Deku: Hero of Yardrat (Dragon...

By BannTheMann

113K 2.3K 683

Izuku Midoriya is a young quirkless boy with desires to become a hero even though everyone treats him less th... More

You're an Alien?!?
Spirit control training
Entrance Exam
First day at UA
Heated battle between rivals
Force Spirit Fission
Training across the Galaxy
The Festival begins!
Cavalry Battle
Verses Shinso
First round
Verses Todoroki
Quarter-Final Round
Verses Iida
Semi-Final Round
The Final battle between rivals
Time to Pick Some Names
King Kai
Verses Stain
A Villain from the Stars
A Battle's end
Fighting All Might?
Enter Dekchan
Power Creep
Training begins
Verses Muscular
Dekchan vs All for One
Divine Instincts
The Dragon Balls
Intro and Outro #1
Targeting U.A.
Final exams
Deku vs Lemillion
Resurrection C
The New Emperor of the Universe
Rescue Eri
Eri's happiest day
History of Izumi
At Long Last, Love
Limit Breaker
Deku and Bakugo vs Izumi and Todoroki
Unlikely Ally
Outro #2
Izumi's awakening
Izuku arrives
Family Kamehameha
Back to the Future
Outro #3
God of Destruction, Awakens!
Before Creation comes Destruction
The Tree of Might
Awaken the Beast inside
Intro #2
Earth meets the Galactic Patrol
Shigaraki: The New Prince of Destruction
The Legendary battle between Rivals
Instinct and Ego vs All for One
Intro #3
Enter Katzuku: The Ultimate Fusion
The Final Trump Card! The Super Spirit Bomb!

Farewell Izuku Midoriya! Till we meet again!

269 15 12
By BannTheMann

It has been 7 years since the defeat of the Prince of Destruction, Tomura Shigaraki and the world has seen relative peace ever since with Midoriya and his friends gradulating and becoming full fledged Pro-Heroes, Just where were they now?

In the middle of the forest, Nature was florishing on a bright sunny day but something mischievous in the bushes, A Tiger hides in the bush looking at its prey which is a lone deer who is completely unaware of the danger it is in.

Just a second later the Tiger leeps out of the bush to try and attack the deer who isnt fast enough to avoid the Tigers attack but suddenly..

The Tiger was suddenly bumped in the head as he slammed his head into something as if he had jumped right into a brick wall.

"Hehe, Not so fast Mr. Tiger"  the certain thing that stopped the tiger turned out to be a man in his mid to late 20s with green hair, faded freckles and a small nearly invisble bit of facial hair on his chin. He also was wearing a dark green gi with some baggy bottoms in a slighty more saturated green with yellow wrist bands.

This man was none other then Izuku Midoriya or better known as "Deku", The number one hero of Japan and reguarded internationally as the savior of Earth.

He looked back and smiled at the Tiger who was scared away by Midoriya's presense as was the Deer who ran away.

"Now where was I...Oh yeah! Izumi where are you?" Midoriya called out.

Suddenly Midoriya felt a sudden weight appear on his shoulders and he looks up.

"Hehe...did I suprise you?" The girl chuckled, she looked to be no older than 4 and had long green spikey hair, It was none other than Izuku's own daughter Izumi.

"Yeah you got me alright" Izuku chuckled, He could sense her a mile away but it was fun playing suprised around his daughter.

They both shared a laugh as Izuku carried Izumi over his shoulders as they walked through the forest.

"Hey Papa..Whats so special about this place?" Izumi asked.

"This place? This is where me and your Uncle Kacchan used to play Hero all the time when we were your age" Izuku said as he remembered back to his childhood, back when everything was so much simpler..

Izumi gasped "You mean you and Matsu's Dad used to play Hero? Wow! Where you Hero or Villain?" Asked the young girl.

