Resident Evil Justiφ's


297 6 2

A young man with a powerful device has been traveling around the world, to avoid the past of the ones hauntin... More

Chapter 1 Entering the Evil

Chapter 2 Crismon Head

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Judai and Jill were at the graves and stared at the staircase beneath them.

"It looks to be very deep." Jill said.

They arrived at a room with statues meant for the masks ND a coffin that's suspended.

"A coffin?" Jill questions.

He stares at it. "Theres something inside."

"Hopefully not a zombie." Jill said.

They start to put the masks on the statues.

"We're missing one." Jill said.

He looks at the floor and the coffin moved with only one chain hanging off from it.

"Where could the last one be?" Jill wonders.

"Found it." He takes it out.

"Just right there?" Jill questions. Judai shrugs.

"Should you transform into that armor of yours before we open this?" Jill suggests.

"Don't worry." He puts it on.

The coffin falls down and they saw a red zombie inside completly still.

"A red one?" Jill questions.

He frowns at it.

Then the gate closes suddenly as the Crimson Head wakes up and attacks them.

They dodged it and shoot at him.

The Crimson Head takes the hits but kept going.

"Keep shooting." He said.

Jill nods as she ducks under a swipe from it.

Judai then shoots him in the eye. The Crimson Head moves back as if it would fall over backwards. It recovers before Jill shoots him from behind.

"This thing won't go down like the others." She said.

He takes out a nearby pipe and hits him over the head.

The Crimson Head stumbles from the blow. Then Judai spin kicks him, the Crimson Head was thrown by Judai's kick.

"Get him!" He said.

Jill fires several bullets into the Crimson Head's skull.

The monster falls down dead.

"Finally." Jill mutters.

Judai checks the box and sees a book.

"A book?" Jill questions before the gate opens.

"Theres a button and this." He shows a medalion.

"A medallion too? It might go somewhere like with the masks." Jill said.

He shrugs.

Judai then starts burning the Crimson Red's body just in case. They went outside and looked around.

"Do you see anything?" Jill asks.

"All clear."

"Same here." Jill said.

"What do we do now?" He said.

"Hmm maybe we should look around here and see if there is anything that could fit the Medallion. I know it might not be here but might as well check." Jill said.

He shrugs. "Okay."

They then start checking the area but didn't find anything for the Medallion.

They then head back into the mansion.

"We need to find where it goes." He said.

"We should ask Rebecca if she seen anything. Richard too if he is awake." Jill said.

"Ok if you want." Judai said.

They then head towards where Rebecca and Richard were staying.

"How's it going?" Jill said.

"Richard is recovering ok so far thankfully. I found some medicine in the room to help with his healing process." Rebecca said.

He nodded.

"Rebecca have you seen something that is missing something with this shape?" Jill asks showing her the Medalllion.

She got confused and didn't know.

"No I didn't." She said.

"It was worth a try." Jill mutters.

"Either way just stay there." He said.

"I know. Before you two go any injuries?" Rebecca asks.

"I think Jill had some." He points.

"Then sit down so I can treat them." Rebecca said to Jill making her nod and sit. Rebecca then starts treating her wounds.

Judai leans against a wall as he looks to the side.

Jill winces as Rebecca applies certain pressure and medicine and her wounds.

"Hey isn't that a part bellow the staircase in main hall?" Rebecca said.

"Yeah there is." Jill said with a nod.

"Maybe it fits there." Rebecca tried to help.

"Could be." Jill said as she and Judai decides to check there. Rebecca finishes the treatment.

"You're good to go." She said.

Jill nodded and Rebecca looks at Judai.

"Are you sure you didn't get hurt?" She asks him.

"I'm fine."

"Just let her check for any wounds." Jill said.

He sighs and let's her do it. Rebecca checks his body for any wounds thought there was a still blush on her face.

"What?" He said.

"You got a good amount of muscle." She said.

"It's normal." He said.

Rebecca doesn't see any injuries.

"You're all good." She said moving from him.

