Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonn...

By xinggyiii

61.3K 2.2K 485

"Promise you'll stay?" "I promise." or She offered her heart to him. Onto his shaky hands, she gave her full... More

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582 29 12
By xinggyiii

Giedi Prime, 10192

The Baron tried everything he could to gain back the trust he had lost in his allies by inviting them to multiple socials, where he would display Leonara, stating that only when they met her would they realize the true depth of her.

He had lied, said that her little speech and her massacre was only part of the performance to represent who she was not.

They were doubtful of his word, though agreed to arrive nonetheless.

The guests trickled in slowly, with dozens of apprehensive guests watching Leonara from afar, afraid. It was like they were assessing her, like she was an animal caged in a zoo, showcased for everyone to see.

The room was bustling with movement, everyone shifting uncomfortably around her and the baron, creating a large bubble around the pair. They were all fearful since what they witnessed at the arena. But Leonara knew she had changed since then. She had been weak, fallen prey to the fremen's deception. They caused her nothing but pain. Hell, the mere thought of the old comfort they used to provide elicited a burning pain along her back.

Leonara stayed by the Baron's side, swirling her champagne idley. The Harkonnen's allies could watch her, she didn't mind much.

After a long hour of idle talk, the Baron leaned down, his chair squeaking in effort to keep his form upright.

"It's time, my dear," the baron said, "go. Entertain them." He sent her off with a flick of his chubby finger. 

With a curt nod, Leonara walked towards a dark haired woman, who's friends surrounded her protectively as soon as they saw her coming. She happened to be the most closest female Leonara could find, so that was her target. 

The crowd dispersed, not wanting to be anywhere near such a dangerous creature. She was volatile, dangerous, unpredictable.

"Hello there, what's your name?" Leonara flashed her teeth in an attempt to grin. It felt strange– and it certainly looked forced. The woman's eyes flickered up and down Leonara in judgement, before clearing her mouth.


"Where are you from?" Leonara asked with a cock of her head. Luciana rolled her eyes at the small talk, and Leonara clenched her jaw in suppression of anger.

"House Nebirro, third to the throne," she said proudly, fluttering her eyelashes. Leonara watched the girl wallow in self confidence, silently judging. House Nebirro had little to no impact on politics. 

This girl was proud of being part of such house? When she stood, situated in the greatest house of all time? What insolence!

"Oh, great," Leonara said flatly.

The girl narrowd her eyes, "It's certainly ruled better than House Harkonnen." She said. She turned and murmured to her friend, "The Baron's ruling is a mess."

Leonara's fists clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as she fought to maintain her composure. How dare she speak ill of the Baron, of her master, in such a manner?

This was his house, his palace, and he could do whatever he wanted to her. He could destroy her entire bloodline in a matter of seconds. 

He destroyed the atreides, a major house with only the help of a sardaukar legion. He could destroy such an irrelevant house with merely a quirk of his lips. She herself could destroy them all in a heartbeat. 

"I would think his ruling is quite adequate, seeing as his house is ranked several hundred above yours," Leonara said coolly. The girl's face turned bright red.

"Shut up, you whore." she hissed. The friends surrounding them nodded fervently.

"Whore?" Leonara asked with an empty cock of her head. Her empty insult left no impact on Leonara. 

"We all know you fucked your master for your position." She seethed, her brows pulled tight with anger. Leonara's lips quirked up in amusement at that sentence. It was quite funny, actually.

Though she knew that wasn't true, the Baron had wanted entertainment. He had wanted people to know who's side she was really on– and bowing down to a girl from such a minor house would tarnish his spotless reputation.

"At least someone would want to fuck me," Leonara replied, her eyes assessing Luciana's with distaste. Her friends let out an outraged intake of breath, and Leonara chuckled silently. 

Luciana's face contorted with rage, her cheeks flushed with indignation at Leonara's retort. The venom in her words dripped with malice as she struggled to regain control of the situation.

