Yu-Gi-Oh GX

By RyanVanmatre23

290 0 0

It's the gang's first year at Duel Academy. But a new student with seven decks would also be enrolling. More

The Next King of Games
Welcome to Duel Academy
A Duel in Love
Raring to Go
The Shadow Duelist, Part 1
The Shadow Duelist, Part 2
Duel and Unusual Punishment
For the Sake of Syrus
Judgment Duels Part 1
Judgment Duels Part 2
Formula For Success
Monkey See, Monkey Duel
A Spirit Summoned
Courting Alexis
The Duel Giant
Facing Raizou and Torimaki
King of the Copycats

Maiden in Love

7 0 0
By RyanVanmatre23

Early in the morning...

The Slifer Red's were in their dorm's cafeteria eating breakfast.

"Attention students, everyone's eyes on me. Chumley stop chewing with your mouth open." Banner said as they all looked to him. "Now please join me in welcoming a new transfer student, Blair Flannagan." Banner said as a kid even smaller than Syrus walked in wearing a big hat.

"I had to stop chewing for a transfer student?" Chumley asks.

"Aw man, he's smaller than me, dresses goofier than me, my sidekick gig is up." Syrus sighs.

"Come on be nice. Blair welcome to Slifer! Sure we're not the smartest kids on campus but we're the best." Jaden said.

"Uh Jaden." Prof. Banner said trying to stop him.

"What? I'm just trying to help Blair feel at home." Jaden said.

"But this isn't Blair's home, at least for long. Blair got near-perfect scores on the entrance exams but all transfer students start out in Silfer. In a few days, Blair will be moved up to Ra Yellow." Banner explains.

"Yeah right, next you're gonna say he's gonna be staying with us because of all the extra room." Jaden laughs as Syrus and Chumley slowly join him.

"Good idea. Blair meet your new roommates." Banner smiles shocking them.

At the Obelisk Blue Dorm...

Ryan was hard at work reviewing information on Spellcasters due to the upcoming test.

'Hopefully I ace that test.' He thought to himself.

The next day, all the students were gathered in the main room to see Chancellor Sheppard on screen.

"Alright folks, settle down. This year Duel Academy's big duel against our rival school North Academy is coming up and last year our best student Zane and his partner whipped them good and this year I wanna win again." Sheppard said as Blair looked over at Zane.

"Hey Blair, did you know Zane's my brother?" Syrus whispers.

"Reallly?" Blair asks.

"Yeah but mom says I got the looks." Syrus smiles.

"Now we haven't decided who will represent us this year so I suggest you all use this chance to hit the books and duel hard." Sheppard said before logging out.

"Sweet! That means I might get to duel." Jaden smiles excited.

"Or me, but who are we kidding Jaden, Zane's probably gonna get one of those spots." Syrurs said.

"Why?" Jaden asks.

"Because he's amazing." Blair said in awe.

Ryan silently looked at them.

As he walked out, he saw Zane walking ahead of him.

"Zane." He got his attention.

"I don't believe we've had the luxury of formally meeting." Zane said.

"You could say that. I'm one of Jaden's and your brother's friends."

"What's up?" Zane asks.

"I'm after insight regarding the School Duel."

"Thinking about entering?" Zane smirks.

"What gave it away."

Little did they know, upstairs in Zane's room, Jaden was trying to get Blair who had snuck in.

"I don't know why you're here but you need to get out now otherwise you'll be booted out of this school." Jaden warns.

"Where'd you come from?" Blair asks when they heard a noise by the door.

"Explain later, leave now." Jaden said pulling Blair's hand causing his hat to fall off and a hairband to fall off revealing very long black hair under Blair's hat. "What the?"

Jaden looks at Blair realizing he wasn't a he, he was a she.

"What the?" Jaden gasps as Blair grasps her hat and runs out the window climbing onto a nearby tree.

"Jaden?" Jaden turns to see Ryan and Zane by the door.

"What are you doing here?" Jaden asked.

