BLOOD LUST || Elijah Mikaelson

Da Thesarcastic1275

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Damelia Salvatore , twin of Damon , elder sister of Stefan, visits Mystic Falls after hearing her brothers ar... Altro



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Da Thesarcastic1275

" You mean to tell me, after all these years, Marcel is alive and well?"

Damelia look at Elijah , pouring the blood in her cup . she came to learn about Marcellus , the adopted son of klaus , who is also ruling the one and only New Orleans , very poorly.

" Quite. Our brother seems to have wandered into a war zone. And I haven't been able to find him. Marcel, who Klaus sired and brought up beneath his own wing, now rules a menagerie of savage vampires running wild, killing in public for any human to come upon. Witches are held in subjugation. I doubt Niklaus had any idea what he was walking into."

" Sorry, what was that? I stopped paying attention at "our brother"."

Damelia chuckles as she kept the blood bag aside , She looks at Elijah who bit back an eyeroll , "Rebekah."

" Our hateful, traitorous bastard of a brother, who's negated any sympathy I once had for him by his repeated efforts to ensure neither you nor I know happiness outside of his own selfish universe."

"Rebekah....." " Always and forever, Rebekah, that is what we once swore to each other."

" Hi sweetie and brother Consider this me calling take-backs."

"Well, you've called take-backs dozens of times over the centuries and yet when our father found us and chased us from this very city..."

" I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile. I know very well I stuck with Klaus, and not three years later he stuck a silver dagger in my chest and sent me into a magical slumber for ninety years. Do you know why? Because I had the audacity to try and live my life on my own without him."

" Enough. I believe our brother's in trouble, so what ever is going on between Marcel and the witches, it's dire enough that they'd risk bringing an Original back to town. The witches have lured him here, I'd like to know why."

Elijah hangs up the phone and snuggled up to Damelia's neck .

"Oh my dear Elijah."

Elijah hums and  grazes his fangs on her neck.

"It will be alright ." Damelia coos and played with his hair.

"Let us leave , it is night already. " Elijah says as he pulls away.


Elijah and Damelia are standing in front of "Rousseau's , She has her hands interwined with Elijah's.

"Oh, you got me into this, Jane. Give me the strength to finish it."

Damelia speeds away as Elijah speeds away too.

"The doors work, you know."

" You're doing magic?"

" I'm praying to my dead sister. Go ahead, pay your respects."

" Don't make this a thing, Sophie. The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne. Marcel wants to know why."

" I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't, seeing as Marcel killed her."

Damelia look at Elijah who is standing next to her , she nods at him . Damelia and Elijah speeds to the vampires and pluck out their hearts.

" I'm Elijah. You heard of me?" Elijah drops the hearts on the floor. Damelia hand him her handkerchief with a smile on her face.

" Yes." Sophie nods as she gulped. "And are Damelia.." Damelia frowns.

"You know me. How ?"

"You are popular amongst witches. How you made all witches feel home ? and good." 

Elijah looks at sophie as he raises his eyebrow , Damelia smiles at Sophie and moves closer to her , "Then they must have also told about how monstrous i become if i don't get what i want , eh ?" Sophie nods as she continue to take a step back , "So, why don't you tell me what business your family has with my husband's brother? Mm?"

Elijah smiles and looks away feeling so  proud of her.

"Yes , But i need you to show you both something." Sophie whispers out as she stares at Damelia.


Sophie , Damelia and Elijah are at the cemetery. Damelia winces as Sophie opens the squeaking gate and enters the cemetery. Elijah and Damelia stops in front of the entry making Sophie turn around.

" This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in. But, since I'm desperate... Come on in."

Elijah and Damelia  enters the cemetery . 

"We can talk freely here."

" Then I suggest you start talking. What did your sister want with Niklaus?"

" Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back. We haven't had much luck, until my sister Jane-Anne met a girl, a werewolf passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia. She had a special connection to your brother."

