fanfic writer | minsung

By taezsq

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in which the seventeen years old han jisung writes books about his idol, lee minho, meanwhile the mentioned i... More



233 17 31
By taezsq

Mr. Han hesitated as he approached Jisung's room. It had been a while since he had ventured into his son's personal space, always respecting his privacy. But today, a nagging worry tugged at his heart, urging him to check in on his son.

As he turned the doorknob and pushed the door open, a wave of surprise washed over him. The room was stark, devoid of any of the usual teenage clutter he expected. No posters adorned the walls, no shelves overflowed with books or albums. It was as if Jisung's presence had been erased from the room.

Confusion clouded Mr. Han's thoughts as he stepped further inside. Where were the remnants of his son's personality, the traces of his passions and interests? His eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of familiarity, but found none.

Just as he was about to retreat and respect his son's space once more, something caught his eye. In the corner of the room, on Jisung's bed, lay a solitary figure. It was a worn-out stuffed animal, a relic from years past, given to Jisung by his parents on their first family vacation.

With a bittersweet ache in his chest, Mr. Han approached the bed, his gaze falling upon his sleeping son. Jisung lay there, peacefully unaware of his father's presence, clutching the stuffed animal to his chest like a lifeline.

For a moment, Mr. Han simply watched, his heart heavy with a mixture of pride and concern. Pride, because even in the absence of outward displays of identity, his son remained true to himself in the quiet sanctuary of his room. Concern, because he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that perhaps there was more to Jisung's empty room than met the eye.

Summoning his courage, Mr. Han reached out and gently shook his son awake. Jisung stirred, blinking sleepily up at his father.

"Dad?" he murmured, rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?"

Mr. Han hesitated, struggling to find the right words. But as he looked into his son's eyes, he knew he couldn't keep his worries to himself any longer.

"Nothing's wrong, Jisung," he said softly, a hint of vulnerability seeping into his voice. "I just... Went to check on you.."

And as Jisung's expression softened into a smile, Mr. Han knew that even in the emptiest of rooms, the bond between father and son would always remain unbroken.

"Jisung," Mr. Han began, his voice gentle yet tinged with concern, "what's wrong? Why did you suddenly change your room like this?"

Jisung's smile faltered, and he sat up slowly, his gaze fixed on the floor as if grappling with his emotions. Finally, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Minho," he said simply, his tone heavy with resignation, his voice still raspy from waking up a while ago. "He... he broke bonds with me. We need a pause."

Mr. Han felt his heart lurch at his son's words, a pang of sympathy washing over him as he realized the depth of Jisung's pain. Minho had always seemed like just another friend, someone who occasionally visited their home and shared laughs with Jisung. But now, hearing his son speak of him with such raw vulnerability, Mr. Han understood that Minho was more than just a friend.

A wave of regret flooded Mr. Han's thoughts as he recalled the times he had dismissed Minho's presence as inconsequential, failing to recognize the significance of their bond to Jisung. He had been so preoccupied with his own concerns, so blind to the struggles his son was facing right under his nose.

"I'm sorry, Jisung," Mr. Han said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his son's shoulder. "I didn't realize... I should have been there for you."

Jisung looked up, meeting his father's gaze with eyes brimming with unshed tears. In that moment, Mr. Han vowed to do better, to be the supportive father his son needed in times of distress.

„Don't say that dad," Jisung spoke up quietly „I should've tell you and mum everything.."

„I bet he did that for a reason, Jisungie.. he always seemed like a good person to me. You know I have a great sense for people.."

Jisung giggled, hugging his father tightly. „I wonder if he's feeling as I am.."


In the dimly lit bathroom, Hyunjin sat on the cool tile floor next to Minho, concern etched into his features as he gently held Minho's hair back, stroking his back in a soothing rhythm. The sound of retching filled the air as Minho hunched over the toilet, his body wracked with the aftermath of a night of heavy drinking.

Hyunjin's brow furrowed in frustration as he watched his friend suffer, knowing that Minho's current state was a result of the pain he was trying to drown in alcohol. It wasn't the first time Hyunjin had found Minho in such a state, but each time it weighed heavier on his heart.

"Minho, you really shouldn't have drunk so much," Hyunjin chided softly, wrinkling his nose at the sour stench of alcohol and vomit that filled the small space. "Your breath stinks, man."

Minho groaned in response, a mixture of embarrassment and misery evident in his voice as he leaned back against the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl.

"I know, I know," he muttered hoarsely, his words slurred with exhaustion and regret. "I just... I couldn't handle it, Hyunjin. I couldn't handle breaking things off with Jisung."

