Dark Chemistry | 18+

By Leia_LittleBee

71.7K 1.6K 1.2K

"Everything of you is a non-existing dangerous drug, Natalia. And I'm addicted to it." He whispered in my ear... More

1. The Dead Body On The Seashore
2. Ocean Blue Eyes
3. Dream Or Real?
4. The Giant Cockroach
5. Again Ocean Blue Eyes
6. Surprise!
7. Kidnapped
8. Drunken Devil
9. You're Mine, Angel (Violence)
10. Forbidden Desires (Mature)
11. Successfully Escaped
12. The Devil Is Here
13. Pumping in Plane (Mature)
14. Arrived in Italy
15. Bike Ride
16. Mr. Kinky (Mature)
17. Kidnapped Girl Got Kidnapped
18. A New Starting
19. Kidnapers Became Cousins
20. Mr. Mafia's Regret
21. Chanel? Hell!
22. You're My Queen (Mature)
23. Protecting His Obsession
24. BBQ Party in Bracciano
25. Spicy & Hot
26. Opening Up & The Dark Past
27. Christmas with Gunshots
28. Not Your Baby Girl (Mature)
29. Devil's Angel (Mature)
30. Finally Free?
31. Falling Into a Trap
32. Ignoring
33. Jealousy
34. Changed
35. Falling for Nick
36. Breathing For You
Author's Note
38. Back To Her Country
39. In His Arms (Mature)
40. Dance With Me
41. Torn Apart
42. Ruined
43. Lost
44. In Florida
45. Drugged

37. On The Way

768 20 7
By Leia_LittleBee

Two weeks passed like a year. Nicolas was out of danger, thanks to God because I didn't want him dead or in a coma. Alfredo and Amelie, the doctors of the crime family, told Nicolas not to get back to work for another two weeks. They suggested he stay on proper bed rest.

Today the doctors finally released Nicolas from the hospital and we were getting ready to go to his house. In the two weeks, I used to meet Nicolas every day. For the first three days, he was unconscious but then started getting better on account of better observation.

Helping the handsome Hulk with his shirt was so difficult for me. His tattooed, naked chest was so hot to look at nowhere but it. The sexy look he was giving me, was silently killing me. I was trying to keep myself calm but Nicolas was giving me no room to calm down.

"Stop touching me, Nicolas! Or I'll slap you on your wound." I hissed when he ran his thumb on my erect nipple.

"Ouch!" He pouted and grinned like a child, and, girl was it attractive.

I quickly started buttoning his shirt but once again my eyes landed on his hard chest and torso. They were so lick-able and the thought made me lick my bottom lips. If he wasn't injured, I would definitely not miss the chance.

"Like what you see, gattina?" He smirked mischievously, pulling me out of my thoughts, and then I understood I was staring at his naked chest shamelessly.

I blushed and finished buttoning his shirt as soon as possible. Noticing my embarrassment, Nicolas let out a soft chuckle, making me blush more.

A few minutes later, we made it outside of the hospital. A few cars were parked there. Stephen and Victor were talking with some of their men. Mariano and Alex walked toward us.

"How are you feeling, bro?" Mariano asked Nicolas.

"Feeling better. Tell me about the German shipment." Nick said in a serious tone.

"Oh, come on. You don't have to worry about it. Everything's going smoothly. Right now you should worry about one thing and it's your health." Alexander rolled his eyes.

"Where's Valentino?" Nicolas asked ignoring Alex.

"He's in Russia for a business deal. Will be back within a few weeks." Mariano replied with a small sigh.

After a few word exchanges, everyone made their way to their cars and so Nicolas and I. Grover opened the doors for us to get in and then he also got into the car before starting the engine.

"Do you think your boss is mad at you?" I asked Nicolas.

"He is. I was never as careless as this one. If I die, his business will face a crisis as I'm the one who brought him this place today. Though I believe my team members and Stephen would be a great leader too." Nicolas replied with a deep breath.

"God, are you guys insane? You're about to die but he was thinking about his business? How heartless!" I scoffed in disbelief.