"Let's go." Judai goes out.

Jill nods as she follows him.

They arrived at the spot and used the metal and stone object on the door to open it, then they heard a scream in the distance.

"Was that Rebecca?!" Jill exclaims in worry.

"No, that's more mounstrous." He frowns.

"Great. So that means we have a monster besides zombies." Jill said.

"We already fought a snake so it isn't surprising." He said.

"True." Jill admits.

They went through the door and arrived outside leading a path, and it was raining.

"Damn its raining." Jill said.

They went forward and saw a cabin in the distance.

"A cabin? I wonder if there is anything in there?" Jill questions.

"We'll have to check." He said.

They heads towards the cabin while keeping a eye and ear out for anything.

They entered and saw the place was empty but theres a fire lit in the fireplace.

"Someone was here." Jill said as the fire in the fire place had to be lit sometime ago.

They went up a few stairs to check another part and Judai saw a picture frame.

He picks it up and looks at it.

He saw a man and woman with a daughter, he frowns at the scene.

Jill sees this and looks at the picture too.

"A couple and their child?" Jill said.

"Yes." He said.

"The owners of this cabin or the mansion?" Jill questions.

"Or something else. What did you find here?" He said.

"Just ammo and stuff." Jill said.

They heard a chain.

Judai signals her to be quiet.

He goes slowly and he heard footsteps, Jill readies her gun just in case. Judai dodges a swing making him jump back.

Jill then remembers a radio transmission she gotten before they came to the cabin as the monster shows it. It had a covering on its head that was ripped to show a eye and the hands were in shackles.

She roars at them.

"Judai this might be the monster from the transmission." Jill said.

"Then let's get out of here." He pushes her off the railing.

Lisa grunts as she lands on the ground on her back.

"Go!" Judai said.

Jill nods as she moves.

They went out of the cabin as the woman grunts.

"She wasn't a zombie but something else." Jill said.

"It seems it's a weird experiment." He said.

"How long has this been going on?" Jill questions.

"I don't know, they have been doing this for a long time." He said.

"They will be brought to justice." Jill swears.

"If you can do it." He said.

"You're right. If I can." Jill said unsure a bit on how she can.

"Let's just find go back, I found a map of the courtyard." He shows it off.

"That will be handy." Jill said.

He nodded and they walked back to the mansion.

"I wonder if that suit of yours could affect her." Jill said.

"I'm not sure, since she doesn't seem mindless." He said.

"Could she be reason with then?" Jill questions.

"I think she's full of anger."

"So that means we can't unless she calms down." Jill said frowning.

"Let's just continue." He said.

"You're right. Hopefully she doesn't come into the mansion." Jill said.

They went inside and walked to the other side. They arrived at a dormitory and looked around the place.

They found some ammo and some herbs.

Judai senses and jumps back avoiding a vine trying to attack him.

One vines tries to attack Jill but she dodges it.

"Back away from the holes." He said.

"Yeah." Jill said in agreement.

They walked to the other sides and they heard someone talking.

They listen in while keeping quiet.

"I don't know why, why take down all of Stars?"

This makes Jill silently gasps.

Judai frowns.

"No! that wasn't a part of our deal! Destroying S.T.A.R.S. isn't necessary!" The man said.

Judai looks at her.

"What about my family?!" The man shouts.

They got surprised to hear that.

"If I played my cards right." The man said in a tone that sounds defeated.

Judai looks at Jill.

"I know that voice." Jill whispers to him.

He motions her and they went to the door.

They open the door and walk in.

"Jill!" The man said walking towards them.

"Barry." She said.

Barry then notices Judai.

"Who is he?" Barry asks.

"This is Judai, someone that I found."

"I see." Barry said.

"Barry we heard someone talking." Jill said.

"Yes." Judai said.

"Oh, you heard." Barry said as he turns around. "I think age is starting to take its toll."

"So you were talking to yourself?" Judai said.

"Its becoming a bad habit." Barry said learning forward on a table.

