cursed eclipse | harry potter

By residenteve

43 7 6

As Estelle Corbin's mind begins to wonder about the dreams and spirits haunting her and her sleep, she begins... More

cursed eclipse
i. visible jealousy
ii. a saint fresh from sin
iii. questioning a full moon
vi. sharp eyes

v. prayers to the moon

2 1 0
By residenteve

Estelle could already sense the scowl Draco would make as she walked into the Great Hall with Cedric at her side. They rounded the corner and entered the big space only to see the hall was enhanced with decorations for the Halloween season. Hundreds of pumpkins were lit with candles and orange streamers moved like mermaids from their place on the ceiling.

Cedric and Estelle said their goodbyes and went to their respective house tables.

Estelle ate more than she normally did and felt an uncomfortable fullness in her stomach from second helpings but surprisingly didn't feel any guilt from it all. The rest of the feast was left to the Hogwarts ghosts who provided entertainment by dramatically seeping through walls and tables. Estelle rolled her eyes at Peeves who glided through the Slytherin table leaving students to shiver and scream.

Draco seemed it was fit to shout through the leaving crowd and directly at the other Dementor victim, "The Dementors send their love, Potter!"

Estelle waited for most of the crowd to filter out the hall so she could avoid the bumping shoulders and loud chattering. She was walking down the hall on her own when a group of Gryfindors came wandering the same hall on the opposite end. As she passed them, she gave them a confused look while her eyes jumped on each one of them. Why are they all going back?

When Estelle reached the dungeons and entered the dimly lit Slytherin common Professor Snape was standing opposite the entrance with his back to her while speaking to what looked like the whole house.

"There's been a disturbance on the school grounds and for your safety, it requires joining the rest of the school in the Great Hall," A series of questioning glances and gasps followed the teacher's words, "Please follow me."

He turned and noticed Estelle standing behind him looking just as confused as everyone else.

"Ah, Corbin. How nice of you to join us," Snape sneered.

"Thank you, Professor. It's a pleasure," Estelle replied with the same attitude.

Eventually, the school reunited in the Great Hall for the second time that evening. The Slytherins were the last to arrive. Everyone was just as confused as each other and the majority of students were gathered in groups gossiping away. Estelle stood awkwardly off to the side while scanning the room to hopefully stay with someone she knew.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore called out as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed the doors into the hall, "I'm afraid that, for your safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he added to Percy Weasley, who was looking immensely proud, "Send word with one of the ghosts."

Professor Dumbledore paused, about to leave the hall, and said, "Oh, yes, you'll be needing..."

One casual wave of his wand and the long tables flew to the edges of the hall and stood themselves against the walls; another wave, and the floor was covered with hundreds of purple sleeping bags.

"Sleep well," said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him.

The hall immediately began to buzz excitedly. Estelle spotted Cedric with a small group of friends and slowly approached. She didn't recognise the two people he was standing but they radiated an intimidating presence. Estelle gathered up the courage and tapped Cedric on the shoulder. His group went silent.

"Everyone into their sleeping bags!" shouted Percy. "Come on, now, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

"Estelle," Cedric noticed the weary smile on her face, "What's up?"

She stuttered, "I don't have anyone else to stay with except Draco but he's been so prissy lately, can I stay with you?"

His heart softened at her words and brought her into a side hug by wrapping his arm around Estelle's shoulders.

"Of course! Estelle, this is Ruth and Adrian. Ruth, Adrian this is Estelle." Cedric directed them towards each other.

Ruth waved at Estelle and Adrian let out a small, "Hello."

After a few awkward seconds of silence, Ruth spoke.

"So, how'd you two meet?" she questioned.

Cedric answered, "Oh, we met through our parents! We don't live far away from each other basically just a field away."

They eventually all grabbed a sleeping bag, dragged it to a corner of the hall and pulled the bags into a circle so they could all see each other.

"Do you think Black's still in the castle?" Adrian whispered anxiously.

"Probably but I don't get why we can't just stay in our dorms and have teachers out there. It still smells like chicken in here," Estelle whispered back.

Estelle could hear a group of Ravenclaw girls whispering to each other nearby. She could make out the words 'Black' and 'how?'.