Damelia frowns and look at Sophie , " What kind of connection?" 

" Apparently, they spent some time together. One thing led to another and now this special werewolf girl – she's pregnant. And the father of the child she's carrying is your brother Klaus."

"That's impossible." Elijah says.

" Nothing is impossible, especially not when it comes to your brother. Think about it – they call him the hybrid, right? "

She raises her voice and turns her head , " Bring her out!"

Three witches come out, standing in formation around a girl, the pregnant werewolf girl. Damelia watches her with interest, while she seems a bit confused and really irritated.

Damelia looks at Elijah making him look back at her.

"Who the hell are you two?"

" Give us a moment, please." Elijah says.

Elijah , Damelia and Hayley are inside a burial vault, lit by numerous candles on the walls around them.

"So, have they been holding you here against your will?"

" They lured me out to the bayou and grabbed me. And they did all these... weird witchy tests. Not that I understand how this could happen. I mean, vampires are dead. They can't have children!" Damelia frowns at the witch's behavior. Her witches would never.

" Perhaps if you knew my brother's story, it might explain how this is possible. Here, if I may."

Elijah tries to lay his hand on Hayley's temple, but she recoils making Damelia to chuckle.

" What are you doing?"

" Relax Sweetie. If you open your mind to him, He can show you."

Hayley allows Elijah to touch her head as Damelia ensures . They close their eyes.

" In the beginning, our family was human... A thousand years ago, now. "

"About that , I think i should leave , i will be back."

Elijah looks at her and nods with a smile before kissing her. Damelia pulls away and speed outside to see the 4 witches.

Damelia is outside , partially glaring at the witches when she heard the girl speak. Damelia nods and walks in , knowing the entire history ended as Elijah stopped talking.

"Your dad was a dick."

"Not a new information." Damelia stands next to Elijah.

"Hey.." Elijah whispers out , Damelia smiles back at him and looks at the girl.

 " I'm Hayley, by the way. You should probably know my name if you're gonna tell me your whole life story. I mean, I know yours. Your family is legendary. Your brother is a notorious psycho... who I slept with. Classic me. But i don't think i know yours." Hayley look at Damelia.

Damelia smiles and walks closer to her , Hayley's heartbeat increasing with a slightly audible heartbeat.

"I am Damelia Salvatore - Mikaelson. Its lovely to meet you Hayley."

Hayley smiles at her . Her eyes were twinkling

" I wonder if perhaps this baby might be a way for my brother to find happiness. A way to save him from himself." Elijah whispers out.

"I can see the vision." Damelia grins.

Sophie enters the vault making them to look at her.

" I'm glad you both feel that way, because we need your help."

" What, precisely, is it that you want and what does it have to do with this young woman?" Elijah walks infront of her.

"We want to run Marcel and his vampires out of town. Klaus is the key. Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire, he learned from Klaus. Marcel trusts him, looks up to him, and he won't see the betrayal coming."

" Yes, well, as I'm sure you're aware, nik doesn't like to be told what to do." Damelia snickers.

Sophie nods and speaks out ," That's why I brought you here. Marcel drove the werewolves out of town decades ago. Do you really think he's going to welcome a hybrid baby to the neighborhood? Convince Klaus to help us, and no one has to know about the newest member of the Original family."

" That sounds remarkably like blackmail." Elijah looks at Damelia.

"It is." Damelia frowns and nods sarcastically.

" Like I said, I'm desperate."

" Well, then, I have my work cut out for me, don't I?" 

"Yes.." Sophie says.

Elijah nods and looks at Damelia ,"My dear , Stay here with Hayley , i will go and do my work."

 Damelia nods at him with a smile. Damelia watches Elijah walking away. 

"Damn.." She whispers as she stared at his back , his wide shoulders , his sleek hair.

"Now Now...Sophie and the others can leave us alone." Damelia smiles at the witches, who just nods and left.

"So...? Like you guys are married ? You and Elijah ?" Hayley starts.

