A special Charm | Male OC x M...

By Night_Light616

181 15 1

Piers King was a normal 28 year old boy... or so he thought. Piers was adopted at the young age of 3 months o... More

Rebooting... again

Chapter 1 World turned upside down

32 6 0
By Night_Light616

Piers' POV
I hurried to grab my car keys as I scrambled to get the work outfit on, not paying attention to my surroundings. When I was getting dressed, I almost tripped over a box. A charm bracelet fell out of the box that had very few things in it.

I picked up the bracelet and put it in my pocket to look at later. For now, I finished getting dressed and got my shoes on so I wasn't late for work.

A few hours later
I wiped down the bar and sighed. Chris walked up the bar and smiled warmly but I wasn't in the best mood. "What? Show your 'bro' a smile! Come on, dude. Your frown doesn't get costumers to walk over here." He told me with a laugh after he sat down. I just poured out his drink and handed it to him.

Another person came over and hit my friend over the head. "Stop messing with the kid, little bro. Why can't be less annoying for once?" The man asked Chris who was still rubbing the back of his head and frowning. Of course, I laughed at this.

I smiled at Chris' brother. I think his name is Wyatt from what Chris told me. "It's all good. Chris has been a constant thorn in my side since before I started working here. He's a special type of trouble." I joked then laughed a bit, getting the pad that had every Halliwell's drink orders given to me by Chris and Melinda.

I pour Wyatt's drink for him and he smiled before drinking it. "What's your name, kid?" He asked me with a comforting smile. He's the only kid of the owners I haven't met in my 5 years of working here.

Smiling, I sighed lightly. "I'm Piers, I've been employ of the month the past year and a half or so. Probably because I'm the only productive worker here." I said jokingly and held out my hand to shake.

He shook my hand and Chris groaned. "You're really already becoming friends? I can't deal with both of you giving me a hard time." He whined as started acting like he was drowning in his sorrows.

Melinda walked over and before she even got to the bar, I already had her drink ready. "That's a new record, Piers. Almost like you saw it coming." She joked then started drinking, sighing at the taste. "I can't believe you created this drink. It has everything I like in it." She said with a pleased look on her face. Chris rolled his eyes at her.

"This man has the ability to make your perfect drink. Just one look at you and he can make the drink you will like the best. Show Wyatt." Chris said as he now had his hands on his chin, his elbows on the bar.

I got to work quickly and made his perfect drink. It was a blue raspberry and green apple flavored vodka mix. He drank my concoction and looked surprised by how much he liked it, exactly how I envisioned his reaction to it would be.

Melinda and I high-fived before I looked at my phone to see the bar was about to close. "Would you look at the time? I guess it's time for us to get going." I said with a bit of disappointment in my tone. The costumers were already leaving but Chris twirled the keys in his hands.

Chris smirked and put the keys on the bar. "You work here and our mom owns this place. We can stay longer than everyone else." He said with a cheeky grin on his face. Out of these 3, he's definitely the most mischievous sibling.

I shrugged and continued to wipe down the bar. I noticed a charm bracelet that each of them was wearing but I ignored them, not thinking anything about it.

Melinda looked like she noticed something and started laughing nervously. "Hey. How about we get going? Piers was right about closing up with how long it's been open." She said with obvious anxiousness. She started fidgeting too, starting to look more unnerved than anxious.

I sighed and nodded, putting the rag I was using in the dirty rag basket. "Well, it was nice to finally meet you, Wyatt. Your siblings said good things about you and it's nice to know all of the Halliwell kids now." I said with a slight smile before walking to the door, turning to them to wave then leaving.

I unlocked my car and got inside it. When I checked my mirror, balls of lights appeared and a woman I recognized a bit suddenly appeared in my car. I was about to say something but she shushed me. "Stay quiet, kid. I'm here to protect you." She told me as she scouted around the parking lot for something or someone.

