Mahoraga In Fate/Stay Night

Od TheSilentLord

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a jjk x FSN story A nameless boy died and something is wrong "Oh little one, Why must you deny my love?"... Viac

Arc 1: Prologue
First Round
Experiments and Entertainments
Arc 2: For Fun
What is he cooking?

Quick Death, Slow Suffering

663 33 24
Od TheSilentLord

💧︎♒︎♏︎ ⬧︎♒︎♓︎❖︎♏︎❒︎♏︎♎︎ ♋︎⬧︎ ⬧︎♒︎♏︎ ⬧︎◻︎□︎🙵♏︎📬︎ ✂︎🏱︎●︎♏︎♋︎⬧︎♏︎📬︎📬︎✂︎ 💧︎♒︎♏︎ ⬥︎♋︎⬧︎ ◻︎♋︎■︎⧫︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ♌︎❒︎♏︎♋︎⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♒︎♋︎❒︎♎︎📪︎ ♒︎♏︎❒︎ ♏︎⍓︎♏︎⬧︎ ♐︎□︎♍︎◆︎⬧︎♏︎♎︎ □︎■︎ ♒︎♓︎❍︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ♒︎♓︎❍︎ □︎■︎●︎⍓︎ ✂︎🏱︎●︎♏︎♋︎⬧︎♏︎ ●︎□︎❖︎♏︎ ❍︎♏︎ ❍︎□︎❒︎♏︎✂︎

"Where were you last night" Rin asked me while not paying attention in her class

"Just hanging out at the fishing docks" I blatantly lied

"I see" She knew I was lying and was suspicious, but she couldn't do anything about it because everyone would look at her weirdly. But she still lectured me through our link mind thing, I honestly couldn't care less. I can listen to her voice all day.... Wait...

After a long average day at school, Rin and Shirou met up at the school's rooftop and started removing some of the marks left behind

after a good 2 hours, they walked to Emiya's house and started talking about some plans for the enemy at school

"Alright, now we covered this much" Rin was grabbing her big bag

"What's that bag?" Shirou was sitting around a table with Saber

 "Can I decide on my room now?" Rin was looking at Shirou with her mischievous eyes

"Huh?" Shirou as always looks retarded with his monkey mouth saying Huh huh like those apes you would see at the zoo

"I'll be staying here from now on, this is the obvious thing to do if we're teaming up right?" Rin was acting smug toward Shirou and I didn't like that.

But it's alright, Castor should be attacking when he sleeps. And if she doesn't I'm paying her a visit

But honestly, Rin has to stop being so... What's the word... Actually, I don't know what the word is but she gotta stop man

"Tohsaka!" I could hear Shirou saying my beloved master's name from outside the house

"I really need a hobby, stalking Shirou all the time isn't that useful" I muttered under my breath

I sighed as I sat on top of Shirou's house like Batman posing for a picture. But as I sat, I felt Castor's mana lurking around like Satan in the Garden of Eden.

"Finally" I said to myself as this plot is going way too slow for my own sanity 

But if it's gets any slower than this, I just might snap. It's not going as efficiently as he hoped.

"Fuck it, I'm going to end this war in one night," I said while leaving without telling Rin

Who's first? You may ask. It's Rider

Dashing through the streets I quickly found where the Matou lives. It wasn't that hard considering I can adapt to run faster than the speed of sound.

How should we go about this? Oh well, it doesn't matter cause I'm a berserker. Berserkers shouldn't really have a plan other than Kill Fight Die 

Estimating where Shinji's room could be based on the anime I watched too long ago, I went in blind because I can't remember.

when I said 'went in blind' I just entered through the front door with Rider greeting me with her chain blade going at my face, I immediately reacted by biting the tip of the blade, catching it in my mouth so Rider just pulled it out again 

Rider remained eerily silent, her face with her blindfolds looked at me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly, with a flick of her wrist, she conjured chains that seemed to materialize out of thin air, weaving a labyrinthine web across the expanse of the room, trapping everything in their path like the delicate strands of a spider's intricate creation.

However, knowing this won't stop me because I am Mahoraga, I got ready with my sword and launched myself forward, a surge of determination propelling me into action. With a resounding clash, I shattered the chains that barred my way, the metallic links snapping apart like brittle twigs beneath the force of my assault.

Yet, as I pressed forward, Rider's movements became a blur of speed and agility, her graceful purple form darting and weaving with effortless finesse as she wanted to outmaneuver me.

Slowly, she started to cut me, starting from my legs to my neck. Bleeds started forming fast

 Despite her best efforts to confound me with her lightning-quick attacks, enough time had passed

The great wheel turned,

"Your speed which the Rider class holds with pride, has been conquered" I spoke like I was in a TikTok edit

"Nonsense!" Her voice echoed from multiple directions, a disorienting cacophony that seemed to reverberate through the very air around us. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a strange sensation of time itself slowing

Rider's previously lightning-fast movements began to decelerate, What was once a blur of rapidity now unfolded before me in measured, deliberate increments, her figure moving through the space around us 

Though her attempt to disorient me with her speed had initially proved effective, With my wheel I got a newfound advantage. 

The moment of confrontation reached its climax as I lunged forward, my sword swung. With a swift and decisive motion, I brought the blade down in a vicious arc, aiming directly for Rider's neck.

The metallic edge of the sword sliced through the air with deadly precision, cleaving through flesh and bone as it found its mark. There was a sickening crunch as the blade made contact, severing Rider's head from her body in a single, fluid motion.