"The lights are going out now," Percy screeched in his horrible voice, "I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!"

The light emitting from the floating candles above them slowly dimmed until the flame was no more. The lurking ghosts and the enchanted ceiling replicating the midnight sky were the only light sources left. Estelle looked up at the ceiling and felt at ease as she admired the shining stars and hopeful moon. Their surrounding clouds sheltered themselves from the world like a veil of protection which Estelle prayed to the moon to have. Her mother would say such wonders come from fantasy literature that Estelle delves into.

However, Estelle reckons it's her connection to the sun and moon. In her mind, she's like a solar eclipse. Presented as the moon, cold, grey and above everyone else. But when she makes a connection strong enough she reveals the sun. The other side of her no one sees. Bright enough to light up a room. Love and devotion for the things around her. A love she so desperately craves to give and receive. Her desire pulls her to anyone including people with rotten souls and when someone genuine comes around she clings until she slips.

Stay away and you're not putting enough effort in, stay close and you're obnoxious and clingy. Estelle wasn't perfect enough. Making friends was hard. Normalities in society make no sense. It twists her thoughts and muddles her brain.

Her prayers to the moon don't help. Nothing comes to mind, no sign pops up in a magazine or a stray leaflet abandoned in the streets telling her what to do. The moon isn't listening but the moon made her perfect. Her prayers fixed her problems.

Surprisingly, Estelle fell asleep under the full moon. Knowing Black had no reason to go after her and with the protection of teachers outside the Great Hall, she slept soundly in a weirdly comfortable sleeping bag.

Then, for the next few days, all everyone did was talk about Sirius Black. Theories on how he had managed to enter the castle grew wilder with each passing day. Things such as the killer swimming or flying his way in in the dead of night. However, that was the least of Estelle's concerns as Draco had her questioning her sanity. The wuss continuously showed off his injured arm for attention and Estelle had grown tired of it.

Now that I think of it, having a serial killer in the castle isn't too bad. Maybe Black could kill Draco or myself, either is fine.

When Estelle entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom she noticed Lupin was nowhere to be seen and Snape was in his place.

"Where's Lupin?" she questioned.

"He's ill. Now sit," Snape replied with just as much attitude as she had given.

Estelle took her designated books out of her bag while in her assigned seat. She patiently watched as other students filed into the classroom and waited for the lesson to start.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin. I-" Harry Potter said while bursting through the door of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Estelle rolled her eyes at the state of the boy and focused her attention back to the front of the classroom.

Professor Snape stood, behind the teacher's desk, glaring at the disturbance, "This lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor. Sit down."

"Where's Professor Lupin?" Potter said.

"He says he is feeling too ill to teach today. I believe I told you to sit down?" Estelle could hear the teacher's patience wearing thin.

"What's wrong with him?" Potter stubbornly stayed where he was.

Snape's eyes narrowed, "Nothing life-threatening. Five more points from Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again, it will be fifty."

Potter walked slowly to his seat and sat down.

"As I was saying before Potter interrupted, Professor Lupin has not left any record of the topics you have covered so far-"

Hermione Granger interrupted, "Please, sir, we've done Boggarts, Red Caps, Kappas, and Grindylows and we're just about to start-"

Snape harshly snapped back, "Be quiet. I did not ask for information. I was merely commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organization."

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had," Dean Thomas called out. Estelle amusingly watched on as Snape's eyes narrowed even further at the class agreeing with the statement.

"You are easily satisfied. Lupin is hardly overtaxing you- I would expect first years to be able to deal with Red Caps and Grindylows. Today we shall discuss werewolves," the teacher announced.

Granger cut in again, "But, sir, we're not supposed to do werewolves yet, we're due to start Hinkypunks-"

"Miss Granger, I was under the impression that I am teaching this lesson, not you. And I am telling you all to turn to page 394," he glanced at the lack of movement, "All of you! Now!"

Everyone moved with distaste.

Once Snape scanned the room and confirmed everyone was on the correct page he said, "Which of you can tell me how we distinguish between the werewolf and the true wolf?"