"Ah Yes , we are married. Why ?" Damelia smirks as she raised her eyebrow.

Hayley clears her throat , slightly frowning ,"No , I just wanted to know if you guys are married or buddies with benefits." Damelia chuckles as she shook her head. "If i had a chance with you or not ." Hayley continued . 

Damelia looks at her , and smirks softly before walking closer to her. Holding an eye contact , "First of all , i am married to my love. Second of all , We just met , Hayley , You shouldn't ask such thing to a person you meet for the first time."

Hayley nods and then shakes her head with an awkward smile ,"I know i am sorry. I don't know what happened , It was out of nowhere. "

Damelia smiles and nods ,"Its alright , i get that all the time."

"Anyway-" Hayley shakes her head , "How did you guys meet each other ?"

"Well , i was kidnapped." Hayley widened her eyes.

"Well actually no , cause i am an incarnation , so i don't know how we met." Damelia frowns as she couldn't remember how they met each other. Or she doesn't want to remember.

Hayley nods and is worried as she saw how Damelia looks so disturbed.

"Anyways sweetheart , what about you ? What is your life like ?"

"Well not that much-" Hayley look at her "Bio parents abandoned me when i was born , adopted ones kicked me out when i turned to a wolf."

Damelia looks at her with much serious look , "Have you ever went to Vervanas ? "

Hayley looks at her shocked , "Yeah! How do you know that ?"

Damelia nods and smiles at Hayley ,"So you are the wolf that ran away."

Hayley frowns , "What ?.."

"Don't worry , i kind of run the whole Vervanas Shelter." Hayley let out a breathe and nods , "Why vervanas ? Is there any meaning to it ?"

Damelia laughs and shakes her head , "No! Of course no , i just named it because when i was thinking about a name , i drank a ton of vervain , thinking it was water. Clumsy me."

Hayley laughs and nods.

The next one hour was full of how and why Hayley ran away and about Hayley.

"Nik." Damelia says as she sense the hybrid. The duo goes out.

Klaus nods at Damelia before looking at Hayley. The witches arrives.

" No. It's impossible."

"I said the same thing myself."

" This is a lie. You are all lying. Vampires cannot procreate."

" But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind. And this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes."

Klaus shakes his head and looks at Hayley , he starts to shout ,"  You've been with someone else, admit it!"

"Niklaus!!" Damelia stand infront of Hayley with a frown.

"Hey, I've spent days held captive in a freaking alligator bayou because they think that I'm carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't you think I would've fessed up if it wasn't yours?" Hayley shouts back.

"My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. We can keep them save. Or we can kill them. If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress."

" Wait, what?" Damelia frowns at Sophie.

"Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself."

" No. We can't, not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules."

"Make up your damn mind woman! " Damelia shouts at Sophie as she took a threatening step towards her. Her face transforming at the process.

Elijah looks at Damelia before looking at Klaus, awaiting his reaction.

" How dare you command me, threaten me, with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses. This is a pathetic deception. I won't hear any more lies." Klaus also took a menacing step towards Sophie.

" Niklaus!... Listen." Elijah pulls him back , before holding Damelia.

Klaus can hear the heartbeat of the baby. He looks at Hayley, then at Elijah , at Damelia who was busy glaring at Sophie and the witches.

" Kill her and the baby. What do I care?"

He leaves making Damelia to turn around.

" Screw this. I'm out of here!" Hayley walks back in.

" No one touches the girl. I'll fix this." Elijah says before kissing on top of Damelia's head and rushing out to find his brother.

Sophie nods before looking at Damelia , "You need to stop threatening us with that vampire face you have."

"Or what ?" Damelia frowns , her eyes now deep red , her fangs out. Sophie clenches her jaw before being pulled away by the other witches.

"Sophie come on..."

Damelia wandered in the cemetery like a ghost the whole time , She would pluck the flowers , smell them and throw them away. She came back in to see Sophie and another witch.

