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By thollandsgirl2013

38K 673 322

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Comforting Cold โ€
Work Of Art โ€
Stuck โ˜†
Late Night โ€
Lake Games โœต
Clumsy โ€
Mischief Managed โ€
It's Ok โ˜†
Passing Notes In Secrecy โ€
Get Out โœต
I Know Who You Are โ€
Focus โ€
Sick And Horny โ˜†
Detention โ€
Embarrassing Encounters โœต
Couch Confessions โ€
Is That My Shirt? โ€
Ice Cream โ˜†
Goals โ€
Addicted โœต
Baby Spider โ€
Homework โ€
It Broke โ˜†
Shirt โ€
Sleepover โœต
The Spider-Man Kiss โ€
Flowers โ€
Kissing You โ˜†
Wasted โ€
My Kind Of Woman โ€
Squirt โœต
Rather Be โ€
Pillow Talk โ˜†
Kiss Or Slap โ€
How Do You Taste? โœต
What Sound? โ€
Can I Have A Kiss? โ€
Nip Slip โ˜†
Not My Boyfriend โ€
Bare โœต
Video Game โ€
Shirt โ˜†
Broke โ€
Cockwarming โœต
Don't You Dare Get Turned On โ€
Crossing The Line โ€
Uncharted Territories โ˜†
Arachnophobia โ€
Eyeliner โœต
Drunk Dial โ€
Ice For The.... Hickeys? โ€
He's Gonna Kill Me โ˜†
Confession โ€
What The- โœต
Chocolate Kisses โ€
Trouble In Paradise โ˜†
Beat Drop โ€
69 โœต
Cuddles and Appendicitis โ€
Stolen Moments โ€
It's A Surprise โ˜†
Confidence Found โ€
Phone Sex โœต
Little Things โ€
Slushy โ€
Glasses โ˜†
Red Brick Wall โ€
Cute Sweater โœต
Surprise Kisses โ€
Normal Grocery Store Situation
Viral โ˜†
Library โ€
Peter Is A Teasing Man โœต
Flowers โ€
Period Save โ€
Shower Question โ˜†
Have We Met? โ€
Unsubtle โœต
Babysitter โ€
The Spray โ€
Don't Screw Up โ˜†
Stuffed Bear โ€
A Hot Day Indeed โœต
Valentines Day โ€
Winter Winds โ€
Not My Little Girl โ˜†
Far From Her โœงโ€
Ring Ring โœต
Eyeliner โ€
Sticky Resident Weirdo โ€
What a Dumbass โ˜†
You Suck, Parker โ€
You Suck, Parker - Part 2 โœต
Friends? โ€
Mrs. Parker โ€
Savage โ˜†
It's Over โ€
A New Peter โœต
Seven Minutes โ€
Kisses For Pete โ€
Her Perfumes Holding Me Ransom โ˜†

Burnt Face And Second Base โ€

363 3 6
By thollandsgirl2013

𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer waitimcomingtoo on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → fluff, language, getting hurt in different ways

Summary → Peter can't seem to stop accidentally hurting his crush.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter opened his locker and hid behind the door so that he could stare at you without detection. All you were doing was printing something off a campus printer, but you made it look like an enchanting performance that had Peter captivated by your every move. Peter had been in college for three months now and found himself pinning for you for most of that time. You hadn't spoken yet, but he held out for the day that you would.

"Who are you staring at?" Ned asked at full volume, making students passing by look and laugh at Peter.

"Would you keep your voice down? Jesus. Everybody heard that." Peter whispered harshly and checked to make sure you hadn't heard Ned. Ned followed Peter's gaze and when he saw you, he smiled deviously.

"Oh. I know who you're looking at." Ned said as he raised his eyebrows up and down.

"I can't help it. I love it when she wears her hair like that." Peter sighed and leaned his cheek against his locker door as he continued to stare at you.

"You say that every day."

"I know." Peter sighed again and watched as you flipped your hair over your shoulder. You seemed to move in slow motion as you pulled your hair to one side so you could take a sip from the water fountain. Peter smiled dreamily as he watched you until you accidentally made eye contact. Peter quickly turned around so you wouldn't see him staring.

