A Contract Under The Spotligh...

By Takiziku06

71 24 2

Jung-Ho, went through a difficult time after the loss of his first love, Kang. Devastated that his affection... More

CHAPTER •♡1♡• The Bar
CHAPTER •♡2♡• Invitation Card
CHAPTER •♡3♡• Me and Him
CHAPTER•♡4♡• Nightmarish Festivities
CHAPTER•♡5♡• Drunk Or Not
CHAPTER•♡6♡• My Family
CHAPTER•♡8♡•Why are you here?
CHAPTER•♡9♡• Too Much
CHAPTER•♡10♡• Old Memories
CHAPTER•♡11♡• Two Of Us
CHAPTER•♡12♡• Finally Reunited
CHAPTER•♡13♡•The Beginning Of The Disaster
CHAPTERA•♡14♡• Do You Believe In Me?

CHAPTER •♡7♡•Resignation

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By Takiziku06

_With all due respect I would like to point out to you that I am of the same opinion as my brother, I hope that Jung will accept your proposal. I'm going too.

''The three left hoping that their parents could at least look at their decisions all those years ago.''
_Jungggggg, how are you, we haven't seen each other for days, I thought I was going to die without being able to reveal my feelings to you.
Cry ****
Sniflll wouaaaaaaahhhhh

_No but what's wrong with you Hary, stop it please. Let's look on the bright side, I'm not dead so will you please reveal them to me a little later.
_wouahhhh ahhh sniffll you're sure Jung, you're not lying to me.

_Sure and some so tell me, is our boss in his office??? .
_Yes, he had just returned to his office when you arrived.
_Well, he was accompanied by a very beautiful woman who looked like his girlfriend.

_I will be very happy for him, because he was just passing from one woman to another.
_Yeah you're right, I sent you the documents, look on your computer and there are also some on your desk, don't forget to bring him his coffee.

_Okay, don't worry I will do it thank you.

•••Jung got up to take the documents that Hary had prepared for him, then brought them to Hwa's office •••

Knock at the door.
_Sir can I come home!?
_Jung, what's wrong?
_I came to bring you certain documents and also you must not forget your appointments.
_Ah I completely forgot, it's okay you can go back.

_Mr Hwa I...
_Naomi let go of me, why are you sticking to me like this, it's unbearable.
_There's nothing wrong with that, you smell so good, you're so beautiful and tall, sleeping with you was extraordinary.

_Don't tell me you're clinging to me like a leech with the idea of ​​seducing me for a second round. I don't hope so, because there are already some people who loved the day I was inside him so much, just looking at his obscene face turned me on.
_It looks like a whore was lucky enough to have your sperm on her body, it annoys me, if only I knew her.

_What do you mean if you knew him and how does that concern you, I have work, you can go, I'll meet you later at the hotel.
_ Don't start talking to me like that, then I'll wait for you there Mr. Hwa, I can't wait for tonight. Jung, I hope you don't mind if I kiss your boss in your presence.

_Naomi what are you talking about, Jung knows very well that I don't like men and I don't sleep with them, don't you Jung.
_Don't worry sir, I always keep that in mind, no Mrs. Naomi, act as if I'm not there.

¡¡¡¡So Naomi kissed Hwa and left the office¡¡¡¡

_Secretary Jung you seem lost in thought, are you jealous?
_No, I'm just a little tired, I'm going home after finishing the work I have here.

_ah ah hahhh don't make me laugh it won't work with me, why are you lost in your thoughts.
_It's not a joke, I didn't come here to tell you about my private life, hold on and call Hary when you're finished.

<<<Jung put down the documents and turned his back, but Hwa wouldn't let him go so easily, he quickly got up from his chair and grabbed Jung's hand and said >>>

_first of all you look down on me, you speak badly to me, you look away, what's the problem, tell me otherwise...
_Otherwise what, otherwise what I listen to you go ahead and force me to talk, what does it matter if I'm not in the mood.

_I'm not going to force you so who is there?
_What do you want to let me go, you are not tired of meddling in my affairs, let go of me sir.

_JUNG don't play this little game with me, since when tell me, since when have you considered me like this, what's going on.
_what do you consider yourself to be, a monster perhaps, did you know how much pain I feel when you behave like this Hwa, you scare me.

_you consider me a monster when did I hurt you, my words with Naomi tore you up to this point.
_I wasn't talking about that, because you don't see at all how much I love you, how much I hurt myself.