"Well, this is the mafia. No one cares about you unless it's business. At the end of the day, our death is written in someone's hand. Our lives and our thoughts are not like normal people. We're all heartless." Nicolas finished with a low music-akin chuckle.

I looked at him for a few moments. Whenever I landed my eyes on him, his dazzling beauty enthralled me every time. How came a Greek God akin man had no happiness, love, tranquility, security, and warmth in his life? Of his celestial but intimidating aura, people would never know how dilapidated he was from the inside.

"Don't you want a family?" I suddenly asked.

He snapped his head towards me like I hit his freshly bandaged wound.

"I already have a big family. They're not only my team members but also my family." He paused for a brief moment before replying.

I wanted to roll my eyes badly at his reply but I let it go this way.

"No, not this. Don't you want a proper family? A wife, a few kids, and you?" I murmured as I felt my cheeks become warm.

Thousands of emotions bubbled up in his ocean-blue eyes. The darkness and lightness were playing in them, making them look like a twinkling night sky. It was too tough to understand what was going on inside his complicated mind. His features softened.

When he opened his mouth to reply to my question the car halted violently as Grover suddenly sped up the pace of the car.

Nicolas looked behind quickly without waiting for Grover's reply. I followed his move as I turned around and looked behind through the back window. My eyes went wide and a gasp left my lips immediately.

"For fuck's shake, not now!" Nicolas growled.

A dozen police cars were chasing after us. They seemed like they were determined to arrest Nicolas today and tonight.

Nicolas quickly pulled out his phone and started tapping something on the phone. When he finished tapping, his phone buzzed and he received the call.

"And you're fucking telling me this now?!" Nicolas boomed suddenly to the person other side of the phone before giving me a quick glance.

Pure horror and anger were written all over his face.

"What's happening, Nicolas?" I asked in confusion as well as fear.

"Nothing. Everything is going to be fine. Don't worry." He leaned forward and gave me kisses on my forehead and cheeks.

And then, I noticed he pulled out a gun from somewhere. I gasped when I understood what he was being ready for.

"No, don't think about it even for once. You're injured and you've lost a lot of blood. If you get another bullet, you're dead." I frantically shook my head and gripped his shoulder.

"They're going to fire within a few moments. Unless you want me to be encountered, let me kill those bastards. Stephen will be here anytime soon with the others and we'll have to survive until then." Nicolas again leaned forward, pecked my lips, and nuzzled his nose on my neck.

Craziness had a limit but Nicolas had no limit. In that do-or-die situation, he was having a romantic time with me.

I gasped when he started placing open-mouthed kisses on my neck. Asshole.

"Nick! Cops are behind us and God knows if we can make it out of here alive but you've to do this right now?" I gripped his hair and shoved him back before giving him a hard glare.

"I'm crazy for you, mio amore." He gave me a sly smirk before throwing his hand out of the car and started shooting pointing the gun to the cop's vehicles.

I put both my palms on my ears and let out a scream as the cops started shooting pointing to our car with the same purpose.

"Head down, my queen," Nicolas said sharply and loud enough for me to hear through the blasting sound of firing bullets and his eyes were on the cop's cars as he kept firing.

He was so pissed at their sudden appearance and so was I.

I managed to collect some courage to look behind and saw Nicolas skillfully explode four police cars. I was not sure if the cops inside the cars were alive or not because they were far away from us now.

Then another bullet hit our car making me scream in terror, though Grover was driving like a professional to avoid bullets as much as possible. I bet he faced this situation many times.

The mixed sound of firing, yelling, the prolonged sound of sirens, shattering glasses, bullets hitting metals echoing throughout the dark night and the feeling of adrenaline pumping through my veins were giving another level of thrilling and inflammatory adventure which I'd love to take a taste again, only if Nicolas stayed with me.

It was a highway through the deep woods as there were barely any cars on the road. I didn't know how they came to this highway from the city. Thanks to the cops and Grover.

I barely could control my balance as the continuous halts and turns Grover was taking, were throwing my small body back and forth.