"Do you think she ever stares at me?" He asked Ned.

"I think you'd know if she did. You know, since you're always staring at her."

"Ugh. You're right. Why won't she ever look at me?" Peter whined and shot another look at you.

"Have you tried speaking to her?" Ned asked. "Or are you hoping she'll get the hint through your spider telepathic abilities?"

"Ned, for the last time, I do not have telepathic abilities. If regular spiders aren't telepathic, then why would I be?"

"You say regular spiders aren't telepathic with such confidence but how would you know? How do you really know?" Ned asked and shook Peter's shoulders.

"Oh my God." Peter groaned and turned back to look at you. He watched you laugh at something your friend said and wondered how amazing it would feel to be the one making you laugh.

"Do you think it could ever work? Do you think I could ever have a normal relationship with these stupid abilities?" Peter asked quietly as he stared at you.

"They're not stupid, Peter." Ned assured him. "I would kill to be telepathic."

"I'm not telepathic." Peter groaned and looked down at the web shooter that was peaking out from his sleeve. He knew it was unrealistic that he could ever have a normal relationship and sighed wistfully. Ned looked between you and Peter for a second and felt a pang of sadness for his friend.

"I think it could work. You and her, I mean." Ned told him.

"You do?" Peter asked skeptically and shut his locker.

"Yeah. I do. Who says your abilities, telepathic or not, have to stop you from having a normal relationship? As long as you treat her right and don't hurt her, it would work."

Peter took a second and thought about what Ned had said and wondered if he was right. He'd never admit it to Ned, but the reason he never tried to talk to you wasn't because he thought being Spider-Man and being in a relationship at the same time wouldn't work. It was because he was scared that the relationship could work, but would fail because of something that Peter did that had nothing to do with Spider-Man. It was easy to blame his double life as an excuse not to talk to you instead of admitting that he was scared of messing it up on his own accord. That kept him from ever trying to ask you out but with Ned's pep talk, he felt like it was worth a shot. He unlocked his locker again with a plan to write a note to you that he could slip into your backpack as you passed by.

"Thanks for saying that, man. I really hope I could make it work if I ever got the chance. Because I really like her. I would never hurt her." Peter said as he swung his locker open. He heard a clash, followed by a pained whine. Peter frowned and shut his locker only to find you standing right there with both hands over your nose.

"Y/n?!" Peter gasped in shock when he realized what he had done.

"Ouch." You winced and pulled your hands away from your nose. Peter watched your eyes widen when you saw the amount of blood that had gushed out of your nose.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." Peter quickly apologized as he fumbled around his pocket for a tissue.

"Yeah, it really felt that way." You said as you pinched your nose and tilted your head up to try and stop the bleeding. Peter pulled out a bunch of tissues and gently held them up to your nose as his other hand went to the back of your head. You made eye contact for a minute and you found the look of absolute panic on Peter's face to be quite adorable. You smiled a little, but quickly stopped when it made your nose throb angrily.

"Ow." You flinched and put your hand over Peter's to hold the tissues in place. Peter gulped and felt his face flush at the first time the two of you had not only spoken, but made physical contact.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. Can I take you to the nurse?" Peter offered.

"Yes please." Your voice came out nasally due to your nose being pinched.

Peter wrapped one arm around you and kept the other on your nose as he walked with you to the campus nurse. He sat with you in the waiting room and gave you a fresh bouquet of tissues to soak up the still flowing blood.

"Is it bad?" You asked him, still not having seen yourself. You had blood all down your face and neck but Peter was not about to tell you that.

"No. It's not bad." He said unconvincingly. You gave him a skeptical look and pulled the tissues away to inspect the damage.

"Oh God. That's a lot of blood." You gulped when you saw the saturated tissue.

"Is it? I don't think its that much." Peter played dumb in an attempt to keep you calm.

"You said it wasn't bad. I look like I just ate somebody." You laughed and playfully shoved him.

"I was trying to make you feel better. Your nose looks like that 'Can't Help Myself' robot." Peter smiled a little now that he had heard you laughing. It felt just as amazing as he imagined and hoped it meant you weren't mad at him.

