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Od wxreqai

34K 1.2K 264

โ i love you.. please, please i love you. โž ๐œ๐š๐ซ๐ฅ ๐ ๐ซ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐ฌ x ๐›๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ค ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ฆ! ๐จ๐œ [ ๐ฌ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฐ ๐›๐ฎ๏ฟฝ... Viac

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Authors Note


210 5 3
Od wxreqai

51. The Terrible Two

third persons point of view

thwack! Another dart slipped from his fingers, whipping through the air and piercing its sharp end into the target, landing beside the previous darts— nowhere near bullseye.

"And Maggie's alive?" She questions, stopping him right as his hand lifts to throw another one. "At Hilltop..? And Glenn was buried there?" In response to each of her questions, Carl nodded. "Shit, you guys scared me.. making me believe she was actually dead." Kendall groans, falling back against the wall and gently massaging her temples stressfully.

thwack! Carl throws another, his last, scoffing when it— again— lands inches away from the reddened circle. Carl rolls his eyes, turning his head slightly to peek over at his girlfriend, her presence is loud; he was sure he could hear every thought flooding her mind. "What Ken?" He breathes, glancing at her before nearing the target and snatching the darts out of it. As Carl steps back into place, facing her once more, he flinches; Kendall was standing inches from his face. "Woah!"

"I have to go see her.." Kendall says leaning closer, not even noticing how close she already was. "And you have to go with me, please?"

"Kendall.. I don't think we should, it's too far."

"I'll go without you— you know I will, so don't make me go alone."

Carl groans, shutting his eyes before facing the target once again and focusing on that. Kendall narrows her eyes at him, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall again. "Ken—" Before he can answer he's interrupted by the soft creak of his bedroom door opening. Both teenagers peek over their shoulders, momentarily making eye contact with the unwelcomed guests; Rick, Michonne, and Aaron.

"Carl.." Rick breathes, standing behind his son and waiting for him acknowledge his presence. "You should come with us."

The Grimes boy sighs and throws another dart, completely missing the target and stabbing the pointed end into the door beside it. "Someone's gotta be here for Judith."

"There's people who want to help." Rick says, trying to persuade Carl. "We'll only be gone a few days at the most. We need supplies." Carl throws a dart again— missing again. "They're gonna be coming back soon."

"Is this how it's gonna be now?" Carl side-eyes his dad, scoffing and shaking his head.

"Yes." Rick tells him. "It is. You know that."

Again, Carl misses the target.

The boy looks at his girlfriend in the corner of his eye, watching while she nods and begs him wordlessly with puckered lips. He sighs before nodding back at her, snatching the darts out of wall. "See you in a few days." Carl says under his breath, causing Kendall to celebrate within her mind.

"We should get going." Rick says to Aaron.

"Be safe." Kendall mutters, waving while they leave the room. "So.. you're coming with me?" She whispers in question after slowly shutting the door behind them. "Hmm?" Kendall hums, grasping the fabric of his shirt and pulling him close.

"Yeah.." Carl scoffs and smirks slightly.

"Thanks." She says after pecking his lips. "I'll go grab whatever supplies we have left.. meet me at the gate."

As the couple planned their escape— gathering supplies— there was another couple, Saige and Kareem, planning their very own supply run. A run given to them by Negan; they owe him and with this run, their payment could end up being their lives.

"A hospital?!" Kareem whisper-shouts, looking at the door and cringing; keeping his voice low the next time he speaks. "A building like that is crawling with dead people, and we're gonna be in that?"

"We owe him." Is all Saige says before starting to pace around the kitchen.

"I don't owe him a goddamn thing." He laughs dryly, shaking his head in frustration. "I am not dying for him."

"What if we survive?" Saige questions, placing her hands on the kitchens island before leaning in and murmuring. "I know that hospital, okay? Inside and out. If we plan this right, we can get in and get out."

"Tell me what you know—"

"Kareem!" The familiar creak of the front door opening and closing caught the attention of the two causing them to straighten up. "Kareem?!" The young girl calls again, rushing throughout the house in search of him.