Hyunjin's heart ached at the mention of Jisung's name, knowing how much his friend had been struggling with the decision to end their bond. But he also knew that drowning his sorrows in alcohol was not the answer.

If it wasn't Jisung, Hyunjin would never meet Seungmin.

"Minho, you can't keep doing this to yourself," Hyunjin said firmly, his voice tinged with frustration and concern. "You need to talk to someone, to find a healthier way to deal with your emotions."

Minho nodded weakly, his head pounding with the remnants of his hangover as he leaned heavily against Hyunjin's shoulder.

"I know," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of running water as Hyunjin filled a glass with fresh water from the sink. "I'll try, Hyunjin. I promise."

As Minho continued to retch into the toilet bowl, Hyunjin sighed heavily, his patience wearing thin with each passing minute. He had expected Minho to be sick, but the frequency and intensity of his vomiting were taking a toll on both of them.

"Seriously, Minho, this is getting ridiculous," Hyunjin muttered under his breath, his tone tinged with frustration as he glanced at his friend slumped against the bathroom wall. "You need to get it together."

Minho groaned in response, his face pale and sweaty as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I'm trying, Hyunjin," he protested weakly, his voice strained with exhaustion and discomfort. "It's not like I'm doing this on purpose."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes in exasperation, resisting the urge to snap at his friend as he helped him sit back on the bathroom floor. They settled into an uneasy silence, the only sound filling the air the occasional retching from Minho's direction.

„I had to cancel a date with Seungmin because of you, you prick," he joked, but he was annoyed at the same time.

Minutes stretched into hours as they sat on the cold tile floor, Minho's bouts of vomiting coming almost like clockwork every five minutes. Hyunjin's frustration grew with each episode, his complaints becoming more frequent and pointed.

They gave Minho a painkiller, and a hangover soup, but both of the things ended up in the toilet.

"For the love of God, Minho, can't you hold it in for just a minute?" Hyunjin muttered irritably, scrubbing a hand over his face in frustration.

Minho's only response was a weak whimper as he doubled over once again, his body wracked with spasms of nausea. The smell of vomit hung heavy in the air, making Hyunjin's stomach churn with disgust.

„Next time don't mix alcohol together when you know you can't even drink properly."

But despite the discomfort and the frustration, Hyunjin remained by Minho's side, offering what little comfort and support he could as his friend battled through the aftermath of his night of excess. And as the sun began to rise outside the small bathroom window, casting a faint glow over their tired faces, Hyunjin silently vowed to stand by Minho's side through thick and thin, no matter how difficult the journey ahead might be.

As Minho leaned his back against the cool wall, his stomach still churning uneasily, he watched as Hyunjin busied himself in the small  kitchen. The sound of bread being retrieved from the cabinet and the clinking of plates filled the air, mingling with the lingering scent of vomit.

Hyunjin glanced over at Minho with a small frown, noting the weary expression on his friend's face. Despite his frustration earlier, a pang of sympathy tugged at his heart as he realized just how rough Minho was feeling.

"Here, eat this," Hyunjin said gently, placing a freshly made sandwich in Minho's trembling hands. "It'll help settle your stomach."

Minho nodded weakly, taking a hesitant bite of the sandwich as he tried to quell the queasiness roiling in his gut. The simple act of eating brought a small measure of relief, the blandness of the bread and the comforting familiarity of the food soothing his frazzled nerves.

„If not, just feel free to vomit in the toilet.. not like you haven't done it for the past few hours."

As he chewed slowly, Minho's gaze wandered to his phone lying on the floor next to him. With trembling fingers, he unlocked the screen, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and longing as he navigated to a secret account he had created.

With a deep breath, Minho composed a message on the other account of his, his fingers hovering over the screen as he struggled to find the right words.

hey, are you doing better now?

hey, not really
how are you doing?

i got super drunk yesterday
so not so good

you idiot.
not gonna lie
i would love to get ruined too

you'll regret it later

Minho's heart sank as he scrolled through his verified account, his eyes widening in disbelief as he read the latest post published by his staff. It wasn't the clarification he had expected, the simple denial of the rumors that had been swirling around him and Jisung.

Instead, it was an apology – a sweeping declaration that left Minho feeling like he had been sucker-punched in the gut. His breath caught in his throat as he read the words, his mind struggling to process the implications of what he was seeing.

The staff's post didn't just deny the rumors; it denied Minho's very identity. It claimed that the person in the incriminating picture wasn't even him, that he couldn't possibly be dating Jisung because he wasn't homosexual. It was a gut-wrenching betrayal, a blatant erasure of Minho's truth and his feelings for Jisung.