"Oh good. That's my favorite artwork." You laughed again and it sent a flush to Peters cheeks.

"It is? That wasn't too niche of a reference to make?"

"It probably was. But I understood it." You shrugged. You and Peter looked at each other again as a comfortable silence settled between you. It wasn't much, but it was a rare moment of feeling seen for the both of you.

"How'd you know my name, by the way? I heard you say it after giving me a face full of locker." You asked Peter as he switched out your tissues for fresh ones.

"Oh, uh, I asked one of your friends what it was. Gwen told me, I think." Peter admitted without looking into your eyes.

"You asked her what my name was? Why?" You laughed shyly and anxiously waited for the answer.

"Because I wanted to know it." Peter said simply as he finally looked into your eyes. Your jaw dropped a little then closed in a smile. No boy had ever sought out your name before, at least not to your knowledge, so you couldn't help but feel flattered by the gesture.

"Well now I want to know your name. Since you wanted to know mine." You said with a teasing smile.

"It's Peter. Peter Parker."

"Thanks for taking me to the nurse, Peter Parker." You said, sending shivers down Peter's spine with the way you said his name.

"It's the least I could do after giving you a face full of locker, as you put it."

You smiled in delight at him using your words from earlier. You looked into each other eyes again but before you could say anything else, the nurse arrived.

"What do we have here?" She asked as she looked at you.

"I hit her with my locker." Peter sheepishly admitted.

"It was an accident." You added when you saw the way she looked at Peter. Peter found it sweet that you would jump to his defense after what he did to you.

"Jesus. How hard did you hit her?" The nurse asked as she removed the tissues from your nose to inspect it.

"Not that hard."

"It was pretty hard." You mumbled.

The nurse started to feel around your nose, making you wince in pain. You instinctively grabbed Peter's hand and squeezed it every time the nurse hurt you. And every time, Peter was a blushing mess.

"Okay. It doesn't look broken but it's definitely gonna swell. Let me get some ice." The nurse smiled sweetly at you and went into her office.

"Hey, at least it's not broken." You shrugged and gingerly touched your nose.

"I know. But still. I totally messed up your pretty face because I had to fling my locker open like that. I'm such an idiot." Peter sighed and rubbed his face with his free hand since you had yet to let go of his other one. This just further confirmed his theory that he'd mess up your relationship just from being himself.

"You think I'm pretty?" You smiled shyly. Peter's eyes flew open when he realized what he said and he had to think fast.

"You don't?" He scoffed playfully, making your smile grow.

"Well right now I imagine I look like Carrie at the prom. Post pig's blood."

"Hey, Carrie was hardcore. She was my first crush." Peter shrugged, making you laugh. Peter smiled proudly at all the times he had been able to make you laugh.

"You're a little weirdo, aren't you?" You said, making Peter's smile drop. You had meant in in an endearing way, but Peter hadn't realized that.

"Oh, uh..." He trailed off as he struggled to find something to say. Before he could, the nurse came back.

"Here you go. Keep the ice on it and return it when it's not cold anymore." She instructed as she handed you an ice pack.

"Thank you." You said as you carefully placed it on your nose, flinching from the cold.

"You can stay here for the rest of the period. You and your friend." The nurse said before leaving you and Peter alone in the waiting room.

"Here. I don't want your hands to get cold." Peter said as he took the ice pack from you. He wrapped it in a napkin he had fished out of his backpack before holding it against your nose. The ice pack was more bearable now that it had the napkin buffer so you sighed in relief, all while finding it incredibly sweet that he was holding the ice pack for you so that your hands wouldn't get cold.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'll be fine."

"No way. I'm not leaving you after the crime I committed." Peter sighed with guilt.

"Thanks." You chuckled.

"For what? Smashing your face in with my locker?"

"For staying." You shrugged and gave him another shy smile. Peter felt his face heat up so he pretended to be busy with the ice pack so that he wouldn't have to look into your eyes.

"It's the least I could do after hitting you with a metal door at full speed." He mumbled in embarrassment.

