Various Ninjago Character One...

Par GalaxyCucumber

167 7 4

As described in the title, this will be a collection of various mini-stories about our favourite ninjas. I wi... Plus

[Lloyd] Star dreams in the summer
[Jay] Down with the sickness
[Cole] I bet snacks, homemade snacks
[Lloyd] Another one? Please?
[Jay] it's okay, you're okay

[Vania] Surprise!

23 1 3
Par GalaxyCucumber

Doodle commissioned from @/Jenny_nounanibi on tiktok and @/Sunny_sunshine_jenny on Intagram! I have their special permission to use it in this chapter :)


I hope you're hungry for words because I served for this chapter~


You are lying in your bed, your limbs spread across your bed, as you look at pictures you took of your girlfriend and you, feeling nostalgic about them. You have been dating for a few weeks, but the attraction has been there since you met her. It took you time to realize so, but both of you waited for each other. It was worth it. It felt natural to date her, it felt right. It still does. You really miss her...

Spending time with her was like going to heaven. However, it was always a short stay. Sometimes the two of you get lucky and can spend a week together, sharing a somewhat domestic life, but that was rare. Although, you always have to come down from your clouds to leave home, her.  

That was to be expected, after all, you fell for a queen. Vania always calls or texts you when she can, but she is a very busy woman. You cannot help but miss her enormously. Calls are always short, but she answers you when she can. You would not call yourself needy or clingy, but affectionate. Plus, most of the ninjas were dating someone, and they kept bringing them back to the monastery! You saw them all together, all lovey-dovey, making you miss your lover even more.

Vania always feels bad for the distance between the two of you. She often wished she was also from Ninjago, born a normal girl, but still able to steal your heart. The pale girl smirks at that idea, flirting with you and seeing you blush... She loves the face you make when you are shy. One of her favourite daydreams about you. You two explore the city together, eat lots of noodles from different shops, go on dates, but more importantly, spend all the time she wants with you. You may have fallen first, but she fell harder for you. Vania never held back her affections towards you even when you were both under the "friends" status. It made you two completely comfortable with one another, already knowing your limits, needs, and wants. It felt like you have been dating for longer than the reality.

That is when Vania realized if she planned and organized a whole kingdom. surely she can plan out a date! She squealed at the idea. First, she needs to finish all her duties and chores enough for two days in advance. Vania was the overcautious type, always vigilant and ready. She was not letting her kingdom possibly ruin her date with you for an emergency, because none will be able to happen.

Her reaction may seem drastic, but that happened on the last three dates: they were cut short for needing her assistance for things the council could clearly address the issue. Sadly, you were not royalty, hence the council disapproved of your union, but by respect and admiration for their queen, they let you date. That is until she is to marry a man from another Vanian castle. That will not happen though, yet they are unaware of Vania's massive work to understand their tradition properly and find the loophole. So she can choose her life-long partner for love instead of for duty. The ages when women were pretty things to hang around were long gone, and Vania was ready to remind them of their outdated perspective. 

Everything was done and ready. She had to drink tea to help her calm her excited mind and get some sleep. You will love your day. Well, you will when you know you are going out because Vania's planning meant she went behind your back and asked the ninja to be certain you were free and ready for her surprise! Hopefully, you will not be mad at her for doing so, but even if you were, Vania would surely kiss your anger away!

You woke up this morning by Kai dumping a bucket of water mixed with sparkles and glitters assuring you it was much needed. As you supposedly "stank the whole place up". You grumbled to yourself, saying the only stench in your room was his dirty feet. Unamused, you took a shower and dressed. You chose nice clothes, remembering that yesterday, Lloyd said to stop wearing their Gi as normal clothing and impersonating the Skittles candies. You look at yourself, feeling good in your body. You hear Jay screaming for you down the hall, saying the mailman has something for you.

You run down the corridor, wondering what or who it may be. You have been shopping around a small town and asked for mail delivery since you did not want to overwork them. They work hard all the time, barely catching a break, and they were truly thankful for the timeframe you offered them. 

Unexpectedly when you open the door it is not the usual mailman. His hat was way larger and covered his face, his mustache looked weird and touched the floor due to its length. He is also wearing strange clothing and is breathing heavily. 

Who is this man? Why is he pretending to be the mailman? Is he okay? Does he need help? Why is he breathing funny?