"Marcel and his vampires are out of control. Something had to be done."

"And the solution is to bring in more vampires?"

"These aren't just any vampires, Agnes. They're the "Originals.""

"What makes you think you can control the hybrid?"

Damelia appears, leaning on the wall ,  "She can't. I'm not entirely certain that Elijah can, either. But i do trust him, and now that your coven has drawn his ire, I have a question , its just that ..."

"What prevents my brother  from murdering you instead of cooperating?" Elijah walks next to her. Damelia looks at him and smiles , in which he reciprocates.

Sophie nods and takes a needle and shows it to Damelia and Elijah. She sticks the needle into her hand.


Elijah looks at hayley. There is a drop of blood on her hand, exactly at the same point where Sophie hurt herself.

"What the hell!?" Hayley frowns at the wound.

" The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed? It didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Hayley. So anything that happens to me, happens to her, which means her life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Hayley – or worse – to ensure that I have your attention, I will. And you , Damelia , you try to kill me , you kill her too."

Elijah and Damelia are slightly amused , " You would dare threaten an Original?"

" I have nothing to lose."

The grin disappears from Elijah's face. 

"You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind."

Damelia glares at Sophie , "Sophie do remember , The moment Hayley is unlinked from you , I will plunge out your heart and eat it like its a cake. Ah also i have tons of witches to kill you , i am not doing that so then i wouldn't bother them."

Damelia walks out leaving all of them there. Soon Elijah was next to her, the both drove to their apartment.

Elijah talks to Rebekah on the phone , Damelia is on the bed , her head is on Elijah's lap.

" He's willing to give up everything."

" Come on, Elijah, does that really surprise you?"

" I already see it. He's spiraling. He's lashing out in blind rage. You know, the last time I saw him like this it lasted 200 years." Elijah plays with her hair as she closes her eyes.

" Then leave him to his temper tantrum and come home. With any luck this misadventure will allow us a reprieve from all of his insanity."

" He was so close. When he heard the baby's heartbeat, I could see it in his eyes. He... he wanted... he could almost taste happiness. And now his temper has destroyed it. Even if I was to return him to sanity, he just lost Marcel's trust. So, I'm almost out of time to get the girl."

" Get her? Have you lost her mind? Are we running an orphanage now?"

"I do." Damelia whispers out making Elijah to smile and kiss her forehead.

"Say what you will about Niklaus, but on my life I'm not letting anything happen to that baby."

"Elijah....Fine!" Rebekah hangs up , Damelia sits up and looks at him. 

"She is really not interested." Elijah sighs and nods.

"Dear , It's time to go." Damelia nods and get up , fixing her suits before turning around to look at him.

" You find him, and then you call me. Don't worry. I know how to deal with Klaus."

"Is that so? Please elaborate."

"Elijah Mikaelson." Marcel says .

Marcel's entourage of vampire bodyguards, seated around the restaurant, rise as one in readiness to protect.

" No. I got it. It's all good."

Elijah takes a seat opposite Marcel.

" It's time we had a little chat." 

" Well if you're gonna talk, talk. I got things to do." Marcel rudely says before looking at Damelia who was next to Elijah.

" Oh my, you have grown quite confident over the last century, haven't you?"

" Me? I'd say it's you and your brother who got cocky, coming to my town like you own the place. And who are you ? You seem new here ."

"Damelia Salvatore - Mikaelson. "Damelia grins at him. Marcel look at Elijah shook. He looks at Elijah's hands then at her hand's and nods , "Well congrats , now what ?"

Elijah chuckles and nods , " Thank you and we did own the place once. We were all quite happy here as I recall. But we could never control those pesky witches of the French Quarter. How do you do it?"

"Your brother asked me the same question. I gave him the same answer. It's my business. Everything in the Quarter is my business. Klaus comes into town all nice and friendly, then he starts looking down his nose at what I've down like it's some cheap knock-off of one of his dumb paintings, then he gets pissed of like a little bitch and bites one of my guys."