"Yeah. Maybe." You chuckled, secretly thrilled that he was staying. The two of you made eye contact again as you both wondered if something was happening here.

"So what class are you missing right now?" You asked him.

"Business ethics."

"Business ethics? What's that?"

"Fuck if I know. I just switch between different tabs on my laptop until the class is over." Peter admired honestly, but you laughed thinking it was a joke. Peter felt his relax a little now that he knew you weren't mad at him.

"What about you? What class are you missing?" He asked you.

"Intro to western art history."

"Oh. Sounds fun." Peter laughed sarcastically.

"It's not. It's a gen ed requirement. You're actually doing me a favor by helping me skip it." You told him.

"I'm glad you see it as a favor because I've never been more embarrassed."

"Please. We've all hit someone in the face with a locker before."

"Have we?" Peter said skeptically.

"Maybe not." You admitted. "But it's kinda my fault for standing so close to your locker."

"Oh yeah. You were really close to my locker." Peter realized. "Were you gonna come talk to me or something?"

"I honestly can't even remember."

"Because I gave you a concussion?" Peter joked it off but felt slightly disappointed that you hadn't been coming up to talk to him.

"Probably." You laughed, making Peter laugh as well.

You stayed in the nurse's office until your ice pack wasn't cold anymore and promptly returned to to her. You walked out of the office beside Peter just as the class period was ending.

"So I'll see you around?" Peter asked hopefully.

"I hope you see me next time. Maybe you'll open your locker a little slower." You teased him, making Peter blush.

"Bye, Peter Parker." You smiled shyly and squeezed his arm.

"Bye, Y/n." He said softly as you walked away. You looked over your shoulder to wave at him before disappearing behind a building. Peter stood there and sighed as he replayed the entirety of your interaction in his head.

"How'd it go with Y/n? Did she make it?" Ned asked when he caught up with Peter later that day.

"Did she make it? I hit her with a locker, Ned. Not a bullet."

"Excuse me for asking." Ned mumbled.

"Sorry. I'm just a little distracted. Y/n called me a weirdo." Peter recalled with a frown.

"Oh. That's odd. In a good way or a bad way?"

"I don't know. Is there a good way to be a weirdo?" Peter sighed, already knowing the answer.

"Maybe she meant it in an endearing way." Ned offered.

"I hope so. It doesn't matter anyway. There's no coming back from hitting her with my locker."

"Maybe there is. At least now you know you can never embarrass yourself in front of her more than you already did."

"Oh yeah." Peter smiled in relief. "You're right. That takes a lot of the pressure off knowing the worst thing that can happen between us has already happened."

A week later, Peter and Ned sat in the library as they prepared for an upcoming test. Peter hadn't seen you since the locker incident and he was starting to worry that he'd completely blown it with you. You seemed to hit it off in the nurse's office but now he wondered if you were just being nice and didn't actually plan on ever speaking to him again.

"Dude, can you toss me my notebook?" Ned requested across the library table.

"Which one?" Peter asked and rummaged through Ned's backpack.

"The red one."

"Okay. Heads up." Peter said and threw the notebook to Ned. Peter had momentarily forgot that he was 10x stronger now from the spider bite so his casual toss ended up sending the notebook flying across the entire library with a perfect spiral. As if in slow motion, you started to walk in the direction of the airborne notebook with your earbuds in. People tried to warn you about the notebook heading your way, but you couldn't hear anything over your music. Peter looked up just in time to see the notebook hit you in the eye and send you crumpling to the floor.

"Ah!" You called out as you put a hand over your injured eye.

"What?! Where did you even come from?" Peter shrieked in disbelief as he ran to you to help you sit up.

"I was coming to say hi to you." You said in a pained voice.

"You were?" Peter stopped freaking out for a moment to smile.

"Yeah. Then the Fire Nation attacked." You winced and took your hand away from your eye. You had a red mark going across your eye and the most bloodshot eye Peter had ever seen, but he tried to keep his face neutral so you wouldn't freak out.

"That doesn't look so bad." He said with a high pitched voice, making you give him an unconvinced look.