With a twisted sense of determination, I wasted no time in delivering the final blow. Gripping Rider's lifeless form by the hair, I tore into her skull with a savage force, my fingers digging into the soft tissue of her brain.

As the beautiful scene unfolded before me, a cascade of gore and viscera spilled forth, staining the ground with a grotesque table of carnage. The scent of blood and death hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the violence that had just transpired.

Yet, amidst the horror of the moment, there was a grim sense of satisfaction, a fleeting sense of vindication in knowing that Rider had been neutralized.

I turned away from the scene of carnage, leaving Rider's lifeless corpse vanishing behind me

Then the wheel spun back, returning Mahoraga to his base state.

"I... I actually have a good chance to speed this up" I was enlightened, I'm pretty sure I just made Shirou skip a filler arc right?

No, don't celebrate too early. I Dashed back before anyone knew I was there, At that moment I thought I was like the Ghost Division, as no one knew where I was and no one knew who killed Rider.





"So.. You went out without informing me" 

The tension in the air was tense as Rin's accusatory words hung heavily between us, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.

Yet, despite the weight of her displeasure, I met her gaze with a steely resolve, refusing to back down in the face of her fury. "Yes," I replied boldly

Rin's eyes narrowed at my response, her frustration was evident in the tight line of her lips and the furrow of her brow. 

"Berserker, clean Shirou's place," she ordered, her tone sharp and commanding.

A horrified expression crossed Berserker's face, he quickly glanced around the already pristine surroundings. "But it's already cleaned," he protested, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rin's patience wore thin at his defiance, her frustration boiling over as she issued a stern ultimatum. "I don't care! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS HAPPENED" she snapped, her voice laced with barely contained irritation. "Do it before I use my command spell on you to clean it!"

The threat hung in the air, the weight of Rin's authority pressing down on us with an almost tangible force. With a resigned sigh, Berserker followed her demands, moving to fulfill her order with a distraught look as she left the room.

Saber took pity on me and helped with some cleaning thankfully, But Shirou walked in

"Hey Saber, Can we practic-" 

On sight, I threw a soap bottle at him, hitting his head




3:00 Am




Saber's senses were on high alert as she awoke from her slumber, a nagging feeling of unease tugging at the edges of her consciousness. Instinctively, she sought out Shirou, her first thought to ensure his safety in the face of whatever danger lurked nearby.

"Shirou!" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty space around her. But to her dismay, there was no response, no sign of her master anywhere to be found.

"Bloody hell!" she cursed under her breath, her frustration mounting as she realized the gravity of the situation. Something was amiss, something dark and foreboding lurking just beyond the edges of her perception.

With a determined resolve, Saber wasted no time in taking action. Sensing the faint traces of mana lingering in the air, she knew that she needed to act quickly if she hoped to locate Shirou before it was too late. 

Without hesitation, she summoned her armor, the familiar weight of her sword a comforting presence at her side as she prepared for the battle ahead.

With each step she took, Saber followed the trail of mana, her senses finely attuned to the subtle fluctuations in the magical energy around her. Though the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, she pressed forward with unwavering determination, her only goal to find Shirou and ensure his safety, no matter the cost.

"Please.. Stay safe" Saber prayed

As Saber went, Mahoraga followed behind

Arriving at the front of the Temple, Saber tried to go forward but was blocked by a mysterious servant who wields a uchigatana and wears purple clothes.

"You are?" Saber asked

"Servant Assassin... Sasaki Kojirou" He responded, the wind blowing gently across his face

 "You put me in an awkward position" Saber who was in a combat stance then relaxed a bit

"Having given me your name, as a knight I must return the courtesy, You are Kojirou, correct? Servant Assassin, I am.."

"it doesn't matter"

Assassin started walking down the stairs to engage in a fight

"So my opponent is someone who would give her name if I gave her mine.. No, I am the one with poor manners" As Assassin got closer, Saber got ready to attack at any moment

"There's no point in knowing our true names, For us, this katana is the only thing required to know each other" Assassin definitely did not have a katana but a uchigatana

"That is what Servants are supposed to be, am I right?" Assassin and Saber are now both in the range where they could kill each other in three steps

"or am I wrong, Servant Saber" Assassin raised his sword towards Saber

"Indeed, that is correct." Saber then jumped back, creating space from each other. 

"That's the way to go," Assassin smirked

"Now, let us duel, Saber!"

As they both assumed their stances, a palpable tension filled the air, the anticipation almost tangible. 

The wind seemed to hold its breath, its gentle caress fading into stillness as if nature itself paused to witness the unfolding duel.

With a swift, decisive motion, Saber initiated, propelling forward like a thunderbolt. Her movements were fluid, honed through countless battles. As she ascended the stairs effortlessly.

 Assassin remained poised, his senses keenly attuned to every subtle shift in the atmosphere. With a silent understanding of the imminent clash, he met Saber's advance head-on, his own blade flashing in a blur of precision and agility. 

Their weapons clashed with a resounding clash, the clash echoing through the silent chamber like a thunderclap. Sparks erupted in the darkness as steel met steel, each strike a testament to the intensity of their confrontation. 

In that fleeting moment, amid the clash of blades and the crackle of energy, time seemed to stand still, as if the world itself held its breath in awe of their prowess.

As Saber and Assassin were fighting, Shirou was getting fucked. 

And Mahoraga was watching it all happen while eating popcorn and drinking a large cup of Coke

Do yall want a Shirou torture scene by any chance? No? ok just asking. But I do have to tell you something, I don't want to make this story long so it might be like...12-15 chapters in total, but that's just a theory.


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