The Future

By Skyarcher07

249 3 5

In a peaceful world five years into the future in the Sonic Universe, Whisper, Tangle, and their unique child... More

First word
Their Time
6 years later


13 0 0
By Skyarcher07

Takes place in peace times in the Sonic Universe like 5 years in the future.

Whisper is an anthropomorphic wolf with biscotti fur that covers most of her body, and brown skin that covers her muzzle, inside of her ears, arms, upper torso, and front torso. She has thick black eyelashes and cloudy white fur around her eyes that resemble a mask. Her eyes are cadet blue, although they are often closed to the point of squinting. She wears light gray eyeshadow and has a long, bushy tail which ends in several tufts of fur sticking out in various directions. She also has a black nose, long-pointed ears and quite long hair that she keeps tied at the back in a ponytail with a black hair tie, save for a long, thick hair bang that covers her right eye. Her pointed cheeks are a little fluffy. Her fangs protrude from her mouth which is often in a natural frown. For attire, Whisper wears a cream-colored tube top, light gray leggings, and a dark gray cloak, in which she keeps six wisp canisters. The cloak also has black and dark gray pockets seen on the shoulders. A wedding ring can be seen on her right index finger.

Whisper wears an outfit geared towards combat despite it being peace times. This includes dark gray arm sleeves with black elbow pads, dark gray and light gray gloves with visible dark brown claws, and dark gray knee sleeves and black knee pads. She sports military-fashioned black, dark gray, and light gray boots. She can sometimes be seen wearing her cat-like ornate mask scope, which is cream, dark gray and light gray in color. Three holes are seen at the right side of the mask and a blue "eye" on the left side (though the color of the "eye" can vary depending on which Wisp power the Variable Wispon is using).

Whisper is a rather mysterious individual with a quiet and withdrawn personality. Very soft-spoken, she speaks only when the situation calls for it and, true to her name, in a very low volume, rarely uttering more than a few words at a time. Whisper used to be more outspoken, eloquent and joyful, but due to the trauma that Eggman and Mimic had caused her by ensuring the demise of her friends, she grew much more silent and reserved. Since then, she has been more shy, cautious and distrustful of others, preferring to be out of the spotlight and in hiding. She also values her personal space and limited her interactions with others, fearing that if she made new friends, she could not handle losing them too. When in social situations, Whisper usually exhibits a rather bashful side of herself. Despite this with Tangle and her relationship and it being peace times her old personality slowly has been coming back. A particular quirk about Whisper is that her eyes are squinting most of the time. She usually only opens them in moments of anger, distress or intense worry. Whisper is also a trained soldier, and thus, has experience fighting in war-like situations despite never joining the army.

Has a Variable Wispon, The Variable Wispon is a uniquely designed Wispon. Instead of being designed after the anatomy of a wisp, it is instead umbrella shaped. The bottom of it is hooked to allow users to grip it properly. Along the light gray neck of the weapon are two rounded white, black, and light blue studs. Very noticeably near the end of the Wispon is a large, rounded light blue, black, and white piece which has an open segment. The mouthpiece is quite long and gray in color, with a light blue end. The Variable Wispon is a very unique type of Wispon in more ways than one. Unlike standard Wispons, which are designed for clearing out crowds of robots, the Variable Wispon is designed for precision shots which cause less widespread damage, but more intense impacts. In addition, instead of being restricted to using just one specific breed of Wisp to power it, it can use the power of multiple Wisp breed. However, it can only house one Wisp breed at a time. When a Wisp is used they become pure energy. Depending on the Wisp powering it, the Variable Wispon can assume a specific weapon mode with its own unique power.

Described as pretty, Tangle is an anthropomorphic ring-tailed lemur (with the fur colors for the Coquerel's sifaka) with primarily light gray fur and orchid purple eyes. She possesses one eyelash on each eye, a small black nose and a long bushy tail with gray stripes. She also has gray fur around her muzzle and between her eyes, and dark gray fur around the sides of her eyes and on her eyelids and round ears. She also has extra fur on top of her head and chest, and small cheek tufts.

For attire, Tangle wears a short-sleeved black bodysuit with dark orange stripes down the sides, an amber sleeveless top, and detailed amber hi-tops with white laces and soles, black details, and dark orange cuffs. She also wears amber sports tape around her forearms and fingerless black gloves made of black sports tape with dark orange backings. A wedding ring can be seen on her left middle finger.

