Dreams of Liberty: a Marta...

By SpanglishSapphic

8.2K 190 28

Marta De La Reina, a upper class middle daughter of the powerful De La Reyna family and Fina Valero the daugh... More

MAFIN Primera Noche Part 2
A Mafin fan fiction: First time
The morning after (Illescas)
The First Reconciliation (Illescas, Capítulo 43)
Mírame (Look at Me)
The picnic
La Culpa (the guilt) - Cap 81

The Yellow Suit (A #MAFIN one shot)

1.5K 31 4
By SpanglishSapphic


The Yellow Suit

As Fina rode the bus to Illescas for the 3rd night in a row, she couldn't help but marvel at what her life had become. She was going to meet her lover, under the cover of night, and that lover was none other than Marta De La Reina. But this Marta, the one that awaited her, was nothing like the Doña Marta she imagined, or that she could have ever dreamed of. As a child, she remembered Niña Marta in her pretty dresses, air of sophistication, and ballerina-like posture, never a hair out of place. The adult version, however, was beyond words. Her rigidness melted under Fina's touch, and she transformed from an elegant, but sometimes cold beauty, to a sensual and passionate woman. At first, Fina had been nervous to move too fast, and that Marta would lose her nerve. Then, after their first night, Marta called to meet again, and then again. It delighted Fina that Marta did not regret her decision to be with her, even though Fina had to be the voice of reason now. Fina certainly remembered the excitement and revelry of first love, and the passion that consumes you if you're not careful. But as much as Fina had cared for Ester, this was different. She wondered if the novelty of their relationship would soon wear off for Marta, but, for now, Fina was happy to tuck away in the cocoon of their hotel room, sharing secrets, and exploring each other's bodies.

And explore they did. Fina had always been a curious lover. Yet, she and Ester had never had the luxury of getting a hotel room all to themselves, so their trysts had been short and hurried, if not altogether satisfying. Ester had been Fina's first exploration of the female body, and their clumsiness was part of the charm and newness of their relationship. With Marta, Fina felt like she had to lead since she had more experience. She had let Marta explore at her own pace, even if it drove Fina mad. Fina was nothing but patient. But tonight, Fina wanted to take control, especially after seeing Marta walk around the store with purpose in that canary yellow wool skirt suit that accentuated the long lines of her legs, her trim waist, and her feminine shoulders. She sighed loudly, and then felt self-conscious when the older lady carrying shopping bags of fresh produce looked at her strangely. She could easily get lost in fantasizing about Marta De La Reina- her sky-blue eyes that turned sharp when she was angry, but also showed so much compassion to her employees. Marta's jaw and cheekbones looked like they were sculpted by the Gods. Her hands, adorned with rings, were so strong, yet feminine. She wanted them all over her tonight. Fina squirmed in her seat, and the older lady looked at her again in annoyance. She couldn't help herself- Marta drove her crazy, and she wanted to show her how much tonight.


Hotel Room:

She barely knocked once, when the door of the hotel room bolted open, and Marta rushed her in. They both giggled. Just as she thought, though, Marta had been working while waiting for her. She had papers sprawled all over the desk and the nightlamp was switched on. She had been drinking coffee, probably to keep her energies up since they were not getting much sleep. She hadn't even bothered to take her suit off, but she had kicked off her black pumps.

"You've been working late?" Fina says, with amusement and admonishment in her voice. Marta turns toward the desk, and with a defeated sigh says, "Yes. I know, I know, I work too much, but I must get the marketing plans to my brother by the end of this week, and we are still back-ordered with our new perfume, so we are figuring out what to send to the customers who have been wait-listed and..."

Marta doesn't realize that has come up behind her, until she wraps her arms around Marta's waist and kisses her neck. The move immediately shuts Marta up.

"You work too much, but I know it's because you're the boss, and you have so many responsibilities, and who am I to question you, Doña Marta," Fina teases, as she continues her exploration of Marta's neck.

Marta takes the bait, and responds in her most serious tone, "Well, yes, Fina, I am the boss, but I think you are the one in command right now."