Before your thoughts can go on, the man throws his hat away. Okay, that is a bit dramatic. He grabs his mustache and pulls on it, hard. That probably does not feel the best. It comes off! Along his overcoat! Oh, was he a pervert? No one just does that... Unless... and realization sank in you. 

Right there, in front of you, stands the prettiest woman you have ever seen. The love you cherish. Her bluish-grey eyes look straight into your orbs. A red tint rests on her cheek pulled up by her charming smile. Her blond hair dances slowly in the wind. She is wearing a big-sleeved brown sweater, tucked into a blue skirt with small purple roses designs. She wears matching legwarmers into comfortable boots. Vania is truly, breathtaking. She is fidgeting with her hands, nervous from your lack of reaction.

When you come back to your senses, you engulf her in a hug, holding her tightly. You missed her so much, and there she is! Beautiful as ever and back once more into your arms. You both giggle sweetly at your playful behaviour. When you finally let her go, Vania kisses you tenderly. You cursed yourself about forgetting how sweet and soft her lips were. However, it has been long, too long. You kiss her back until your lungs are burning, begging for air. Pulling back, you tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. Vania smiles sweetly at your kind gesture.

You swiftly take her hands in yours, intertwining your fingers and tugging her in. Vania laughs as you dash towards your room. She does not know what to expect from you, but this, confirms her excitation for today. It was a good idea, maybe the best!

You sit her down on your bed. Your lover looks tenderly at you, her hands are resting on top of her legs. You see a look of wonder in her eyes, you smile knowing that you will be able to surprise her, just as she did. She raises an eyebrow, questioning your next move. You signal her to wait while you rummage through your wardrobe.

You swear you put it somewhere around here. You bought the hairpin a while ago, and today was windy, so it was the perfect time to gift it to her. Maybe she would even let you place it in her hair... Her long, blond silk strands. It is very precious to her. She never uses regular basic hairbands, so a hairpin should do the trick. Sometimes she wears a piece of clothing around her head to protect it. You know it has a special name but cannot pronounce it, so you prefer to describe it than offend her whole homeland.

After a while, you realize that one of the boys probably stole it from your room to do who-knows-what. You swear you will make them eat their socks when you find the culprit.  Vania calls you, asking about the function of a pretty thing she found lying around your messy room. She describes it as "a lovely branch beautifully detailed with handcraft hanging jewelry." Oh. She found it. It will not be a surprising surprise, but an unexpected gift also works.

Shy and blushing, you start to ramble on how when you saw it a while ago, you thought about how beautiful it was, just like her, and that it would compliment her pale features really well, that the flowers were white roses representing pure love, and that is exactly what you feel towards her. Then you went on about how you hoped she liked it, that you would like her to use it, and that you really wish you could put it on her if she would let you... 

She stops you with a quick kiss on your lips. Reassuring you that she does not like it, but loves it. Furthermore, she would be delighted to wear it today for your date. You smile happily while putting her hair up with the pin. You do not know how it is even possible, but she looks even more beautiful now. You smile at her. Vania returns your smile.

"You ready for this?" she asks, blushing.

"When it comes to you," you taking pause, "I'm always ready." She grabs your hand and leads you outside. That was not what you were expecting, but it definitely spiked your curiosity.

 "Where are you taking me beautiful?" You ask her.

"You will see soon enough," your girlfriend giggles to you. 

You smile at her back. You look at her lovingly, while she pulls you along happily. To tease her, you drag your feet along the floor, to slow her down. Vania rolls her eyes at your clowning but secretly loves it. She missed this. She missed you.

The two of you successfully arrived at Jay's mech, he will be your ride to the city. You wonder how Vania bribed him for a lift, having her answer something along the lines of: "I just asked him, silly." The ride was quiet, except for Jay's infinite rambling. It was welcomed, as you two enjoyed the back seats, cuddling in your seats while being seatbelted. Vania genuinely likes Jay's rambles. He is pretty intelligent for such a clumsy guy. Also, he can be quite interesting and entertaining, in his own way. 

You smile at Vania, squeezing her hand. She smiles at you squeezing it back, knowing this means a silent "Hey, I love you." This moment is peaceful, a tranquil comfortable morning. Vania first takes you to a street food vendor near where Jay dropped you. It was small and charming, a few tables were set around the main compartment for cooking so customers could enjoy their food on-site. The tables were white and round, decorated by small doilies with a checkered pattern, with two chairs each. The site looked peaceful, with only a few early people sitting, chatting, and eating their freshly bought breakfast. Laughter filled your ears with the kids chasing around each other. They play a ball game, making the passerby smile at their goofiness. 

