By Disnaycinderellakook

133K 5.7K 2.6K

"You are caught up in my obsession, means there is no escape for you in this lifetime neither in any other." ... More

SIX [18+]
SEVEN [18+]


4.4K 161 13
By Disnaycinderellakook

"you may think she belongs to you but that's was never on the first place ."


8:00PM [NIGHT]

After what happened between the married couples, they didn't talked all this while, when Jungkook woke up, he instantly threw up with loud growls of his, even there was chances that micro organisms might had shaken to the core because of his loud veiling, after his veiling out his everything, he remembered the thing he did to his wife.


This was his thoughts, he knew he again cross the boundaries between their married life, when he first time forced him on her, she was totally ruined, destroyed to her inner soul where she didn't ate or talk to anyone because of the trauma she went through that time.

Jungkook knew all the sole root of this all mess was only his girlfriend, Jiye. When his thoughts went to her, their previous conversation roamed his mind where she appealed a divorce from Y/N.

At some point he wanted to divorce her but something was halting him and if it was about Jae, he would even took care of him rather in all good ways but again what was holding him to not to divorce her. He didn't loved her, even the time of proposal he was totally against it. He knew it if he stayed more here, he would make things more messy.

When Y/N woke up beside Jae, all she did was cry while looking at her precious baby who was sleeping with soft baby snores, her mind, soul everything was screaming at her for not being strong before her husband.

And moreover How could she, she was blind in his love. Not even reflecting on his dreadful flaws, she was angel to accept him. She knew that he still or maybe not still loves Jiye, she thought that she will change his feelings for Jiye but if she knew the reason more of his evil character.

crying at her dreaded life, she Just thought of living everything behind and took her son with her to run away somewhere far, far from this shitty life she had, Nevertheless, she never did that thing, she knew if she did that then Jungkook will go with any extant to get his son back, HIS son, sadly you share your baby with him so this also stops to you here right then and there.

9:23PM [NIGHT]

Dark knight fell in the sky, stars accompanying moon with pride, the ambiance of silent and innocent wind fell in the living room, a baby giggles and some sound effects were echoing in the solace of living room, the wind caressing the baby brown bouncy bangs, everytime he looks at his stuff toys his doe eyes would sparkle, his little brain having the idea of nibbling every stuffed toy paws, ears and what not, on the matted floor, surrounded by variety of toys, cars, plushies and stuffed toys, in his cute pink rabbit onesie, the fluffy pink long ears bouncing on his head, he cradled to the one of his favourite toy, his cooky, his white rabbit stuffed toy, he took it in his small hands and placed it's long ears in his mouth, drenching the ears, he nibbled.

Y/N the mother of baby, preparing dinner for herself as she got the message from her husband that he will be having his dinner with his office colleagues and with his hyungs, knowing the exact reason of why he was avoiding her roamed in her mind, she sighed.

The horrible night she again went through, she was still feeling pain in her core, the way he railed her broke her heart and dignity, he sometimes act like he care for her but then he again act like he hate her to his very bottom of his heart. She sometimes thinks that do her husband have a symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Lost in her thoughts, her mind was still lost to the night she went through, she never wished a married Life of her to go like this, she wanted a normal married life like her parents went through, even they were arranged, they understood each other and then fell in love with eachother, couldn't Jungkook try to do this?

Its not hard, they can be with them at high and low and always care for them like she always do for him, if her care can make her baby obsessed with her then why not her husband?

Removing her thoughts from her mind, she sighed. Wind caressing her pale cheeks, the ice beauty she was. Her pale skin made her look more appealing, her plump lips, glossy and red. Her long hair, brown in messy bun. Her body covered with her black shirt and black shorts.

She was pretty, too pretty to resist her, then how Her husband could do this such a cruel act to her. Trying hard to stable her mind from her night horrible events, she removed the apron from her frame by uniting the bow knot from behind her back, the last one which was on you the incident before was now peacefully resting in a bin, it was a stain to remember the things you went through so you threw it and get new one from your kitchen stored shelves.

After settling the apron on a wall hook, she took the Mandoo bowl from the kitchen Island, as she took steps to the living room, a joyful giggles and sound effects heard her.

Again, a beauty smile decorated her face, her innocent baby, Jae. A lively ball of life, the instability always vanishes from her mind when her brown orbs fell on her baby, a cure to her heart. When she reached the living room, she placed the bowl on the tea table and went to her baby who was nibbling on his stuffed pink kitty paws, she always think that why he do that then she remembered, the time she heard from her mother that how she got her teeths, a habit of chewing something was the reason to know that her baby's teeth was coming, to early for the baby but she never cared.

It was well for her baby, sitting beside her baby, who was in his pink rabbit onesie, the fluffy pink long ears were falling on his head, a cute sight for her eyes, she caressed his head, when Jae felt a hand on his head he looked up, a huge stars could be seen in his eyes.