"That's my question. I doubt you have Crowler's approval to enter our dorm." Zane noticed his cards on the ground along with the hairclip.

"Agreed so you better go." Zane said surprising him.

"Seriously?" Jaden asks.

"Do you want me to reconsider or do you want to leave?" Zane asks and almost instantly Jaden left.

"The guys are not gonna believe this when I tell them." Jaden said running off as Blair popped her head out of the bushes.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." She said.

That evening, Alexis headed towards the lighthouse.

"It's not that often you have visitors." Alexis said.

"Jaden was in my room earlier and since you two know him I was hoping you can tell me why." Zane said.

"Don't ask me why." Ryan shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea."

"Me neither." Alexis said.

"I found this." Zane said holding up the hair clip.

"Wait a minute." Ryan inspected the hair clip. "I think Blair owes us a explanation."

By the water near the Slifer Red Dorm, Jaden and Blair were talking.

"Listen Jaden, the fact that I'm a girl has to stay a secret." Blair said.

"But what for? If I'm gonna keep a secret I should at least know why." Jaden said.

"No!" Blair snaps. "You don't need to know. Nobody does."

"Fine, but if you're not gonna tell me. You're gonna have to duel me." Jaden said taking out duel disks.

"A duel? How will that solve anything?" Blair asks.

"Because in a duel the truth always comes out." Jaden said.

"Fine but if I win you keep quiet without me having to explain myself." Blair said.

"This duel will show me more than enough." Jaden nods.

At the cliffs above them, Syrus and Chumley were hunched over as they looked down to see Jaden and Blair talking.

"We found them." Chumley said.

"What are they talking about down there?" Syrus asks.

"Don't know, looks pretty serious." Chumley said.

"I knew it, Jaden's found a new guy to pal around with." Syrus frowns.

"That's where you're wrong." Turning around they saw Zane, Ryan and Alexis behind them. "Because Blair's not a guy, she's a girl. Obelisk Security caught her sneaking into our dorm."

"The only thing we don't know is why." Alexis said.

"DUEL!" They both activating their Duel Disks.

Jaden: 4000

Blair: 4000

"Let's throw down!" Jaden said.

"Get ready." Blair drew. "To fall in love. I summon Maiden in Love!" On Blair's field a pretty little girl with long brown hair appeared.

Maiden in Love: 400/ 300

"She's cute." Syrus said as Chumley glared at him.

"My turn." Jaden drew. "So many choices, but I'll go with this one, Elemental Hero Avian!" Jaden said summoning the winged hero.

Avian: 1000/1000

"Now Attack!" Jaden said as Avian flew in.

"My poor helpless maiden." Syrus said.

"Who says she's yours?" Chumley asks.

"That's a Duel Monster guys." Ryan reminded them.

"Let's leave the fighting to them." Alexis said as Avian attacked.

Jaden: 4000

Blair: 3400

"You may have broken her heart Jaden, but she'll live to love another day. Because as long as she's in attack mode my Maiden can't be destroyed in battle." Blair declared.

"Aw man." Jaden said when Winged Kuriboh's spirit appeared next to him. "Winged Kuriboh?"

Winged Kuriboh coos before pointing ahead where they saw Avian helping Maiden in Love.

"Milady are you okay?" Avian asks.

"Maybe, maybe not." She said.

"What is going on here?! Avian you're supposed to be in attack mode not in love!" Jaden said.

"Looks like we have some competition." Syrus said.

"My monster is head over heels. Can this get any worse?" Jaden asks.

"Actually Jaden, it can because whenever a monster attacks my Maiden it gets a Maiden Counter." Blair said as heart appeared on Avian. "My turn. I play the spell Cupid's Kiss and equip it to my Maiden. Now attack!" Blair said as Maiden ran towards Avian but tripped and fell.

"You're so mean." Maiden said.

"Please accept my apologies." Avian begs.

"Okay but if you do me one favor in return. Attack that boy." Maiden said pointing at Jaden and Avian flew in and attacked Jaden.

