Those blue eyes. A.C x oc fem

By IsaVelaz123

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Where Annabeth Chase falls for the owner of those blue eyes. Or Where Victoire Avery tries to not fall in lo... More

0.1-Introduction to my very happy life
0.2-How i met her.
0.3- New Friends
0.4- I fail
1- The Lightning Thief
1.1- A Normal Day In Camp Half-Blood
1.2- The Water Boy, Percy Jackson
1.3- Capture The Flag
1.5- The quest begins.
1.6- Aunty Em.
1.7- Cute little puppy, please don't kill us
1.8- The guy that runs from statues.
1.9- The Lotus Hotel.
1.10- We enter the Underworld.
1.11- Ares is being a jerk again.
1.12- The one who calls you a friend.
1.13- They call me sunshine.
2- The Sea of Monsters.
2.1- Back home.
2.2- I hate Tantalus.

1.4- A quest, to help my father?

450 29 9
By IsaVelaz123

☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

Next morning, I moved to cabin one and Percy moved to cabin three.

As I walked in the cabin I felt so weird, first of all there was this truly big Zeus statue then it was also really silent, I didn't have to share anything and I actually got a real bed, but there wasn't the Hermes cabin usual mess, it felt so weird not hearing the Stolls talk about their next prank and asking if I wanted to join them or Billy talking shit about everyone, I kinda missed that.

I felt so. . . Dissapointed?

I mean, I had practically expected every god to be my godly parent but one of the big three, just when I had accepted I was nothing special, that I was never gonna get claimed no matter how much I train, that maybe my mother was right I'm useless, Boom! You're the daughter of Zeus and that obviously makes me special, after all I was the second child of Zeus in seventy years.

And now I felt alone in this cabin, besides everyone acted so weird around me, so they did around Percy and I practically couldn't relax in here, I felt stalked by the statue of my own father.

And of course, suddently everybody knew how good I was with the sword, so nobody wanted to train with me, I had to train with Percy and Luke but everything Luke taught Percy was something I had already mastered.

Chiron pushed me harder with the greek lessons, saying 'You're the daughter of the principal god in greek mithology, you have to be good at this.' But I simply couldn't understand greek.

And everybody was keeping their distance, the Stolls, Luke, the Dionysus kids, even Annabeth wasn't the same, so I decided to talk to only one person that was being treated the same as me: Percy Jackson.

Just when I was gonna open the door, somebody knocked.

I opened the door, and I saw a sandy blonde boy, blue eyes and a scar in his right eye, Luke had finally showed up.

"Hey." He greeted, "Can I pass?"

"Yeah, sure."

He walked in and looked around, eventually he said,"Big cabin, and just for you."

"Yeahh. . . so, uh, do you need anything?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, I only see you during the sword lessons." The blonde boy said, "Well, I don't have to be Annabeth to know that your not happy about this."

"Well, of course i'm not happy!" I started, sitting in the bed, "Everybody treats me like I'm some sort of disease and you know I practically expected every god to be my godly parent, but him, and-"

"Whoa, hold on a minute." He cut me off, "Didn't you wanted to get claimed?"

"I wanted to, but Zeus? And I already told you how everyone is treating me, even Annabeth acts differently!" I answered, "Besides, he probably didn't even claim me because of what I've been doing."

Luke frowned in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"That he probably realized his brother was claiming somebody, then he looked around and he remembered that he had another adveture thirteen years ago!"

"So you think that if Percy didn't show up, you wouldn't have been claimed?" He asked.

"Well, no, but now that you mention it. . ." I said, realizing he was right, if Percy didn't show up, I probably would be stuck in cabin eleven.

"I have to thank him." I said standing up.

"What?" Luke asked.

"You are right! If Percy didn't show up I wouldn't have been claimed."

"But didn't you said you didn't like being Zeus daughter?" He asked completely confused.

"Well, that doesn't change that I did want to get claimed, it's true that I didn't expect this." I said looking at the statue, "But I'm glad, I finally know who my father is."

"But you don't like who your father is."

"I don't." I agreed.

"Then why would you thank him?" The blonde asked again.

"Because is thanks to him that I got claimed."

"I don't understand." Luke told me after a few seconds.

I smiled, "Someday." They always would use that word to end the conversation about my godly parent, today I was using it.

"So you are gonna thank Poseidon's son? You do realize he's the son of your father's enemy, right?" Luke said, also standing up.


"That you two might hate each other?" He tried again.

