The Final Storm

By RobThier

276K 19K 5.2K

Love! Adaira Ambrose has finally found it, and doesn't plan to let it go. Who cares about the thousands of mi... More

01. Seeking A Sister
02. From Bad to Worse
03. To Fall Flat
04. Flat Race
05. Finally Found!
06. Secret Agreement
07. Confrontation
08. The Harsh Duties of a Soldier
09. (Rest in) Peaceful Negotiations
10. Hello There, Widow Wagoner!
11.All Roads Lead to...Delhi?
12. Family Reunion
13. The Drums of War
14. The Captain and the Lord
15. Into India!
16. Long Live the Rebellion!
17. Heat in the Jungle
18. Welcome to Delhi!
19. To Rescue a Damsel
20. Rescuing another Damsel?
21. Love Birds Reunited
22. Love Bird on the Hunt
24. Consecutive Coincidences
25. Down into the Depths
26. Today They Will Die!
27. Refugees?
28. Ambush!
29. Dalgliesh's Plan
30. Desperate Battle

23. Capturing the Spy

7K 492 107
By RobThier

They pulled open the door.

Only...not the secret door, but one of the doors of the cabinet, judging by the sound. A moment later, Adaira heard the tinkling of coins.

"Oy, come down here!" the rebel right outside shouted in English, presumably so all his companions could understand him. "There's silver down here!"

Those words had an immediate effect. What sounded like a stampede of elephants headed down the stairs, and, the very next moment, the cellar was filled with a cacophony of noise: exuberant shouts, raucous laughter and more sounds of tinkling metal. Finally, the noise was silenced when the rebel leader cleared his throat.

"Ehem. Quiet down, men, quiet down. We're here to search for spies, remember?"

Those words were met with groans and grumbles. However, that soon changed when the owner of the house spoke up.

"I am a patriot, Sir. If the new military requires a donation, I would be happy to oblige."


"Absolutely, Sir."

Cheers erupted from the men beyond the secret door, and soon, there was no holding them back. In an instant, they had cleared the cabinet of anything valuable and lost interest in anything else. Which, Adaira realised, had probably been the entire idea. After all, with the whole cellar being almost completely empty, why would her new merchant friend leave silver lying around, if not to serve a special purpose?

"Come on, everybody!" a boisterous voice came through the hidden door. "Let's go upstairs and divide the loo—ehem, I mean, let's find appropriate uses for this generous donation."

"Feel free to use the dining room, gentlemen," the portly little merchant's voice sounded. "Meanwhile, let me check with the kitchen staff. I'm sure we could find something good to eat for our country's heroes."

Once again, cheers exploded in the store room, and the rebel soldiers immediately started moving. It didn't take long before the cellar fell quiet, and only muffled noises could be heard from above.

"Do you think they're gone?" Adaira whispered.

"Not completely," the captain's deep voice entered her ears, his breath tickling her skin. "They're probably enjoying themselves upstairs."

"So...we're stuck here?"

"Seems like it." She practically heard the corners of his mouth crook upwards. "Why? Are you bored by my company?"

Adaira felt her face flush. "N-no! Of course not! It's just...we're stuck here in the dark for God only knows how long. What are we supposed to do?"

"Oh..." The deep voice next to her ear sent a shiver down her spine and reverberated deep in her very soul. "I can think of a thing or two."

"You despicable rogue! This is not the time or place for—"

Her words were abruptly cut off by a gentle pair of lips. She didn't have to guess to know who they belonged to.

"You..." An almost ravenous growl erupted from the back of Captain Carter's throat. "Do you have any idea how much I missed you?"

"I think so, yes." Her words were hardly more than a whisper, the fact that she was supposed to be outraged long forgotten. "Because I missed you just as much."

"Did you, now?"

They might have sounded teasing on the surface, but there was an unexpected vulnerability in those words. Adaira felt something prick her heart, and she felt the sudden urge to throw her arms around his neck and hug him close.

Not that she was going to. That would only encourage the rogue!

"Of course I did!" Slamming her small fist into his chest, she stared up at his face angrily. Or maybe at his left ear. In the dark, it was bloody hard to tell! "Of course I missed you! Do you know how worried I've been for you all this time? Why did you go to this place anyway? Isn't life in rainy old England good enough for you?"

"My apologies." The sincerity of those words and the gentle touch of his hand and her cheek made all the anger drain out of her. "I didn't exactly expect a war to break out the moment I set foot in India. To be honest, I'm rather curious to know who is responsible for this whole thing exploding so suddenly."

"Oh. Um." Adaira felt her face flush tomato-red, and was suddenly intensely glad for the darkness. This was probably a bad time to mention it was set off by her brother because of her, right?