"Sorry Jaden but when my Maiden takes damage from a monster with a Maiden Counter, the Equip Spell Cupid's Kiss and allows me to take control of it." Blair explains.

Jaden: 3000

Blair: 2800

"Now that I've taken control of your only monster, I'll end my turn with this." Blair said setting a facedown.

"Man, Avian's falling in love and I'm falling behind." Jaden drew. "I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode!" Jaden said summoning the electric hero.

Sparkman: 1600/1400

"Hate to do this Avian but you're either with me or against me. Go Static Shockwave!"

"I don't think so! I activate my trap Defense Maiden!" Blair said as her Maiden ran in front of Avian and took the attack herself. "It redirects your attack to my Maiden and you know what that means."

Jaden: 3000

Blair: 1600

"Sparkman how dare you attack a defenseless maiden! For shame Sparkman! For shame!" Avian said.

"Wow. This is like those weird soap operas." Takeru smirks.

"You're right I'm sorry! Please forgive me I'll do anything!" Sparkman said.

"Anything? Well I can't think of anything right now but I'm sure something will come to mind." Maiden winks.

"Just say the word my darling." Sparkman said as a heart appeared on his chest.

"And now that Sparkman has a Maiden Counter she will." Blair said as Jaden groaned.

"I want one. How do I get a Maiden Counter?" Syrus asks.

"Me too. I want one." Chumley agrees.

"Uh guys, you do realize she's a card?" Alexis asks.

"Try to remember who you're talking to. When were growing up, Syrus kept saying he was going steady with the Dark Magician Girl." Zane said as Takeru to look at Syrus.

"Is that why you keep asking to look at my deck?" Takeru asks.

"S-Sorta." Syrus rubs the back of his head laughing nervously.

"Hey why aren't you all gaga over the Maiden?" Alexis asks.

"Well because you're way prettier than that card." Takeru admits causing her to blush.

"My turn." Blair drew. "I activate Happy Marriage! Now my Maiden gains as many attack points as Avian that is if Avian says I do." Blair said as her monster's outfit changed to a wedding dress.

"It would be my honor." Avian said as he took her in his arms.

Maiden in Love: 1400

Using the same act she used on Avian, Blair's Maiden took damage from her attack but was able to use it to attack Jaden with both his monsters.

Jaden: 400

Blair: 1400

Happy at her progress, Blair took off her hat and untied her bandanna letting her long hair fly. "Sorry but you can't beat me Jaden. I'm dueling for love."

"Dueling for love? Doesn't she mean dueling with love?" Zane asks.

"Have you seriously not put it together yet? She puts on a disguise, tricks her way into our school and breaks into your room?" Alexis asks.

Down below, Winged Kuriboh coos as Jaden picks himself up. "Yeah pitting two guys against her wasn't a smart move." Jaden drew. "Of course. It's so obvious. If I'm gonna take on that Maiden in Love I need a woman's touch and I have just the one. I summon Elemental Hero Burstinatrix!" Jaden said summoning his female hero.

Burstinatrix: 1200/ 800

"Burstinatrix!" Sparkman gasps.

"Uh I know this looks bad." Avian said.

"Save it. You two are pathetic, but your honeymoon is over." Burstinatrix interrupts.

"You go Burstinatrix. Time to get our monsters back, I play Burst Return! When Burstinatrix is on the field all other Elemental Heroes can return to my hand." Jaden said as the pink hearts were destroyed.

"What was I thinking? I didn't want to get married." Avian said.

"Sparkwoman will never forgive me if she found out." Sparkman said.

"How about you two get over here before I tell the entire deck." Burstinatrix threatens as they came back to Jaden.

"Now it's time for a little payback! I play Polymerization and fuse my Burstinatrix with Avian to create the Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!" Jaden said as he summoned his favorite fusion monster.

Flame Wingman: 2100/ 1200

"Now finish her off!" Jaden said as Flame Wingman blasted Maiden in Love taking out the rest of Blair's life points.

Jaden: 400

Blair: 0000

"That's game. Thanks for the sweet duel Blair." Jaden smiles.