Amidst all the chaos, Grover took a sharp turn that made me prostrate on Nicolas's lap, my face right on his crotch.

Grover, thank you, buddy...

"Baby, let me kill those bastards for now. I promise I will let you suck my cock later." Nicolas said in an amusement-dripping voice before I could lift my head.

I quickly pushed my head up and backed away to sit down in my seat. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and let out a groan.

"Are you disappointed?" Nicolas said cockily and I imagined a sly smirk on his lips.

"What? It was an accident. I never jumped on you on purpose. Why the hell would I be disappointed?" I snapped my eyes open and glared at Nicolas.

"Aghh! Look, it's all your fault, Grover!" I shouted at Grover who seemed to care nothing, just kept driving like a robot.

Nicolas let out a loud laugh at my mixed reaction. I then noticed the cops' vehicles were nowhere to be seen.

A sigh of relief was about to leave my lips that's when the car suddenly stopped.

In front of us were three police cars standing.

Right then, through the rearview mirror, we saw Stephen and John's car behind us but the horrible thing was the cop's cars were also behind us. We're all trapped.

"Fucking cops!" Nicolas growled before grabbing the door to get out of the car.

Following Nicolas, I also got out of the car. The cops were now surrounding us from everywhere, pointing their guns at us.

Stephen, John, Victor, Mariano, and Alexander got out of their car.

"Where's our men?" Nicolas growled at Stephen.

"They're on the way. Will be here in a few moments." Stephen murmured quickly.

"Officer, get out of the car. You got us so stop playing hide and seek." Nicolas called out before letting out a humorous laugh.

The cops were outside their car, except for one car. They're observing Nicolas and his team members' every move as they're waiting for their brutal move.

The car doors opened as three officers got out of the car, one of them was utterly familiar to me, Uncle Jacob; my neighbor and the police officer of our town police department.

"Uncle Jacob?" I gasped.

He's here for me. He promised he'd rescue my parents from Nicolas hostage and then he'd get me.

Wait, that means he had my family then. And now he's here to take me with him.

"Talia baby." He smiled widely.

No, no. How could I leave Nicolas like this? Call me bitch but I couldn't leave him like this. My heart started aching.

I love my family and I had to go to them. But a feeling was already built for Nicolas in my mind. I also couldn't leave him like this.

"Hello again, Officer Jacob." Nicolas mocked.

"Nicolas, we've surrounded you from everywhere. You've no way to escape. So you and your team members better surrender yourself to the Rome police." The officer standing beside Uncle Jacob spoke to Nicolas.

Nicolas and his team members laughed in unison like the cop said a very funny joke.

"Look, I don't want to kill you guys because you all have a family back home waiting for you. Just get out of my way. I won't cause any harm." Nicolas said calmly but in a dangerously cold voice.

The cops seemed to tense up a bit at his intimidating aura.

"Give us Natalia then we'll think about it." Uncle Jacob replied before the Italian officer.

"No way, Jacob. You fucking managed to kill my guards and stole her family from my hospitality. They're having a good time actually, dude." Nicolas mused.

"I'm telling you one more time. Get out of my way or your dead body will be sent to your family as a gift." Nicolas growled.

"Natalia, come to me." Uncle Jacob called me.

I was dumbfounded. I looked at Nicolas who was already glancing at me and then Uncle Jacob who was silently encouraging me.

I knew If I decided to go with Uncle Jacob, Nicolas wouldn't threaten me again because my family is safe now. But did I want to leave him?

"Natalia, don't think much. Your family is safe now. Ellerie misses you a lot. Your mom and dad are very concerned about you. They want you back. They love you so much, Talia. Your best friends; Marjan and Reema want you back. Nova and Hannah miss you too. Natalia, everyone loves you. Come with me." Uncle Jacob said in a soothing voice.

"No, no. Principessa, we will talk about this shit later. Don't fall into his trap. You're mine, belle." Nicolas quickly grabbed my wrist, which made the cops flinch and point their guns at Nicolas more attentively.