He did have a point though.

"I don't see your point." I lied, "besides you are the one that always says that who our parents are don't define ourselfs."

He held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, you win, but if something happens. . ."

"Got it, Mr. Sunshine." He smiled and left, waving his hand.

I looked at my father's statue again, and mumbled, "We'll see what happens, father."

And I left the cabin.


As I walked to cabin three, I noticed Grover also walking to the third cabin.

"Hey, Grov, is the carrer still on track?" I greeted.

"Hey, and Mr. D said that I didn't fail." Grover answered.

"Well that's great!"

"But, he also said I didn't succesed either," He continued.

"That's not great."

"Only if Percy gets a quest and I went along, and we both come back alive, I'll get the license." He told me, "Where are you going?"

"Cabin three." I answered.

"Me too. Mr. D wants to see Percy and you."

"Why?" I asked, I had expected someone to talk to me, since I shouldn't exist, apparently Mr. D was first.

"I'll explain when we get with Percy." Grover said, and we walked towards cabin three.

Grover knocked on the door and a sleepy Percy opened, "Can we come in?" Grover asked.

"We?" Percy said, Grover backed away a bit, just enough for the son of Poseidon to see me.

"Hey, Percy, can we come in?" I asked.

"Oh, hey, and yeah come in." He answered and let us in.

The cabin smelled like the beach, and it had six empty bunk beds with silk sheets and the walls shine like mother-of-pearl. There was no statue Poseidon statue.

"You don't have any statues around?" I asked.

"No?" Percy said in confusion, "Why do you ask?"

"In my cabin there is this big Zeus statue, he looks like a hippie. It's so weird." I told them, "Anyways, what did you had to tell us, Gro?"

"Mr. D wants to see you both." The satyr answered.

"Why?" Percy asked, as I asked, "What does he want?"

"He wants to kill. . . Well, I'd better let him tell you." Percy and I glared at each other.

"I'll get dressed up." Percy said.

Grover and I got out of the cabin and waited outside. Eventually, I told Grover that I would pick a hodie from my cabin, I started walking towards the Hermes cabin, then I remembered that my cabin was the other way.

When I got to the cabin, I opened the door, as I looked around, still pretty impresed by the cabin, I decided I would do some changes, first I was going to put up a curtain, a purple one, some pictures around, and maybe some led lights and I was definitely gonna do something about that statue.

I picked my purple hodie and catched up with Percy and Grover, who were waiting for me.

"No," I heard Grover say. "It never rains here unless we want it to."

Percy pointed at the storm. "What the heck is that, then?"

Grover glanced uneasily at the sky. "It'll pass around us. Bad weather always does." Then he noticed me, "Let's go."

I looked at the storm Percy mentioned, it was really huge. I wondered if my father had to do anything with it.

At the volleyball pit, the kids from Apollo's cabin were playing a morning game against the satyrs.
Dionysus's kids were walking around in the strawberry fields, making the plants grow. Everybody was going about their normal business, but they looked tense. They kept their eyes on the storm. They knew something I didn't.

All three of us walked up to the front porch of the Big House. Dionysus sat at the pinochle table in his tiger-striped Hawaiian shirt with his Diet Coke.

Chiron sat across the table in his fake wheelchair. They were playing against invisible opponents-two sets of cards hovering in the air.

"Well, well," Mr. D said without looking up. "Our two little celebrities"

I looked at the god in confusion, he was usually nice to me, since I was his kids friend. Apparently he didn't like the fact that we're technically siblings.

"Come closer," Mr. D told Percy "And don't expect me to kowtow to you, mortal, just because old Barnacle-Beard is your father."

A net of lightning flashed across the clouds. Thunder shook the windows of the house.

"Blah, blah, blah," Dionysus said.

Then he turned to me, "And you, Valentine America, don't expect anything to change."

"If I had my way," the god said, "I would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm."

"Spontaneous combustion is a form of harm, Mr. D," Chiron put in.

"Nonsence." Mr. D said, "Kids wouldn't feel a thing. Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself. I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead,sending you back to your father, Peter. And I could turn Violet into a cloud, did you knew that a few centuries ago we had a brother who was turned into a cloud by our father? You may get along great with him."

"Mr. D-" Chiron warned.

"A cloud is pretty nice." I agreed, "But I really like being a human, in case you haven't realized, sir, so aren't there anymore options?"