My eyebrows frowned at her. "Protect me from wha-" Before I could finish talking, the door of my car was ripped off and I just looked at it with fear. A big man was holding the door, growling with rage.

He was about to attack me so I put my hands up to block the attack. I waited but the strike never came. When I opened an eye to look at the man, he wasn't moving an inch which confused me. The woman sighed and grabbed my shoulder then glowing balls covered us.

Then the balls disappeared, we were at the door to P3. Wyatt, Chris and Melinda ran out, looking shocked by the scene. They looked at the woman then the huge man that wasn't moving. "Aunt Paige, how did you freeze him?" Wyatt asked the woman, making me reconsider the woman. I've seen here on Ask Phoebe I think. She might've helped Phoebe answer a question or something.

She looked at the 3 then looked at me. "I didn't freeze him, this guy did." She said then nodded to me. I felt so confused and I couldn't even talk anymore.

Wyatt just sighed then moved his hands, an explosion going off right after that blew up the man and a bit of my car. My eyes were wide open now and I stepped back. "What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" I asked them, still completely in shock. My shock as so strong that I was shaking with fear.

Chris shrugged and chuckled. "That, my friend was a Demon. You know, the evil bastards that hunt Witches. From the looks of it, you are a Witch." He explained but I was even more confused than before. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

After the shock wore off, I started laughing hysterically. "Ok, Chris. Now tell me the real story. Why did a huge man just pull the door off my car?" I asked him, hoping to get a serious answer but he just raised his eyebrow at me like he was confused now.

Melinda touched my shoulder but I moved away from it as I realized Chris wasn't joking. I looked at my hands with fear, not knowing what to think. "Piers-" Melinda tried to say something but I immediately cut her off.

I stepped far away from them, my breath getting sharper. "Stay away from me! What did you all do to me?! How did I get these powers?!" I shouted at them as tears started filling my eyes. I grabbed my hair as I thought I was going insane.

Paige groaned and stood in front of me. "Let we who waken from our sleep, return at once to slumber deep." She said right before I started getting drowsy, blacking out right after.

3rd POV
Piers fell asleep after Paige said her spell and she caught him. "Let's get going. Piper and Leo need to meet him." She told the 3 Halliwell kids who just looked confused but didn't argue with her.

Chris took Piers from Paige and they all orbed to the Halliwell manor. Chris put Piers on the couch right as Piper walked in. "Why is my employee of the month asleep on my couch?" She asked the 4 Witch/Whitelighter hybrids before she walked over to Piers.

Wyatt rubbed his neck nervously. "We kinda used a sleep spell on him when he found out he was a Witch. He was basically having a mental breakdown." He explained to his mom as he looked a little worried and guilty. The worried part made sense but the guilty part didn't.

Piper looked at her oldest son with confusion. Suddenly, the charm bracelet Piers found before he left fell out of his pocket. Piper picked it up then immediately dropped it, a hand over her mouth. "I-It can't be." She said, her voice breaking as tears started falling down her face.

Everyone else except for Paige was confused, looking at the bracelet with shock. "Leo!" Paige shouted for her brother in-law to come to the living room.

Leo came running down the stairs to see all 5 huddling around something. He walked over to Piper then noticed the charm bracelet that Piper dropped. He picked it up and counted the charms on it. "This has 4 charms on it. None of you have 4 charms on your bracelets." He said then noticed Piers asleep on the couch. He quickly looked between Piers and bracelet in disbelief and slight happiness.

The 3 young adults were still confused so one stepped forward to confront their parents. It was Melinda. "What's going on here? Why is mom crying?" She asked her parents who were caught off guard. They were obviously hiding something.

Piper wiped the tears off her face and looked at Piers with joy for a second. "You 3 have another brother and it seems like he's been close to us for years." She told her children who were frozen from the new revelation. This was not what they expected.

Leo laughed lightly. "He's actually Melinda's twin. We had to give him up because Phoebe said she saw a vision about him if we kept him. The thing is, we can't tell you what Phoebe saw just yet." He explained to them but it didn't go over too well with one of them. Melinda's world broke around her at this new news.