"Talking to yourself? You alright?" Jill asks. "What's gotten into you?"

"I'm getting you worried aren't I?" Barry said getting off the table.

Judai looks around for anybody without them looking.

"But don't. I'm alright!" Barry said turning around and looking at the books for a minute. "I guess this creepy mansion has gotten on my nerves."

She got worried about him.

"Anyway, I think I'll go outside and get some fresh air for a change." Barry said.

He goes out and Judai frowns as he watches him leave.

Jill tries to follow him but Barry stops.

"Don't worry! I'm just going to get some fresh air. If I'm lucky I can waste some monsters along the way." He said before leaving completely.

"Theres something off." Judai said.

"Yeah. Is someone threating his family or holding them hostage?" Jill wonders.

"I am not sure, but theres something going on." He goes to check the room.

Jill also checks the room.

"Anything?" He asked her.

"I found some papers that seems to be a report." Jill said.

"A report?" Judai looks at her.

"Yes. Seems like those vines are from a plant they injected with something called the T-Virus." Jill said.

Judai frowns hearing that before he looks out. "Then we'll have to be careful."

"Yeah. T-Virus. I think that it might be what they used to create the zombies." Jill said.

"Possibley, but we'll have to take care of the plant attacking us." He said.

"We'll need to cut instead of shooting the vines." Jill said.

"Or, burn them." He said.

"There is that too. By the way how are you doing on fuel?" Jill asks.

"I got spares." He said.

"How many? We might end up most of them on the plant." Jill said.

"I got twenty." He said.

"That's a lot." Jill said in surprise.

"I'm always ready." He said.

"Did you find anything on your end?" She asks.

"Just a emergency pistol." He shows it.

"Well another gun is good to have since we can have it loaded and switch to it instead of reloading if we need to." Jill said.

"It's one shot only." He said.

"Seriously? It better have some serious firepower then." Jill said.

"Magnum round." He said.

Jill whistles in surprise.

"Definity a powerful gun," Jill said.

He puts it away.

"It would be good incase we come across those Crimson Heads." Jill said.

"A head shot strong enough to blow they're heads off." He said.

Jill nods.

"And burning the body for good measure." She said.

"If the head is destroyed theres no need. Don't waste materials if you get a lucky shot." He frowns.

"You're right." Jill said.

He goes out.

Jill follows after him since there was nothing else in the room though she took the papers with her to hopefully use as evidence.

He looks around and said: "The main doors are locked in one room so we need to find another way."

"Too bad we can't break them down." Jill said.

He goes down a hallway before a big wasp came out surprising them.

It charges at them causing Jill to shoot it down.

"Great, now the bugs are getting bigger." He grunts.

"What's next? Slugs?" Jill mutters.

He stares at her

"What?" She questions.

"Don't you dare jinx it you idiot." He frowns.

"Don't call me a idiot. Besides its not a jinx when they could have done that." Jill said.

"I'll call you whatever I want. And I rather not deal with slugs." He goes away

Jill sighs at his attitude.

She follows him and Saw a hive behind a hole and he burns it.

"Is that the only one?" Jill wonders.

"Since there isn't more flying around most likely." He said.

"Good. I would hate to be stung by one." Jill said.

He goes forward and he looks around as he heard noises, he shoots through a door.

This surprises Jill as she readies her gun.

A zombie falls down after the door opened dead.

"There was one there?" Jill questions in surprise.

"They're everywhere, so don't expect what is seen." He said.

Jill nods in understanding as Judai then burns the body.

He then goes inside a room and checks a bookshelf for any secrets.

She helps by searching other places.

He pulls on a book and it moves revealing a ladder.

"Another secret entrance." Jill said.

He goes down first and sees a hallway in the distance.

"What do you see?" Jill asks.

"A tunnel." He said.

"A tunnel?" Jill questions as she heads down too.

They went forward and st a room filled with water with a few platforms and bridges.

"This is weird." Jill said.

They saw Richard on the other side.

"Richard!" Jill said in surprise.

