementary…” Britney murmurs in small words.

“Okay, stop crying now Rosa; you will ruin your beautiful face you know.” I smile at her and she also smiles back at me… kuuh all of my daughters are so cute!

“If you are near with each other, you really do have some resemblance, it not mother-daughter but more like sisters…” Now that you mention it, Rosa resembles my mother… don’t tell me…

“Oh, I remember didn’t you say you have memento of your mother and told me that it’s the same thing us the laptop?” I mean she said it after I withdraw the laptop.

“Oh you mean this? I’m always bringing this but I don’t really know what is it but mother said that she had this when she got summon here. she said this is the only reminder of her original world and her family.” Yuki, Nina, Britney, Serenity, Lea, Minho, Karen and me become statues after seeing the thing that Rosa take on her storage bag. While Madelline is sipping the tea, the little girl still munching the food together with the child, Wino become dumbfounded with our actions, Alfoneth who still standing there with her plate full of cakes and Sarah who is looking at me like reading my mind in confusion.

“”””””””IS THAT A SMARTPHONE?”””””””” All of us synchronized and shouted the same words.

“Hey, Rosa why you didn’t told me of this?” Karen complains on the dumbfounded Rosa.

“What is that thin piece of metal?” Metra ask the question to Wino

“I don’t know too, but somehow I remember that word.” Wino didn’t know of course because that is the items from our world.

“Rosa can I barrow it for a moment?” She nods at me and give me the phone so I tried to turn it on… but it’s 300 years old I wonder it’s still functioning.

“My mother gives me that after she died but I’d never take that out from my storage bag.” I see so there is possibility that it still functioning but the battery…

“Big sister Lily I remember the laptop have this USB cord in the side how about you plug it in at the laptop.” Nice suggestion Britney.

So I take out the laptop again and somehow the USB cord is exactly fit at the smartphone and after I plug in it’s started to light out and a charging message appeared.

“Let’s charge it first, maybe there is some Photos or information of the real name of Sariel here.” I mean this is a smartphone so it’s not weird if she had some picture of her.

We waited for 30 minutes and the battery bar is in half so we take it out and we turn on the smartphone.

A moment of silence for us who knew this item and with anticipation of what inside of the phone.

“What if, it had a password?” Britney… don’t ruin the mood.
The phone finally boot up and for some reason it had wallpaper…
I stop my breath for a moment on what appeared on the wallpaper and the others become quiet…

“Oh, Mommy Lily is inside this weird box.” Yeah, as Metra said… the photo of my sister and me when we are elementary appeared in the wallpaper.

“So as Nina guess… it appeared that Lily is also the daughter of Sariel…”

“Don’t jump at the conclusion Wino, maybe it’s just a friend of her mother that loves kid and made it her wallpaper.”

“What is wallpaper aunt Yuki?”

“You see Metra, wallpaper is the face of that thing.”

“I still don’t understand Aunt Britney.”

“It means that it’s an image of that thing.”

“Big sister Sarah I become more confused.”

“It’s a background of that thing.”

They start arguing while teaching Metra but I keep quiet because I remember the person who put our photo as wallpaper… I mean she is the only person who takes this photo of us when I enter the elementary and my little sister is just 5 years old back then.

“Lily… I remember this, I mean I’m at the entrance too while my mother scolded me because I don’t want to go to school.” Karen gets near at me and started to reminiscence.

“Yeah… this is the photo that my mother takes when I started to go to school… and the same time that she died…” My tears flow at my cheeks again… because I remember my mother… my mother who give her love at us when she still alive but because of the accident when she went to her work we lost that love… my mother… “Mother Flora.” I murmur.

“Then which means? Rosa and Lily are sisters? Wait but Asmodeus who inside of her is the mother of Rosa? And didn’t Lily have the valkyrie job? Which means the soul of her mother Sariel is inside her too… it become confusion.” Britney is right… I don’t know how I feel anymore? I mean my mother who died when I’m in elementary who got summon here then I become her by consuming her soul and somehow I also consumed her lovers soul… wait…

“Didn’t you say that Asmodeus lover in her past life is Sariel? Which means… if I become Asmodeus which means I become the lover of my mother who is inside of mine too? It become more and more complicated…”

“Ahhh… my brain can’t comprehend the sudden burst of revelation.” Britney held her head.