Fina hums in agreement. "I like being the boss, for once." They both laugh, but when Marta tries to turn around, Fina stops her.

"Nooooo", Fina teases. "You said I'm the boss, so you have to do what I tell you."

Marta smiles, and leans back into Fina, and says in her most sensual tone, "Usted dirá."

That tone full of propriety does something to Fina, now that she knows she has Marta at her disposal.

"Don't move", Fina says, her voice dropping to a lower register.

Fina brushes Martha's fine, wavy hair to one side so she can kiss around Marta's ear. She reaches around to unbutton Marta's jacket. She pulls the jacket off to find a delicate sleeveless cotton blouse with a ruffled neck underneath. Marta's taste is exquisite, and it almost hurts Fina to have to disrobe her. Marta's arms are exposed now and Fina kisses Marta's right shoulder, and is tempted to leave a mark there with her teeth.

Marta's voice interrupts her revery. "I want to touch you," Marta says, breathless.

"Not yet," Fina responds. "Remember, I am the boss now."

Marta harrumphs but keeps her head titled to give Fina access to her neck, while Fina caresses Marta's bear arms.

"You have the most gorgeous arms, do you know that?" Fina asks. Marta shake her head in response.

"You do," Fina continues. "But you always wear suits at work. Not that I'm complaining."

Marta's eyes are closed now, while Fina continues her exploration. Fina wraps her arms around Marta's abdomen, playing at her belly button, underneath her blouse, and up the sides of her breasts.

"Unbutton your blouse." Fina commands.

Marta briefly looks back at her, before proceeding to unbutton the sheer blouse. Fina helps take it off, leaving marta only in her bra.

Fina drops her hands to Marta's waist, then lower to caress her upper thighs, and then moves around to cup Marta's ass. Fina can't believe how wet she is just by having Martha in her arms, moaning like this.

"And your legs that go on for days", Fina says in wonder. "You are cruel walking around in these pencil skirts, teasing me, while I can't touch you at work," Fina admonishes.

Marta is breathing heavier now, but manages to laugh. "I'm not doing it on purpose, I promise. But now that I know what effect my suits have on you..."

Marta stops talking because Fina has pushed the skirt up around Marta's thighs and is brushing her hand dangerously close to Marta's throbbing center. Marta sways back into Fina, and Fina takes the opportunity to pull Marta's underwear down her thighs.

"Que decías? What were you saying?" Fina teases.

Marta tries to regain her composure, but admits, "I can't think when you have me like this."

"Have you like how?" Fina asks innocently.

Marta doesn't answer, relishing Fina's massage of her breasts, and how she traces a  path to her belly.

"Have you how?" Fina asks again, this time more urgently. Marta realizes that Fina's question isn't rhetorical.

"When you have me crazy with lust," Marta answers breathlessly. "I can't think when you're near. It's not just you that's affected." Marta declares.

Satisfied with Marta's answer, Fina decides to slip her hand up her inner thigh. Without any preamble, she cups Marta's sex, and Marta moans loudly. Fina is fully dressed but is intoxicated with the fact this powerful woman is completely at her mercy.

She caresses Marta's folds, impressed with how Marta swells in her hand, the smell of her arousal filling Fina's nose. Marta holds Fina's head in one hand, while she tried to reach back to touch Fina with her other hand. But Fina moves away, slightly.

"I need to feel you." Marta impatiently implores. "Por favor!"

"Pronto, amor," Fina responds.

Fina continues with her massage of Marta's womanhood, while she strokes up and down her thigh with her other hand.

Marta whimpers, "Fina, I feel like I can't stand any longer," leaning back more heavily into Fina.
"Yes, you can. I've got you." Fina says, convinced.

Finally, Fina decides to turn Marta around. Marta's hair is disheveled, her skirt is around her thighs, the straps of her bra falling around her bare arms- and Fina is sure in that moment that Marta is the sexiest woman alive.

Marta raises her arms to touch Fina, but Fina grabs Marta's wrists.