"Ma...Mamaaaa," He cooed, Y/N smiled.
"Oh my baby," she grabbed his chin with her both hands and kissed his whole face, he starts to whine.
"Maaaaama....chiiuuu," his habit of creating sound effects was something she never get old with.

Leaving his face, she smiled, he pouted and crawled to her lap, she folded her legs, letting him sit on her lap, as he was spacing on her lap, she grabbed the bowl and placed it close to her, before her, On the tea table, she was sitting on the matted floor with his variety of toys on the floor, as she was about to hold the spoon when Jae whined.

"Maaaa," you properly settled him on your lap but he Just faced your dinner bowl. His eyes were on the effects of stars when he saw the delicious food.

He was about to hold the spoon when Y/N grabbed his wrist, with a finger up, she shook her head.

"No, baby. This is not for you," she took the spoon, when Jae eyes starts to shine in gloss, be unaware of his teary eyes, she ate the food with her eyes closed, devoting the taste while Jae was looking at his mother, with tears and with quivering lips, a loud cry left his mouth which stops her work.

"Argh-Baby, why are you crying,"she took him in her arms from her lap, facing his chubby face, she wiped his tears,

"Shhh!" She tried to shushed, but he just cried, in his break down he pointed his tiny finger on the bowl which was resting on the tea table, close to her, With a frown on her face, she looked down at her dish. She sighed.

"No baby, that's spicy and that is not good for you," she consoled him and try to wipe his tears but he refrain his face from her touch, and placed his face on her shoulder, crying out loud.

This drama queen.

"This kid," she sighed and laid him on her lap, she starts to shake her legs to make him comfortable, as she said

"Are you hungry," he nodded.

She pulled her shirt up along with her bra and breastfeed him, apparently his loud cry fell in the ground. She sighed, there was some times that she can't handle her own son, taking the ambiance of silence, she dig in her food.

Bangtan Dorm

The sentiment of any human can be shaken to its corner of it's core when they will have a look of the room, to be exact, the look of bangtan dorm, the couch was flooded with Taehyung laying posture while arns up and a hold of phone in his hand. While the eldest of the group, Jin accompanying the kitchen counters and the utensils, to prepare a sweet dish for the human in the dorm, as he was busy Jimin was watching TV while on the ground with a remote in his grasp, the usual place for their mind peace, as the peacefulness reaching the preach of the dorm, the younger one of the house walked down the stairs, from upstairs. The clicking of his heels alerted the two human in the living room, he was in his casual white oversized shirt and blue baggy pants, loosely hanging on his legs, as he walked down, Jimin was the one who rolled his eyes at his presence while Taehyung smiled at him who sat on the single arm couch.

"Yo, dude. Are you fine now?" He asked with concerned and a small smile on his lips
"Better. I am better now," he sighed and leaned on the couch. As they were emerged in the silence, footsteps heard, while coming to them.

"Guys, your cookies are ready, the dessert of the night." As he said, he placed it on the tea table.
"Thanks, bro." Taehyung sat up, placing his phone on the tea table, he grasp the cookie. Savoring the taste, a moan left his mouth as Jin and Jimin chuckled.

"Wow, bro. You never disappoint me. Why can't you be my personal chef. I will give you triple salary,"
Tae said, munching on the cookies.
"Are you stupid? That's not gonna happen, just dream on," he said while shooing him with his hands.
"I am joking, Jin Hyung." He said. Jin took a cookie and sat on the couch beside tae, while Jimin also took some cookies while Jungkook sighed and took out his phone, Jimin saw him taking out his phone.

Must be texting Jiye.

A thought ran in his mind, but after the far approach of calmness his mind went to Y/N, his eyes sudden with disappointment of not revealing the truth before because of his sister who loves Jungkook so much. He wanted to end this toxicity but his brother instincts held him back, as he said. Biting on the cookie.

"Hey, guys. I want to tell you something," Jin pulled their attention.
"What?" Asked Jimin, munching on cookie.
"Namjoon called me this morning," he said with a big smile on his plumpy lips.
"What he said?" Asked Jungkook.
"He said, he is coming to korea with Hobi." When they heard this, Tae was the one who jumped up from the couch with a widened eyes as he squeal in happiness.
"Oh my god!!! Really. He is coming back to korea,"
"Yes!" Replied Jin, as he was smiling and eating cookies made by him.
"So we should prepare a welcome party for them," jimin suggested
"That's great idea Jimin," Tae said as he sat down. Jungkook was Just listening and was chatting with Jiye which wasn't unnoticed by Jimin. He was gritting his teeth mentally and was struggling to keep the urge of strike him on the floor, as he was glaring at Jungkook, Jungkook felt a eyes watching him, so he moved his gaze and got in the hold of Jimin dark and scary glare, but he didn't budge. He kept his unemotional expression on held, as he scoffed and rolled his eyes at the shorten one and dipped his face in the chat with Jiye along with a warm smile, unfazed about the surroundings Jin and Tae were blabbering about the party arrangments.

