Alice Human Sacrifice

By WolfKnight319

27 6 0

A story of unknown tales in Wonderland has never been told by mortals before, but in reading this story and s... More

Alice Human Sacrifice - The Origins of The Dream of Wonderland
Alice Human Sacrifice - Shadow
Alice Human Sacrifice - Lance
Alice Human Sacrifice - Sans And Papyrus

Alice Human Sacrifice - Anthony/Angel Dust

3 1 0
By WolfKnight319

~Alice of Clover: The Spider Prince And Demon King Of Wonderland~

5 months have passed, and in a different kingdom of Wonderland lived a young and charming boy named Anthony. But the townsfolk call him by another name, Angel Dust. Anthony was a special gifted person in his home kingdom, he always wore fashionable clothes, but his personality was also kind, generous, gentle, and respectful to all of the people and their families. As he got himself ready. He was going to visit his friends in the kingdom's garden park, where he was to enjoy a cup of tea and to help his friend Charlie spread the news of the first annual Wonderland Ball coming. The ball was said to be an incredible and beautiful time for guests to enjoy music, food and drinks, and to add, a special surprise for the prince. Anthony sighs in delight at the thought.

Anthony: This first annual Wonderland Ball shall be wonderful. Welcoming visitors and new residents to the kingdom. However...for me in hearing the stories of those called Chosen Alice's, I must be on guard at all times. But first is visiting Charlie and Vaggie at the garden park, then a quick visitor to the investor Pentious and his wide Cherri. And finally, to invite Husk to be my special honored guest to dance and help serve the drinks.

He gets up and dusts his uniform before placing his crown, for in meaning he is a young prince. Later on, he walks to the garden park and is in high spirits. But along the way, he saw a bigger and felt bad for them. He then gives some money to the beggar and to then waves goodbye. In moments, he arrived at the garden as it was huge.

Anthony: Charlie? Vaggie? Are you here?

???: Angel, over here!

Anthony heard the voice, turning in its direction and then saw a light blonde woman dressed in a tuxedo of red, black and white and her beloved wife, Vaggie wearing her armoury and with her white and grey hair down while her wings folded.

Anthony: (smiles) Charlie, Vaggie. I am happy to see you. How are you both doing? (hugging the girls)

Charlie: We're doing okay, thank you for asking.

Vaggie: Yes, plus we are happy to see you, too. Come on in as it's time for us to talk about the Wonderland Ball, together.

Anthony nodded in agreement. He follows the girls into the garden to sit down and share tea. During their discussion and ideas to plan, Anthony then began to have a little concern about him. He soon looks to Vaggie to ask his question.

Anthony: Vaggie? Can I ask you something?

Vaggie: Of course. What is troubling your mind?

Anthony: I know we all heard of stories about the people called Chosen Alices, and yet two newborn ones were found in different locations of Wonderland. One in the forest has doors with the spade marked as the village recently had the doors marked with a diamond before the fountain. I am afraid of the same fate coming to our kingdom and taking one of us as the next Alice. To add to my concern, I had been seeing nightmares of different fates beholding for me when the reaper would come to claim a life. I do not wish to fall into such madness or to dare hurt anyone by mistake. What do you think I should do?

Vaggie and Charlie, both knowing the story to be true, each began to think about how to help their friend with this situation and to solve the problem.

Charlie: don't worry if it does come we know what to do

Anthony: I understand. Thank you for your aid, I am grateful to you both.

Vaggie: No problems. Also, say hello to the rest for us.

Anthony: I will, thank you. (gently smiles)

Later on that day, Anthony walks back to the town to pay the inventor and his wife a visit before checking into his friend, Husk. Anthony knew that Husk was once an overlord of the town, but took his new career of bartending a new start for redemption, which was a very good change for him. As Anthony continued walking around, he began to then notice some unfamiliar visitors walking by. He started to feel uneasy and began to keep his distance from them. Just then, he started to hear what seemed to be music, but not of any he had heard of before.

Anthony: Hmm? What is that music?

He decided to follow its melody, maybe to lead him where it was coming from. At the same time, it made Anthony figure out the music's melody as it was sort of a little fast but in tune. Soon in minutes, he came to a space in the village and saw a kind of young man, singing a song to the crowd as they gathered around. The man appeared to have features of a male deer as his hair formed like ears and he had antlers on his head, but the way he dressed was nothing anyone of the townsfolk had ever seen.

Anthony: Who is that? Where did he come from?

He was confused, he'd never known of anyone who came to this section of the town. But he began to listen to the man's singing voice as he performed to them.