" Well, I do apologize for Klaus' poor behavior. I assume you know that that bite will kill your friend within a matter of days. Of course, Niklaus' blood would cure him."

" What?"

Elijah started , " Yes, apparently the blood of the hybrid will cure a werewolf bite." Damelia leaned in with a grin " Quite a handy little thing when one needs leverage in negotiation."

" What kind of negotiations are we talking about?" Marcel looks at them.

"Return the body of the witch Jane-Anne. Allow her people to put her to rest."

" What do you care about the witches?"

" Well, that's our business, now, isn't it?" Damelia smirks and winks making Elijah hold her waist. He grins at Marcel before walking away.

Hayley , Damelia and Elijah are in a huge, white house. Hayley pulls a sheet off of a crib, coughing because of the dust. Damelia look at her.

"Are you alright?"

" Just dust. This place is ancient."

"Yes, it should serve our purposes. It's a sanctuary from our business in the Quarter. Right now, you are the most important person in this family. You need a good home. So I'm curious... in all this time, has anyone asked you how you feel?" 

" About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night-stand?"

" About being a mother."

" I – I was abandoned when I was born and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf. So... I don't really know how I feel about being a mother because I... I never really had a good one."

"We will always protect you. You have my word on that." Damelia holds her hands and looks at Hayley's eyes.

Klaus appears.

" And noble Elijah and his lovely psychotic wife always keeps their word." Klaus grins at Damelia who rolls her eyes.

" Is it done?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man, Thierry, yet lives and I remain a welcome guest in the French Quarter. My only concern now is this coven of impudent witches."

" I believe them to be honorable. They did release Hayley to me. Although, they haven't been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why. "

"And you both are hell bent on finding it."  Damelia ends with a sigh at the Mikaelson brothers as both of them grinned slowly.

Elijah , Damelia and Klaus are talking in their house.

" In addition to the secret weapon he uses to control the witches, Marcel has assembled a small army of vampires. Working together, we can destroy them from the inside."

" And what of Rebekah? Has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the fun?"

"She has made her disinterest quite clear."

"What about Kol and Finn , shouldn't we say about their upcoming niece or nephew ?" Damelia asks.

Klaus laughs  , "We should , but aren't they in their little "Sibling bonding time" ? I honestly don't know what Kol is seeing in Finn."

"Finn is a wonderful man , nikkie." Damelia sarcastically grins at him.

"Wonderfully a bore. I think that's what you meant." Klaus grins back.

Elijah sighs at the sight of his wife and his brother close to murder each other , "Niklaus , Dear , let's talk what we were talking about , shall we ? It was about Rebekah's disinterest ."

" One too many times daggered and shoved in a box, I gather? Or perhaps she doesn't share your unwavering belief that I can be saved."

"Rebekah may surprise us yet. After all, we all swore the same vow."

" I hope she stays far away. Because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability. One weakness that Marcel could exploit." Klaus says as he get behind Damelia.

" And what is that?" He looks at Elijah and snaps Damelia's neck.

Elijah gasped and rushes him over the wall only to be stabbed with the dagger. 

" You."

"You!!" Elijah chocked out.

" Forgive me, my brother. There is no power in mercy. Mercy makes you weak. For me , Family makes me weak. If I am going to win this war, I have to do it alone. "

Klaus looks at the dead body of Elijah and Damelia and sighs.

Damelia stirs awake. She tries to move but was held back by chains. She is weak , Klaus must have forced her tons of vervain to keep her down for a long time period.

She tries to move and pull the chains. But the moment she get closer to the sunlight , she burns.

"Crap." Damelia realized her daylight ring is missing , "Oh Screw you too Nik!" Damelia leans on the wall , She has a pain in her chest , a tug. She twirled her wedding ring.

She hides herself from the sunlight , pale and weak. 