_Your feelings, your feelings, I always ask myself the question do you still love me like before I...
_I don't want to hear anything more, that's enough, let me go, you're hurting me, Sir, let me go, I don't want to stay with you anymore, please.
Cry ***
Sniflll wouaaaaahhhh

_ People shout at you, you lose consciousness, or you start to cry, it's almost unbearable, I can't help it, you can leave, don't set foot here again Jung, you're free, go, go, get out of here before I destroy you with my own hands.

Sniflll sniffll ***
''''Jung left the office and stood behind the door, then walked down the aisle talking to himself''''

_So everything that happened that evening and even the whole day are all illusions, I was just imagining things in my head it hurts so much that I don't know what to do, I must not let Hary see me in This state I must return quickly.

~~Jung, unable to hold back his tears, ran as fast as he could, passing Hary's office and those of his colleagues to the elevator. That same moment, an angry Hwa broke and threw the things he had on his desk, then went in front of the window and looked at Jung's back as he ran past in the large room, to the parking lot.~~

Two weeks later
9:10 p.m.

_Damn, why isn't he answering? I'm calling him.
Brrrr Ringgg ringggg*****
_He doesn't pick up I try again maybe he's asleep
Brrrr brrrr Ringggg ring...

_Hello it's you Woo what's the matter why all these calls.
_I'm in front of your door, come open it or I'll break it down.

_No need, I'm coming but you don't know the password???
_No, it's the first time I've come to your house, Hyung gave me the address.

_ Try September 1, 1990.
_Thank you really, whose birthday is it exactly???
_It's Hwa's but I'm going to change it.
_Really and why do you change it, how long have you been using it!!!!

_What does that matter to you, you obsessed person?
_Come on, tell me, why

_shut your mouth.
_Please brother I want to know
_Are you deaf or are you doing it on purpose?

_I brought you something to eat and drink... hmm, great inside, I love the decoration.
_Uh...thanks, I'm not hungry, you can go home.

_No question I'm going home tonight you have to eat.
_Please I want to be alone, no need to force me.

_What's happening Jung why are you in so much pain I don't like seeing you like this.
_Everything is fine, why are you making such a big deal about it? I don't see why you came here.

_But Jung you left the house you came to live here alone... it's nice to have big houses but if you are so sad it will disturb the atmosphere of the house.

9:30 p.m.
_It interests you that much, you know very well that I am an adult now, I can do what I want.
_There is a limit to everything, if being an adult means staying in your corner and hurting yourself it is completely absurd.

_Woo I've had enough of your explanations, your moral lessons, everything, everyone I just want to LEAVE let this country go to a place where no one knows me I want to be free.
_Jung listen to me, listen to me for once if you don't tell me what's going on how do you want me to help. You tell me how to help you if I don't know the reasons for your depression so tell me how how.

_Aaahhhhh aaaaahhhhh ah ah ahhhhhhhhh sniflll sniffll Woo please come home why do you want to stay with me, why don't you want to leave go, GO, I can't take it anymore go away.

_For the last time I won't go home, why should I go home when you're like this.
_Sniflll sniffll How can I tell you what I have if even the words don't want to come out, I'm in so much pain that I don't know what to do Woo help me I'm begging you help me.

_Come, come, I'm here I will stay with you until you get better, until you manage to talk to me and say everything that's on your heart, even if you can't do it I will listen to your silence until you fall asleep.
_Woo why, why, why am I in so much pain, so unhappy am I weak at this point, am I at this sensitive point.

9:50 p.m.
_Jung, don't withdraw into yourself, know that I will listen to you my darling, don't worry.
_All my life I have held back my tears, my feelings, my desires, my fears, my pain, my sorrows I have tried everything but nothing has changed.

_I know, I know you were always strong and courageous even when we were little, you always did your best please free yourself cry Jung, cry don't hold back anymore.
_Snifll cry... when was I strong I am neither strong nor courageous, just a coward who doesn't know what he wants, who always pretended until today he still hasn't stopped being .

Jung stayed in the living room in his sister's arms, a few minutes after he fell asleep, Woo felt bad seeing Jung shedding all the tears in his body.

_Hmm hmm Woo... why didn't you go up to the room, you're exhausted, I'm sorry.
_You're awake, don't worry, it's normal for me to take care of you, I've put the dishes in the microwave, they're hot, please eat a little.

_It smells good what is it.

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