"Alright I guess I have to tell you my secret." Blair sighs.

"Nah I learned enough in our duel and I think our spectators did too." Jaden said as she turned to see Zane and the others standing nearby.

"Sure did. Love is on her mind Zane." Alexis said.

"Zane you're here. I guess you know it was me who broke into your room, not Jaden. I've been in love with you ever since we met." Blair confesses.

"At Nationals." Zane nods.

"That's right! It was right after you won that I made a pledge that I would do anything to be with you. I remembered you said that if I trained really, really hard I could get into Duel Academy just like you did. Now that I'm here we can get married." Blair said causing a weird expression to appear on Zane's face while Jaden laughs.

"That's a good one! You can get married in the cafeteria and Dr. Crowler can give you away." Jaden laughs.

"I'm not joking." Blair said.

"Blair, love doesn't work like that. You can't sneak your way into someone's heart. Just looked at what happened to your Maiden. She used tricks to get love and ended up with nothing. You can't use spells and disguises to find your soulmate. You have to be honest and upfront with them." Alexis said briefly looking towards Ryan before back to Blair.

"Yeah right! You're just trying to get Zane for yourself!" Blair glares.

'Oh Blair you could not be more wrong.' Alexis thought. "Zane a little help please?"

"Blair, I'm flattered by your affections but the only thing I'm in love with is dueling." Zane said handing her back her hairband.

"Dueling?" Blair asks.

"I think maybe if you see it for yourself you'll realize why. That question you asked me earlier about being in the School Duel...how about I show you?" Zane smirks standing across from him surprising everyone.

"You wanna a duel?"

"If you think you can handle it." Zane said taking out his duel disk.

"Oh man Ryan vs Zane." Jaden said.

"Lishious." Chumley said.

"You're on."

Ryan: 4000

Zane: 4000

"I'll go first. I summon Cyber Phoenix in attack mode!" Zane said as he mechanical bird appeared on his field.

Cyber Phoenix: 1200/ 1600

"And I'll place one card face down." Zane said ending his turn.

"My turn." Ryan drew. "Say hello to Iron Knight Gearfried."

Iron Knight Gearfried: 1800/1600

"Attack Cyber Phoenix with Metal Slash!"

Ryan: 4000

Zane: 3400

"Thanks, since you destroyed my Cyber Phoenix I get to draw a card." Zane drew.

"I'll end with two set cards."

"My turn." Zane drew again. "Since you're the only one with a monster out I can summon my Cyber Dragon!" Zane said as his mechanical dragon appeared.

Cyber Dragon: 2100/ 1600

"And now I summon Cyber Dragon Zwei to the field in attack mode!" Zane said summoning a smaller version of Cyber Dragon.

Cyber Dragon Zwei: 1500/1000

"Now Cyber Dragon attack Iron Knight Gearfried with Strident Blaze!" Zane said.

"I'll switch your Cyber Dragon to face down defense position with Book of Moon."

"Good try, but I have Magic Jammer." Zane said destroying Book of Moon and Strident Blaze hits him. "Now Cyber Dragon Zwei attack his life points directly!" Flying across the field it rams into Ryan knocking him to the ground.

Ryan: 2200

Zane: 3300

"Not so easy is it? In the School Duel every move you make counts so you can't afford to waste a single card or you could lose the entire thing." Zane said as Ryan got to his feet.

"It's plainly obvious why you were chosen to participate in the School Duel last year." He drew a card. "But I'm not out of this duel yet."

"I discard a card to special summon The Tricky in attack mode."

The Tricky: 2000/1200

"I'll follow up with Exiled Force."

Exiled Force: 1000/1000

Exiled Force then blew up taking Cyber Dragon with it.

"Attack Cyber Dragon Zwei."

Ryan: 2200

Zane: 2800

"I'll end my turn with a face down." Ryan had tied up their duel.

"Lucky for Zane his Cyber Dragons aren't real dragons or he'd be in trouble." Chumley said.

"Quite the comeback." Alexis said impressed.