"In the kitchen!" He shouts, glancing at the girl standing across from him.

"Yo.." Kendall trails off upon seeing Kareem in the kitchen alone with Saige. "Look, um, could you cover for me and Carl today..? We're going out— for a while."

"Where?" Kareem asks.

"I can't say."


"Kareem, I promise we'll be fine.. can you just cover for us today?"

Kareem narrows his eyes at her, tilting his head and crossing his arms before saying, "Alright, I promise I'll cover for you but if you guys aren't back by tonight.."

"We'll be back.. promise."

"Alright," He mutters, watching Kendall as left the kitchen before speaking Saige again. "What do you know about the hospital?"

"Aren't you gonna tell.. anyone about the run?" She questions, quirking an eyebrow at Kareem.

"No. Not right now."

After searching her room— her hidden spots— for whatever supplies she had left she exits the house, making sure to sneak out so that no one would see her. As soon as it was possible, Ken runs off to their spot; her bag running with her, jumping up and down. The supplies inside ring and bang, and smack against one another from her rapid movement. When reaching their spot, she waits for her partner in crime; impatiently.

The Bennett girl slowly glances up, scaling the wall and imagining herself climb over it— just as she did before, a few months back. Her dark curls hang off her shoulder, bouncing as gentle winds breeze by. She sighs and drops her head, staring at the bars ahead of her; and just as she reaches out grabs onto the wall, a voice, which didn't belong to her boyfriend, stops her.

"What are you doing?" The soft and feminine voice causes Kendall to flinch, falling against the wall before turning around.

"Kass." She breathes, placing a hand over her heart. "Um, Carl and I are leaving..." Kendall tells her, looking over her shoulder at the boy nearing them with a frown of confusion. "We have to go see Maggie— I have to go see her. Especially after.."

"Let me come with ya'll." Kassala suggests. "I have to get out of this place, please." She begs, glancing at Carl as he steps into conversation.

Kendall looks at Carl; the two teenagers speak to one another with just their eyes, questioning and arguing, and glaring. And when they were done, they face her once again.

"Fine.." Kendall grins, drawling the words out. "But let's go now before anybody else sees us." She huffs, climbing up the wall without saying another word.

A groan leaves her lips as the straps of her bag dig into her shoulders uncomfortably; reaching the top she sits, throwing her legs on each side and rolling her shoulders. He notices and joins her at the top, checking the open space beneath them before slipping the bag off her and taking it for himself. In appreciation, she grins at him and touches his shoulder before going over the wall.

"Thank you." She mouths, staring up at him as she descends. "Alright," Kendall says, clapping when reaching the ground. "we gotta make this quick, Hilltop is far and we have to be back by nightfall." She informs the two while shuffling to stand behind Carl, shoving her hand into her bag and pulling out a map. "And since Negan's backed off our asses for now he's not watching us as intensely as before; we have clear roads."

"Kendall.. let's talk and walk, it's dangerous to just be standing here." Carl tells her, touching her lower back and pushing her away from the wall.

Fifteen minutes of silence, following aimlessly behind her, until they reach an actual, concrete road. The three teens step pass the treeline and out onto the road; as the girl peeks down at the map, Thompson and Grimes check the area. A sigh leaves her lips as she turns her head to the left and ogles the road ahead.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Carl snatches the map from her fingers, looking at it himself.

"Yes.." She scoffs, snatching it back. "Let's go. It's this way." Kendall tells them, leading them down the road.

"Hey, Kendall." Kassala calls. "Is Negan really your dad?" She questions; and wordlessly, Ken nods while glancing at Carl. "Okay, tell me, do you think he'll kill Kareem— and us— just for surviving?"

"Yeah." Kendall answers the question honestly, staring at nothing ahead. "Just... just make sure Kareem is doing everything Negan tells him to do, okay? I can't lose him, too." Flashes of that night came rushing back; the tips of her fingers claw at edges of the map, scrunching— almost tearing it. But, Carl takes it from her. "Please." The girl begs.

"Yeah.. Mm. I'll make sure." Kassala promises. "Is she okay?" She whispers, leaning in toward Carl; the two walk beside each other, keeping a close eye on the darkskin girl speed walking in front of them.