"At least you missed my nose this time." You said with a weak smile.

"I know. But I got you right in the eye. I'm so sorry." Peter frowned as he helped you get up.

"It's okay. I got another one."

"Can I walk you to the nurse?" Peter offered.

"Well I definitely can't see myself there."

"I'm so sorry. I'll take you there. Oh geez. I'm so sorry." He continued to apologize as he wrapped an arm around your waist to help you walk to the nurses office. Peter couldn't believe that this had happened a second time and knew his chances with you were 100% down the drain now.

"You two again? What happened this time?" The nurse asked when she saw you and Peter entering the office.

"I threw a notebook in her face." Peter said with a defeated sigh.

"He got me right in the eye." You said as you took your hand away from your eye.

"He sure did. Let me take a look." The nurse said as she took a flashlight out of her pocket. It wasn't painful, but you still grabbed Peter's hand for comfort. He blushed at the action and gave your hand a squeeze to let you know he was there.

"Okay. Luckily he didn't scratch your cornea but this is definitely going to bruise." The nurse told you.

"Oh. Lovely." You said sarcastically.

"First I made you bleed and now I gave you a black eye? I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say." Peter said as he looked at you with guilty eyes.

"I don't know what you can say either." You shrugged. "I've never been in this situation before."

"Um, black eyes are hot?" Peter offered weakly, making you laugh.

"They better be. What's next? Are you gonna knock my teeth out?"

"Not on purpose." Peter replied, making you laugh again. He laughed as well and soon looked into each others eyes as a comfortable silence settled between you. Peter felt the connection he felt the first time he had taken you to the nurse's office and smiled shyly until he remembered something you had said.

"Hey, what did you mean the other day when you said I was a weirdo?" He wondered.

"Oh, you remember that? I didn't mean it in a bad way. I hope you didn't take it that way. I meant it in a good way."

"Is there a good way to be a weirdo?" He asked skeptically.

"Of course there is. It's you." You said with a sheepish smile. Peter felt himself relax now that he knew you didn't think he was too weird to talk too.

"Oh. Okay. Cool." He smiled back just as the nurse came back.

"Here you go. Ice it and bring it back once it's warm."

"I know the drill." You said as you got off the chair.

"I'll walk you to class." Peter offered as he held the door for you to leave the nurses office.

"Aw. Thanks." You smiled as you pressed the ice pack to your eye. You sighed in relief and felt your pain melt away. The hand that wasn't holding the ice pack bumped into Peters a few times on the walk to your next class but neither of you was bold enough to take the other's hand.

"This is my building." You said with slight disappointment once you reached your class.

"See you around?" Peter asked, hoping you'd make a plan to purposefully see each other.

"Don't think I'll be seeing much of anything for a while." You chuckled and gestured to your eye.

"Right. Sorry again." Peter apologized.

"It's all right. Bye, Peter." You waved and started going up the steps to your building.

"Bye." Peter waved back, disappointed that you were once again getting away with no plans to see each other in the future. He hoped he'd run into you again soon, without injuring you this time.

The next time you saw each other came sooner than expected when you spotted Peter on line for a coffee shop on campus. You got behind him in line and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Peter." You smiled to greet him.

"Hey..." Peter turned around and trailed off when he saw the black eye he had given you.

"What?" You asked and insecurely touched your eye.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. You just look really pretty today. I like your hair like that." He quickly recovered and tried not to look at the eye.

"Let me buy your drink to make up for the black eye. And the bloody nose. And whatever else I end up doing to you." Petar offered when you moved to the front of the line. "You really don't have to do that."

"I insist."

"Aw. What a gentleman." You laughed shyly and squeezed his arm out of appreciation.

"Together or separate?" The cashier asked after you and Peter ordered.

"Together" Peter answered before shooting you a wink, you winked back and stepped to the side as you waited for your drinks. Soon enough, Peter was handed his hot chocolate you were handed your matcha. "Thank you for paying. That was really sweet." You said as you clinked your drink against his.

"Thanks for continuing to speak to me after I gave you a black eye." Peter replied, making you laugh.

"What are you drinking anyway?" He wondered and nodded towards your cup.