Tangle is loud, extroverted, and easily excitable, but also friendly, polite, helpful, and open. While having seen and overcome her own fair share of challenges in the form of Badniks, she is a novice heroine and the world still continues to amaze her. As such, she has seen little of the more outlandish subjects that exist out in the world, like a pyrokinetic princess from another dimension who guards fiery Emeralds. While such concepts tend to leave her speechless, she is nonetheless quick to be amazed by them. Whenever she sees or reflects on something exciting, she tends to get starry-eyed. When reacting to a sudden sound or event, the hairs on her tail stand up.

Because of her outings with Sonic and other heroes, Tangle grew bored of her life at home in Spiral Hill Village and would grow hyperactive staying there since she could not stand the peace and quiet, much preferring to see the world and experience thrilling adventures. At the same time, however, she admitted to Jewel that she was both paranoid and nervous about leaving her home behind, as the village would be left vulnerable without her and that she would not have anyone to watch her back. Despite her newfound boredom, she remains loyal to her hometown and has gone through with staying when necessary and ensuring its safety despite how she felt and eagerly returning to it after long adventures. Despite this she has agreed with Whisper to settle down in her hometown and focus on their relationship.

Tangle's main draw is a highly prehensile tail that she can use and manipulate in various ways as if it was a third arm for a variety of situations. In practice, her tail can whip, snap, grip, curl, and even make a hand to form a fist with. In addition, her tail can extend and contract at will like a rubber band, thus allowing her to wield it as a rope, a bungee cord, a slingshot, or even a pully for herself. By curling it up like a coil, Tangle can also use her tail like a spring to bounce around and can even use this same method of wrapping her tail around someone or something to subdue them. It also has enough strength to dent Badnik armor with a single strike. Physically, Tangle is very fit and agile, possessing the same level of athleticism as Sonic the Hedgehog.

Tangle appears to suffer from claustrophobia, causing her to panic when enclosed within small spaces. Her phobia is so severe that the resulting panic has caused her to pass out in the past.

Purr is a young 4-year-old anthropomorphic half wolf and half ring-tailed lemur due to them being Tangles and Whispers child.

Purr is a unique blend of both Whisper and Tangle's physical characteristics. They have biscotti fur that covers most of their body like Whisper, with gray fur around their muzzle and between their eyes, and dark gray fur around the sides of their eyes and on their eyelids and round ears like Tangle. Purr also has brown skin that covers their muzzle, inside of their ears, arms, upper torso, and front torso, giving them a distinctive mixed look. They have long, bushy tail with gray stripes, reminiscent of Tangle's tail, and a mix of long-pointed ears and round ears, taking after both of their parents.

For clothing, Purr wears a combination of Whisper and Tangle's styles. They wear a cream-colored tube top similar to Whisper's, but with dark orange accents to match Tangle's color scheme. Purr also wears light gray leggings like Whisper, but with dark orange stripes down the sides. They also wear dark gray arm sleeves with black elbow pads, dark gray gloves with dark orange backings, and dark gray knee sleeves with black knee pads, all reminiscent of Whisper's combat gear. Purr sports a pair of detailed dark orange and gray boots, similar to Tangle's, with white laces and soles. They also have very tufted hair on their head that sticks out in different directions.

Purr has inherited traits from both Whisper and Tangle in terms of personality. They are adventurous and outgoing like Tangle, always eager to explore and experience new things. At the same time, they are cautious and observant like Whisper, taking their time to assess situations before jumping in. Purr is also quite resourceful and quick on their feet, able to come up with creative solutions to challenges they face. They have a playful and mischievous side, often using their prehensile tail to prank and tease others, but they are also fiercely loyal to their family, always ready to protect them.

Purr's first words were Fuck after Tangle slipped up, they have a very limited vocabulary of the words Fuck and Toy, Whisper and Tangle don't really know what their gender is. 

Tangle sits on the floor, smiling down at Purr as they play with their toys. 

"Come on, Purr," Tangle coos, holding out her arms. "Can you say 'mom'? Mommy?"

Purr looks up at Tangle, their gray eyes wide with curiosity. They tilt their head slightly, looking contemplative. Tangle can see the wheels turning in their little head, trying to make the connection between the word and its meaning.

"Mom," Tangle repeats, pointing to herself. "Can you say 'mom'?"

Purr blinks a few times, then suddenly their face lights up with recognition, they look up at Tangle and proudly exclaim, "Fuck!"

Tangle can't help but burst out laughing at Purr's unexpected response. 

"And this is why you're going to be homeschooled."

Whisper, who had been sitting nearby reading a book, looks up at the commotion and raises an eyebrow at Tangle.

"What did they say?" she asks, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Tangle chuckles, trying to compose herself. "They said 'fuck' instead of 'mom'," she explains, still giggling.

Whisper closes her book and stands up, walking over to where Tangle and Purr were playing. She crouches down to Purr's level and smiles warmly at them.