"Adaira?" His fingers cupped her cheek. "Are you all right? You sound a little off."

"Completely and perfectly all right! Now..." Sliding an arm around his waist, Adaira pulled him closer—which was quite a feat in the tiny space that was hardly big enough for the both of them. "...where were we?"

"Ehem." Captain Carter's voice suddenly sounded a little hoarse. "I...I thought you weren't in the mood?"

"I might have changed my mind." Also, I'd prefer you not to know that I accidentally set off a massive war and nearly offed you in the process. But who cares about those little details? Standing up on the tips of her toes, Adaira brushed her lips against Captain Carter's stubbly cheek. "Do you mind?"

"Not in the least." Abruptly, Adaira felt her legs being swept out from under her. The next moment, she was bent backward like a princess at a ball about to receive a kiss from Prince Charming, and she could feel her man's hot breath on her face. It sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine.

"Now," he growled. "Let's—"

That was when the door opened, blinding them with bright, golden light. Light that silhouetted a small, familiar figure in the doorway, who was staring right at them.

There was a moment of silence.


The little merchant cleared his throat.

"Um...Am I interrupting something?"

"No, of course not," Captain Carter commented in a voice that was far too chipper for Adaira's taste. He was still holding her in the same position, as if he would lay a kiss on her at any moment. "We were just about to start a dance in this magnificent ballroom, can't you tell? We would be happy for some company! Especially some dancers and musicians."

Adaira hurriedly righted herself and smacked her man in the back of the head. "Shut up, you!"

"Inherited your family's fascination with taciturnity, have you?" He sighed. "I suppose it was unavoidable. There go my hopes of not taking vows of silence at the altar."

Adaira contemplated giving him another slap in the back of the head, this time with a wooden club. In the end, she decided not to. After all, she didn't have a wooden club.

"Ehem." The captain's military survival instincts must have kicked in, because he hurriedly let go of her and stepped out of reach. "Am I to understand that the rebellious gentlemen have left?"

The portly little man nodded contentedly. "They have indeed. A few of them got a bit rowdy towards the end, but their leader reined them in quickly enough. He seemed eager to get back to the barracks without encountering one of his superiors."

"What a surprise." The corners of her mouth twitching, Adaira stepped out of the secret room. "He wouldn't happen to have been clutching a bag full of money at the time, would he?"

"How insightful!" The little man beamed. "Are you in business as well, by any chance, Mr...?"

Instantly, Adaira's lips flattened. "Miss."

The man's mouth dropped open. "Oh. Um. I'm sorry, you...I didn't..."

Adaire resisted the urge to look down at her chest. "Do I look like a man even without a fake beard?" she demanded, turning towards Captain Carter.

"Certainly not," came the instant answer of the captain, who was clearly still in survival mode. "You are the most beautifully female lady I have ever seen in my life."

Smart fellow.

Adaira's gaze flicked towards their host, eyebrows raised in question.

The little man cleared his throat. "Well, ehem, actually, Miss, you do look a bit like a—"

A dainty hand snaked around his head from behind and gently covered his mouth.

"Never mind him," the lady of the house said, giving Adaira a wide smile. "I don't think I've introduced myself yet, have I? I'm Malini, and this is my husband, Dilip. Welcome to our home."

"Adaira Louise Jannet Melanie Georgette Ambrose." Curtsying, which was no small feat in stolen soldier trousers, Adaira returned the other woman's smile. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise. Now..." Malini gestured towards the stairs. "Would you like to have a bite to eat? You look like you've had a rather exhausting day."

Chased by an army, thrown off a horse, hunted as a spy...

"No, not at all. Just average," Adaira assured her hostess. "But I'd love something to eat."

"Splendid!" The lady clapped her hands (although she was kind enough to remove her left hand from her husband's face before she did so) and gestured towards the stairs. "Then, let's go. I'll inform the kitchen and let our cook prepare something delicious."

Soon enough, we found ourselves in a cosy little room. In the centre stood a small table—as in only a few inches high—surrounded by cushions and laden with plates and platters. Yet the food prepared seemed only to be meant for two people.

"Um, darling? It's time for supper. Won't the two of us be eating as well?" The man of the house timidly enquired.

"Oh, we will, but not here." Putting both hands onto the shoulders of her husband, Malini started to steer him out of the room. "After all..." She winked at Adaira again. "I'm sure you two have a lot to 'discuss'."

And with that, she left.

Adaira decided she was starting to like this woman.

"Well then, let's get to it!" Rubbing his hands, Captain Carter stepped forward and pulled back a cushion, like a gentleman would do with a chair. "Please take a seat. Your exercise regime today must have been rather exhausting. Right, Miss Wanted Spy?"

