𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙃𝙞�...

By TaeraSosei3410

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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐬 " 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 " 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 . [ ON HOLD ] More


01 . O N E

160 28 16
By TaeraSosei3410

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" How could you do this without asking me ?" The elderly figure sitting on the front seat yelled at my father .

" I don't know ! I just felt that it would be right ! Bhai (Brother) I have been scammed by them as well ! I'm victim too ! Why can't you understand me as well ? " My father replied with anger and regret in his voice while he was handling the starring wheel .

" Now they are chasing us ! They will kill us if we don't give their money back !" The same man raised his voice more . He was my uncle .
" Please stop fighting !" My mother begged them to stop their fights .

The terror started growing up inside me . My body started shivering .
The environment became more horrible when the rain started pouring. The lightening striking making scary noises .
Everyone was busy blaming my father for what he did but at that time all I could think was about how did we get into this mess .

My child brainpower wasn't helping me , it was only confusing me . The wondering things was a 10 year old child hated living that day .

" Ritesh ! Speed up !" My uncle said loudly which made me cover my ears as he was sitting beside me .

" I can't speed up more ! Children are here as well !" He said as he kept his pace .

We're running from something that's what I could think . What else we are going to face ?

The car was speeding up as the goosebumps were coming on skin due to the terror growing inside me . The road was dark and deep inside forest . Two cars following us trying to fetch us .
It was feeling like it's never ending , it won't end until we die .
It might chase us even after our death .

Soon the forest ended just to see a dark and secluded place with an intersection or roundabout of four roads was seen . There was a slight image of boundary which raised a ray of hope in my uncle and he said ,
" Ritesh cross that boundary as soon as possible . We might get saved by police ."

" Okay !" My father sped up thinking that we might escape if we cross the boundary but destiny has it's own way to let us escape .

As soon we reached the roundabout where the four roads were meeting each other , the flashlight occurred from the right side . It reduced our vision to see what's ahead .
We all squinted eyes .

In matter of seconds I heard a loud voice , DANG!!!!

And in a second , all I could feel was getting collided to the either sides of car and getting lots of bruises .
Lastly a feeling of soft mattress which was probably airbag but it didn't reduce my pain .
I was trying to looked here and there but my neck was stuck somewhere or probably it was injured .

Our vehicle was burned , we all were out of the vehicle lying on the road .
Everything was fiery around us . Yet the rain kept pouring on us .
And at the very end , everything I could see and hear was my parents lying infront of me with blood on them still trying to come closer to me while crawling while trying to wake me up .

My eyesight became blurry and I don't know what happened next .

And that's how it might have ended ........
That night might have ended everything .....

Feels like the story met it's end at the beginning . Did the story end here ? Does it have nothing ahead ?

No . Never . The story hasn't ended yet .
The real story starts now . The thirst to live and survive in this world and get what I deserve . The desire to let this world know that I do deserve something better and not to be treated like a slave or a daughter of a betrayer .

Was my father even betrayer ? He was himself betrayed , wasn't he ?


Present :- 15 June 2024 .

" Bhaiya , Roy Industries , Malabar hill ." I said getting into the cab which I booked .

" Didi , 35 minutes lagenge . Aaj traffic bahot hai barrish ki vajah se ." He said when I sat inside while checking up my purse to find my phone .
(" Sister , it'll take 35 minutes . today , there's lot of traffic due to rain .")

" Okay ." I nodded while checking the message section in my phone .

The Roy Industries , the splendid company of whole Mumbai or maybe even whole nation , known for the great evolution done by Rajendra Roy in computer science field and it's research on developing it's software designs .

He has never revealed much about his personal life . He's very sophisticated .
He's minimalist .

The craze he started in 1990 about computer science , no one has ever defeated him and his ideas till this date .
Despite of his age he always cracked every single deals he presented .

I always wanted to be one of those epitomes , like these great personalities but life has different things to serve me .
Being a CS engineer with a master's degree from reputed colleges like IIT , I hoped to be owner of my own company based on same trade .

But ........ Situation wasn't the same with the situation where I shriveled up this dream . Atleast at this point of my life I hoped to have a normal job .
Since the day I applied for a employment in this company , my heart beat races whenever a notification pops up thinking it might be from the company .

Yesterday when I received the notification , it triggered my eyes . I left my dinner in middle just to see that notification .
But my efforts wasn't worth .

The company did reply to my application but they offered me to be the secretary of the newly appointed CEO of their company .
I was offended by their offer , how could they change the criteria of the application ?
But I had no option since I was the one who needed it .
I needed to decrease the burden on my family of financial terms

Thinking for whole night with some discussions with my elder brothers , I decided to give this job a hit all of sudden . I can resign if I don't like , can't I ?

I hate this adjustment and sacrifice when it comes to my career !

The luxury I would want is nothing but my own company and the respect .
Once my family has experienced the luxury they gained by working hard and even we saw it getting destroyed right infront of their eyes .
In one blink , my auspicious life turned into a despicable one .

" Didi , Apaki company agayi . Apane online pay Kiya hai na ?" The driver said making flinch a bit and come out those pessimistic thoughts .
(" Sister , We reached to your company . You paid online , didn't you ?")

" Y-Yes . Thanks you ." I said as I got off from the car .

I stood infront of the finely polished grand entrance of Roy companies . I sighed knowing that , I'm not supposed to drool over here . I need to get in .

I got inside just to see everyone with well pressed formal wears with ID hanging on the neck . I quickly went near reception area to ask about my job .