"Matcha. Have you ever had it?"

"No. That's the green one right?"

"Yeah, the green one." You chuckled. "You want to try it?"

The thought of putting his lips where yours had been made Peter's face flush and he nodded eagerly. "Yeah, Sure." He tried not to sound as excited as he felt as he accepted the cup. Peter took a big sip of the drink and was instantly met with a burning hot sensation on his tongue. He instinctively spit the drink out, which spewed hot matcha latte all over your face. Peter slapped his hand over his mouth while you scrunched your face from the hot liquid hitting you. "Oh my God! I'm sorry! It was hot!" Peter quickly explained as he grabbed a bunch of napkins

"I can tell." You said dryly as you wiped the matcha out of your eyes. "Let me help. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize It would be that hot." Peter apologized profusely as he dabbed your face clean with his wad of napkins. "Yep. Hot drinks tend to be hot." You smiled sarcastically as you wiped the matcha off your clothes.

"Oh no. I got it all over you. Let me help."

Peter offered and started to dab the stain he had made on your shirt. He put a hand on you to keep you steady as he dabbed at a particular large stain. "Uh, Peter-"

"I can't believe this keeps happening. I'm really so sorry." He cut you off

"Peter, can you just-"

"I swear I'm not doing this to you on purpose, it just seems like no matter what I do, I end up hurting you or burning you or-"

"Peter, can you get your hand off my boob?" You cut in, making Peter freeze.

His eyes slowly moved to his hand and he realized that he had placed it directly on your boob. His eyes then went to his other hand, which had been wiping at your other boob to get the matcha off. Peter immediately held up his hands and took a step back from you.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. My hand, I didn't-"

"It's fine. You didn't realize. It's okay." You cut him off to spare the embarrassment for the both of you. "Oh my God. Oh God, I am so sorry, I didn't even notice." Peter gripped his hair with his hands.

"You didn't notice that your hand was on my boob?" You raised an eyebrow. "Not that you're flat!" Peter quickly explained. "I'm not saying you're flat at all. You have really nice boobs. Not that I stare at them. But I felt them! But not on purpose. I was just trying to get the matcha off of you and I totally groped you. Right after spitting hot liquid in your face. Oh god. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Really, I know it wasn't on purpose. Just like all our other encounters weren't on purpose." You chuckled as you finished cleaning yourself up. "Can I walk you to the nurse?" Peter offered weakly.

"I think I'll be fine. I'm not sure she can do much for a bunt face and second base." You shrugged, making Peter's face turn bright red.

"I totally didn't mean to go to second base on you. We haven't even gone to first base yet."

"Yet?" You raised an eyebrow, making Peter cover his mouth with both his hands.

"Not that I'm expecting anything from you! I didn't mean it like that. I meant it more in a 'no, not like this' kinda way like in New Girl season 2 episode 15 titled Cooler. That's what I meant." Peter said all in one breath. "That's the episode when Nick and Jess kiss, right?" You smiled shyly when you realized he was implying that he wanted to kiss you in the longest and strangest way possible.

"Damn, You really get my weird references." Peter said, mostly to himself, "Such a weirdo." You chuckled. "Thanks for the matcha. And for the feel up." Peter's face burned a hot pink colour as you waved and walked away from him. Even after two embarrassing moments in a row, you were still being nice to him. If he didn't know any better, he almost believed you liked him back.

A few days later, Peter sat on a bench on campus as he waited for Ned. He hadn't spoken to you since the matcha incident, something he had still not been able to think about without cringing. He didn't want to hurt you again, but on the event of it happening again, he hoped he'd get your number next time.

"The vending machine is all out of Sprite so I had to get Mountain Dew. Do you know what flavor this even is?" Ned complained as he sat down on the bench with a can of Mountain Dew in hand. "I don't know. Mountain?" Peter shrugged.

"Interesting." Ned looked at the can with a newfound respect before taking a sip. "Well?" Peter wondered about the verdict. "It's definitely mountain flavored." Ned nodded and took another sip. "

Ugh. I hate these shoes. The laces are way too long so they're always untied." Peter whined when he saw his untied shoelace lying on the ground.