"Well...neither really I got to play as the civilian because I didnt have a quirk and I was a pretty frail looking guy" Izuku replied, While the bullying deffinetly took a tole on him and his relationship with Katsuki after he was diagnosed quirkless he still had fond memories.

Izuku talked as they walked over the log he and his friends used to walk over.

"B-But you trained right? then you shoot cool laser beams like the big bang attack!" Izumi imitated the move with her hands.

Izuku couldnt help but laugh "Nah back when I was your age there was no idea of what Ki was to basically everyone on Earth, It wasnt until I was 14 where I met Master Pybara and introduced me to Ki" The Senior Midoriya said.

"Woah.." Izumi said, She couldnt imagine a world without Ki as if its like an alien concept.

"Anyways we should get you back home, Your Momma is gonna finish her shift in a bit" Midoriya said.

"Yay! Oh wait can you get us there super quickly!" Asked Izumi.

"Yeah but Im fairly certain you can do that to, You're the little girl who travelled across the entire earth in 15 minutes afterall" Izuku replies smirking.

"Awww but you can do that in negative seconds!" Izumi says feeling let down.

"Awww alright if you want that.." Izuku then digged his feet into the ground "Hold on tight.." he smirked before suddenly in less then a fraction of a picosecond they where at their home.

For the number one heroes house what do you expect? a super mansion? a large skyscraper penatrating the clouds like All Might tower? 

Well throw those expectations out of the window as the Midoriya household was in a remote grass area in the middle of what seems to be nowhere situated near a lake and right by that some farmland.

"WOW THAT WAS SO AMAZING! DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN!" Izumi said with exictement.

Izuku chuckles "Ah calm down Izumi, You'll have dinner to eat in a bit. remember that giant fish papa brought?" he puts Izumi on the ground as they walk into the house, in the living room he turns on the TV as Izumi rushes right infront of it to see the latest Hero news in pure exictement as Izuku goes to the kitchin and puts on a arpon.

He grabs a capsule and throws it on the kitchin side to reveal a MASSIVE fish which takes up the entire counter.

Midoriya closes his eyes as he throws the fish into the air before jumping into the air and cutting the fish into over 50 pieces with them landing on the plate effortlessly.

Right as he is about to go onto the next step Izumi appears in the room.

"Papa a woman is outside looking for you!" Izumi said full of energy.

"Oh alright Ill go now" Izuku said as he walked to the front entrance to see a woman in a suit with brown hair tucked into a pony tail with a blindfold covering one of her eyes.

"Eyyyyy Tanaka long time no see" Izuku said with a casually laid back tone as if reuniting with an old friend, Tanaka was apart of Midoriyas first classes at U.A. when he started teaching and was a star pupil of his thanks to her intelligence and gifted quirk to slice anything to a molecular level with a sword and more, unfortunatly after an incident involving a Villain who could reflect attacks she lost an eye because of it.

Tanaka didnt exactly respond in the same tone which is to be expected as she always speaks in a molotone voice "Ah Sensei Midoriya, It was hard tracking you down...first of all farming really? Man of your talents?" Tanaka replied.

"Its a peaceful life, outside of the medias attention" Izuku replied shrugging.

"Yeah and second of all what the hell are you wearing" Tanaka said pointing down to the apron, It had the Pro-Hero Uravity's hero costume colours on.

"Well I was cooking...I guess you didnt come here to check up on me no?" Midoriya said awkwardly before changing the subject.

"Yeah U.A. was wondering if you were gonna be making an apperence at the Sports festival, It would really help if you did" Tanaka said while pulling out a ciggarete.

"Hmmm maybe but I was thinking of having some family time.." Izuku pondered.

"Wait Papa will Matsu and Uncle Kacchan be there?" Izumi said pulling her Fathers arm.

"Well yes, They will be there" Tanaka said responding to Izumi.

"Canwecanwecanwecanwecanwe" Izumi said with exictement with her words.

"Hehe eh..alright we'll go" Izuku caved in smirking.

"Yayyyy!" Izumi cheered.