"Guys get out!" He said.

"Why?" Jill questions.

He sees something and pushes them back as a shark eats him.

"Richard!" Jill exclaims in shock and horror.

"Theres undead sharks." Judai frowns.

"You got to be kidding me." Jill said rubbing her head.

More came making the two run to the other side.

"How insane are these bastards?!" Jill shouts.

"It doesn't matter right now! Get to that room!" He points at a door.

Both of them rushes to the room as the Zombie Sharks tried to get them.

They entered the room and avoided the sharks.

"Richard." Jill said sadly at losing a friend.

"We can't do anything now." Judai said.

She nods sadly before giving a moment of silence for her fallen friend.

Judai goes forward to check and saw a computer with a glass window with water on the other side.

He goes over to it and turns it on.

But then a big shark called the Neptune crashed against the window making it start to crack.

"Seriously?!" Jill exclaims in disbelief.

"Activate the other side, we gotta close this!" He ordered her.

She nods as they quickly tried to close the window.

They pressed many valves and buttons as the window cracked more.

"Come on!" Jill said hoping it stops or slows down until they could cover it.

Then the window got covered by a metal cover stopping it.

"Thank god." Jill sighs in relief.

"That thing is outside, we gotta drain the water." Judai said.

"There might be a way here or some info on how." Jill said looking around the room.

Judai just checks the computer for anything.

While he was doing that Jill checks her weapons to make sure they were good to go.

He finda the button and drains the water.

"The water's gone now. That should have taken out the sharks too." Jill said.

They went to a different room and saw the big shark lying down near a broken machine.

"Is it dead?" Jill wonders as she keeps a gun aimed at it.

He goes to the other side and jumps to the platform, the neptune lunges but he steps back.

Jill shoots at it trying to take out a eye.

"Save your ammo!" Judai said.

"Do you got a plan?!" Jill shouts.

He kicks a broken machine ti the water bellow him and it zaps the shark.

The shark roars in pain from this.

Then it dies with it's body smoking.

"Thank god that worked." Jill said relieved.

He shrugs.

"Please let that be the last time we deal with a shark." Jill said.

"You have to jinx us every time." He grunts.

"I am not jinxing us!" Jill said a bit angerly at his comment.

He activates a switch and gets a few things from there, he walks towards Jill and splashes her with some of the water.

"Hey!" She shouts as she splashes water at him.

He got mad and tackles her down to the water.

"Hey!" She said angrily as Judai accidentally touched her breast.

He stares at it but didn't care much so he takes it off.

Jill had a blush of anger and embarrassment.

"Only reason why I am not going to slap you is because you did saved me." Jill said.

"Do you think I wanted to do that?" He said.

"And that is also a factor." Jill said.

He grunts and leaves the room.

Jill leaves the room too but not before giving one last look of sadness at the room where she lost a friend.

They went back to the dorms looked at a lock door with Judai taking out a key he found.

Jill readies her gun as Judai unlocks it.

They went inside but theres a giant plant on the ceiling.

"This must have be that plant from the report." Jill said.

It swings it's fine making them avoid it.

They rolled out of the way of its attack.

He saw a grenade launcher. "Look."

"What are the chances of that?" Jill questions as she grabs it.

She then saw incediary rounds inside of there.

"Someone must have tried to get it but got killed." Judai said.

"Still lucky for us that it still has some ammo." Jill said as she tries to figure out the plant's weak spots.

"Go up the stairs." He points.

She nods as she does so.

She then shoots many rounds against the plant.

She then shoots many rounds against the plant.

The plant lashes out at her.

Judai takes out his gun to shoot at the vines destroying them.

Jill smiles as she keeps firing at the plant.

They kept going as the planet grunted before it starts to burn.

"Its burning. Just need a little more." Jill mutters as she checks her ammo.

He saw some ammo and throws it at her. "Catch!"

Jill catches it. "Thanks!"

She then shoots it again as it screeches before failing down.

"Did that do it?" Jill wonders as she reloads.