Adaira slapped his shoulder. "You...! I didn't actually spy on anyone!"

"Not even me?" He placed a hand on his heart. "And here I thought I was an Adonis in your eyes."

Adaira felt her ears heat, and she decided to quickly sit down and dig into her meal so she wouldn't have to answer. Fortunately, instead of having to think of a response, she still had the age-old tradition of the Ambrose family to fall back on: silence.

It was just a pity that Captain Carter didn't seem to have the slightest respect for family traditions.

"So..." Sitting down cross-legged on his own cushion, the captain leaned over towards her. "Do you think I look like an Adonis, Miss Ambrose?"

The red of Adaira's ears turned a shade darker. Damn him!

Smirking, Captain Carter nodded to himself. "That's what I thought."

Smug, insufferable, handsome bastard! Why did I have to fall in love with him again?

Just then, he reached out, took hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips. From beneath his lashes, he gazed at her, his eyes filled not with flattery, nor even affection, but simply with pure, unadulterated truth. "Well, even if I am an Adonis in your eyes, if I had Aphrodite in front of me like the man in the legend, I would still prefer you."

Ah, yes. That's why.

One corner of Adaira's mouth couldn't help but quirk up in a shy smile. Glancing down to avoid his intense gaze, she fiddled with her food to keep her hands busy, then picked up a fruit and offered it to him.


"I would love to." Taking a bite, he leaned closer until Adaira felt she could drown in those warm brown eyes of his. "Next Monday?"

"You...! You know that's not what I meant!"

"I know." His face suddenly became serious. "But it's what I meant."

"I..." Abruptly, Adaira's mouth felt a little dry. "I don't think it will be safe to go on an outing in a city where the both of us are being hunted."

Instantly, the cheeky smile was back on Captain Carter's visage. "So, you're fine with it once we return to England?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

"Scoundrel! Blaggard!"

"Guilty as charged."

The cheeky grin on his face made Adaira's heart surge with warmth. And not just her heart, either. Looking down at her plate in the hope of hiding the blush in her cheeks, she started attacking her meal with vigour. Soon, a companionable silence descended over the room as they both focused on the food.

Up until then, Adaira hadn't realised how ravenously hungry she was. How long had it been since she'd eaten anything? An entire day? Two? Judging by the way her stomach was growling like an angry bear, it might as well have been a month.

Finally, she slumped back on her cushion, her hands resting on her slightly bulging stomach. Ahh...that felt so much better.

"Miss Ambrose..." Glancing up from his plate, Captain Carter, who did not seem to have as healthy an appetite as her marvellous self, cocked his head. "Mind if I ask a question?"

Without opening her mouth, she waved in his direction. Translation: Ask whatever you want as long as you don't expect me to stop focusing on digesting.

"Well, I was wondering...."

"Hm?" Adaira enquired. The reason she didn't say any more was because she had spotted a particularly tasty dessert on the table and was currently wondering if it would fit into her stomach. Just a little more wouldn't hurt, right?

"I was wondering—why and how exactly are you here? Don't get me wrong..." He raised his hands. "I'm delighted that you're here with me, but how did you get to India in the first place? This entire country is in a state of war. Civilian passenger ships have long stopped coming, and I doubt very much the British Army has started accepting unmarried young ladies as recruits."

Adaira nearly spat out her dessert.

"O-of course not!" Feeling her face flush again, she quickly crossed her fingers behind her backs. "Besides, I would never try something that stupid! I came with my brother!"

"Oh?" One of the captain's eyebrows rose in curiosity. "So there is one more man out there who wants to annihilate me?"

"We came to save you!"

He blinked. "Your brother, too?"

"Yes! Well...I think."

"Oh my." Captain Carter bit the tip off a banana. "Wonders never cease."

"Oy! That's—"


"Well, yes. But that's still no reason to say it!"

Gazing at her from beneath his lashes, Captain Carter sent her a scorching look. "How could I ever dare to deceive the woman who holds my heart?"

Adaira felt her heart make a leap. That cheeky smile of his, that sparkle in his eyes...

No, no, Adaira! He just insulted your big brother!

Well, yes—but in a completely truthful way. Besides, that ruggedly handsome face of his...

Adaira pinched herself and glared at the captain. "Don't you change the subject, Mister!"

"Change the subject?" Giving her an innocent look, he reached out, took hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips. When they touched her skin, it was as if her whole arm had been electrified. Her heart started to pound at a frantic pace, and she felt as if she might faint any moment. "I thought we've always been talking about how beautiful you are?"


"...amazing man?"

"Scoundrel! Rogue!"

"Where's the difference, Miss Wanted Spy?"