Estelle held her head in her hand and lazily skimmed over the book's text trying to look for an answer as everyone else sat in motionless silence. Unsurprisingly, Granger once again raised her hand to answer.

However, Snape seemed to completely ignore the raised hand, "Anyone? Are you telling me that Professor Lupin hasn't even taught you the basic distinction between --"

"We told you," said Parvati Patil suddenly, "we haven't got as far as werewolves yet, we're still on-"

"Silence! Well, well, well, I never thought I'd meet a third-year class who wouldn't even recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I shall make a point of informing Professor Dumbledore how very behind you all are..."

"Please, sir," said Hermione, whose hand was still in the air, "the werewolf differs from the true wolf in several small ways. The snout of the werewolf-"

"That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger," said Snape sharply, "Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all."

Hermione Granger shakily lowered her hand and redirected her attention to the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the classroom. Estelle couldn't see Granger's face from where she sat but Estelle wouldn't be surprised if Granger's eyes were lined with tears.

Is he wrong though? Out of line, sure, but not wrong.

"You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?" Ron Weasley raised his voice at the teacher.

Many gasps came from several students at the response. Snape advanced on Weasley slowly, and the room held its breath.

"Detention, Weasley and if I ever hear you criticize the way I teach a class again, you will be very sorry indeed."

No one made a sound throughout the rest of the lesson. They sat and made notes on werewolves from the textbook, while Snape prowled up and down the rows of desks, examining the work they had been doing with Professor Lupin.

"Very poorly explained...That is incorrect, the Kappa is more commonly found in Mongolia...Professor Lupin gave this eight out of ten? I wouldn't have given it three..."

When the bell rang, at last, Snape held them back.

"You will each write an essay, to be handed into me, on the ways you recognize and kill werewolves. I want two rolls of parchment on the subject, and I want them by Monday morning. It is time somebody took this class in hand. Weasley, stay behind, we need to arrange your detention."

The underwater Slytherin common room was empty except for Estelle who was tucked into the corner and sat in an armchair. Everyone else was at the ongoing Quidditch match and not wanting to stand in the storm, even with warming charms, she decided to catch up on Snape's essay. She wouldn't be doing it in the first place, but Estelle thought there was no harm in trying due to her new interest in werewolves. Funnily enough, she ended up using some of the books she used in the library to 'investigate' Lupin as texts about Werewolves and fear of the moon both had the usage of similar words.

Rain pattered against the roof and the wind howled which echoed throughout the room, creating a grounding noise for her. The warmth of the fire kept her concentrated but that didn't last as Estelle was interrupted by a knock on the large circular window next to her which looked out into the Black Lake. Floating there was Delphine, one of the mermaids she had gotten to know when teaching sign language for better communication between Slytherins and mermaids.

Delphine tilted her head to look at Estelle's essay better before signing, "Estelle, what are you working on?"

"Werewolves. Know anything?" she signed back.

"Only that it was a full moon a few days ago. I could see it from the bottom of the Lake, I love the way the water makes it shimmer," Delphine replied.

"Really? I never noticed. How are you and Myrla?" Estelle could see the colour in Delphine's cheeks rise even in the dark atmosphere.

When Estelle first started teaching mermaids sign language with other Slytherins, Delphine was one of the first to correspond. The majority of the Mer was hesitant as even underwater creatures gossiped and had heard the reputation of Slytherins. Delphine was young and naive so she immediately worked with the group.

When Delphine had grasped the basics the first thing Estelle signed was, "Your name, it means dolphin in French." The mermaid immediately started to impersonate dolphin noises and it was the hardest Estelle had smiled that year.

When the rest of the Mer had gotten comfortable and Estelle and Delphine formed a friendship, Delphine introduced Estelle to Myrla. The two were best friends but Estelle saw the way they looked at each other.

"Great, really great," Delphine beamed and Estelle mirrored her smile, "But I best be off. Me and the others are going to terrorise some Six Years who are skinny dipping in the Lake."

"Thank you for stopping by," Estelle waved at the fading Delphine who delved further into the Lake.