"Oh, all right," Dionysus relented. "There's one more option. But it's deadly foolishness." Dionysus rose, and the invisible players' cards dropped to the table. "I'm off to Olympus for the emergency meeting. If the kids are still here when I get back, I'll turn one into an Atlantic bottlenose, and the other into a cloud. Do you understand? And Perseus Jackson, Victoire Avery, if you're at all smart, you'll see that's a much more sensible choice than what Chiron feels you two must do."

Dionysus picked up a playing card, twisted it, and it became a plastic rectangle. A security pass to Olympus.

He snapped his fingers. The air seemed to fold and bend around him. He became a hologram, then a wind, then he was gone, leaving only the smell of fresh-pressed grapes lingering behind.

Chiron smiled at us, but he looked tired and strained. "Please take a sit children."

We did.

Chiron laid his cards on the table, a winning hand he hadn't gotten to use.

"Tell me,Vic, Percy" he said. "What did you make of the hellhound?"

"It scared me." Percy was the first to answer.

"It scared me too." I answered." If you hadn't shot it I would be dead."

"You two will meet worse. Far worse, before you're done."

"Done . . . with what?" The son of Poseidon and I said in unision.

"Your quest, of course. Will you accept it?"

When I heard that I immediately looked around the room, my eyes fixing in a card being placed in the table by someone invisible. I smiled, Annabeth was there.

"Um, sir,"Percy said, "you haven't told us what it is yet."

Chiron grimaced. "Well, that's the hard part, the details."

"Poseidon and Zeus," Percy said. "They're fighting over something valuable"

"Something that was stolen, are we right?" I continued from what I knew from Annabeth.

Chiron and Grover exchanged looks.

Chiron sat forward in his wheelchair. "How did you knew that?"

"The weather since Christmas has been weird, like the sea and the sky are fighting. Then I talked to Annabeth, and she'd overheard something about a theft. And . . . I've also been having these dreams." Percy said.

"I had a dream, too. But it was after the winter solstice." I added.

"I knew it," Grover said.

"Hush, satyr," Chiron ordered.

"But it is their quest!" Grover's eyes were bright with excitement. "It must be!''

"Only the Oracle can determine." Chiron stroked his bristly beard. "Nevertheless, Percy, you are
correct. Your fathers are having their worst quarrel in centuries. They are fighting over something valuable that was stolen. To be precise: a lightning bolt."

Percy laughed nervously. "A what?"

"Do not take this lightly," I told him. "He's not talking about some tinfoil-covered zigzag you'd see in a second-grade play. He's talking about a two-foot-long cylinder of high-grade celestial bronze, capped on both ends with god-level explosives. My father's master bolt."


"Zeus's master bolt," Chiron agreed getting worked up now. "The symbol of his power, from which all other lightning bolts are patterned. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans, the bolt that sheered the top off Mount Etna and hurled Kronos from his throne; the master bolt, which packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers."

"And it's missing?" We guessed at the same time.

"Stolen," Chiron said.

"By who?" This time only Percy asked.

"By whom," Chiron corrected, "By you, Percy."

Percy's mouth fell open.

"At least"-Chiron held up a hand-"that's what Zeus thinks. During the winter solstice, at the last council of the gods, Zeus and Poseidon had an argument. The usual nonsense: 'Mother Rhea always liked you best,' 'Air disasters are more spectacular than sea disasters,' etcetera. Afterward, Zeus
realized his master bolt was missing, taken from the throne room under his very nose. He immediately
blamed Poseidon. Now, a god cannot usurp another god's symbol of power directly-that is forbidden
by the most ancient of divine laws.- But Zeus believes his brother convinced a human hero to take it."

"But I didn't-" Percy started, but Chiron cut him off.

"Patience and listen, child," Chiron said. "Zeus has good reason to be suspicious. The forges of the Cyclopes are under the ocean, which gives Poseidon some influence over the makers of his brother's lightning. Zeus believes Poseidon has taken the master bolt, and is now secretly having the Cyclopes build an arsenal of illegal copies, which might be used to topple Zeus from his throne. The only thing Zeus wasn't sure about was which hero Poseidon used to steal the bolt. Now Poseidon has openly claimed you as his son. You were in New York over the winter holidays. You could easily have snuck into Olympus. Zeus believes he has found his thief."

"But I've never even been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!" Percy exclaimed.

Chiron and Grover glanced nervously at the sky. The clouds didn't seem to be parting around us, as they usually did. They were rolling straight over our valley, sealing us in like a coffin lid.