"Alright we'll be there" Izuku turned to Tanaka who noded.

Suddenly a woman appeared with long brown hair and black and white space suit esc hero suit, Its none other then Izukus wife and Mother of Izumi,  Ochako Midoriya!

"Honey im home-" Ochako said but was caught off guard by everyone already being there with Izumi rushing over to her.

"We're going to the Sports Festival!" Izumi cheered leaving Ochako confused a bit but Midoriya gave her a nervous smirk.

"Hehe we had a quick change of plans" Izuku chuckled.

Ochako responded with a warm smile.


The Midoriya family arrived at the Sports festival where thousands of people go and went espcially with different shops and contraptions as if it was a funfair.

Izumi was laying on Izukus shoulders are they walked around with eyes drawing to them and honestly why wouldnt they be surpised to see the Number one hero and Number 7 Pro-Hero here.

"Oh Mama Papa look!" Izumi pointed to a strength tester, a classic staple of fun fairs and amusement parks.

"You wanna try?" Asked Ochako to her daughter.

"Yeah!" Izumi said exicted as Izuku put her on the ground where she can run to the contraption.

"O-Oh Deku and Uravity! its a honor to meet you!" Said the employee working at the strength tester who seemed to be a big fan.

"Heh thanks, Can my little girl have a try?" Asked Izuku.

"O-Of course right this way" The Employee said as they walked towards the strength tester.

Izumi was handed the hammer with onlookers finding the little Izumi adorable.

Izumi walked up to the machine and raised the hammer over her head "ahhhhhh!" Izumi let out a small scream as she raised the hammer into the air before slamming the machine.

The numbers didnt just hit the ceiling of the machine, no it broke the machine entirely as the meter estimator was sent flying into the sky to the point that no one could see it leaving the audiance in awe at the fact this little girl possessed so much power.

" Wow Izumi you nearly launched it into space hehe" Izuku chuckled as Izumi celebrated.

"Well arent you driving attention to yourself, What I thought you wanted to be out of the public eye?" Suddenly a man appeared behind Izuku who was surpised by that voice as he turns arond to see a man Izuku knows all to well.

He had short but spikey hair, red eyes and a five o'clock shadow beard with him wearing a brown leather jacket, orange T-Shirt and tan jeans.

It was Katsuki Bakugo, Better known as Dynamight the Number 2 hero in Japan.

The audiance surrounding them suddenly pulled out cameras and took pictures of the two with many cheering at them meeting.

Who would win in a battle between them two is a highley debated topic among fans of Deku and Dynamight to the point that people have wanted a 1v1 match between the two.

"Oh hey Katsuki, How's it been?" Izuku turns around smirking at his best friend.

"Heh just the usual..I see Izumi has been growing strong" Katsuki said as he and Izuku stare at Ochako buying ice cream for Izumi from the Ice cream man.

"Yeah shes been growing strong, espically as of recently" Izuku stares proudly at his little girl.

"Well she has small hints of Godly energy no doubt because of you and also the fact she is the reincarnation of Lord Slug" Katsuki commented.

"Yeah that scares me alot sometimes but it also makes me so exicted for how strong she can become" Izuku added.

"So hows Matsu? Has his quirk developed fully yet?" Izuku asked as they turn their attention to a Shooting Gallery where a boy with spikey pink hair and a duel yellow and red eyes, This was Matsu Bakugo the son of Katsuki Bakugo and Mei Bakugo.

 The boy then perfectly shot all the targets in mere seconds with the shopkeeper in awe.

"Well erh...choose anything you want sir" Said the shopkeepr as the boy silently nodded and grabbed onto the giant Todoroki plush which was about the same size of him.

"AWWWW THATS MY SUPER SPECIAL BABY" Said a woman cuddling onto the boy being none other then Mei Bakugo, She had long pink dreadlocks and was wearing a white labcoat and grey jumper under it.