"Nuh-uh," Fina warns, "I am still the boss." She moves Marta's hands to the desk. She thinks about pulling Marta's skirt off, but she hesitates to rid Marta of such an equisite garment. Fina makes a decision then.

Fina brushes the paperwork off the table. The papers go flying everywhere, but Marta doesn't bat an eye.

"Sit," Fina orders.

Marta half-sits on the desk, with her legs half crossed, and her arms folded across her chest. Fina realizes she's enjoying this now, and that pose is a challenge. Does Fina have what it takes?

She then abruptly pulls Fina in by the collar of her knitted sweater and kisses her passionately.

"I know you're the boss," Marta says, "but bosses also have to be fair and you have way too many clothes on." Marta pushes Fina's cardigan off her shoulders.

"I need to see you." Marta says. She's making quick work of Fina's blouse, until Fina intercepts her hands.
"Marta, I'm not finished with you. It'll be your turn soon. I promise."

With that, Fina places Marta's hands back on the desk, and just stares at Marta's beautiful, lithe body, all lean muscle, and smooth planes.

"God, you're beautiful," Fina says, for the 100th time, it seems.

Marta smiles and they kiss again. Their kiss starts sweetly, and then it grows more frantic, as Marta can't help herself and moves her hands through Fina's thick tresses. Fina returns her fingers back to Marta's sex, pushing her yellow skirt further up her waist. Marta is so wet at this point, that it won't be hard to slip inside but she needs to make sure Marta is okay with it.

Fina looks at Marta with a fierce intensity and says, "Marta. I want to be inside of you."

Marta looks back at her with wild eyes that show a hint of surprise and a whole lot of desire.

"Can I? You can tell me if you don't like it or want me to stop," Fina assures her.

Marta nods slightly, and Fina moves one of her fingers inside. It is Fina's turn to sigh. Marta feels so tight, so wet, so warm. Fina wants to go deeper, but knows she has to go slow. She then adds a second finger, and Marta gasps.

"Is that okay?" Fina asks, looking Marta in the eye.

"Yes, please." Marta breathes out.

Soon enough, Fina has her fingers inside Martha, and the feeling of being enveloped by her is overwhelming.

Marta throws her head back, enjoying the sensations. Fina then pushes Marta further back on the desk so she can have better access. Fina starts going deeper and higher.

"You feel so good, wrapped around me," Fina says.

Marta is now alternating between grunts and gasps.

Fina is holding Marta down with her other hand, because she fears Marta will completely slide off the desk, she's so wet.

Fina is fixated on Marta's arms, the veins that trace down to her hands, and the biceps that bulge with every movement. Fina can't believe how wet she is without being touched at all.

She realizes she needs to finish this so she can have some relief. She uses her thumb to circle Marta's clitoris, while she continues her thrusts.

Marta throws her head back, in ecstasy. "Fina, oh yes, Fina."

Fina knows how new all of this is to Marta, and she relishes that she gets to show Marta the power of her own body.

With Marta's hands holding tightly to the edge of the desk, Fina bends down, and soaks Marta's nipple with her tongue over her bra. It's as if that sensation puts Marta over the edge, and Marta bucks forward with her whole body.

"Fina!" She gasps one more time, before completely collapsing against her.

Fina stays inside, delighting in the tremors that rack Marta's body. She slowly removes her fingers and wraps her arms tightly around Marta.

"Ven mi amor," Fina says to her, tenderly.

Marta is a rag doll in Fina's arms.

Fina kisses her on her forehead, which is now wet with perspiration, despite the cold night. She kisses her temple, letting Marta come back to herself.

When moments have passed and Marta has yet to speak, Fina worries.

"Estás bien?"

"I am more than fine, just amazed at all the sensations you evoke in me," Marta says, with so much reverence and wonder in her voice.

They hug tightly, and when Marta pulls away, she looks down at herself as if barely coming to the realization that she's half naked, with her skirt pushed up around her waist,  sitting on a desk with papers strewn across the floor.

They both look at eachother, and start laughing.

"Vaya menudo trabajo que hicimos", Marta says.


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