"Er, Percy . . . ?" Grover said. "We don't use the c-word to describe the Lord of the Sky."

"Perhaps paranoid," Chiron suggested, and I could only nod. "Then again, Poseidon has tried to unseat Zeus before. I believe that was question thirty-eight on your final exam. . . ." He looked at him as if he actually expected Percy to remember question thirty-eight.

"Something about a golden net?" Percy guessed. "Poseidon and Hera and a few other gods . . . they, like, trapped Zeus and wouldn't let him out until he promised to be a better ruler, right?"

"Correct," Chiron said. "And Zeus has never trusted Poseidon since. Of course, Poseidon denies stealing the master bolt. He took great offense at the accusation. The two have been arguing back and forth for months, threatening war. And now, you two have come along-the proverbial last straw."

"But I'm just a kid!"

"Percy," Grover cut in, "if you were Zeus, and you already thought your brother was plotting to overthrow you, then your brother suddenly admitted he had broken the sacred oath he took after World War II, that he's fathered a new mortal hero who might be used as a weapon against you. . . . Wouldn't that put a twist in your toga?"

"But I didn't do anything. Poseidon-my dad-he didn't really have this master bolt stolen, did

Chiron sighed. "Most thinking observers would agree that thievery is not Poseidon's style. But the Sea God is too proud to try convincing Zeus of that. Zeus has demanded that Poseidon return the bolt by
the summer solstice. That's June twenty-first, ten days from now. Poseidon wants an apology for being called a thief by the same date. I hoped that diplomacy might prevail, that Hera or Demeter or Hestia would make the two brothers see sense. But your arrival has inflamed Zeus's temper. Now neither god will back down. Unless someone intervenes, unless the master bolt is found and returned to Zeus before
the solstice, there will be war. And do you know what a full-fledged war would look like, Percy?"

"Bad?" He guessed.

"Imagine the world in chaos. Nature at war with itself. Olympians forced to choose sides between Zeus and Poseidon. Destruction. Carnage. Millions dead. Western civilization turned into a battleground so big it will make the Trojan War look like a water-balloon fight."

"Bad," Percy repeated.

"And you, Percy Jackson, would be the first to feel Zeus's wrath."

It started to rain. Volleyball players stopped their game and stared in stunned silence at the sky.

"So I have to find the stupid bolt," Percy said, angrily."And return it to Zeus."

"What better peace offering,"Chiron said, "than to have the son of Poseidon return Zeus's property?"

"Wait a minute" I said, "I have to go, too, right? That's why you called me."

"Yes, it would be pretty foolish not to sent the two most powerfull demigods to the most important quest." Chiron answered.

"So, if Poseidon doesn't have the thing, where's the thing?" I asked.

"I believe I know." Chiron's expression was grim. "Part of a prophecy I had years ago . . . well,
some of the lines make sense to me, now. But before I can say more, you two must officially take up the quest. One of you must seek the counsel of the Oracle."

"Why can't you tell us where the bolt is beforehand?"

"Because if I did, you would be too afraid to accept the challenge."

Percy swallowed. "Good reason."
"You agree then?"

Percy looked at Grover, who nodded encouragingly.

"Allright," The son of Poseidon said, "It's better that being turn into a dolphin."

"You said one of you will go with The Oracle, who?" I asked Chiron.

"I could go, if you don't want to go." Percy said. Poor boy doesn't know what The Oracle has done to some people.

"You sure? Because I heard that it has turned some people-"

"I'll be fine, what's the harm?" Famous last words, Percy.

That day, I really didn't feel like being crazy so I agreed.

"Then it's time you consulted the Oracle," Chiron said. "Go upstairs, Percy Jackson, to the attic. When you come back down, assuming you're still sane, we will talk more."

With that Percy left to the attic.

When he was gone, I whispered to Chiron, "That was pretty dramatic."

"That was the truth, he was still able to back down if he wanted to." The centaur answered, "Now be quiet."

After a few long minutes, Percy came back, he sat on the chair, next to the pinochle table.

"Well?" Chiron asked him.

"She said I would retrieve what was stolen."

Grover sat forward, chewing excitedly on the remains of a Diet Coke can. "That's great!"

"What did the Oracle say exactly?" Chiron pressed. "This is important."

"She . . . she said I would go west and face a god who had turned. I would retrieve what was stolen and see it safely returned."

"I knew it," Grover said.

Chiron didn't look satisfied. "Anything else?"