Katsuki smirked proudly "Yeah its developing alright"

Mei then turns to see Izuku "IZUKKU!" Then at a sudden speed she rushed to and hugged Izuku who barley maintained his balance as she hugged him until they pulled back.

"Hey Mei its been awhile hows the business going?" Izuku asked Mei.

"You mean Hatsume Corperation? well its amazing that I get to invent anything I want!..well except for all the stupid business stuff I have to do.." Mei said first starting in her overly exicted way of speaking before deflating when she is talking about business.

Matsu walks over to the 3 talking until he and Izumi meet eyes from far apart.

"Huh...MATSU!" Izumi said running over to meet her best friend.

"Oh..Hi Izumi" Matsu said in a more researved manner, He is never one to be overley social atleast not to Izumis calliber.

Katsuki and Izuku watches the pair talk and play together until Katsuki looks at his watch.

"I think the final matches of the Sports Festival are starting soon, We should probably get in there before its too late" Katsuki said.

"Hm yeah sure" Izuku replied.


The Midoriya and Bakugo family arrived in the Sports Festival stadium to much appluse at their appeaence as they sat on the top seats.

"Ah Izuku and Katsuki, Its nice that you joined us" Said a familiar voice as their eyes drift to see none other than Number 3 Pro-Hero Shoto Todoroki who had his hair tucked into a man bun while wearing his signature blue hero costume and right next to him is Number 6 Pro-Hero Momo Todoroki who had her hair down and was also wearing her hero costume but it was different compared to her past interations of her costume resembling a sports bra and also had a red cape.

Right in the middle of them was two kids both of them shy hugging onto Momo's leg with the two of them having two different hair colours similarly to how Todoroki has Red and White hair.

The Elder one was a girl with white and black hair in a hair style similar to what Momo had in her teen years and also had light blue eyes.

The Younger one was a boy with Red and Black hair with similar hairstyle to what todoroki had back in his teen years.

These where no doubt the children of Shoto and Momo.

"Come on Rin and Kai come and meet Izumi and Matsu over here" Momo said.

Izumi and Matsu approched the pair with Izumi making the first move.

"Hi im Izumi Midoriya! Nice to meet ya!" Izumi said reaching her hand out to the elder sister who looked at the hand in almost disgust before reaching out.

"...Rin Todoroki" The White-Black haired girl said shaking her hand.

"And whos that?" Matsu said pointing at Kai.

"Thats Kai, He doesnt like speaking to other people" Rin replied back introducing her little brother to the other two.

"Ohhhh" Izumi said becoming even more interested.

"Hey kids the match is about to start" Izuku replied to the kids as Izuku watched in antisipation.

Momo smirked "As fanboyish over seeing peoples quirks as always huh" she chuckled.

"WELCOME BACK LITTLE LISTENERS, THIS IS THE FINAL ROUND OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Suddenlu Present Mic could be heard over the radio with people cheering in antisipation.

"FOR THE FINALS WE HAVE 3RD YEARS SON GOKU AND VEGETA LEIGH!" Present Mic yelled to the surpise of the group there.

"Ohhhhh its been a while since I heard from those two" Izuku says exicted.

"Yeah I trained Vegeta last year, Wondering who he will pick this time" Wondered Katsuki.

"Yeah I got Goku last year too" Shoto replied back.

"Awww why dont I get Goku or Vegeta" Izuku frowned almost cartoonishly.

The two students walked onto the stadium arena and approched eachother.

"This will be the tiebreaker" Goku Jr. said.

"I beat you on our first year and you beat me on our second year at U.A. , I will be the one to claim victory this time" Vegeta Jr. said pointing to himself (Oh no)

"Not if I have anything to say about it" Goku Jr. smirked.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" Yelled Present Mic and at that very moment the both of them transformed into Super Saiyan and started moving around the ring at faster than light speeds.

No one was able to keep up besides the Pro-Heroes watching..and also Mei, Matsu and Izumi thanks to the first twos amazing eye sight and Izumis pure power allowing her to see so.