You two enjoy some fresh homemade meal in pancakes to-go. It is absolutely delicious, it could rival Zane's cooking. Or perhaps it is because you are eating it with your wonderful girlfriend. In any case, food does taste better when it is shared with your loved one. Instead of sitting down like the owner gently offered, you both want to take a stroll and eat, as you notice the nearby park.

Few people are walking around, enjoying their morning. You exchange smiles with the passersby, wondering where they come from and where they might go. It is wonderful how, without knowing them, life made you cross each other. The temperature is perfect for a walk around the park. It is sunny outside, with a fresh breeze. Some clouds paint white the blue sky, offering peaceful moments of darkness. Vania always steps closer to you in those moments. You wonder if perhaps the pale girl has a fear of the night. 

You two enjoy your breakfast, hand in hand, walking around and chatting. You two catch up on the time you spent apart. It is not easy to live two completely different lives. Sometimes, a future with her seems uncertain and improbable, but that makes it worth it. You love her and she loves you, as long as you both keep trying and show each other care and appreciation, no challenge will be unconquerable. The fact that you are a ninja and her a queen makes your relationship all more diverse and exciting.

Vania leads you to a shop named "Coc-Ho Rigolo" which you have never heard of before nor does it sound like the local language, adding to your curiosity. You wonder how your girlfriend found this place, for you it seems that you were both wandering around, going where the flow would take you. However, Vania assured you it was all planned out. You smile at her answer, she may be a planner freak, but you found it cute. At least, you know her enough to know she can still enjoy some unpredictable moments if they were to come.

The shop is brimming with various trinkets, costumes, pottery, and other things. The owner is at the cashier, telling you two are free to look around and let your imagination take over when you notice something that catches your eye. The old man says there is a photo booth in his store, which he invites you to use with the things you find and if you feel like buying them, he would happily sell it to you afterwards. You absolutely love the idea of such a store existing! He may own a small business, selling various weird things like this statue of rats sword fighting each other that may not sell but he can at least probably make a decent amount of money with the photo booth.

Vania and you decide to roam the shop separately, finding each other things you would like to see them in. You pick some weird shoulder hats, surprised that such a thing exists, some unique-looking pieces of clothing, and some accessories of various tastes. You two did agree on the "silly" theme so these things will be perfect. You walk to the booth, paying in advance for the photos you will take with your charming girlfriend. You smile while putting the money in, this is one of the best dates you have ever been on.

Vania decided on the theme, knowing you would run along with what she chose. The blond knows where to find in the store the silliest most ridiculous things. After all, she came to the store beforehand when she saw the advertisement online, curious to see. The blond picks up a hat-long-sleeved shirt-skirt-short-pant, the strangest piece of one-piece clothing the blond has ever seen. Then, she goes toward the center of the small store, picking up body pearls. You would look so pretty in them! Like the models she saw people wear for the summer: man, woman or anything beyond or in between, tall, small, big or thin, the pearls just fit right. It may look a little silly over your clothes, but that is exactly the goal of the experience. 

Your eyes sparkle at the sight of her when she joins you at the booth. Vania keeps giggling due to the excitement to see you in the items she picked up. She is glowing with joy. You take her soft face into your hand and kiss her lips tenderly. You let her go and take the things inside. She stands there blushing for a bit before joining you. 

The photo booth size is something comparable to a small changing room. The owner probably built it that way so it could be bigger and fit his idea. You figure he probably separated it into pieces and mounted them back together to fit this closet room. It is a pretty cool invention, you need to bring back Pixal here, you think she would like to see it. 

You two take several rounds of pictures in the booth, having an absolute blast with the trinkets. The pair of you look ridiculous and swear that if someone sees you like that for the first time, they will run away, crying. Vania can definitely rock the shoulder hats, it may look weird, but she still looks beautiful. You on the other hand, with the body pearls, are not feeling the most confident in them. However, you swear you saw Vania take a picture of you while you were trying them without clothing to see the difference. That little snake tries to deny it, but in the end, she still shows you the photo, asking if it is alright if she keeps it, for the memory. You cave into her request, letting her keep it, making her promise you it is for herself only.