"No," Percy said. "That's about it."

There was clearly something else.

He studied his face. "Very well,  Percy. But know this: the Oracle's words often have double meanings. Don't dwell on them too much. The truth is not always clear until events come to pass."

"Okay," Percy said, anixiously, "So, where do we go? Who's this god in the west?"

"Ah, think, Percy," Chiron said. "If Zeus and Poseidon weaken each other in a war, who stands to

"Somebody else who wants to take over?" Percy guessed.

"Yes, quite. Someone who harbors a grudge, who has been unhappy with his lot since the world was divided eons ago, whose kingdom would grow powerful with the deaths of millions. Someone who hates his brothers for forcing him into an oath to have no more children, an oath that both of them have now broken."

I swallowed hard, "You mean  Hades?"

Chiron nodded. "The Lord of the Dead is the only possibility."

A scrap of aluminum dribbled out of Grover's mouth. "Whoa, wait. Wh-what?"

"A Fury came after Percy," Chiron reminded him. "She watched the young man until she was sure
of his identity, then tried to kill him. Furies obey only one lord: Hades."

"Yes, but-but Hades hates all heroes," Grover protested."Especially if he has found out Percy is a son of Poseidon. . ."

"A hellhound got into the forest," Chiron continued. "Those can only be summoned from the Fields
of Punishment, and it had to be summoned by someone within the camp. Hades must have a spy here.
He must suspect Poseidon will try to use Percy to clear his name and that we would sent Vic to help him. Hades would very much like to kill
these young half-bloods before they can take on the quest."

"Great," Percy muttered. "That's two major gods who want to kill me."

"But a quest to . . ."Grover swallowed. "I mean, couldn't the master bolt be in some place like
Maine? Maine's very nice this time of year."

"Hades sent a minion to steal the master bolt," Chiron insisted. "He hid it in the Underworld,knowing full well that Zeus would blame Poseidon. I don't pretend to understand the Lord of the Dead's
motives perfectly, or why he chose this time to start a war, but one thing is certain. Percy and Vic must go to the Underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth."

Suddently I remembered all those monsters I had seen the night Thalia got turned into a pine tree. I felt an emotion I hadn't felt in years: Fear.

"Look, if we know it's Hades," Percy told Chiron, "why can't we just tell the other gods? Zeus or Poseidon could go down to the Underworld and bust some heads."

"Suspecting and knowing are not the same," Chiron said. "Besides, even if the other gods suspect Hades-and I imagine Poseidon does-they couldn't retrieve the bolt themselves. Gods cannot cross each other's territories except by invitation. That is another ancient rule. Heroes, on the other hand, have certain privileges. They can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as they're bold enough and strong enough to do it. No god can be held responsible for a hero's actions. Why do you think the gods always
operate through humans?"

"You're saying we're being used." Percy stated.

"I'm saying it's no accident your fathers claimed you now. It's a very risky gamble, but Poseidon's in a
desperate situation. He needs you. Just as Zeus needs Vic, he believes his daughter will help him find the bolt." Chiron explained.

My dad needs me. The worst thing was that I had accepted to help him. Zeus had ignored me for twelve long years, he had waited five years to claim me, he had leaved me with that woman and now he claims me just to help him find his stupid bolt. But I'm gonna go, not to help him, but I knew that Annabeth and Grover were going, I was just doing this for my friends, no one else.

Gods, Ethan was so right.

For having,' resent dad time', I didn't hear what Percy and Chiron said.

". . I've spoken to the Oracle, too." Chiron finished.

"Wait so let me get this straight," I said, "We're supposed go to the Underworld and confront the Lord of the Dead."

"Check," Chiron said.

"Find the most powerful weapon in the universe."


"And get it back to Olympus before the summer solstice, in ten days."

"That's about right."

Percy and I looked at Grover, who gulped down the ace of hearts.

"Did I mention that Maine is very nice this time of year?" he asked weakly.

"You don't have to go," The son of Poseidon told him. "I can't ask that of you."

"Oh . . ." He shifted his hooves. "No . . . it's just that satyrs and underground places . . . well . . ."
He took a deep breath, then stood, brushing the shredded cards and aluminum bits off his T-shirt. "You saved my life, Percy. If . . . if you're serious about wanting me along, I won't let you down." I grinned, that's why Grover's the bravest satyr ever, no matter how scared he is, he does it anyways.

"All the way, G-man." Percy turned to Chiron. "So where do we go? The Oracle just said to go west."