"You insolent wretch!" Luciana spat, her voice trembling with fury. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner?"

Leonara's expression remained impassive, her gaze steady as she met Luciana's furious glare head-on. She had expected as much from someone like her – someone whose arrogance far outweighed their station.

How dare she speak that way of the Baron? The kind, benevolent, caring Baron that had saved Leonara from the grip of the traitorous fremen.

"I speak the truth," Leonara replied coolly, her voice cutting through the air like a blade. "Unlike you, I don't hide behind false pretenses."

Luciana's friends bristled at the insult, their loyalty to their leader evident in their narrowed eyes and clenched fists. But Leonara paid them no mind, her focus solely on the girl before her.

A crowd had gathered around, watching the interaction go on.

"You think you're so high and mighty, don't you?" Luciana sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "But you're nothing but a pawn in the Baron's game. A puppet dancing on his strings. You should just die! Go die!" She screeched, her anger taking the best of her.

Leonara's facade faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. But she quickly regained her composure, her resolve hardening like steel.

"At least I have a purpose," she shot back, her words laced with bitterness. "What do you have, besides your empty boasts and meaningless titles?"

Luciana recoiled at the barb, her anger giving way to shock at the unexpected retort. For a moment, she was speechless, her pride wounded by Leonara's cutting words.

But then, with a defiant toss of her head, she turned on her heel and stormed away, her friends trailing behind her like obedient shadows. Leonara watched them go, a sense of satisfaction swelling within her chest.

She may have lost her composure for a moment, but she had emerged victorious in the end. And as she stood alone in the midst of the grand hall, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at her defiance – at her refusal to bow to the whims of those who sought to belittle her.

Leonara turned to the rest of the crowd, a small smile on her face, infinitely deceptive of what she had just been.

"I will never tolerate words against the Baron," she declared, locking eyes with the Baron himself. The Baron nodded subtly, a twisted smirk settling on his face. Leonara felt elated at his acknowledgement, a familiar warm and comforting feeling filling her as it often did when she thought of the baron as she turned and walked away. She had made it to a hall, before she heard footsteps following her.

She stopped.

"Leonara!" A voice called. Leonara turned around, coming face to face with Feyd.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly, averting her gaze.

Feyd's expression softened, a flicker of concern in his bright blue eyes as he regarded Leonara. Despite her cold demeanor, he pressed on, determined to reach her.

"I just wanted to check on you," he said gently, taking a cautious step closer.

"I just wanted to let you know that her insults don't mean anything." Leonara's jaw clenched at his words, her resentment simmering just below the surface. She didn't need his pity, his concern. She needed him to understand, to see the truth of her loyalty.

He didn't seem to understand.

"I'm fine," she replied curtly, her tone sharper than intended. "I don't need your sympathy."

Feyd flinched at her words, his gaze dropping to the ground momentarily before he regained his composure.

"I'm not offering sympathy, Leonara," he said, his voice steady despite the hurt evident in his eyes. "I'm offering support. Whatever you're going through, whatever struggles you're facing... you don't have to face them alone. I know what you're going through, I've gone through it, and..."

Leonara's resolve wavered for a moment, but then the sweet, blissful feeling of the Baron's presence welcomed her once more.

"What are we doing here, my darlings?"

But she quickly regained her composure, her mask of indifference firmly in place.

"Nothing." She responded, sparing him one final look before walking away.

AN: guys i promise, I haven't forgotten our friends in the desert :sob:, it's just when they get introduced again, in person, it's going to be closer to the end of the story.

Also, if you're here to read smut and you've read 41 chapters and like 5 hours worth of fanfic, it will be presented to you... sometime--in the future. Like a few chapters okay, give it time. I alr wrote a skeleton up until there, so bare with me!! <3

Anywyaysysss have fun!! I'm trying to update every day, but there are some days im busier than others, but ily all!

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