Jimin was about to say something to Jungkook when Jin said.
"So, Jimin will prepare the arrangements of party with Tae," Jin said "...and me and Y/N will prepare the foods," when Y/N name rolled from his mouth, Jimin and Jungkook looked at Jin.
"Y/N?" With unconscious mind, Jimin whispered her name, which was got heard by them all, with frowned Jungkook looked at Jimin who spelled his wife name as he was the closer one to her, he scoffed

Maybe they are.

"Yes, Y/N. Ain't she good at cooking, even I don't want to admit that but her cooking skills are much better then me so, I and Y/N will prepare the foods," jin said.
"You are right, Jin." Admitted Tae as Jimin nodded softly too.
"Well...we are preparing everything for them, then when they will come?" Jungkook asked, unfazed about the glare from Jimin.
"They are coming tomorrow," Jin said.
"Woah ho! That's early but ok. I want to meet them anyways I missed them so much," tae said while wiping his fake tears as Jimin smacked on his thighs as he was close to his thighs, sitting on the floor, They both chuckled.
"So, are we clear with this?" Jin asked
"Who is gonna tell Y/N about this?" Asked Tae
"Of course, Jungkook." He said moving his gaze to Jungkook who gulped, well. He didn't had plan to go home today, but if they force him then there will be no option to left to obey them, everyone was looking at him.
"Jungkook?" Jin called him
"Huh?" He, with confusion spoke.
"Will you tell about thi--"
"He won't," Jimin jumped in.
"What do you mean, Jimin. He is her husband why he wouldn't tell her?" tae said.
"I know he IS HER husband but he is also the cheater here, I don't trust him so much about things which are related to Y/N. He won't tell her I know that. I will tell her about this," as he said. He stood up from the floor, along with Jungkook, fierce gaze were held up in Jungkook's eyes.
"What do you think of yourself, Jimin."
Asked Jungkook.
"A better and loyal person I think so," he said with a smirked while crossing his arms around his chest, Jungkook gritted his teeth, Jin and Tae watched their instance gaze filling the atmosphere with heaviness, Tae glanced at Jin and poked his biceps
"Hyung, do something before they do stupid things," Taehyung requested, Jin sighed and nodded, Jin and Tae both stood up, as Tae went to Jimin and grabbed his arms which pulled Jimin attention, he shook his head with the indication of stop the fight.
"You guys, can you both maintain a stability for a while when we are together?" Jin said as he also stood up with broad shoulders, hanging the words in the air. Jungkook sighed
"He started first." He said, pointing to Jimin with his Fierce gaze, as he glared at Jimin.
Jimin scoffed.
"Now, you will blame me for your mistakes, Jungkook? That's pathetic," Jimin said, venomous dripping from his each words, the thin patience of walls of Jungkook held with less power as he spoke
"What the fuck do you want, Jimin? Don't you dare test my fucking patience?" He growled.
"Am I? Then it will be fun to make you piss off," Jimin said with a wide grin on his lips.
"Jimin!!!!" Jin screamed.
"If you both again said a word, I will surely ban you both to enter the dorm and please if you guys don't stop this childishness, then don't come tomorrow," with furious in his words, Jin spat. Jimin rolled his eyes and Jungkook scoffed. Jin looked at them and said.
"Am I clear?" He asked.
"Sure, but tell him not to piss my nerves," said Jimin.
"As if you don't do that," Jungkook said. Jin rubbed his temples while Taehyung sighed.
"Ok! Listen, here," Jin started, changing the subject view "You both try to maintain a distance from each other, it may help you both to interact less with eachother, and it will be great help for us too," Jin finsihed. Tae looked at them who were looking at Jin. Jungkook sighed.
"Fine. I will but if he do something stupid I won't mind blowing his head with frying pan," Jungkook said.
Jimin scoffed.
"Oh please, as if I will let you do that," Jimin mocked.

"Well....anyways," Tae started, diverting the topic "We all know they both are coming tomorrow, so we have to prepare everything in a mean time and we also don't have much time for this because we have to go office too, how we will manage everything, Jin Hyung and moreover who is gonna tell about this plan to Y/N?" He looked at Jin, who was in a thinking postion, when Y/N name came from his mouth again, Jimin and Jungkook looked at him, to know whom hr will give the priority to tell her.
"About managing the arrangement it will be handled by us if we finish our paperworks tomorrow in a less time and talking about to tell this plan to Y/N then Taehyung, You will tell her about this."
Jin said while eyeing him, Jimin frowned with unsatisfied feeling in him and same goes to Jungkook as they both said in unison
"Why he will do that?" Jin and tae looked at both of them, Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other, with a glare they scoffed at each other while turning their head in other direction.
"You both are sick," said Jin as he sat down, tae accompanied him.
Jin looked at tae and said.
"I hope you will to that."
"Of course, I will. It's been a while since I visited her and by this way atleast I will visit her." Taehyung smiled. Jungkook sighed and sat down. Jimin too sat on the couch beside Tae.
"Tomorrow will be fun," Taehyung said with a squeal.

..........any surprise tomorrow? Guess what? Maybe?

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