“The-then what should I call you? Mother or Sister…” Oh right… I don’t know how to answer her.

“Well it’s neither like Lily completely consumed the soul of Asmodeus nor Sariel soul so which means that she is technically your sister for now.” Karen answers the question so I hug her. “Li-Lily… it’s not I’m against it but can you hold back a little?” Fufu… I grope her instinctively.

“Th-then sister Lily?”

“Well, it’s fine… I kind of miss my little sister too.” I wonder if she is okay in the other side… well father is still there so I hope they both okay also we kind of wealthy so I’m sure they won’t have a problem even I disappeared there.

“But Lily to have a little sister…”

“It’s not like I wanted to hide it but I don’t have a chance to tell it because of our sudden summon here and some crazy staff that I forgotten my life in my original world, also I still can’t remember how did I died.” I explain to Wino because she gives me the look like she is pouting because I didn’t tell her.

I focus myself again at the phone and it really has a password…

“Because you jinx it Britney.”

“Well, most of the phone have password.” Well she got a point.

“Here Rosa.” I return the phone to her because I mean that is the last memento of our mother to her.

“No sister, you keep it. You still have something to do with it right?” She got a point because I want to know what inside of it.

“Okay I will return it if I find out the password.” I embrace again my new found sister-daughter.

“Then let’s return to the demon territory now.” Wino suggested to us when we finished the food, well the one who finished it all is Nina, Ui and the little girl…

“How much time we need to get there?” I ask Wino.

“Uhmm… You don’t need to worry that because I have the memory of Lucifer so I can just use the {ring of courier} to go there in seconds.” What a convenience.

“Then let’s make ma’am Madelline, Alfoneth and…” I still didn’t hear her name.

“It’s Parhidithis!” She corrected herself.

“Hey, by the way how did Karen become demon? Is she already demon when she come here?” I ask.

“Nope, she is a stalker when she comes here and Sarah is the one who make the contract.” Stalker? I look at her and I remember that the guard always takes her when I’m in middle school. Well I kind of know that she always watching me but because the middle schools I’ve enter is kind of close to public so I can’t go outside and see her.

“Th-that’s not what you think… I-I’m just making sure that you are okay.” That is stalking… well I don’t really mind but I will punish her later… fufu.

“So Karen pledge her Loyalty to Sarah?”

“Nope mother, our soul is connected that’s why I can use telepath with you so even you aren’t there as long as they pledge loyalty on you I can use <Demonic enslavement>.” I see… I can grasp the picture.

“Okay now let’s make them a demon and go towards the demon territory.” I suggest and we started the ritual.

“Uhm… Parhidithis… please swear a loyalty with me so I can make you a demon.” We got delay because Parhidithis doesn’t show a bit of loyalty with me… by the way Madelline and Alfoneth already become a demon.

“Fufu… I feel like I rejuvenated.”

“Well mom is kind of old so I can understand you.”

“Lapiz! I-I’m not that old, I’m still 30 you know?”

“Parhid… just accept Lily we can start the contract.” Wino persuades Parhid but she still not pledges some loyalty with me…

“Should I use that method?” I mean even she had this childish appearance she still a beauty.

“You mean that? Don’t big sister Lily… she still a child.” Britney with scared expression… hey being held with me is scary?

“Wh-what kind of method is that…” Now even Parhid is scared.
Britney whisper something on Wino and she nods too.

“That’s right Parhid you still too young to use that kind of method, but we had no other choice because you still don’t accept Lily in your heart.” Hey even Wino…

“Alright I got it!” And she really pledges loyalty with me…

“Is my method is really that bad?” It hurts me you know…

“Sorry but we just scared her to persuade her.” Britney whisper at me… well with a childish mindset of Parhid I think that is the best solution.

“Then let’s prepare and depart towards the demon country.” Wino shouts with joy.

While they prepare the carriages and clean the tables and dishes I went to the back at the cage where they captive Lilitha and I saw her at the corner… that Britney, I know they are demons but this is too much, I mean they really give her food but they put it on a bowl for the dogs.

“What? You came to laugh because you are free now and I’m become a prisoner?”

“No, I came to check if you’re okay… ha, sorry about the treatment they give you I will give you some proper food later.”

“Hmm… I don’t need it, just kill me already… what the point of me being alive when my people is going to be killed because I failed my mission.”