" Excuse me Miss , I'm appointed as the secretary of CEO . Where should I go for the further procedure ?" I asked her while she just glanced at me and then continued her work on PC .

I was about to repeat thinking she might have ignored me but before me she said .
" For further procedure you've to meet the CEO on 15th floor . He'll have a quick meeting with you . "

I'm dumb to judge the person at first meeting .
" Thank you so much , Can you please tell me where are the elevators ?" I asked

" It's right behind over there , Miss ." She said politely

" Thanks you ." I thanked her and paced my feet to the elevators
Getting into elevator I pressed the 15th floor button , it was about to close but someone kept his hand in middle and it stopped .

Few bodyguards along with their boss entered making me stick to the very corner of elevator .

" Let that lady stand here ." The man who was supposed to be their boss said to his guards making me space to breath .

" Thank you sir ." I said taking a deep breath .

" My pleasure ." The man said politely .

" May I know who are you ?" He said as he looked at me .

" I'm Prisha Malhotra , I'm recently appointed as the secretary of CEO in this company ." I said while keeping my gaze and words polite .

" So first day ?" He asked me

" Yes , sir ." I replied .
" Sir , M-May I know your name ?" I asked as the curiosity crept on me . I was supposed to not to be asking him this question but my curious ass won't let me sit peacefully .

" Myself Arjun Roy ." He said with such a glam on his face .
" All the best for your first day ." He said as he smiled when the elevator buzzed telling that we're on 15th floor .

Thanking him , I left from elevator while he was still there .
He was nice , wasn't he ?

It has been 15 minutes since I reached on this floor . I still couldn't find his office .

I was supposed to go to the CEO's cabin . But I was confused , how could I find his office in this big buildings ? 
There are many loop holes even on this simple floor .

The sound of my heels roamed in the grand hallway of the company . Being helpless I decided to ask someone .
" Excuse me , May I know where's the CEO's office ?" I asked one of the female employee who was about to pass by me .

" Yeah , It's right there ." She said pointing at my left .

" Thank you ." I said as I directly went to the direction she showed me .

There was a reception area right opposite to the door I was about to enter .
" Wait ! Who are you Miss ?" The girl sitting there asked me .

" I'm CEO's newly appointed secretary ." I said as I backed off and faced her .

" You're Miss Prisha Malhotra , aren't you ? " I nodded as yes at her question .
" Please wait here , Mr. Roy is busy ." She said to me telling me to wait .

I nodded as I sat in the small yet spacious waiting area .
" These new heels are so noisy , aren't they ?" I mumbled to myself when I sat there .

I waited for more than 15-20 minutes . I was bored but I needed to keep my stamina until I meet him and he finalize my job . Atleast for today !

" Ms . Malhotra , Please come and visit Mr. Roy ." She said peeking through the door .

" Yes ." I replied .

" May I come in sir ?" I knocked on the polished wooden twice to ask for permission to get in .
" Come in ." A cold hoarse voice replied sending chills down to my spine .

Taking deep breath , I entered .
" Take a sit ." He said still looking at the file .

I sat while trying observe him . His hairs were neatly set not letting them come on his forehead . The File was covering his face partiality that's why I was able to to see only his forehead .

" Your file ." He said forwarding his hand to take the file .
I gave him the file . I could feel his strong veiny hands even when his hands weren't in my contact .

There was a angular nameplate on his table . I tried to read the name but couldn't because it was set in such angle that I could see the only whiteness due to sunlight coming in his cabin .

At last he kept the file and looked at me .

When he was keeping the file taking mine , his face for which my eyes awaited was flashed to me .
The moment I saw him , everything started to happen in slow motion . The way he was taking file , checking it felt so elegant .
Only the sound of flipping pages was audible

Damn ! Prisha ! That's not what you came for !
My brain scolded that subconscious part of my mind .

" Ms. Sakshi will show you your cabin . Start working from today . She'll tell you the remaining schedule ." He said after brief look at my file .

" Thank you sir ." I said while he took a glance at me .

" Your name again ?" He asked with a dark gaze .

" Prisha Malhotra ." I said while standing up .

" Hm . Ms. Malhotra , after taking schedule , come again . We need to discuss a deal as well your rules and regulations ." He said as he stood up taking his coat from the unique designed hanger and coming near me .

Unconsciously I stepped back thinking he was coming at me but he passed by me very quickly that I needed few seconds to process .

" And yes , I don't want any mistakes . One mistake and you'll be fired with no job opportunities ahead ." He said while wearing his coat elegantly .

He has so much attitude !
First meeting and I kind of started hating my boss .
Sheesh !

Keeping my thoughts aside I decided to find who's that Ms. Sakshi.
Following him , I came out of his cabin .

" Ms. Sakshi , guide her to her cabin and tell her about schedule ." He said while passing by her .

" Um , Ms. Sakshi May I know his name ?" I said the manly walking figure of my boss .
I felt so dumb that I was unknown to the name of my own boss .

" You don't know his name ?" She chuckled at my silliness . I nodded as no in embarrassment .

" He is Aditya Roy . He's the second son of first Vice chairman . He was CEO of American branch of Roy Industries but now he's transferred here ." She said as she looked at me with a smile .
I smiled back .

" Since you're new here , will you need my company if you are not comfortable around here ?" She asked me .
" Yes .I would love to ." I said as I was relieved that there is someone who will be known to me .


Hope You all love this first chapter !!!

I'll make sure you love this book from bottom of your heart .
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And love you all ...

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