Hello, it's nice to meet you

And can you tell me where I am?

I don't know how I got here

But I think I'm starting to understand

I don't belong among the angels

And darlin' that's just fine with me

The things I did up there were high school

But now I'm going for my degree


Sorry, but you just got in my way

I promise honey, I can feel your pain

And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit

Does that make me insane?

Haven't been the same since I expired

But that doesn't mean that I plan to retire

And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire

Wait a minute, do I know you?

Weren't you an old pal of mine?

Departed from us far too early

But now were meeting a second time

We used to have such fun together

And maybe you have what I need

But first I have one tiny question

Tell me do you demons bleed?


Sorry, but you just got in my way

I promise honey, I can feel your pain

And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit

Does that make me insane?

Haven't been the same since I expired

But that doesn't mean that I plan to retire

And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire

Sorry, but you just got in my way

I promise honey, I can feel your pain

And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit

Does that make me insane?

Haven't been the same since I expired

But that doesn't mean that I plan to retire

And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire

Sorry, but you just got in my way

I promise honey, I can feel your pain

And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit

Does that make me insane?

Angel was shocked to hear the man singing. He had never heard a talented voice like this man's before, however, all of the residents applauded the newcomer as he bowed to them with a smile on his face. Angel was unsure of what to do. To approach him or to walk by? He didn't know, but one thing he did know was to get back to visiting Pentious, his wife and Husk before he forgot, so he hurried in pace, he walked away to also avoid eye contact with the new man. The newcomer then noticed the young prince hurrying, but this made the young man tilt his head, curious about who the young prince was. Afterwards, Anthony made it to see Pentious, Cherri, Nifty and Husk together in the inn sharing a drink and lunch.

Anthony: Hello everyone, I am sorry for being a little late. Vaggie and Charlie also say hello and invite you to come to the Wonderland Ball coming soon.

Cherry: Ah it's alright, mate. And hey, you're always welcome here at all times.

Husk: Come have a seat, I'll pour you some fresh juice of cider apples.

Pentious: Plus we all be honored to come to the ball.

Nifty: I agree, plus if you ever need help cleaning before and after the ball, I be happy to give my service to you.

Anthony: Thank you all, my dear friends. I will be happy to accept all of your kind words and offers.

With a soft smile on him, Anthony walked to join his friends as he sat down, and began to see Husk pour a cup of fresh cider apple juice. He also pours some for the others and they begin to raise their cups in a cheer. As they drank, Anthony didn't seem to notice being watched from afar in the inn, but it was a shadow in watching. Later, Anthony was safe in his bedroom and petting his pet piglet named Fat Nuggets. He was humming a song from his younger years when something began to stir out of nowhere suddenly. He looks around of what this feeling could mean. He didn't see or hear anything or anyone in his room. But something didn't seem to feel right. He soon grabs a bow with arrows in one set of hands, and a gun in one of the other ones for defense. He didn't see or hear anything or anyone in his room during the minutes passing. But something didn't seem to feel right. He soon grabs a bow with arrows in one set of hands, and a gun in one of the other ones for defense. As he looked around, Anthony was certain something was to come. But I'm a few minutes, a voice sounding familiar to him was heard. What he heard was the voice of the newcomer he had seen earlier whispering in his ear.

???: May I come in?

He looks to where the whisper came from. When the second he turned, Anthony saw a grinning shadow on the wall, making him jolt in shock.

Anthony: What the heck?!

He fires his bow at it, but it is stopped by the shadow.

???: There, there calm down. Please, let me properly introduce myself

Anthony was confused, but before his eyes, the shadow formed into the same man from the town earlier with the deer ears and antlers.

Anthony: Good heavens, it's you! From the marketplace in town

The man before him heard of this and he chuckled with a bow and smile, he then introduced himself properly to the prince

???: There, there, I understand your worry. But rest assured, I, Alastor Altruist shall aid you in any command my prince.

Anthony still has his weapons out, but he blinks in confusion at the man's name.

Anthony: Alastor?

His smile grew when the prince questioned his name.

Alastor: Yes. Do forgive me of all my trespassing and such. But as I saw you earlier, I began to wonder how the young prince could have no one by his eyes to aid him. In truth, I am in hopes of looking for a home to stay and work to be accepted in. Allow me to aid you with the ball, I heard about it as I love to share my music from my hometown anywhere in Wonderland.

Anthony: How is it possible for you to suddenly come out of the blue all for this? It seems now suspicious to me.