“Don’t worry about that, Didn’t you see the demon lord with me?”

“Right, why did the demon lord rescue you? Who are you?”

“Sorry if I didn’t tell you but I’m her mother, fufu.”

“Don’t lie! Her mother died 300 years ago you know?”

“Yeah I know, but it didn’t say that they cannot be revived… I will introduce myself; I’m Asmodeus a demon king.” She widen her eyes after I told her my name… well I’m not wrong because I acquired her soul after all.

“Don’t fucking lie with me, and don’t use the name of our Queen.” Queen? Well Asmodeus is a succubus.

“She isn’t lying to you.” Serenity appeared out of nowhere.

“Then how can you prove to me that she isn’t lying?”

“Because I can validate it.” She change her form and become a big bulging amazoness.

“Demon King Satan… so-sorry for the rudeness your majesty.” She started to prostate and I become dumbfounded.

“Lift up your head, this woman is my woman also she is the vessel of the Lustful king Asmodeus the Queen of succubus.” I see so that’s why they call me queen.

She shed some tears after hearing them.

“Are you really our Queen? Then please I beg you, please save my families that have been captive by Meldhita. I beg you my queen even I will offer my life to you I don’t mind just save them.” She begun to beg at me and prostrate while tearing up.

“That’s what I’m going to do in the first place… but in exchange you will become my personal servant.” I offer her the position because I wanted her to become my servant… a big breasted beauty wearing a tuxedo and pants… fufu.

“It’s the greatest honor for us succubus to serve you my queen.” Contract sealed.

“Call me Lily-sama from now on.”

“Sama?” Serenity tilted her head.

“It’s a Japanese calling for someone with higher status.”

“But you are not Japanese…”

“It’s for the mood!”

“Th-then Lily-sama.” Kuuuh I always dream to be called by this every time I watched anime.

I open the cage because, I mean I prove that she doesn’t lie when she pledge her loyalty on me because I use the <Demonic enslavement> for reassurance.

“By the way Serenity are succubus our allies?” I mean if I remember correctly demons betray the demon kings.

“Succubus are made from <demonology> of Asmodeus but she use some soul to give them a life.” I see.

“And because Queen Asmodeus giving us our lives we can live normally like any other demons, she is kind to us so we pledge to not betray her but because of other races that our Queen died.”

“Then why did you hate Micha?”

“Well, because that demon lord uses us to the bones… other died because of her absurd demands.” I look at Serenity and she only scratches her head while having wry smile.

“Didn’t you say you have a lover? So succubus has males?”

“A-actually she is a girl… also I didn’t sleep with a guy.”

“Are all succubus are lesbians?”

“Not actually because we need to produce child so our races will not lost, and succubus can become pregnant with any races but the child are always girls with demon race and succubus job.” So it’s hereditary.

“So how about you? You don’t want to have a baby?”

“Not really, because I hate men…” I understand you a little.

“Uhm… can we wait for a little until we go to the demon territory?” I suggest to them.

“What is the sudden request Lily?” Wino asks me.

“I kind of want to buy some clothes for my sister and my servant so I want to go to the town capital for now.” I mean I found out that the dress of my sister is only few… and my new servant is kind of lascivious.

“I understand… then how about Serenity, Micha and Britney well go first to the demon country so we can at least stop the war? And we here well wait?” I see you got a point.

“Then I will take Karen, Rosa and Sarah with me and Lilitha you go with Serenity and find your captive family.”

“I got it Lily-sama.”

“Sama?” Is that really weird to call me with –sama? I look at Yuki who is Japanese.

“Sama is a Japanese term to show some respect on people with higher position.” Yuki explains to them.

“What is Ja-pa-nis?” Metra with her usual question.

“It’s my nationality Metra.”

“What is that?”

“It means I belong to a certain country.”

“You aren’t from here?”

“I will tell you later.”

“I want to know too aunt Yuki.” Hee… Sandra raises her hands.

“Me, Me.” Also Ui.

“Okay, we will go shopping for now… we will return tomorrow.” I said that and Wino gives us approval except for.

“I wanted to go too.”

“Didn’t I say you will go with serenity?”

“What is the point Wino? Just use those overwhelming power of her and make the demons submit.”

“I got it Britney so don’t throw some tantrum…”

“I-I’m not!” So she carries her child and goes with us back to the capital town of La grand.

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