"My turn." Zane drew. "I summon Proto Cyber Dragon!" Zane said as a poorly designed Cyber Dragon appeared.

Proto Cyber Dragon: 1100/ 600

"Next I play Double Summon which allows me to summon Cyber Dragon Drei!" Appearing next to him was another monster that resembled Cyber Dragon.

Cyber Dragon Drei: 1800/ 800

"And both of them have the effect that allows them to be called Cyber Dragon which means I can fuse them and the Cyber Dragon in my hand in order to summon my Cyber End Dragon!" Zane said fusing the three dragons to create his best monster.

Cyber End Dragon: 4000/2800

"There it is." Jaden gulps seeing the same monster that took him down.

"When in the School Duel you can't give your opponent such much as an inch. If you want to win come you have to play all your cards right. Cyber End Dragon attack The Tricky."

Ryan: 200

Zane: 2800

"I end my turn with one face down." Zane said crossing his arms.

'No matter what position I play a monster in, I take damage.' Ryan thought.

"Come on." Alexis said, worried.

"My turn." He drew a card. "I play Smashing Ground. This destroys the monster with the highest defense which happens to be Cyber End Dragon."

Zane smirks as Blair saw no matter how she looked him he never showed her that face. "He really does only love dueling."

"Now I bring out Vorse Raider!"

Vorse Raider: 1900/1200

"And since Cyber End Dragon is no longer on the field, you're wide open."

"Not so fast! Go Half or Nothing! For this attack you can choose whether I take half the damage from your attack or no attack at all." Zane said.

"Half damage." He said.

Ryan: 200

Zane: 1950

Zane looks at him and smiles. "Not bad, but I still have one more lesson. A good duelist never has just one ace." Zane said drawing a card. "I summon my last Cyber Dragon!" Zane said as his 3rd Cyber Dragon appeared.

Cyber Dragon: 2100/1600

"And now I play Overload Fusion! By removing my Cyber Dragon and every machine type monster in my graveyard and summon my Chimeratech Overdragon!" Zane said as a giant machine monster with multiple heads appeared.

Chimeratech Overdragon: ?/ ?

"He gains 800 points for every monster I used to make him." Zane said holding up his 3 Cyber Dragons, Cyber Dragon Zwei, Drei and Cyber End Dragon.

Chimeratech Overdragon: 4800/4800

"Oh no lishous." Chumley said.

"That's a lot of points." Syrus gulps.

"Big deal." Ryan scoffed. He didn't care Chimeratech Overdragon had 4800 attack points.

"I activate Draining Shield. Now I gain 4800 life points."

"Not bad. If this was a normal monster you might have had a chance, but my dragon is able to attack for each monster I used to make it." Zane said.

Ryan: 0

Zane: 1950

"Z-Zane that was amazing." Blair said.

"Thank you, Blair, but it's time for you to go home." Zane said.

"Hold on, why does she have to leave? Because you said so? She's a student at Duel Academy and a good one." Jaden said.

"She has to leave because she's eight years old."

"Are you kidding me?!" Jaden said as Blair smiles sticking her tongue out.

"Age doesn't matter when it comes to skill." Ryan stated. "Thanks for the duel."

Zane smiles softly before nodding.

"Nice job." Arisa said.

She and her siblings had been watching the duel from the side lines.

"I'm gonna train Jaden." Arisa said.

In the event she wasn't able to enter the pro leagues, she had law school to fall back on.

Ryan made his way back to the Blue Dorm with Alexis by his side.

"You know that was pretty impressive. I really thought you had him back there." Alexis said.

"If he didn't summon Chimeratech Overdragon, I would have won." Ryan said. "I'm still in disbelief a eight year old sneaked into the academy."

"Love makes people do crazy things." Alexis giggles.

They stop in front of the dorms.

"Later." He waved nonchalantly.

"You know if you want to practice in the School Duel, I'm more than willing to help."

"Sounds good." Ryan chuckled.

Alexis then turned to walk back to the girl's dorm.

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