He walks over to Angel, and places a hand on one of Angel's shoulders, walking with him to the study to talk. Little did either now, something else watched in awe with a smile. Days passed since the meeting of Alastor in hiring his service, and now the ball was approaching tonight. Anthony was in wearing his best uniform and is wearing a royal cloak over his shoulders. He has known that his family was not only the royalty of Wonderland, but over the years were long gone and he remained. But as Anthony looks at his family portrait in his room, he recalls a promise to his twin sister before her death 3 years ago to protect all of Wonderland from all evil.

Anthony: It's nearly time. I do hope that things will be alright and in peace...(sighs in a calm tone) I must keep my promise for you, Molly, my dear sister.

As he fixes his cape, Anthony then picks up a mirror and holds it up to look at the reflection to add blush to his cheeks. As he placed the blush on his cheeks softly, Anthony began to hear a gentle but spirited voice calling to him, but it wasn't Alastor's voice.

???: ...Chosen...

Anthony blinked in confusion, but the second he heard it echo in his made him suddenly realize, that someone was seeking a new Alice inside his home. He started to feel scared and in a panic at the thought.

Anthony: (gasps at this, knowing of what this meant) Oh, no, no... I-If you are one of them, leave me alone! I don't wanna have you come near me or anyone in my home! (soon gets out of his room and hurries to find Vaggie and Charlie)

???: ...Chosen... Alice of Clover....

Anthony covered his ears and by the time he reached both women, he then also pulled out his weapons.

Anthony: Vaggie, Charlie. It's here! The one in calling out for an Alice of Clover!

Charlie: That's impossible, how did it come here?!

Vaggie: No time for questions, guard the prince and be ready for anything!

They nodded. Vaggie loaded with her angelic spear and Charlie held her shield. At this moment, the guards also came surrounding the prince, wielding their weapons tight in hand. In circling Anthony and thinking to defend him, they soon start to notice the walls in the hallways, and paintings being covered in shadow-like vines, each with thorns sharper than a blade. Just then, Anthony began to suddenly see a shadowy being coming out of his room, with the clover mark over their left eye, this made him in shock.

Anthony: There it is! Guards, take it down and have it killed in its tracks

But the moment the guards charge to attack the being, the black-thorned vines grow and try to chain Anthony down instead, luckily Vaggie cuts them in slashes of her spear. This made Vaggie see the being coming for Anthony was clear it thought Anthony was its new vessel to snatch and kill.

Vaggie: Angel, hurry and go! We'll buy you time!

Anthony nodded and hurried to get the guards who were patrolling the entrance of the grand ball, but as he kept running as fast he could, the being smiled and went into the shadows, chasing after him. Anthony continued to hurry while holding his bow, arrows and gun in his hands. He also needed to warn all of the guests and residents to come to the ball before the vines would try to spread more in the castle. But the vines and thorns soon shut all the entrances tight and trapping the prince into the room alone.

Anthony: No!!! (starting to tear up)

He began to try pulling the vines off one of the doors, but felt the thorns poking his hands, causing his hands to bleed a little. He was now in fright as he backed away, falling to his knees, and in shedding tears. In the moment while the prince is crying, the being suddenly appears before him out of its shadow as enters the grand ballroom.

Anthony: (looks up in tears) What the-?! How is this possible? What are you, you the demon or something?

The being giggled a little, seeing to know the reaction of Angel to come, however, they spoke to him with a bow

???: I am no demon, or Satan. I was once the Alice of Clover...original ruler of Wonderland.

Anthony: If you were, what brought you here to see me? I have heard about the other Alice's and dare not wish to become like them.

???: You have been chosen. to take my place... To be the new Alice of Clover.

Anthony: Me? Take your place? I do not know, this might make me hurt the people I love and care about if I was to do that.

The being slowly walks to Angel and gently strokes his cheek, seeing the concern and fear. It can tell that with him fully aware of the situation, he would soon come to a choice even when accepting them or not. So the being began to ask Anthony something while walking with him into the empty ballroom.

???: I sense your feelings and emotions, you will not be harming anyone to whom you come or speak.

Anthony: But, the nightmares I have seen, and all of the fear of death to come...

The Alice of Clover came to a pause in the middle of the ballroom with Anthony and began to waltz with Anthony as enchanted music began to play, sensing that worry too from the prince still in his heart.

((Anthony and Alice of Clover's dance: ))

???: I, too sense of the nightmares as well. There be no need to worry yourself, prince

Anthony: How would you know of that?