She shook her head and glared at her parents. "I've had a twin for the past 28 years and I'm just leaning about him?! You didn't think to tell me before hand?!" She lashed out at her parents then ran off, marching up the stairs which was shocking to everyone in the room. It was weird to see the normally happiest of the Halliwell's so pissed off.

Piers started to wake up with a groan. He looked around the room to see Wyatt, Chris, Piper, Paige and Leo. He looked at Chris with worried eyes. "None of what happened was a dream, was it?" He asked his friend who shook his head in response. "What's next, huh? Nymphs and Mermaids?" I slightly joked, laughing with a little bit of bitterness.

Wyatt looked at Piers with a bit of confusion. "You don't seemed too happy about it." He said to which Piers rolled his eyes at.

"A thing I thought didn't even exist tried to kill me. I don't think that's something to be happy about." Piers said with a sightly annoyed tone in his voice. The only person not the slightest bit surprised by this Piers' annoyance towards the situation was Chris for obvious reasons.

Piper sighed and sat on the couch beside him, holding the bracelet from earlier. "I know you might have some questions but I have one for you first. Do you know where you got this bracelet?" She asked him, handing him the bracelet to look at again.

He took it and smiled lightly at it. "Before I left it fell out of a box of things from when I was a baby. My parents said it was one of the only things my birth parents left with me." He told her without even giving it a second thought. Piers has learned to trust Piper a lot ever since he started working at P3 so he didn't have a problem answering her questions.

Piper smiled, tears starting to fall again. "I had give my baby boy away to some friends 28 years ago and left him with a bracelet exactly like this and a baby blanket with the triquetra on it." She told the young adult who started to think. He pulled out his phone, scrolling through it.

He found what he was looking for, looking a little nervous. "L-Like this one?" He asked Piper, showing him a picture of his old baby blanket. It was the exact same blanket that Piper was talking about.

Chris was blinking really quickly, taking a minute to think. "Wait, so my best friend is also my baby brother?" He asked his parents who just nodded. Piers' mind started to wander and he squinted at Piper and Leo.

"If you're my parents, why did you give me up?" Piers asked them both with a bit of anger. This is definitely not a question Piper and Leo wanted to hear from him. How do you really explain why you put your kid up for adoption?

Leo sighed and shifted nervously. "Well, there's a reason but we can't exactly tell you why. All I can say is that you would've been in danger if we raised you both." He explained to Piers who laughed bitterly at Leo's excuse. Even if they had a valid reason for abandoning him, it wouldn't make him any less pissed off.

Piers glared at Leo. "You're saying that you abandoned me 28 years ago and now you won't even tell me why?" He asked them, obviously not satisfied with their answer. It's not looking good for Leo and Piper at the moment.

Piper grabbed his hands with worried and sad eyes. "We never wanted to give you away but we had no choice. It was for your own safety." She told him but it made him more pissed.

He yanked his hands from Piper, standing up and stepping away from her. "Listen, I don't care how dangerous it would've been for me if you kept me. It doesn't make me any less pissed off about it. You can't control how I feel about this, ok? You both don't know how it feels to be abandoned by your birth parents, thinking there was something about me that they didn't like." He told them through gritted teeth, a glass vase orbing and hitting the wall, shattering on impact.

He looked at the vase and stepped back, now afraid. His breath started getting heavy when Chris hugged him from behind. "Hey, you'll ok. Your big brother is here for you." He said comfortingly, having dealt with Piers' panic attacks in the past.

Piers calms down a bit and looks at Chris. "Is this my life now? Having magic and working for my biological parents? It feels... confusing." He told Chris who just shrugged at the younger witch.

Wyatt smiled lightly at Piers, putting a hand on his shoulder. "If you ever need help training your magic, that used to be dad's job and aunt Paige works at the magic school." Wyatt told Piers, trying to look on the bright side as always.