"No." Carl answers her in a murmur, narrowing his eyes.

"Guys!" Kendall stops, staring ahead at the gas station not too far ahead of them. "Am I seeing things or is that Enid and Jeremiah?" Ahead of them were two really familiar figures; one was approaching the walkers shuffling toward them while the other was cowering away. "Oh, yeah, it is." Kendall mutters in confusion, pointing at the two.

The two adolescents say nothing in response to her, just sprinting ahead to help the couple who needed saving. Carl goes for the walker behind Enid while Kass went for the one closing in on her brother. Kendall, she comes in when it's all done, walking slowly and twirling her machete in her fingers.

"Thanks for helping, Ken." Her boyfriend scoffs, yanking his knife from the dead persons skull.

"Why are you here together?" Kendall ignores his sarcasm and points between Enid and Jeremiah. "I mean, it's weird. I have never seen you two hang out— shit, I ain't never seen ya'll talk."

"We're going to the Hilltop." Enid says. "To go see Maggie."

"That can't be right." Kendall scoffs, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "We're," Motioning between herself, Carl, and Kass, "gonna go see Maggie."

"Great." Jeremiah shrugs stepping forward, not noticing the tension between Kendall and Enid. "We can go together then."

"Uh..no, we cannot." The Smith daughter says, shaking her head and sitting a hand on her hip. "There's too many people missing, so you two can head back home and keep an eye on Judith while we go check on Maggie."

"No." Enid tells her. "You can't tell me what to do."

"I just did." Kendall argues as she steps closer and looking down on the shorter girl. "Maggie
is myour family, not yours. Glenn might've saved you but that didn't make you apart of it."

"Kendall—" Carl tries intervening but Kendall continues on.

"And I don't care if you put your life in danger, but bringing Jeremiah into it? I ain't gonna lose another friend because of you." She leans close and tilts her head at Enid, accusing.


"It was your dad." Enid says.

"What?" Kendall scoffs, eyes widening.

"It was your dad who killed Glenn." Enid says, putting emphasis on her statement. "Negan left her without a husband and father for her baby." Enid leaves her speechless; she stares at her in astonishment as Enid finishes. "You know, you look a lot like Negan. Are you sure she doesn't see that, too? You sure she doesn't see the man that killed her husband in your eyes? Does she even wanna see you?"

In a burst of anger Kendall shoves Enid, really hard. With a freakish glare, the girl watches as Enid wobbles back and trips over her own feet. Just as Kendall steps toward her, Jeremiah and Kassala rush to stand in front of Enid before a certain someone snatches Kendall up and drags her away.

"Kendall." Carl calls for her, but her reddened eyes are stuck on Enid. He reaches up to touch her cheek and once he does, he feels it— tears. "Kendall." He breathes, using the hands on her cheeks to turn her head.

"She.. she doesn't know." Kendall says weakly, allowing Carl to swipe her tears away. "I knew him first.. before Maggie. I loved him first." A choppy breath leaves her lips. "I lost him, too."

"I know." Her boyfriend whispers to her, softly caressing her cheeks. "But, Kendall... you took it too far."

"Excuse me?" She questions, shrugging out of his hold and glaring at him before scoffing out an unamused laugh. "Of course you'd side with your best friend."

"You blamed her for Ron's death."

"And she blamed me for Glenn's."

"Look," He sighs, "Ron dying is nobody's fault but his. And— and Glenn's death is on Negan." Carl explains.

"Negan is a psychopath. Ron was heartbroken and scared. There's a difference." Kendall says to him before turning away and leaving him to stand alone, continuing her journey toward the camp. "Just— just fuck it. Let's go, everyone."

"Are you okay?" Carl asks Enid, approaching the group once again.

"Yeah.. it's alright."

"Sorry," He murmurs, making eye contact with her. "about her... she's been through a lot." Carl excuse.

"We've all been." Enid scoffs.

"She's been through more." He spoke over her, turning to watch as his girlfriend angrily stomp ahead of him.