The being soon shines and forms to show a human-like version of Anthony, however, it is dressed like a king, and with a sort of mask hanging on the side of its head, but in knowing Anthony giving a suspicious look, it continues waltzing to help keep fear away. Soon, the being explains how they come to their demise unaware of the curse. In their previous life, they were a young child of a royal family born in this grand life. Charming all to their beckoning calls and as they soon became the king of Wonderland, they began to have delusional visions and a nightmare of them growing old too soon. This event of chain for them caused them to be like a living corpse, waiting for someone new to come. They both soon come to an end their waltz as they bow to one another. The Alice of Clover soon begins to ask Angel Dust one question to help ease Angel's nerves and all.

???: Are you ready...? To be in my place..?

Anthony is then in silence at the moment, but as he looks to see the girls come into the room, able to cut all the vines off in time, he then looks to the Alice of Clover.

Anthony: May I please have a chance to explain to my friends about this? Before we begin I mean?

They nodded, accepting the final moments for Anthony to share with his friends.

Soon, Anthony walks back to Vaggie and Charlie to inform them of what just happened.

Charlie: Angel, are you okay?

Vaggie: What's going on? Did it hurt you?

Anthony shook his head slowly and began to explain what just happened. As he explains, it slowly made the girls highly worried. But to this...they decided to have Anthony kept an eye on for all hours of the time in case of something to come. Anthony, too, agreed with the women in their suggestion, and soon...Anthony took a deep breath and walked back to the Alice of Clover. He then offers one of his hands to Alice, and to begin the process.

Anthony: I am really, but I do hope a miracle will come to set us free...for all of us.

Soon the figure nods, in a gentle smile before kissing Anthony's lips. Once it ended the kiss, the being slowly fazed through him like a ghost or so. And as it did, it enters into him within bonding with Anthony. Anthony started to feel the pain affect him as he fell to his knees and held himself closer. Within the moments in passing, the clover mark appeared over his left eye, and to this, he was in tearing up.

Anthony: (deeply breathing in shock) Huff...huff...huff...this power feels too strong, and painful at first.

Vaggie: Angel, are you okay?

Charlie: Angel, did it hurt you during the process?

Anthony: I think so, but...for now, can you bring me the one called Alastor? I wish to ask for his aid and help us to host the party.

The two nodded while helping Anthony up, he then began to notice his illusions of what he feared along with the nightmare seemed to be gone and clear from his mind. It was odd...but one thing made him still feel concerned. During the time the Wonderland Ball began, Anthony was in seeing all the guests dressed in masquerade costumes and masks, he watched as his new butler, Alastor helped to serve the drinks to the guests watching the people dancing, Anthony was sitting on his chair, now crowned as Wonderland's new king, however, he was writing a letter to anyone as he wished to seek help and prevent anything like the madness or demons from coming. He began to gather what he needed to write on paper like his ink feather pen and its bottle. While he wrote Anthony also made sure to have very clear warnings for the one who finds the letter, and one of the warnings said: "Never approach the doors or people marked of Spade, Diamond and Clover. But if a new comes with the Heart, keep safe and NEVER have the madness to consume the reader of the letter.". Before sealing the letter, he placed a card with a heart to hope someone would find it, too while reading the letter.

Anthony: I do hope that is letter will reach someone, and to warn them about this madness. I even made two more to hope they reach someone, even with the cards to go along with...(he gives the letters to three birds) Go, and deliver these letters to anyone outside of Wonderland.

The birds nodded and took off with the letters in their claws. Anthony soon felt Husk's hand gently hold onto his own. Husk was told of this by the girls and in hopes the madness would not consume his dear friend, it made even Anthony understand the risks as well as Husk felt it. With the young new king to brace himself for a new, too, will come a new prayer to seek out help. Outside of the castle's garden maze were the doors marked with the clover as a cloaked being with a gentle smile soon began to sing, stroking a rose near them.


The third Alice was a lovely boy from Wonderland.

Beautiful the boy was born into a life so grand.

He has charmed all the people to their every backend call.

Then he flirt with the kingdom that would rise above them all.

This Alice was then crowned and turned to a boy-queen.

Ruling all the people here, lost within a crazy dream.

So afraid of death, the boy was mindless and warped.

Once a generous ruler, now he's just an ugly corpse.

The cloaked person seemed to then walk away and vanish in the shadows of the trees, giggling at seeing how this new bond of the chosen was to bloom more. Whoever the last Alice could be the cloaked person thought, it would be an unforgettable experience for them when they came. Only time shall come to find out for the new Alice of Hearts.

{Next Time In Alice of Hearts...}

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