"The entrance to the Underworld is always in the west. It moves from age to age, just like Olympus.
Right now, of course, it's in America."

"Where?" Percy asked

Isn't it obvious?

"I thought that would be obvious enough. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles." Chiron explained.

"Oh," Jackson said. "Naturally. So we just get on a plane-"

"No!" Grover shrieked. "Percy, what are you thinking? Have you ever been on a plane in your life?"

Percy shoked his head.

"Percy, think," Chiron said. "You are the son of the Sea God. Your father's bitterest rival is Zeus,Lord of the Sky. Your mother knew better than to trust you in an airplane. You would be in Zeus's domain. You would never come down again alive."

Overhead, lightning crackled. Thunder boomed.

"Okay," Percy said,"So we'll travel overland."

"That's right," Chiron said. "Two companions may accompany you two. Grover is one. The other has
already volunteered, if you two will accept her help." I smiled,of course we are gonna accept her help.

"Gee," Percy said, feigning surprise. "Who else would be stupid enough to volunteer for a quest likethis?"

The air shimmered behind Chiron.

Annabeth became visible, stuffing her Yankees cap into her back pocket.

"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, seaweed brain," she said. "Athena is no fan of Poseidon,but if you're going to save the world, I'm the best person to keep you from messing up."

"If you do say so yourself," The dark haired boy said.

"I suppose you have a plan, wise girl?" I asked.

Her cheeks colored. "Do you want my help or not?"

"A quartet" Percy said, then we said in unision, "That'll work."

"Excellent," Chiron said. "This afternoon, we can take you as far as the bus terminal in Manhattan.
After that, you are on your own."
Lightning flashed. Rain poured down on the meadows that were never supposed to have violent

"No time to waste," Chiron said. "I think you should all get packing."

When we leaved, I immediately turned to Percy, "You gotta stop copping me, Jackson."

"Me? You're copping me!"

"Complete lie and you know it, Percy." I told him, "Right, Grov?"

"Uh, I personnally think that you two are pretty similar and that's why you two say the same thing." Grover said nerviously because of our gazes.

"What he's saying," I started as I opened the door, "Is that we'll define that later, Jackson."

"Are you challenging me?" The son of Poseidon asked.

"Well, a not very wise person once told me that we might hate each other, because of our fathers, I simply want to know who's better,so that it won't be a problem." I said, "In another words, yes."

Percy grinned, "After the quest? If we survive of course."

"After the quest." I agreed, about to close the door, the I remembered why I was gonna go to cabin three.


The dark haired boy turned, "Yes?"

"I've just been thinking about what Chiron said. . . About us getting claimed," I told him, "I just really wanted, erm, thank you? Because I think that if you didn't show up, I would still be an unclaimed."

"Well. . . Your welcome? I also wanted to thank you for handing the other Ares campers." He said.

"Is why I was there, you don't have to thank me for doing my job. But your welcome. See you, Perce, can I call you that?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll get you nickname soon." Jackson said and walked away.

Just when I was about to enter my cabin, Annabeth appeared next to me.

"Aren't you supposed to hate him?" She asked.

"No, I'm not my father and he's not his." I answered.

"Oka-a-y, can I come in?"

"Sure, you can help me with something actually." I told her as I opened the door for her.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I just been trying to make a plan and-" Then she saw the statue.

"It's okay."

She looked back at me, "You've slept with that looking at you?"


"Then where did you slept?" The blonde asked.

"Who says I slept?"

"Oh, my gods, first," Annie started, "You train untill you get fevers, then you prank everyone, and now you don't sleep?" She finished.

"Would you if that thing was loking at you like that?"

"We have to do something, you have to sleep." She stated.

"Well, I've thinking about a purple curtain."

"A purple curtain." She said sitting in the bed. "Where?"

"There," I pointed to a place where it would cover the statue and it would look pretty nice. "I also thought about some lights, pictures, do some changes in the bed. Stuff like that."

"So you want to decorate this place?" She asked.


"Okay and what did you needed help with? And if it's packing for the quest. . . "

"You won't help me?" I guessed.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "I will, don't panic."

I snickered and got up, "Well, first we have to pack the most important thing: My purple hodie."

"My gods. . ."

"Okay, snacks first." I held my hands up in surrender.

"You'll never change, will you, London girl?" Annabeth asked with a little smile.

"Do you want me to?" I replied.


I smiled brightly, "Then I won't."


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