"Fine." She sighs. "Then, tell me about her."

"All you need to know is that losing Glenn will be her breaking point." He says while watching Kendall carefully, as if she were a toddler. "He was everything to her and she had to watch her own dad kill him— right in front of her." Guilt sunk into his skin, crawling up his throat like a bile and choking him up right as he opened his mouth to speak. The soft gaze he uses to watch her causes the others to look forward, frowning at the back of her head and feeling remorse for her. "I remember.. she promised him she'd save his life for saving her; and now I think Kendall blames herself because she couldn't save him." Carl eye dances between the three of them as a tense and uncomfortable silence falls upon the group.

"And what about you..?" Enid questions after a beat of silence.

"What about me?"

"Are you not sorry you saw it?" She asks. "Do you blame yourself, too..?"

"Yeah. I watched it. Both times. I couldn't look away." He answers, moving onto her next question. "And, no. Nothing that happened that night or leading up to it is my fault. Negan and his Saviors would've found us eventually, even if we had just minded our business." Carl says, all in the same breath, closing with, "It's all his fault."

"Why?" Enid asks him another question. "Why watch both times?"

"And how do you know Negan would've found us anyway?" Kass joins.

"Because.." Carl pauses, catching his breath. "when it was happening I knew I needed to remember it. So when I had the chance to kill him, I wouldn't have a choice." He explains, looking over at Enid for a split second.

"And..?" Kass trails questions, trailing off and waiting for him to answer her too.

"They found us before, they would've found us again."

"I think I'd kill him, too." Enid mutters which draws attention to her; she sighs at their looks, "It's messed up, but.. It's how it is. You do
things for the ones you love." Rolling her eyes, Enid corrects herself. "Loved."

"It's not for them." Carl tells them lowly. "Uh, sorry I wouldn't let you come."

"I didn't need to see it." Enid tells him quickly. "None of us needed or wanted to see it." Kass and Jeremiah nod in agreement with her. "We don't even know if she's okay.."

"We'll get there."

"And Maggie'll be fine. Always been a fighter." Jeremiah murmurs, walking a little bit ahead of them.

"Alright," Saige sighs, standing on the opposite side of Kareem and looking down at the scarily good blueprint she drew. "the supplies we need are on the first, second, and fourth floor. We've got a doctor.. a really good doctor who needs a bunch of suturing kits, and first aid kits; and he needs IVs, birthing tools, pharmaceuticals, and antiseptic products.. and if we could grab more than just those supplies I'll split them with you and your group— Negan doesn't need to know about it."

Kareem smirks, "Fine, I guess your plan could work, but we still have a problem.."


"The dead people." He tells her, narrowing his eyes at the blueprint before looking up from it and tilting his head. "It's a hospital, Saige, and
I don't know if you know but.. that's where all this bullshit started. A fuck ton of dead people are in that hospital, we can't just go in without some sort of plan to get around them. We'll be dead before we can even touch the doors." He explains slowly, raising his head until his eyes saw the ceiling.

"A distraction." An additional voice seeps into their private conversation— his younger sister, Messiah. "We still have our flares... you could draw them away."

"No." Kareem says, dismissing her but not her idea. "End of discussion, you aren't going with us."

"I am." Messiah scoffs, crossing her arms and entering his room without invitation. "Kareem, I'll follow you there if I have to."

"You aren't going. You aren't ready for it right now."

"Stop babying me." Messiah grits, swallowing down a deep breath while glaring at him. "Just let me help you.. I can help you." She breathes while looking at him profoundly and repeating, "Let me help you.."

Kareem groans and rolls his eyes and tells her to, "Shut the door."

Kendall stares at the nothingness ahead of her, quivering and silently weeping. And, although she is in fact crying, the straight expression on her face makes her hard to read. Her dark eyes are tinted with a redness as fresh tears cascade her cheeks, causing her to sniffle the repulsive mucus that tries so badly to slip from her nose. Carefully and hopefully unnoticedly she raises her hand to wipe her damp eyes.