"Hey Purr, can you say 'Mama' for me?" she asks gently.

Purr looks up at Whisper, their eyes wide with curiosity once again. They consider the word for a moment before looking back at Whisper.

"Fuck!" they shout, giggling at Whisper's surprised expression.

Tangle bursts into laughter once again, unable to contain her amusement at Purr's antics. Whisper shakes her head in amusement, unable to stifle a smile as she reaches out to scoop Purr up in her arms.

"Well, it seems like someone is going to be getting a lot of 'language lessons' from now on," Whisper jokes, nuzzling Purr affectionately.


Purr was sitting in a chair as Tangle set 3 apples on the table.

"Alright Purr, If I have 3 apples." She moves one out of view. "And I take away one, how many do I have?"

Purr furrows their brow in concentration, trying to figure out the answer to Tangle's question. After a few moments of deep thought, their eyes go blank and they stare off into space, seemingly going brain dead as they struggle to solve the simple math problem. Tangle and Whisper exchange amused glances, trying not to burst out laughing at Purr's adorable confusion.

Purr's head eventually flops down on the table, their fluffy tail twitching behind them in frustration. They let out a little groan of defeat, unable to come up with an answer to the math problem.

Tangle chuckles softly and reaches out to pat Purr on the head. "It's okay, sweetie. Math can be tough sometimes. We'll keep practicing until you get it, okay?"

Purr looks up at Tangle with a pout, their gray eyes reflecting a mix of determination and resignation. They push themselves up and let out a little growl, ready to tackle the challenge once again.

Whisper watches the interaction with a fond smile, knowing that Purr will eventually grasp the concept with a little more practice and patience. She reaches out to ruffle Purr's fur, offering words of encouragement.

"Keep trying, Purr. You'll get it with time," Whisper says softly.

Purr nods, their tail wagging behind them as they gear up for another attempt at solving the math problem, Purr looked at the remaining apples.


"Two!" Purr exclaims proudly, a big smile on their face as they finally solve the simple math problem. Tangle and Whisper cheer and clap for Purr, proud of their determination and success in figuring it out. Purr beams with pride at their accomplishment, feeling a sense of achievement for getting the answer right.

"Great job, Purr! You did it!" Tangle praises, giving Purr a high five. Whisper hugs Purr tightly, showering them with praise and affection for their hard work.

Purr looks up at Tangle with a determined expression, their gray eyes narrowed slightly in concentration. They remember Tangle's lips when she said the word "mom," trying to mimic the movements with their own mouth. Purr's brow furrows as they focus intently on the task at hand, little puffs of determination evident in their expression. They take a deep breath and then, with a resolute look on their face, they attempt to form the word "mom" with their own tiny voice.

"Muh... Mum... MOOOM!" Purr exclaims, their voice slightly shaky but filled with determination. A sense of accomplishment washes over them as they successfully say the word, a proud smile spreading across their face. Tangle's eyes light up with pride and joy as she hears Purr say the word for the first time, giving them a big hug to celebrate their achievement. "Ma...Ma-Mama!"

Whisper's eyes widen in surprise and she smiles warmly at Purr, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride at hearing them say the word "mama." She wraps her arms around Purr and nuzzles them affectionately, overcome with emotion.

"You did it, Purr! That's amazing!" Whisper exclaims, her voice filled with love and happiness. "I'm so proud of you."

Purr giggles happily, basking in the praise and affection from their parents. They feel a surge of joy and accomplishment at successfully saying the word "mom," realizing the significance of the moment. Tangle and Whisper continue to shower Purr with love, their hearts full of pride and happiness at witnessing this milestone in their child's development.

As the three of them bask in the warmth of their family bond, Tangle gazes at Whisper with a soft smile, feeling grateful for the life they had built together. Whisper meets Tangle's gaze, her eyes shining with love and contentment, knowing that they were meant to be together.

In that moment, with their child between them, Whisper, Tangle, and Purr are filled with a sense of peace and joy that comes from being surrounded by love and acceptance. And as they continue to laugh and play together, they are reminded of the strength and beauty of their family, united in their shared experiences and unwavering bond.

Together, they face the future with hope and determination, knowing that no matter what challenges may come their way, they will always have each other to lean on and support. And as they look ahead to the adventures that await them, they do so with the knowledge that their family will always be there to guide and protect them, no matter what may come their way.

With a sense of peace and love in their hearts, Whisper, Tangle, and Purr embrace the future with open arms, ready to face whatever may come their way as a united family, strong in their love and unwavering in their bond. And as they continue to grow and learn together, they know that their journey will be filled with joy, laughter, and countless precious moments that they will cherish for a lifetime.

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