Grumbling, Adaira withdrew her hand and focused back on her dessert. But, for some reason, she couldn't keep a small smile off her face. Only...that smile didn't last long. A moment later, something occurred to her, and it was replaced by a frown.

"Speaking of wanted spies..."

"Yes?" He grinned. "Did you want to reward me for my heroic rescue from your pursuers? I do believe our hosts wouldn't mind lending us a bedroom."

Without hesitation, she elbowed him in the ribs. It probably said a lot about him that this only made the grin on his face widen.

"You wish!"


"What I did want," she said, trying her best to sound serious, "is to ask how you came to be in the right spot at the right time to rescue me when I was running for my life. I thought you were supposed to be hiding from the rebels just like me?"

"I was. But you can't hide without eating, you know? After a while, the food in the house was nearly gone and, well..." One corner of his mouth crooked up. "I didn't think it would be a good way to repay my hosts if I let them go out in these conditions."

Adaira blinked. "So you, what...went shopping?"

"Yep!" He nodded cheerfully. "Then I heard the hullabaloo from a street or two away, with everybody shouting about catching spies. I thought I could rescue a compatriot." His eyes sparkled as he glanced over at her. "I didn't expect to find a damsel in distress instead. And to think I didn't even bring my shiny armour."

"You don't have shiny armour!"

"Hm. True. Which, I guess, must have been the reason why I didn't bring it." He seemed extraordinarily pleased with his impeccable logic. So pleased it made Adaira want to give him another elbow in the ribs. That desire, however, dissipated a moment later when he leaned forward and gazed deeply into her eyes. "Did I do a good job of being your knight, even without the shining armour?"

A sassy reply almost immediately sprang to Adaira's lips. But, somehow, she couldn't say it out loud. Instead, what came out of her mouth was the simplest truth from her heart. "Yes."

"Really?" The captain rose from his cushion and rounded the table until he was right in front of her. Swallowing, she rose to her feet and began to retreat. But he didn't stop advancing. Not until he had her backed up against a wall and his face was only inches away from hers. "Then how about a little hero's reward?"

Adaira felt her face flush. But she did not try to slip away. Even if part of her might have wanted to, her legs wouldn't move. "I...I'm not following you to a bedroom!"

"Oh, there's no need for that."

Adaira breathed a sigh of relief. He was still a gentleman, after all. He wouldn't do anything outrageous. However, deep in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment.

"Because," he continued with a far-too-charming smirk on his face, "we can start right here and now."

Then, before she could really register his words, he swept down towards her, captured her in his arms and let their lips collide. Without the slightest resistance, she melted into his embrace.


"So," came Karim's muffled voice from behind a part of his turban he was using to cover his mouth and nose, "how long do you fink we have to ftay in dif place?"

"Why, Karim?" I enquired kindly. "Don't you enjoy the fragrant aroma of horse dung?"

He sent me a dour look. "Not particularly, Fahiba."

"Well, I do not enjoy it myself, Karim," came a cool voice from the corner. Glancing over, I saw the lone figure of Mr Rikkard Ambrose, staring out over the city through a gap in the rough wooden wall. "But do you really think a little smell matters, compared to what Adaira must be enduring at this very moment?"

My face darkened. He was right. Adaira was out there, completely alone, probably captured by some loathsome man, possibly being ravished at this very moment! How could I make jokes at a time like this?

"I've always trusted my instincts," Mr Ambrose whispered, his eyes akin to dark, fathomless oceans. "That's what has kept me alive all these years. I don't know why, but I feel like my sister is in terrible danger right now. I feel that, if I don't do something right now, something terrible will happen."

"Don't worry." Reaching out, I gave his arm a comforting squeeze. "It's probably just your imagination."

He sent me a look. "Mrs Ambrose...I don't have imagination."

I opened my mouth—then closed it again when I couldn't find a counter-argument.

"Anyway," I switched the subject, "the search for that spy seems to be dying down. Soon, we will be able to go out to look for Adaira. I'm sure that when we find her, everything will be fine, and she'll be thrilled to see you again."


My dear Reades,

I hope the names used for the couple in the above chapter are proper Indian names. I'm afraid that, not being Indian and not living in India, my only way of researching this is the internet, and I can't be one-hundred percent sure about the accuracy of the information I found.

Also, in case you are wondering why the Indian revolutionaries are speaking English, I judged this to be likely because they were brought together from many parts of India and have various different native tongues. As far as I am aware, there was no other lingua franca in India at the time. If any Indian readers wish to correct me on that point, by all means go ahead. :-)

Yours Truly

Sir Rob



Adonis—a legendary handsome man from Greek mythology and lover of Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

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