Piers nodded then groaned when he remembered something. "I gotta get a whole new car because of that stupid demon. Now I can't drive home." He said with a bit of annoyance but Chris just smiled at him.

"You see, Wyatt, aunt Paige and I are half whitelighter, basically guardian angels for witches. The powers of a whitelighter is the ability to orb which it looks like you somehow got the ability to orb like Melinda can. Anyway, my point is that I can orb you home and to work until you get a new car or drive you. Either is fine." He offered to his newly discovered little brother who he's known for years at this point.

Piers shrugged and shook his hand. "Thanks, big brother... That's gonna have to some getting used to..." He said sort of awkwardly then laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to feel about Chris being his older brother this whole time without even knowing it.

Chris laughed and gave him a hug with a pat on the back. "Let's go. You look tired." He told Pries who nodded, agreeing that he was tired. Chris ruffled Piers' hair as he orbed the both of them.

When they got to Piers' house, Piers immediately fixed his hair. "I hate when you do that." He said with a bit of annoyance then saw the box of his baby stuff. He walked to it and picked it up, looking for it for the blanket.

He found the blanket pretty quickly hand rubbed it gently. Chris came over and touched it to feel it too. Suddenly, they were both transported to a vision.

In vision
A younger Piper and Leo were holding a baby boy in a park as they talked to Piers' adoptive parents, James and Sarah. "Please, take care of him. He'll be in danger if he stays with us. We can't put our baby boy in that type of danger." Piper begged them desperately as she cried.

Leo look at James and Sarah sadly. "Please. You're the only people we trust to take care of him and keep our secret." Leo also pleaded, looking like he was about to cry too.

James and Sarah looked at each other and nodded. "We'll take care of him. He'll be safe in our care. We promise that, as your friend. The Elders won't know he's yours." Sarah told the Witch and the human, a reassuring smile on her face.

Piper smiled thankfully and handed the baby to James and Sarah. The baby laughed happily and spoke gibberish to the others. "Are you gonna raise him as a Witch or wait until he's older to tell him?" Leo asked the 2 who looked at each other again.

James sighed and shook his head. "It would be better to raise him without magic in his life if his powers can make him a target." He told the others who all agreed.

Piper grabbed the charm bracelet that was on his chest and whispered as she held it. After that, she handed it to James. "His powers are now in that bracelet. If he touches it, he will get his powers back permanently." She told them with a sad but happy look on her face. It was obvious to everyone that neither Piper nor Leo liked this decision.

Sarah smiled at the baby then looked Leo and Piper. "Does he have a name?" She asked them and they shook their heads as an answer. "Then I guess we'll choose his name. It'll start with a P to honor you and the other Charmed Ones." She told them while James nodded in agreement. Piper and Leo laughed then walked up to the baby, each kissing his forehead.

Leo sighed softly. "We'll let you go now. Take good care of him and train him when he learns about his powers." He told them as he looked at the baby happily and sadly.

James let Sarah hold the baby and hugged Leo then smiled after he pulled back. "You know us Whitelighters. It's our job to protect Witches, isn't it?" James said then went back to Sarah and the baby. "See you another time?" He asked them and they both nodded. He smiled and the Whitelighter couple orbed away with the baby. Piper and Leo started sobbing then got into their car and left.

Back to normal
Piers and Chris looked at each other after they saw the vision, both of them crying a bit. "I think I might need time alone. Tell the others what we just saw." Piers immediately told Chris, wiping his tears away from his own face.

Chris nodded and orbed away, seemingly shocked by the vision he saw. That was the longest vision he ever had. Piers sighed and plopped on the couch, groaning out of exhaustion.

3372 words

Started: 4/16/24

Finished: 4/21/24

A/N: This took 5 days to write but that's because I've been sick all week. Chances are is that I will add to this book a lot then neglect it because of ADHD and stuff. Anyway, I will see you next time, bye!

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