With a shaky hand, Minho reached for his phone, his fingers trembling as he typed out a response to the post. But before he could hit send, a wave of despair washed over him, the weight of the staff's words crushing him with their finality.

"They've ruined everything," Minho whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heart. "Jisung will never talk to me again."

In that moment, as he stared at the screen of his phone, Minho felt a hollow emptiness settle over him, a profound sense of loss that threatened to swallow him whole. And as he closed his eyes against the sting of tears, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find a way to mend the shattered pieces of his heart.

The post from Minho's staff read:

"Dear fans,

We want to address recent rumors circulating about our artist, Minho, and his alleged relationship with another individual. We understand that there has been speculation and confusion surrounding a recent photograph that surfaced online.

First and foremost, we want to clarify that the individual in the picture is not Minho. We apologize for any misunderstanding or confusion this may have caused. As a company, we are committed to transparency and honesty, and we want to assure you that we take these matters seriously.

Furthermore, we want to make it clear that Minho is not in a romantic relationship with anyone at this time. He is focused on his career and his music, and any rumors suggesting otherwise are false.

It is also important to note that Minho is not homosexual. We ask that fans respect his, and the people's on the pictures privacy and refrain from spreading false information or making assumptions about his personal life.

We understand that fans may have questions or concerns, and we appreciate your continued support and understanding as we navigate this situation. Our priority is always the well-being and happiness of our artists, and we thank you for your ongoing support.

[Management Team]"

Minho's hands trembled as he read the post, each word feeling like a dagger to his heart. His vision blurred with tears as the weight of the staff's words crushed him with their finality. With a choked sob, he dropped his phone to the floor, the screen shattering upon impact as if echoing the shattered pieces of his heart.

Tears streamed down Minho's cheeks as he sank to his knees, his body racked with sobs of despair. The realization that his staff had not only denied his relationship with Jisung but had also invalidated his identity left him feeling utterly helpless and alone.

Amidst his anguish, a desperate longing to reach out to Jisung clawed at his chest. With trembling fingers, he picked up his phone, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and dread as he navigated to Jisung's profile.

But as he attempted to send a message, his heart shattered all over again when he saw the dreaded words: "You are blocked from sending messages to this user."

A strangled cry escaped Minho's lips as he dropped his phone once more, the reality of Jisung's rejection hitting him like a physical blow. In that moment, as he knelt on the cold floor of his apartment, Minho felt the crushing weight of his own mistakes and the irreparable damage they had caused.

With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, Minho curled into himself, his sobs echoing in the empty room as he mourned the loss of the one person he had ever truly loved.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Minho looked up to see Hyunjin kneeling beside him, his expression one of deep concern. Without a word, Hyunjin pulled Minho into a tight embrace, offering silent comfort as Minho's tears continued to flow.

"Minho," Hyunjin said softly, his voice tinged with sympathy, "I'm here for you, okay? You don't have to face this alone."

Minho nodded wordlessly, grateful for Hyunjin's presence in his darkest hour. As he composed himself, wiping away his tears, he realized he needed to confide in his friend about everything that had transpired with Jisung.

"Hyunjin," Minho began, his voice wavering with emotion, "there's something I need to tell you. About Jisung, and what really happened. We didn't get into a fight or anything that I told you.."

Hyunjin listened intently as Minho poured out his heart, recounting the events of the past few days and the truth behind the rumors that had torn him apart. With each word, a weight lifted from Minho's shoulders, replaced by a sense of relief and catharsis.

When Minho finished speaking, Hyunjin's expression hardened with determination. "I'll cancel the rest of my plans with Seungmin for today," he declared firmly. "And I'll be there for you every step of the way. We'll figure this out together."

„You really don't have to Hyunjin.."

„No heck! I have to stay here for you. You're my best friend. There's no way i'm leaving you alone in this state."

With a grateful smile, Minho nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. With Hyunjin by his side, he knew he wouldn't have to face this ordeal alone. And as they made plans to confront the truth and set things right, Minho felt a flicker of optimism ignite within him, lighting the way towards a future where honesty and redemption awaited.

„Thank you, really."

„That's what I'm here for."

sun apr14th 2024

hey lovelies<3 a filler update, in which the next chapters should contain time skips :)

i really got into writing poems lately, i was thinking about publishing them as well haha, but idk if that belongs here.

anyway, i hope you're all doing well, take care of yourself and see you soon!

tyler xx

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