"That one's untied too." Ned said once Peter tied his right shoe.

"It is?" Peter asked and stuck his foot out to check. As fate would have it, you were walking by right as he stuck his foot out.

You tripped over Peter's foot and landed on the ground with a hard thud. Peter heard the noise but was scared to look down, having a sinking suspicion that it was you who he had just tripped.

"Please tell me that wasn't-

"Ow," You groaned from the floor, cutting Peter off. "Oh no. How does this keep happening?" Peter asked at the sky before looked down to see you. Your face was scratched from the fall and you had a leaf stuck in your hair, "Hey Peter. Nice to see you again" You smiled weakly as you rolled over on the pavement.

"You too" He nodded. "Is that a new top?"

"It is, I'm kinda whatever about it." You said waved your hand back and forth. "It's nice. I like the sleeves." "So do I." You smiled and held up your arm to admire the lacy sleeves of your shirt. "Cool, cool. So um, did your ankle always bend that way?" Peter asked and nervously flicked his eyes to your ankle. You prompted yourself up on your elbows and looked down to see your ankle bending the wrong direction.

"Not that I was aware of." You shrugged, the pain not hitting you yet. Peter immediately got down on the floor to help you sit up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you walking by I'm gonna take you to the nurse." "What else is new?" You mumbled as Peter slipped an arm around you. "Here, I got you." Peter said and lifted you off the ground with ease. He carried you bridal style in the direction of the nurse's office.

"Is this really necessary?" You whispered when you noticed the other students staring at you and Peter. "Yes. You shouldn't put any weight on it until you know it's not broken."

"I guess so." You shrugged and stayed silent for the rest of the walk. You wouldn't admit this out loud, but being carried made you feel like a princess that had just been rescued from a tower. It was cliché and outdated, but it made you feel special. You looked up at Peter before resting your head in the crook of his neck, your way of silently thanking him for carrying you.. Peter gulped at the action but felt too flustered to say anything to you.

"Hey." Peter timidly announced his arrival as he carried you into the nurse's office.

"Be fucking for real." The nurse said and put her hands on her hips. "She tripped over my-" "I don't even want to hear it." She held up a hand. "Put her down while I get some ice."

"Thank you." You called as the nurse disappeared into the back. Peter carefully set you down in a chair and took his backpack off his back to give you something to rest your foot on. "Make sure to keep her foot..." The nurse trailed off when she saw that Peter had already done what she was about to say.

"Elevated." She finished. "Good. Let me take a look." You gripped Peter's hand as the nurse inspected your ankle and winced every few seconds from the pain. This was definitely the worse injury Peter had caused thus far and he could not feel worse about it. He squeezed your hand tightly before putting his other hand around it.

"You're lucky this isn't broken. It's just twisted. I'm gonna give you this splint and some crutches. In the mean time, ice it and keep your weight off of it." The nurse instructed as she wrapped your foot and placed it in a splint. "Okay," you nodded to let her know you understood. "And do me a favor?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Anything."

"Stay away from each other." Her smile dropped. "You're clearly each other's bad luck charm or something. How many more signs from the universe do you need before you realize you shouldn't be around each other?"

You and Peter sat in silence as the nurse got up and left the room. You were both wondering if what she said was true because deep down, you'd both even thinking the same thing.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Peter said after a beat of silence.

"You have to stop apologizing, Peter. It was an accident. They were all accidents."

"I can't stop apologizing. I'm sorry I can never be normal around you. Every interaction we have ends with you getting hurt because of something I did. It's probably better that I just stay away from you for the rest of college. Which I really don't want to do but if it keeps you safe from me, it might be the best option. So if this is our last encounter, just know that I really am sorry for all of it. I would never hurt you on purpose. I don't know how it happened so many times. The universe must hate me or something. Or maybe it hates us together. Anyways, I just have this big stupid crush on you but for some reason, I can't stop hurting you." Peter sighed and looked down at the ground.

"You have a big stupid crush on me?" You asked as a smile tugged at your lips. Peter perked up when he heard the hope in your voice. He looked up at you and saw that you looked happy about his confession.