Days , or unfortunately , even months passed , Damelia grew extremely weak , She couldn't call for her brothers or any of her friends . She was helpless. 

But soon , Damelia had dreams , or actually meeting with the original Damelia , Delilah.

Damelia came to know Delilah used to be a witch , but her magic was taken away by her mother's enemy when she was 13 and that she hadn't told this to anyone , even Esther , about this. It was a secret Delilah took to grave.

Delilah's last wish before being in peace was to help her incarnated person. Delilah knew Damelia was stronger than any others because of her vampirism. And Delilah had a difficult time to get in her head. She was stronger than Delilah thought.

"Damelia , Listen to me!"

Damelia flinched , creeped out. "Oh which one are you ? Darissa , Delila-"

"Delilah , yes. I need you to listen to me , bold and clear."

Damelia nodded , "Look , i need to trust you , Promise me you won't misuse it , please!" 

Delilah was frowning and begging  at this point , Damelia frowns and nodded , "You can trust me , Delilah."

Delilah nodded in relief and smiled , "What are you going to do to me , Delilah ?"

"I will help you be better. I will help you to be a better vampire , a vampire that is stronger than all , unbeatable , immortal."  Damelia frowns at her words but winces as Delilah pulled her hands into her lap , before she chanted.

Damelia felt pain all over her body , it was burning. 

"Remember when you are conscious again , you will be unbeatable."

"Delilah..." Delilah took her hands.

"Damelia , You are such a lucky woman."

"How can we talk ? We are the same person."

"We are , I am spirit when you are living."

"That doesn't make any sense. "

"So does supernaturals." " Damelia all you need to know is now that you are stronger , and Elijah loves you so much."

That was what Damelia heard from Delilah before Delilah disappeared.

Its been , months when she heard a voice , outside the room. It wasn't a room , not a dungeon but like a cave with door smudged in vervain.

"I swear she was easy man....."

"So weak and stupid and....." 

She couldn't hear as she was weak , her lips moved , "help..."

The movement halted , "Yo , did you hear that..?"


"Help anybody!" Damelia again shouts making the men look at each other.

They walk up to the window , it was so high , they stared down.  Damelia moved to their sights.

"Shit!!""Lets get out of here ."

"What no! There's a girl asking help. A girl man."

Damelia wanted to roll her eyes at his tone in the end but she couldn't.

"Fine!! Girl , wait a sec."

Damelia heard them walk away , and in a minute , the door broke open. The fit men threw the trunk away and came to her , with the axe.

One of the man stood afar while the other broke the chains. Damelia fell on the man , He kept her close. Damelia smelt blood from him , his heartbeat racing.

The man looked at the other man and winked making him come closer to her.

"Hey , you good?" The man asked in a fake concern.

"No. No , I am not . Help me , will you ?" Damelia held both the men and looked at them. 

She leaned on one of them , it looked as if she was hugging them , Damelia smirked and transformed and bit on him making him scream.

"Ahh! Help!!"

The other man ran out of the room towards his car , He checked his back two times , the third time he checked and turned around Damelia stood there , blood on her chin , "Little tip , Never look back when running."

She transforms and bit on him , killing him on spot.

Damelia enters the Mikaelson Mansion to meet Hayley and Rebekah together.

"Damelia!? Where were you ? Why are you in blood ?" Rebekah rushes to Damelia ,checking her.

"Where's Elijah ?" Damelia panted out.

 Hayley  hugs Damelia , not caring about the blood.

Rebekah also hugs her before pulling away , "Where is your ring?"

Damelia clenches her jaw as she said , "With Niklaus."

Rebekah and Hayley shared a look. , Hayley started  , "He was last seen with Marcel at Marcel's compound."

"Why ?"

"Well ,Elijah was daggered by Klaus and given to Marc-"

Damelia rushes away to the compound.

Rebekah looked at Hayley who was worried , "You really need to know from where you are supposed to say , Now Damelia thinks Elijah is still daggered and with Marcel."

