
By SceneWhorr

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harry potter had been figthing all his life, from his relatives, his friends, to a crazed mad mad out to kill... More

Half A Person
I ran so far away

how soon is it now

21 2 3
By SceneWhorr

A/n this chapter is shorter than the first and a bit rushed as a i got busy and don't want to put it off any longer.

Harry really goes through it in this one sorry not sorry.  Hope you enjoy

Before Harry knew it Mr  Weasley  was in st. Mungos, and, he was at Grimmauld place with Ron, Ginny, Fred and George.  Mrs. Weasley insisted for an hour that he had to come since he was family, so they decided the five of them would return to school on the second day as they were just introductory. 

The mood was mellow the rest of the night, everyone was too worried about Mr. Weasley to do anything so after dinner they all went to sleep.

Ron went upstairs before Harry and was in bed before him too. Harry didn't know if Ron was avoiding him or just very tired. Though It was probably the ladder.

As he made his way upstairs he felt a draw to go further and further up, like someone…something was calling out to him as he reached the last flight of stairs Harry could practically hear his name being called.   There was a door that was old and looked as if it would break if you touched it but he felt like he had to go inside. His hand gripped the doorknob firmly turning it as the door clicked open “Harry! Where are you?” Mrs. Weasley called rushing down the stairs made a creaking sound ever other five steps “I'm right here Mrs. Weasley” she shook her head a smile on her face “you can call me molly,  now sit I have good news” harry quickly sat “is it from the hospital” he say up, "hospital?"Molly questioned it as she'd never heard that word “oh sorry it's the muggle word for St mungos” she nodded “yes Aurthur has woken up and is going to be fine by morning” harry was elated though morning  was quick wizard work fast “oh that great” Molly hummed “ I wanted you to be the first to know since well.. “ harry nodded understanding what she meant.  After a small conversation she told him to get some rest and so he went upstairs and straight to bed forgetting all about the door at the top of the staircase.

  {I am the son And the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir Of nothing in particular}

The next day went slow,  the Weasleys went to get Author from St mungos and Harry  opted to stay at grimmauld to keep from getting recognized, also to avoid any awkward conversations about his new Hogwarts house he didn't want Molly to find out yet .

He was bored for at least an hour until he remembered the door from last night, he ran up the stairs ignoring the creaking until he made it to the top. Instead of hesitating he fully opened the door as quick as he could anticipating something out of this world.

Though his face fell into a scowl when all he found was a library, it was a big room with four desks made for studying and 7 double sided book shelves that were 2 times taller than him, the room candles lit up one by one when he ventured inside. Even with his disappointment Harry still felt drawn to this place.

As he strolled down the aisles he stopped abruptly in the third aisle the fourth shelved a book called ‘What they're not teaching you’ the name seemed ominous to Harry and his fascination peaked  with time on his hands Harry sat  at one of the desks and read.

This was the first time in years that he sat down and read a book out of pure fascination, it was usually because Hermione forced him or he had to read something for classes. He found himself immersed in the book, finding things he'd never known before.

The book's first chapter made him doubt as it was l about light and dark magic and how they were neither good nor evil just different. He doubted it because all his life in the wizarding world he was told dark magic was bad and only caused death but something about the book seemed trustworthy.  Though the first chapter gave him his doubts he kept reading until the Weasleys came back.

He didn't noticed so immersed in the book until he heard panicked screaming of his name,  he ran down the stairs and tried playing it cool “hey what's up? “  he was immediately questioned by Molly “where were you I was so worried” as she bumbled on about him not disappearing he spotted Mr Weasley and felt so much relief he was on his feet and looks so much better than he did in Harry's dream.

As the day went on there was obvious tension between Harry, Ron, and surprisingly Ginny, she kept glaring at him and making rude comments and Harry couldn't help to think he deserved it.
Ron on the other hand just avoided him there was no glares or rudeness just a certain awkwardness, then there were the twins who acted like nothing happened.

He was glad for them because they lit up the otherwise dark aura in the house.

{I am human and I need to be loved  Just like everybody else does}

At dinner was where the real problem started, molly had noticed the tension between Ron and harry when Ron sat on the other side of the table away from harry and she was concerned “harry, Ron what is going on with you boys'' Ron shrugged while harry look down at his food, he knew he would have to tell them at some point that he was resorted into Slytherin but he was scared they hated Slytherins.

He'd already lost Ron because of it and he didn't want to lose the only people he can call his family. “Molly, I'm sure they'll resolve on their own” authur whispered to Molly and she nodded in agreement. Moving on from that question, authur changed the topic.  He was glad to have everyone laughing but Harry seemed on edge and nervous he decided to get him more comfortable. “So Harry how your 6th year in Gryffindor '' Harry froze, the table went silent and you could hear the house creak and shift. “ He's a traitor!” Ginny yelled “he's a disgusting snake” Molly was appalled by ginny's behavior “Ginny shut it this instant”  Ginny just screamed louder “no I won't shut up because harry was resorted into Slytherin making him a traitor”.

Ron had enough just because harry wasn't a Gryffindor didn't mean he was evil “Harry's my best friend he's not a traitor or a snake just because he's in Slytherin'' Harry's eyes locked with Ron and he couldn't help the tears that welled up knowing that Ron didn't hate him, and even stood up for him. 

But that moment of happiness was cut short by molly,”i will not had a disgusting slytherin near my family i don't know what evil spell you have ron under but i want you out of this house by sundown potter” harry was absolutely shocked at how she sneered, she'd never done that before let alone directed at him “mum hes not evi-” ron was cut off by arthur '' molly he saved my life” molly was angry how could they defend a slytherin, after slytherins killed her brothers she could never see them the same she had no care for them they were all evil in her eyes and harry was no different in her mind his image twisted and he was no longer the son she'd never had but a bad influence an evil person that would snatch everything away from her.

Though in the back of her head she knew Harry would never do anything  like that she'd known him since he was eleven but she just could not think rationally about this “get out! Get out of my house!” she screamed at Harry as if he were hurting her. Without a second though harry ran he tried the door but it wouldn't budge thanks to the protective magic in the house, he ran up the stairs stopping for a second at the room him and ron shared he almost went in before he heard ron voice call his name telling him to wait and that he wanted to talk, but he could also hear molly and arthur arguing, so he ran further up to the secret library that he suspected nobody else knew about opened the door and slammed it shut.

He couldn't help but fall to his knees and cry. He sobbed, his heart hurt so bad he'd lost the only family he had.

{There's a club if you'd like to go You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go and you stand on your own And you leave on your own
And you go home and you cryAnd you want to die}

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