"The biggest and the most stupid." He admitted, making your smile grow.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked him.

"Well most of our interactions happen in this room after I've severely injured you so it never really felt like a good time." Peter laughed dryly.

"Yeah. Maybe not." You agreed. "But at least I know now."

"You do know now. Oh God. You know now." Peter realized and started to panic a little. You could see him starting to freak out so you thought of something to calm him down.

"You wanna know how I think our first date will go?" You asked, pulling Peter out of his panic.

"How?" He asked as a shy smile crept on his face.

"I think it would be raining, since the universe hates us as we've established, and you would pick me up in your car and splash water on me as you pulled up to the curb." You began. "And then I think you'd get out to open the car door for me like the gentleman you are and accidentally hit me with the door."

"Yeah. All of that would definitely happen." Peter laughed.

"Uh huh. And then you'd drive me to a restaurant and pull out my chair for me when we sat down. But you'd pull it out too far and I'd fall on the floor. Then we'd sit down to eat and you'd spill water on me. Or maybe spit your hot food into my face. I know you like doing that." You continued with a teasing smile

"This is all very likely." Peter agreed with you, growing fonder of you with every detail you added.

"I know. Then after we ate, you'd order us dessert and somehow, I'd be allergic to it. The one thing you ordered would definitely be something that made me break out in hives or go into anaphylactic shock or something. And after you walked me back to your car, you'd lean in to kiss me."

"Yeah? And then what?" Peter hung on to your every word.

"You'd miss my lips and knock your head right into mine. And we'd both end the night with a headache. And maybe even a missing tooth."

"I'd risk the headache for the kiss." Peter smiled softly. "You know, one of my favorite song lyrics is, 'I've got headaches and bad luck luck but they couldn't touch you.' That kinda describes us perfectly. It describes how I feel about you, at least."

"I don't know that song." You frowned. "I can't believe I finally don't understand one of your references."

"It's an old Fall Out Boy song." Peter explained as he pulled out his phone and earbuds. "Here. I'll show you."

You stayed perfectly still as Peter placed his earbud in your ear and the other in his ear. You leaned your temples together as Peter hit play on the song. When you got to the part of the song with the lyrics, you looked over into Peter's eyes. He looked into yours and felt his face heat up the way it always did around you. Since your heads were already pressed together, all you had to do was tilt your face to close the gap between you and Peter. You kissed him slowly and softly until your felt his hands cupping your face to pull you closer. Peter could barely believe what was happening after all the time he had spent imagining this very moment. He never thought it would happen after he twisted your ankle, but at least it was happening. When you pulled away, you smiled shyly at each other and laughed a little.

"Well, what do you know. That was completely painless." You teased him. But that wasn't entirely true for Peter. He touched his now burning lips and realized he smelled something all too familiar.

"Are you wearing peppermint chapstick?" He asked you nervously.

"Peppermint lipgloss, yeah. Why?"

"Oh no." He gulped and felt his lips start to lose all feeling.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing's wrong. I'm just a little severely allergic to peppermint, is all. It's fine." Peter kept his voice calm as he frantically wiped his lips.

"What? A little severely allergic?" Your panic grew to match his.

"It's fine. I'll be fine." He smiled to assure you but couldn't hide the panic in his eyes.

"Are you sure? Your lips are swelling."

"I can't fee my tongue. But ith okay. I really liked kishing you. It wat worth it." Peter said through his red and swollen lips, only worsening his pain.

"Oh my God. Nurse! We need some help in here!" You called out as you held Peter's hand to comfort him. The nurse came running back in and immediately sighed when she saw the two of you.

"Oh my Lord. How did you manage to hurt her again in the five minutes since I've left you? You haven't even moved!" The nurse exclaimed.

"No, no, no. I hurt him this time. He's having an allergic reaction to my lipgloss." You quickly explained.

"Well how did he get your lipgloss on his..." The nurse trailed off when she put two and two together. You gave her an embarrassed smile while Peter's eyes started watering from the pain.

"You two are so nasty." She shook her head. "I'll go get some ice."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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