The two percentage saiyans contiuned to go across the entire arena exchanging blows and Ki attacks as they seem evenly matched.

Goku Jr. landed a kick to the gut on Vegeta Jr. but the decedent of the Prince laughed as he grabbed onto his implanted leg and tried throwing him out of the area only for Goku Jr. to fire a Kamehameha out of his feet shocking everyone as they didnt think that was possible giving Goku Jr. the time to headbut Vegeta in the chest at the cost of his now broken shoes.

"Awww Grandma is gonna be mad, that was her Dads pair" Goku Jr. said to himself as he took them off and thrown them to the side.

Vegeta jr. growled that he got caught off guard by that "Grrr take this GALICK CANNON!" Vegeta Jr. yelled firing the attack which Goku Jr. barley jumped out of the way of as the blast was heading directly at the audiance who panicked as the blast hit them but it never did as suddenly a green shield appeared and protected them.

Mei chuckles "Hehe looks like my shield technology came in useful huh?" Mei chuckles as her invention was used.

As Future Heroes got stronger it was logical precautions had to be made espcially in the sports festival when there are civilians around so thats where Hatsume Corperation came in to apply U.A. and many other hero schools with the most up to date technology in order to ensure safety which gave Mei some pride.

"Hey Vegeta, You wanna go to the next level?" Asked Goku Jr.

"Hehe sure Ive been preparing for this HAAAAAAAAAAA" Suddenly Vegeta Jr. let out a scream and transformed into Super Saiyan 2.

"HAAAAA" Goku Jr. responded in kind also transforming into Super Saiyan 2 with them then charging at eachother and engaing in a struggle as they wrestle hands together.

"Grrrr this is getting annoying!" Vegeta Jr. said as he headbutted Goku Jr. in the face.

"Ow! that hurt!" Goku Jr. yelled in annoyance.

"Well duh its suppose to" Vegeta Jr. said still having a red mark on his forehead.

The two engaged in battle trading blows for some time before suddenly.

"Stop!" Vegeta Jr. said pointing his hand out.

"Huh whats the matter getes?" Goku Jr. asked.

"You're hiding something arent you?" Said Vegeta Jr. demandingly.

"Huh me? Why would I be hiding something?" Goku Jr. said shocked and also getting a bit nervous.

"I have a feeling that your holding back, how dare you make a fool out of me!" Vegeta Jr. yelled at his fellow Saiyan.

"Hey hey calm down I......Alright here I go full power..for real this time" Goku Jr said as he flew up into the air and started charging energy.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GRRRRR AHHHHH" Goku Jr. lets out the roar of a oozaru as he charegd energy with the stadium shaking.

"W-Woah" Said Ochako struggling to maintain balance alongside the others..well besides Mei who was starring at the barrier.

"ohhhh come on Son Goku! Show the limits to my babies!" Mei said almost exicted.

"GRRRRRRRR A-ALMOST THERE" Said the struggling decendent of Goku gritting his teeth.

Meanwhile Vegeta Jr. was looking in shock "N-No way he's accendent to that level?" Vegeta jr. stuttered.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" With one final roar Goku Jrs transformartion was complete letting out a bright light and not before long everyone could see Goku Jr. now with long golden hair...and no eyesbrows.

"No way Goku actually did it!" Izuku said exicted writing in his notebook.

"Heh you still write in that thing?" Asked Katsuki.

"Yeah..Im thinking of publishing it somewhere, Y'know being a novelist was my backup plan if I didnt become a Hero without a quirk" Izuku remarks and chuckles.

"Oh really? Y'know I could see that" Katsuki smirks.

Back at the fight Vegeta Jr. stands in awe.

"Want me to dial it back a bit getes?" Goku Jr. comments.

Vegeta Jr. grits his teeth before turning to Goku Jr. smiling "No way im backing down, NOT YET!" Vegeta Jr. said flairing his aura and charging at Goku Jr. causing a bright light to appear from their clash.