Hayley bites her lips as she see Rebekah calling someone.


The vampires inside the compound arises at the sight of a vampire covered in blood.

"Marcel! Come out you coward!!"

"Excuse me ?" A girl walks up to her. Marcel came to the room , he was on the second floor.

"What a sight , Damelia." Marcel winced at her .

Damelia shakes her head with a menaced grin , "Here's the deal , Marcel. Hand over my Elijah and you will get to live."

The vampires look at her in guard , ready to protect their leader.

"Hey !You can't talk to him like that!" The girl couldn't finish as Damelia plunged out her heart.

"Guys! I will take care of this," Marcel widens his eyes and nods at the others. "Now , let me explain. Klaus has-"

"Klaus can do whatever he want , he can kill an entire country and i don't care . I need my husband , I need my Elijah!" Damelia interrupted and  transforms. Her fangs were longer , her eyes so dark , her jaws clenched. She looked like a monster , Marcel sighs.

"I will give you an hour to get my Elijah , if not i will start to do my performance." Damelia rushes to a group of six , they were around a tiny table. She ripped of their head and hearts before looking at Marcel again. 

"Six down , Marcel. More ? Come one then! Anyone who wishes to end me , Come on!"


"Give me Elijah , i will!!"

"I don't have Elijah!" Damelia laughs loudly  and shook her head one of the vampire starts to walk towards  her , Damelia smirked and raised her arms to her side , "Have at it."

Damelia look at Marcel who was now obviously worried , in a span of 5 seconds she killed alot , Marcel was grieving , "20 down , Marcel. Tell your minions to stop wasting their lives and give me my elijah back. And if you dare lie. " Another two rushes to her in which she plunges their heart out and drop it , looking at Marcel. "  I will kill all of your little minions right in front of you one by one. " She slapped the other two's head off.

"Stop!" He speeds infront of her with his face transformed.

"NO! Give me my Elijah back!" With a shove Marcel flew back and hit the wall creating a hole.

"He isn't with me!!" Marcel shouts back before she could kill anymore. 

Damelia frowns as she snapped the neck of one that came at her. She just couldn't trust him. 

"Why are you still lying?"

"I gave elijah back to Klaus , He is undaggered. Trust me please ."  Damelia scoffs and nods , "Marcel , just remember , when i go back to the mansion and check for Elijah and if they say he isn't here , i will wage a war. I give you my word on that. I will wage a war upon you and you little one of a pony town."

"Now love no need for that." She looks back at klaus's voice to see Elijah next to him.

"Damelia. "


Damelia rushes to Elijah who rushed to her . They hugged each other tightly , snuggling onto each other's neck , as their hands held on them. 

Damelia pulled apart and kissed Elijah all over his face , "Oh Elijah." She teared up. Elijah kissed her cheeks which has her tears , He looks at her , "My dear , i am so sorry."

Damelia shakes her head , "No No No No , Don't apologize . I am happy."

Damelia looks back at Marcel before speaking , "I am sorry-" Marcel looks at her in anger as he  mourned his friends , "-Don't worry , they will come back alive , All of them." 

"What ?" Marcel frowns, He looks at his friends to see them get up one by one. The hearts and head fallen out just burnt away.

"And those which i slapped their head off , give them more time , blood scent will be better." She finishes and speeds away to the apartment with Elijah.

Elijah pushes her to the wall as she kisses him. He pulls away , "I love you my dear , my Damelia."

"I love you too Elijah , my love."

"I have millions of questions but its alright , i don't need their answers , i just need you." Elijah hugs her .

Damelia speeds them to the bathroom , "We need to freshen up Elijah ." She grins.

Elijah looks at her with a grin, he kissed her before moving to the shower , turning on the shower.

Both of them stripped out of their clothes , under the shower.

One washing away dirt while the other washing away blood.

It was a normal shower , it was silent. They just bathed with each other in silence , pecking each other once in a while.

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