Estelle refocused and continued writing her two-page parchment essay on the ways to recognize and kill werewolves. The more Estelle read the more she noticed the unique usage of the same words that were used in the books about the moon when 'investigating' Lupin. Potentially, if Lupin was a werewolf it could've been a potentially traumatic childhood memory of being attacked by a werewolf and that's why his biggest fear was the moon but when she skimmed over the words, 'absent during a full moon' that was when it clicked.

Lupin is a werewolf! Ok, maybe. Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's just go to Dumbledore. Wait, he's at the match. Shit. OK, maybe I just confront Lupin himself. Yeah, I could do that. You go girl, get his ass.

Estelle shakily stood up and packed her bag, leaving her homework unfinished, and dumped it in her dorm room. She then rushed out of the dungeons and went in the direction of the Hospital Wing hoping to see Lupin there. Adrenaline was pumping through her as she quickly walked to the front doors of the Wing only to bump into...


"Oh, hello dear. Not at the match?" The Professor replied.

Does it look like I am?

"No," Estelle awkwardly laughs and eyes the entranced to the Hospital Wing behind Trelawney, "Too windy for me. Makes my ears hurt and the rain ruins my makeup"

Sorry, Cedric.

Trelawney started up at her while registering her reply, "Well, I was just about to boil some tea. Would you like to join me?"

Estelle eyed the doors again but Lupin could hang on, tea was more important, "Of course!"

Trelawney smiled and they both took off to the Divination classroom. Estelle's heeled black boots echoed through the empty hall and Trelawney's jewellery rattled. When they had both made it up the ladder leading to the classroom, Estelle got comfortable in a worn red armchair opposite Trelawney's desk.

Estelle could hear Trelawney pottering about in a room next door. She heard the clinks of china and shingles of the teacher's bracelets before the teacher reentered the room. She carried a silver tray of boiling water in a floral teapot and mismatching mugs with tea bags. The teacher set the tray on her desk and poured water into both cups.

"You know, Dear, I get a funny sense about you. Your aura as well, it's off,"

Estelle paused blowing her tea and took a moment to register what the professor just said, "Oh...Well, could you maybe be more specific? Like what do you mean by 'funny'?"

"It's a sense that...Dear...How do I put this? It's something...I've only felt when I've encountered death," Trelawney visibly shivered at her own words, "During the war, in the eighties, I lost a dear friend of mine."

"Death...? Woah ok... uh," Estelle awkwardly sipped her tea, "I'm sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how that must feel."

That's slightly frightening.

Trelawney continued, "But don't fret Dear, I know that you have a long treacherous life ahead of you."

How fun.

Estelle nodded before they fell into an uncomfortable silence. She looked around the room to distract herself. She then saw movement from the corner of her eye and turned her head to look at a painting directly above Trelawney's desk. A young woman dressed in tattered clothing was covered with grime and her unkempt hair was put back in a coif. From what Estelle could tell from her research during the summer, she was a low-class woman from the sixteen-hundreds.

Trelawney caught her gaze and looked behind her to see what Estelle was looking at, "It originated from the sixteen-hundreds. Drawn by her brother, it's a painting of Amis before her death. Originally, her brother brought her here when he decided to teach Divination but when he passed she was moved to another classroom. She caused a fuss by screaming profanities before I was employed. When I took her in, she settled and has been quiet ever since."

Amis' piercing eyes stared down at Estelle's and they had an odd familiarity, "What happened to her?"

"She was burnt at the stake, supposedly for necromancy and having a female lover," Trelawney replied with a disheartened voice.

Estelle put her cup down but continued to admire Amis as Trewlaney rambled about Estelle's success in her class, "You would get along with Miss Brown and Miss Patil, they're in your year. All three of you have a natural talent and enjoyment of Divination."

Professor Trelawney stared at her through her enlarging glasses, "I've seen the looks they've given me whenever I raise my hand. Thanks, Professor but no thanks."

"Let me speak to them, maybe I could get you to pair up with one of them. I can assure you they're lovely girls."

"Thank you, Professor, but I best be off. I've got Defense homework to finish," Trelawney gave her a sad smile and Estelle stood from her chair and climbed down the ladder.

Estelle made her way through the now busy hallways as everyone was coming back from the match.

Now, back to Lupin.


Oh for fucks sake.

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