When the light settled it revealed Goku Jr. gut punching Vegeta Jr. with the decendent of the Prince detransforming to base as he felt the punch of someone 4x as strong as him.

"Looks like the tiebreaker goes to me" Goku Jr. said as he caught his fellow saiyan before he could hit the ground with him also detransforming to base.

"Oh...WELL IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A WINNER OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL AND ITS SON GOKU!" Present Mic yelled over the mic to the applause of the audiance.

Afterwards came the award ceremony where Deku and Dynamight personally gave the top 3 students medals for their hard work and acheivements.

Thats when suddenly chanting could be heard from the crowd.





 The chanting said as Izuku and Katsuki could see groups of fans in the audiance.

"Oh I think they want us to settle THAT debate huh" Katsuki said looking at Izuku.

"Hmmm you wanna please them?" Izuku says with a smirk.

"Sure, Ive been wanna to punch you in the face since I got here" Katsuki said with an evil grin forming on his face.

Izuku flies up to Aizawa and Present Mic "So how about it?" Izuku asked the two.

"Mmm well this was supposed to be for the students you dont wanna steal the-" Suddenly he was bashed over by Present Mic.


"...Fine" Aizawa sighs..He's getting too old for this...

Izuku gives them a thumbs up before he and Katsuki fly towards the arena, This arena was all too familiar to them at this point as it was the center of many character growing and limit breaking moments beteween the two from their first year at the Sports festival and also their battle during Shigaraki attempted conquest.

"THATS RIGHT FOKES THIS IS AN HISTOTIC MOMENT, THE LONG AWAITED BATTLE BETWEEN DEKU AND DYNAMIGHT IS HERE!" Present Mic yelled at the top of his longs as the audiance went wild.

Uraraka sighs "Those boys never change" 

"Come on Dad beat Uncle Kacchans butt!" Izumi said being the complete opposite of her mother.

"Nah my Dad would totally beat Uncle Deku, he literally gets stronger everytime you hit him!" Matsu replied back.

The two would engage in the classic childhood topic of "My Dad could beat your Dad"

"Well you cant really stop them cant ya?" Mei said holding Ochakos shoulder smirking.

"Yeah I guess I can let him have his fun, He was such a worrier when I was pregnant with Izumi you know? He done all the chores, cooking and even managed my hero paperwork for me even when I said I didnt mind" Uraraka said chuckling.

"He can have his fun before he finds out about this one" Ochako smiles as she holds her stomach which makes Mei gasp at the sudden reveal.

"Alright Kacchan, Lets do this" Izuku said as he started warming up and stretching.

"Yeah come on.." Katsuki said while also warming up and throws his jacket to the side.

"But we should probably lay some ground rules, First no transformations" Izuku said lining out the rules.

"Yeah of course, If we were really to go all out we would need an entire planet to be our ring and I dont think even that could contain us" Katsuki smirks as Izuku chuckles back

 "Hehe You're probably right" Izuku said.

They get into their fighting poses with the aura around the two heroes being like none other, Not even Goku Jr. in Super Saiyan 3 could compare to these two in their base forms.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" Present Mic yelled.


In the afterlife a man with black spikey hair and a Blue Gi looked down at the ongoing fight between Izuku and Katsuki smiling as they went blow for blow, Who was he? His Name was Son Goku, The Saiyan from Earth who surpassed the Gods.

"Hehe Well look at them go" Goku chuckled as he watched the fight between the two rivals.


Well thats it, The end of Deku: Hero of Yardrat..

I have been working on this for how long now? 2-3 years probably?

Thank you all for staying with the story for so long and all the support which came with watching Midoriya and friends adventures from a shy 14 year old high schooler to a God rivalled only by the heavens above him.

This may be the end of this Fanfic but who knows? I May return to this Story someday but for now this is the end.

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