The owner came by the booth, to tell you how to use it without paying because he felt bad you already paid his monthly rent with the amount of pictures you took. That does it for you. You are definitely bringing all the ninjas here, that old man has a heart of gold and his shop truly deserves more attention. The booth even had an option to duplicate the photos and you are still so happy about it. There is no need to separate the pictures between the two of you, you both can have them all!

Time passed by fast, as it was already late into the afternoon. You see Vania is saddened with the realization that some of the things she planned on doing were not all possible for the day. You hug her, reminding her that there is always next time. Vania quickly regains her smile. She kisses your cheek and takes your hand, once more, to lead you away in her grand scheme for your date.

She took you to a GoLe's store, a famous brick toys fabricant. You were not aware that they made a restaurant. entering, you spin slowly on yourself, in awe, taking in the restaurant's design. The decorations were all made from GoLe's which was impressive and totally awsome. Everything looked like bigger GoLe's piece, made block by block as you do with their set boxes. You can recognize the infamous "leaves" of the small GoLe's Bonzai that are actually frogs. You smile at the detail they kept in their design. Vania chuckles at your nodding. She knows you would approve of this place. She is so happy to see that pure smile on your face. She wishes she could keep it forever someplace safe, close to her heart. 

 The server leads you to a table for two and she gave you an instruction sheet explaining how to build your meal. You are confused at the sight before you. There is a box of GoLe's of various shapes and colours, you turn around to ask the kind lady who brought you to the table, but she left. Vania places a hand on top of yours smiling sweetly at your confused state. The instruction sheets tell you which pieces in the box indicate what kind of meal you want. So you place them following the indications on the "card" and insert it into the computer.

You do as your girlfriend explained, finishing by helping her build hers since she has difficulty properly locking the pieces of GoLe's together. You two insert your card inside the "computer" and watch as a mini GoLe's fig controlling a robot, cooking your food. After the animation, a big GoLe's box comes on a mechanical tray and delivers the food you ordered inside. The food is pretty tasty. You share half of yours with Vania and she shares half of hers with you. To tease her, the bites you offered to her, you ask her to open her mouth wide for the dragon to land inside. Your girl almost choked on the food after you said that, she was not expecting such things. You both laugh afterwards, both embarrassed about what just happened. Maybe you should keep such things for when you are home. However, as you like to remind her, home is wherever she is with you, so technically, this was okay. 

After dinner, you notice the sun starts to set. Smirking to yourself, you make an impulsive decision. Perhaps it was not the most ninja-like behaviour, but right now you were a lover on a date, it was the perfect excuse to let your fun out. You want to take her to a tall building to watch the sunset set together. Without saying anything, you lunge toward your girlfriend with a wide grin plastered on your face. She yelps at your sudden hold on her, but she trusts you. Even if Vania would have loved for you to tell her what you were doing, impulsively taking her into your arms, bride style, she hides her face in her hands, blocking her blush from being seen. You chuckle at her shyness. Vania is a strong and proud woman, qualities you admire about her, but it makes it hard to see her flustered. You prevail in your endless goal, even though you would like to see her red cheek rather than her hands, but a win is a win. 

You sit her down next to you on the tower. You smile at her triumphantly. Vania rolls her beautiful grey eyes at your antics but comes closer to cuddle you. She sighs, feeling peaceful. Your girlfriend runs her fingers across your hair. You lay your head on her shoulder, closing your eyes. You cannot help the sadness to take part of your heart, the day and your date is slowly coming to an end right before your eyes. Cole texted you earlier to find out where to get Vania to escort her to her castle in her original realm. You know that if you were to take her there yourself, you would never let her go and she would not either. Goodbyes suck, but that is a problem for the future. Right now, you are basking in the last sunrays with her. You have one of her hands in yours, stocking it sofetly. Her skin is soft as pure silk, her warmth comforting your heart. She smells really nice, something close to razzleberries. Sweet but also soft, with a hint of strong spices, just like she is delicate and fierce. You can hear her heart beating the same rhythm as yours, making you smile. The song they make is in perfect unison. 

"I had so much fun today. This date was crazy," Vania says happily, looking at you.

"And I" you look into her eyes, leaning in closer, "am crazy for you," you answer, kissing her.


(3856 words)

This took me three full days to write, and I want to keep on making stories between a thousand to three thousand in the future. :)

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