A soft tingle brushes pass the nape of her neck, causing her to turn her head. Rushing to approach her is Enid— the last person Kendall wanted to see. The shorter, brunette catches up to her, but says nothing; Enid just stares ahead, just like Kendall is doing.

"I took it too far."

"Sorry." The two girls spoke at the same time. They glance at one another, one smiling while the other raises an eyebrow.

"I took it too far." Enid says. "Maggie wouldn't blame you, she isn't like that."

"I know." Kendall responds quietly and shortly. And after a moment of silence, allowing Enid's apology to sink in, she tells her, "Sorry... What happened to Ron isn't your fault, it's just that.."

"I know." Enid cuts her off, frowning slightly and looking up at Kendall. "I get it."

Behind Enid and Kendall, Kassala and Carl stopped after catching something resting on the grass from their peripheral. On the right side of the road, Kass carefully steps off to get a better look at whatever is was she saw, nudging away branches and leaves. And on the left side of the road, Carl kneels to peek inside the bag he sees underneath a bush. And while this happens, the boy with them didn't notice anything; Jeremiah was too focused on the girls in front of him.

"Kendall." Carl shouts, still looking inside the bag. "Stop." He breathes before motioning for her to come over with a tiny smile grazing his lips.

"Ugh.." Kendall huffs and turns around, while walking toward them she frowns after looking around. "Yo.. where's Kassala, guys?"

"Uh.." Jeremiah hums, twisting and turning to find his sister— who was nowhere in sight. "I don't know." The boy confesses before yelling, "KASSALA! KASS!"

"Stop screaming my name." The younger sister huffs, stomping out the forest with a glare. "So, guys, I found these bikes in the woods.. we can get there faster. There's only four so someone's gotta piggy-back it— I vote Kendall and Carl."

Kendall sighs and rolls her eyes, looking down at her boyfriend. "And what'd you find?"

"Skates; two pairs." Carl says, grinning happily at her.

"Alright, that solves the piggy-back situation." She murmurs, "I'll skate with Carl."

The silent journey is filled with laughter; while Kendall and Carl drift down the road, the three on the bikes roll around and through them. Her understanding with rollerskating is much better than her boyfriends, his skating is terrible— as if he has never done it. Kendall laughs, quickly sneaking up on Carl before reaching down and grabbing his hand.

"I'll help you, Charles."

"Thank you, Kendrick."

Fun is just what she needed to forget all about that night; it slipped Kendall's mind as soon as the skates were on her feet and actually working.


Marching through the forest, avoiding hanging branches and thorns, the teenagers near the tall gates of Hilltop. Smiles graze their lips as their eyes catch the top of the wooden gates, rushing forward in blissfully only to quickly stop when seeing the multiple trucks and people parked in front of Hilltop.


Carl sighs, searching for Kendall's dad, "I don't think Negan's here. I don't see the black truck." His eyes locking in on the scene ahead of them causes Kendall to look at him in irritation; Carl wasn't hard to read, she knows exactly what he wants to do.

"You didn't come with me to see Maggie.." She murmurs, shaking and lowering her head. "You weren't coming to protect me, were you?"

His one good eye locks on hers, a slight frown dipping on his lips when he sees the visible disappointment within her eyes; he shakes his head and says to her, "I can't let them get away with this. You know I can't."

"I know." She nods, leaning on one of her hips. "That's why I'm coming with you."

"Come with me." The two say at the same time, grinning when realizing.

"We can kill them together.. I will never leave you to go someplace alone." Kendall tells him, leaning in— her forehead touching his. "I love you, okay?"

"I love you." He mumbles back before pressing his lips against hers in a lengthy and passionate kiss.

"Enid, tell Maggie I say hi and that I'll be back, soon." Kendall says while grabbing Carl's hand and following him to the trucks. "If we die.. I'll kill you."

don't yell at me guys, i know i've been taking a long time with this chapter, but i've been going to see my recruiter. he says that they're ready for me to go— hopefully. and if i qualify, they want me gone by may 15th. hopefully yall can squeeze 3-4 more chapters out of me.

anyways, comment and vote. i love you guys!!

Pokraฤovaลฅ v ฤรญtanรญ

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