I was now in an ambivalent situation. I needed to go to my family but I didn't want to leave Nicolas. Tears formed in my eyes.

The train of my thoughts broke when Nicolas' men arrived and started firing on the cops.

Nicolas quickly grabbed my hand and yanked me behind his car. The blasting sounds of firing were making me flinch every time.

"Stay here, okay. Don't leave this place. I'll be back." Nicolas spoke softly, before leaning forward and giving me a long passionate kiss. I immediately kissed him back.

He broke the kiss in a few moments and stood up. After grabbing two guns from his waistband, he ran ahead without a second thought and started firing. Stephen, Victor, and John ran behind Nicolas and kept shooting like the real villains.

On the other hand, Mariano and Alexander came into view from somewhere with two machine guns and started firing and kept laughing like maniacs. Their usual funny and charming posture was gone and their real intimidating aura utterly surprised me.

I never imagined them like this. God, that was so horrible.

Suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder and I was about to scream when Uncle Jacob spoke.

"Shh. Natalia, let's go!" He whispered urgently.

"No, no. I can't. Look-"

"I know that bastard Stockholm Syndromed you. It's normal. Shit, let's talk about it later. Come with me." He cut me off before pulling me with him towards the police car.

"Uncle, please. You can't take me like this. I need to talk to Nicolas, please." I felt tears running down my cheeks as my voice shook.

"Talia, listen to me. Come to reality. That bastard brainwashed you. Look at you. The first time he kidnapped you, you were dying to go back to your family, but now you're defending him? What happened to those words? Do you care for him over your parents? For God's shake, Natalia, they raised you, supported you, cared for you, fed you but Nicolas beat them up in front of you! And Ellerie? They put on a damned knife on Ellerie's throat in front of you! How could you forget everything?!" Uncle Jacob growled in frustration and flare.

"Everything will be fine, trust me. It's just a temporary attraction, Natalia. You'll forget about him as soon as you're with us. I know it wasn't your fault. For God's sake, please get into the car, my child." Uncle Jacob said in a soft tone but I couldn't hold my tears.

Why the hell did I meet Nicolas this way? Why the fuck I fell for him? We could meet a different way, a good way.

I got into the car with thousands of emotions and a teary mess. Through the window, I took one last look at Nicolas who wasn't aware that Uncle Jacob was taking me with him.

The car started running. I was with Jacob but I left my mind to Nicolas. What if they kill him tonight? He was barely recovering. He still couldn't wear his shirt alone. What if he got another bullet?

God, I was dying.

The first time Nicolas kidnapped me, I was crying for him. I was so desperate to go to my family. But here I was going to my family but I was crying for Nicolas.

Tears continuously ran down my cheeks. What if I never get to meet him again? No, he'd surely find me.

He was right when he said that he'd claim my soul too.

Nicolas Ricci, the worldwide notorious criminal, claimed my body and soul. He made me his a long time ago and I understood that now.

I also realized one thing I was also in love with Nicolas.


A/N: Ahhh! Finally!

Don't kill me for late updates!
God, I'm depressed due to the shitty education system of my country!!

Holidays went well but I almost forgot I have my university admission test in the last week of this month.

You heard me right, in my country if we want to be admitted into public universities we have to face a m-fucking ruthless, clueless, and brutal examination even if we bear a high-quality GPA. I failed last year so I lost one freaking year and this year is my last chance or I'm going to study freaking 'physics' in some college.

Pray for me so that I can be admitted into a public university in my last attempt or my family's gonna bury me alive. Although I'm still on the waiting list of a public university. Idk if I'd ever get a call or not.

Yeah, that's it. My small life is so fucking hard and I'm just frustrated and depressed over myself though it's not that I'm a bad student, hell, I just want to kick the my county's education system on its ass, if it ever has an ass. LoL! O⁠_⁠o

Thank you so much for giving this story a chance. I love you sweeties, birdies, and cuties <3 Don't forget to hit the star button and leave a comment!!! >⁠.⁠<

Coming next week, see ya!

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