"Yes." Judai checks it.

"Good." Jill said relieved.

"Well check what's inside of here." He said.

Jill nods as the two start looking for items.

Judai looks and wonders who else they made the things here. As this plant brings some bad memories.

"I found some ammo." Jill said.

"Is that all?" He said.

"A key." Jill shows him.

He takes it. "Maybe this will unlock something back at the mansion."

"Hopefully answers." Jill said.

They went out but heard gun shots.

Both of them moves quickly to where they heard the gun shots.

They saw Wesker taking a zombie down.

"Captain." Jill said relieved.

"Jill you're alive." He said.

"It seems you found a civilian." He said.

"Yes. His name is Judai and he's been helping me survive this place." Jill said.

"Well this place should be restricted to all civilians." Wesker said.

"Sir to be honest I don't think that matters right now since there is actually zombies here." Jill said.

"Maybe. Also it seems Barry has been acting strange lately." He said.

"Yeah I noticed. He said its because of this mansion which I can hardly blamed him since there is zombies and other monsters in this place." Jill said as this kind of stress was crazy.

"Well keep an eye on him. Also why don't you go back to the mansion to check." Wesker said

"Are you sure captain? Shouldn't we stick together?" Jill questions.

"I have to check something, don't worry about me." He goes off.

"Wait Captain! Richard he-he is gone." Jill said solemnly.

"I see. I'll have to alert the others after finding them." He leaves.

"Hopefully he will be alright." Jil said.

Judai narrows his eyes something seems off.

"I hope Chris and Barry is ok. Wait Rebecca!" Jill exclaims.

"Let's go." Judai walks to the door.

Jill follows after him wondering is Rebecca is ok.

They went to the mansion through the back door but then Judai senses something coming back.

Jill notices him stopping.

"What is it?" She asks.

They heard the door open and they looked back to see a Lizarda creature called a Hunter come out and it roars.

"What the hell?!" Jill shouts before firing at it.

It jumps at them grabbing Judai as he wrestled with the thing trying to keep it's claws off.

"Judai!" Jill shouts as she takes out a knife and stabs the hunter in the back.

It screeches before he kicks it away.

"You ok?" Jill asks as she fires at the Hunter.

"Yeah yeah." He shoots it with the faiz gun.

The Hunter screeches in pain and fury.

It jumps to claw at them but Judai spin kicks it away.

"How tough is this thing?!" Jill questions.

"Just shoot it!" He shoots it in the head many times and it falls down before twitching and dying.

"What was that thing?" Jill questions.

"I don't know and I don't care. I just want to get this over with." He frowns.

"Same. I just want to survive and get home." Jill said.

They went out and Judai looks around at the main hall.

Jill also looks around keeping a eye out for anything.

They then heard a scream.

"That scream. Rebecca?" Jill questions in worry.

He runs to where it is, with Jill following him.

Jill prepares her weapons for whatever monster they're about to face.

They arrived at a room to see Rebecca backed against a wall as a Hunter walks towards her.

Jill quickly shoots at it making it roar in pain.

Judai then kicks it to the side, the Hunter growls angrily. It claws at Judai as the young man dodges them, Judai then kicks it in the head. Then he shoots it in the head making a headshot.

The Hunter then falls down dead, he looks at Rebecca as Jill goes to check on her.

"Rebecca are you ok?" Jill asks in concern not wanting to lose another friend.

"Yes." She was nervous.

"Any wounds?" Jill asks.

"No, I got lucky." She said.

"Good." Jill said in relieve.

"We should go." He said.

"You're right. Rebecca can you walk?" Jill asks her.

She nodded and slowly stands up.

"We should stick together." Rebecca said before realizing something. "Have you seen Richard?"

"Rebecca he. He was killed by undead sharks this place had and no I am not joking." Jill said.

Rebecca frowns and she wobbles a bit.

"She will just get in danger, go rest in a room." Judai said.

Rebecca bits her lip but nods.

They take her to a room before they went off.

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